1 Introduction
The discretization of differential equations is a necessity of life—most differential equations cannot be solved analytically, and a discrete numeric solution is the choice approach for many applications. However, by their nature, discrete differences lose “associativity” preserved in continuous derivatives [Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6]. A recent programme attempts to cure this problem by constructing a discrete analogue to differential geometry with C-infinity structure [Reference Lawrence, Ranade and Sullivan8]. The starting point is to associate a differential graded Lie algebra (DGLA) with cell complexes.
For a regular CW complex
, it is possible to associate a DGLA model
$\mathbb {Q}$
satisfying the following conditions:
• as a completed graded Lie algebra,
$A(X)$ is freely generated by a set of generators, one for each cell in
$X$ and whose grading is one less than the geometric degree of the cell;
• vertices (that is,
$0$ -cells) in
$X$ give rise to generators a that satisfy the Maurer–Cartan equation
$\partial a+\frac 12[a,a]=0$ (a flatness condition);
• for a cell
$x$ in
$X$ , the part of
${\partial }{x}$ without Lie brackets is the geometric boundary
${\partial }_0x$ (where an orientation must be fixed on each cell);
• (locality) for a cell
$x$ in
$X$ ,
${\partial }{x}$ lies in the completed Lie algebra generated by the generators of
$A(X)$ associated with cells of the closure
$\bar {x}$ .
The existence and general construction of such a model was demonstrated by Sullivan in the Appendix to [Reference Tradler and Zeinalian11]; however, the procedure given there is an iterative algorithm. By [Reference Buijs, Félix, Murillo and Tanré1], there exist consistent (even symmetric) towers of models of simplices, and such towers are unique up to (exact) DGLA isomorphism. The explicit (unique) model associated with the interval was found in [Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10]. Explicit symmetric models of two-dimensional cells were demonstrated in previous work for bi-gons (see [Reference Gadish5,Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6]) and arbitrary n-gons (see [Reference Griniasty and Lawrence7]), the main intermediate step being the construction of a ‘symmetric point’ in the model of the boundary of the cell, invariant under the full symmetries of the cell. In this paper we explicitly construct for the first time DGLA models of
-cells, in particular for a banana-shaped cell (see Theorem 3.3) and for a cube (see Section 4), that are invariant under symmetries fixing a major diagonal.
In Section 2, we give a collection of general facts about DGLAs and models of cell complexes (some reproduced from [Reference Griniasty and Lawrence7, Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10]), including defining the notion of a point (solution of MC), of a particular
being localised at a point in a model, how to ‘twist’ a model so as to move the points of localisation of cells as well as the universal averages of [Reference Lawrence and Siboni9]. In Section 3, we construct a symmetric model of the
-faceted banana in which the main cell is localised at a symmetric central point, by first constructing a model localised at one of the vertices of the banana and then twisting it. In Section 4, we derive a model of an arbitrary polyhedral
-cell and give the example of the cube where the induced model is invariant under those symmetries of the cube fixing a main diagonal; this model will be used in [Reference Lawrence, Ranade and Sullivan8].
2 General Properties of DGLAs and DGLA Models
2.1 General DGLAs
For simplicity, we will work over
$k=\mathbb {Q}$
, though the discussion also holds for any field of characteristic zero. Recall that a DGLA over k is a vector space A over
$\mathbb {Z}$
$A=\oplus _{n\in \mathbb {Z}}A_n$
along with a bilinear map
$[\cdot ,\cdot ]{\colon }{}A\times {}A\rightarrow {}A$
(bracket, respecting the grading) and a linear map
${\partial }{\colon }{}A\rightarrow {}A$
(differential, grading shift
) for which
${\partial }^2=0,$
symmetry of bracket
Jacobi identity
Leibniz rule
${\partial }[a,b]=[{\partial }{a},b]+(-1)^{|a|}[a,{\partial }{b}],$
for all homogeneous
$a,b,c\in {}A$
. Defining the adjoint action of A on itself by
${\mathrm {ad}}_e(a)=[e,a]$
, the operator
${\text {ad}}_e{\colon } A\rightarrow {}A$
has grading shift
, for homogeneous
$e\in {}A$
. The Jacobi identity and Leibniz rule can now be reformulated as operator equalities:
Jacobi identity
${\text {ad}}_{[a,b]}=[{\text {ad}}_a,{\text {ad}}_b]$ ;
Leibniz rule
${\text {ad}}_{{\partial }{a}}=[{\partial },{\text {ad}}_a]$ ;
in terms of the graded operator commutator,
$[A,B]\equiv {}A\circ {}B-(-1)^{|A||B|}B\circ {}A$
. Since the relations all preserve the number of brackets, it is meaningful to define an additional grading by the number of (Lie) brackets; in particular, for
$x\in {}A$
, let
denote the part of x containing precisely
2.2 Points and Localisation
An element
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
is called a point (or is said to be flat) in the model if it satisfies the Maurer–Cartan equation
${\partial }{a}+{\tfrac 12}[a,a]=0$
. For any point
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
, define the twisted differential
${\partial }_a$
${\partial }_a\equiv {\partial }+{\text {ad}}_a$
; the fact that
${\partial }_a^2=0$
is guaranteed by the Maurer–Cartan condition. By the localisation of A to a point
, denoted
, we will mean the DGLA that as a graded Lie algebra is
with the induced bracket from A and the differential
${\partial }_a$
. This contains only non-negative gradings. Leibniz guarantees that
$\ker {\partial }_a|_{A_0}$
is closed under Lie bracket.
2.3 Edges and Flows
Any element
$e\in {}A_0$
defines a flow on A by
This flow is called the flow by
and preserves the grading. (To define this rigorously, one can work in a space quotiented by all expressions involving
Lie brackets, as in [Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10], effectively truncating to the space of linear combinations of terms involving at most
Lie brackets, whose coefficients are polynomials in
with rational coefficients. Then one considers the tower of spaces as
increases. Equivalently, one can choose a basis for the finite-dimensional space of expressions involving exactly
Lie brackets, and then allowed expressions are formal combinations of these basis elements, over all
, with coefficients that are polynomials in
. While we talk about functions of
and their derivatives, these are well defined for rational
, with derivatives being well-defined, since all the coefficients are polynomial functions of
Lemma 2.1 For any
$e\in {}A_0$
, the flow by
in grading
preserves flatness. That is, if
$x(t)\in {}A_{-1}$
satisfies (2.1) with initial condition
satisfying the Maurer–Cartan condition, then at any (rational) time
also satisfies Maurer–Cartan.
Proof As in the proof of [Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10, Theorem 1], consider the curvature
$f(t)\in {}A_{-2}$
defined by
$f\equiv {}{\partial }{x}+{\frac 12}[x,x]$
. It satisfies
a first order homogeneous linear ode for
with initial condition
, since
satisfies the Maurer–Cartan condition. Thus,
for all
, as required. ▪
Linearity of the differential equations (2.1) in e ensures that flowing by
for time t is equivalent to flowing by
for a unit time. Denote the result of flowing by
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
for unit time, by
, so that the solution of the first equation in (2.1) is
. Explicitly,
where the meaning of the operator quotient is the series
$\sum _{n=0}^\infty \frac {(-1)^n}{(n+1)!}({\text {ad}}_e)^n({\partial }{e})$
Lemma 2.2 For a point
, the condition that
is equivalent to
${\partial }_ae=0$
, that is,
$e\in {}A(a)_{0}$
is localised at
). This is a linear condition on
and therefore, in this case, the flow by
at all time (not only after unit time).
Lemma 2.3 (see [Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6, Lemma 2.2])
flows from a point
to a point
in unit time, then
${\partial }_b\circ \exp (-{\text {ad}}_e)=\exp (-{\text {ad}}_e)\circ {\partial }_a$
so that
$\exp (-{\text {ad}}_e)$
intertwines the localisation
to the localisation
Example 2.4 The unique DGLA model,
, of an interval has three generators;
of grading
(the endpoints), and
of grading
(the 1-cell). The differential is given by the condition
(see [Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10]). Explicitly,
denotes the
-th Bernoulli number defined as coefficients in the expansion
$\frac {x}{e^x-1}=\sum _{n=0}^\infty {}B_n \frac {x^n}{n!}$
$E\equiv {\text {ad}}_e,$
and the expressions in
are considered as formal power series.
Example 2.5 In any DGLA model
of a regular cell complex
, for any
with endpoints
, there is a natural DGLA homomorphism
$A(I)\rightarrow {}A(X)$
, while
Denote by
${\text {BCH}}(x,y)$
the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula for the element of the free Lie algebra (over
$\mathbb {Q}$
) in two variables
such that as formal series
$\exp (x).\exp (y)=\exp {\text {BCH}}(x,y)$
(see [Reference Eichler4] for a short proof of existence and [Reference Dynkin3] for a computational formula). Here, we collect some elementary properties that follow from the definition, Jacobi, and uniqueness of
as a free Lie algebra element.
(i) The first few terms of
${\text {BCH}}(x,y)$ are
$$ \begin{align*} {\text{BCH}}(x,y)=x+y&+\frac{1}{2}[x,y]+\frac{1}{12}(X^2y+Y^2x)-\frac{1}{24}XYXy\!+\!\cdots, \end{align*} $$
$X,Y$ denote
${\text {ad}}_x,{\text {ad}}_y$ .
${\text {BCH}}({\text {ad}}_x,{\text {ad}}_y)={\text {ad}}_{{\text {BCH}}(x,y)}$ .
$\mathrm{BCH}$ is associative; that is,
${\text {BCH}} ({\text {BCH}}(x,y),z )={\text {BCH}} (x,{\text {BCH}}(y,z) )$ for any symbols
$x,y,z$ . The iterated
$\mathrm{BCH}$ of n symbols
$x_1,\dots {}x_n\in {}A$ will be written
${\text {BCH}}(x_1,\dots ,x_n)$ .
Lemma 2.7 There is a homomorphism from the group
considered with operation
${\text {BCH}}$
, to the group
${\text {Aut}}(A)$
, defined by mapping
$e\in {}A_0$
to the flow (in unit time) as defined on all gradings in A by equation (2.1).
Proof By [Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10, Lemma 3], and the explicit formula given for
above, it follows that
for any
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
. Thus, on elements of grading
, a flow by
for unit time followed by a flow by
for unit time is equivalent to a flow by
${\text {BCH}}(e_1,e_2)$
for unit time. Note that the flow for unit time by e acting on
$n\not =-1$
, is just the exponential operator
$\exp (-{\text {ad}}_e)$
for which it is immediate that
$\exp (-{\text {ad}}_{e_2})\circ \exp (-{\text {ad}}_{e_1})=\exp (-{\text {ad}}_{\mathrm{BCH}(e_1,e_2)})$
Definition 2.8 By a piecewise linear path
$\gamma $
, we mean a sequence of points
$a_i\in {}A_{-1}$
$0\leq {}i\leq {}m$
) along with elements
$e_i\in {}A_0$
$1\leq {}i\leq {}m$
), called edges, which are such that the edges define flows between the respective points, that is,
for all
$1\leq {}i\leq {}m$
. For such a path, we denote by
${\text {BCH}}(\gamma )\in {}A_0$
the iterated
of the edges,
${\text {BCH}}(\gamma )\equiv {\text {BCH}}(e_1,\dots ,e_m)$
. A piecewise linear path in
is called a loop if its initial and final points agree, that is
Lemma 2.9 (see [Reference Buijs, Félix, Murillo and Tanré2])
connected components and
$\{a_1,\dots ,a_c\}$
is a choice of basepoints, one in each connected component, then the set of points in
For each
, the map
$\pi _i{\colon }{}e\mapsto {}u_e(a_i)$
is a ‘fibration’, with fibre
$\pi _i^{-1}(a_i)$
generated as a vector space by
$\{{\text {BCH}}(\gamma )|\gamma \in \pi _1(X,a_i)\}$
, while the map
$\pi _0{\colon }{}e\mapsto {}u_e(0)$
is injective.
2.4 Localisation of Models
As noted in Section 1,
is not unique, but is well defined up to (exact) DGLA isomorphism.
Definition 2.10 A point
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
in a model of a regular cell complex
is said to be local to a cell
if it lies in the submodel generated by the cells in the closure
$\overline {f}$
By Lemma 2.9, equivalently, a point is local to the cell
if it can be written as
, where
is a 0-cell in
$\overline {f}$
is a zero-graded element in the (free) Lie algebra generated by cells in
$\overline {f}$
Definition 2.11 In a DGLA model
of a regular cell complex
, a
) will be said to be localised at the point
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
${\partial }_af={\partial }{}f+[a,f]$
lies in the (free) Lie algebra generated by cells of the closure of the geometric boundary
$\overline {{\partial }_0f}$
Here, by abuse of notation, we have used the same symbol for the geometric
and the element
$f\in {}A_{k-1}$
in its model. By locality of the model and using freeness of the Lie algebra, we see that the point of localisation of a cell
in a model (if it exists) is unique and must be local to the cell (in the sense of Definition 2.10).
Remark The explicit constructions of models of the bi-gon in [Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6] and the triangle in [Reference Griniasty and Lawrence7], are localised (at their ‘centre’ points). Although not all models of
will be such that all cells of dimension
are localised (for example in the model of the bi-gon in [Reference Gadish5], the main cell is not localised at any point), we will see in Section 4 that such models always exist in dimensions up to three. A similar construction should also work in higher dimensions.
Lemma 2.12 If A is a model of a regular cell complex
in which the
) is localised at the point
$a\in {}A_{-1}$
, then for any
$e\in {}A_0$
in the subalgebra generated by the 1-skeleton of
$\overline {f}$
, there is a variation
of the model in which the generator for f is replaced by
and the cell
is localised at the point
Proof This is immediate from Lemma 2.3,
${\partial }_{a'}f'=\exp (-{\text {ad}}_e)\cdot {\partial }_af$
. ▪
The above lemma means that we can ‘twist’ any model in which a cell is localised, so that the cell is localised at any point we please (which is local to the cell). This technique was used in [Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6, Reference Griniasty and Lawrence7] to generate symmetric models, by writing first a (non-symmetric) model of the relevant
-cell localised at a point on its boundary and then twisting it so that it is localised at a symmetric point. All that remained was to verify that the model obtained was indeed symmetric.
Remark Since the 1-skeleton of
$\overline {f}$
is not simply connected, the construction given by Lemma 2.12 of a model
in which f is localised at another point
local to the face
, will not be unique. That is, there are different
$e\in {}A_0$
for which
. In particular, a twist by
$t{\text {BCH}}(\gamma )$
of a model in which
is localised at
, for any
$t\in \mathbb {Q}$
and any non-trivial loop
$\gamma $
based at
in the 1-skeleton on
$\overline {f}$
, will yield another (distinct) such model.
2.5 Universal Averages
In [Reference Lawrence and Siboni9], we were shown how to construct a universal expression
$\mu _n(x_1,\dots ,x_n)$
in the completed free Lie algebra generated by
$x_1,\dots ,x_n$
such that
$\mu _n$ is totally symmetric in its arguments;
(ii) in any DGLA model in which
$a,b$ are points with
$u_{x_i}(a)=b$ for all
$i=1,\dots ,n$ , also
$u_{\mu _n(x_1,\dots ,x_n)}(a)=b$ .
It was also shown that the expansion of
$\mu _n$
up to three Lie brackets is
and we call
$\mu _n$
the universal average. There is a closed formula for
$\mu _2$
, found in [Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6],
3 The Banana
be the
-faceted banana, with two
$n 1$
-cells, and one
-cell. The corresponding model will contain Lie algebra generators corresponding to each cell; denote them by
$1\leq {}i\leq {}n$
, grading 0),
$1\leq {}i\leq {}n$
, grading 1), and
(grading 2), respectively. Here, the orientation on the
is chosen so that its geometric boundary is
${\partial }_0f_i=e_{i}-e_{i+1}$
$e_{n+1}\equiv {}e_1$
(indices modulo
). The geometric boundary of
${\partial }_0h=f_1+\cdots +f_n$
3.1 Symmetries
The geometric symmetry group of the banana is
$D_n\times {}\mathbb {Z}_2$
. The dihedral group is generated by the rotation by
$\frac {2\pi }n$
around the axis
and the reflection in the plane containing
and the central axis of the banana,
while the further
$\mathbb {Z}_2$
factor is generated by reflection in the plane equidistant from
which commutes with both
$\sigma $
$\tau $
. For some purposes we will restrict to the subgroup
$D_n=\langle \sigma ,\tau \rangle $
of the symmetry group fixing the vertices.
By the Leibniz rule, the differential
${\partial }$
is determined by its values on generators. On vertices,
${\partial }$
is fixed by the Maurer–Cartan condition, namely,
${\partial }$
is also unique (see Example 2.4):
$E_i={\text {ad}}_{e_i}$
. The faces
are bi-gons, and we use the symmetric model of the bi-gon from [Reference Gadish, Griniasty and Lawrence6] in which
so that
is localised at its centre
is the centreline from
given by the average
in terms of the universal average
$\mu _2$
of [Reference Lawrence and Siboni9].
3.3 Central Point of Banana
A totally symmetric point should be at the centre of the banana,
which is half way along a central diagonal of the banana from
, a path in the direction
$v=\mu _n(e_1,\dots ,e_n)$
, the universal average of
$e_1,\dots ,e_n$
. The fact that
is invariant under
$\sigma $
$\tau ,$
$\iota $
follows from the total symmetry of
$\mu _n$
along with the fact that ([Reference Lawrence and Siboni9, Lemma 4.3])
The only freedom remaining in the model is the boundary of the
${\partial }{h}\in {}A_1$
, which, to give a valid model of
must be such that
${\partial }^2(h)=0$
, while
$({\partial }{h})^{[0]}$
must coincide with the topological boundary
${\partial }_0h=f_1+\cdots +f_n$
. The purpose of this section is to give a formula for
${\partial }{h}$
that is invariant under the
action of the symmetries of the banana fixing the vertices and in which
is localised at a central point. In order to do this, we will first construct a model in which all the
-cells and the
-cell are localised at
, and then twist using Lemma 2.12 to localise at a symmetric point.
3.4 Model Localised at a
is localised at
$f^{\prime }_i=\exp (\frac 12{\text {ad}}_{v_i})\cdot {}f_i$
is localised at
; in particular,
Similarly, set
$h'=\exp (\frac 12{\text {ad}}_{v})\cdot {}h$
; by Lemma 2.12, a model in which
is localised at
will have
localised at
Lemma 3.1 A DGLA model of
is defined by generators
$a,b,e_i,f^{\prime }_i,h^{\prime }$
, with the differential defined by (3.1), (3.2), and (3.4) along with
for any polynomials
non-commuting variables whose initial term is
and satisfy the identity
In this model, the
-cell and
-cells are all localised at
Proof It is apparent that the initial term of
${\partial }_ah'$
as defined by (3.5) is
$\sum _{i=1}^nf^{\prime }_i,$
as required. It remains only to verify that
${\partial }_a^2h'=0$
, that is, that the RHS of (3.5) defines an element of
$\ker {\partial }_a$
. For this, observe that since
, by Lemma 2.7,
$u_{{\text {BCH}}(e_i,-e_{i+1})}(a)=a,$
and so by Lemma 2.2,
${\text {BCH}}(e_i,-e_{i+1})\in \ker {\partial }_a$
. However, for
$y_1,\dots ,y_r\in \ker {\partial }_a$
of degree 0,
and so for any non-commuting polynomial
$P({\text {ad}}_{y_1},\dots ,{\text {ad}}_{y_r})$
commutes with
${\partial }_a$
. By Lemma 2.6(ii),
${\text {BCH}}({\text {ad}}_x,{\text {ad}}_y)={\text {ad}}_{{\text {BCH}}(x,y),}$
and it follows that
where the second step follows from (3.4) and the third from (3.6) applied to
$x_i={\text {BCH}}(e_i,-e_{i+1}),$
$-x_n={\text {BCH}}(x_1,\cdots ,x_{n-1})$
To see that the previous lemma’s constructions actually lead to a model of the
-faceted banana, it remains only to show that
$P_1,\dots ,P_n$
exist with initial term 1 and satisfying identity (3.6). This follows immediately from Lemma 2.6(iii), even with
$P_n\equiv 1$
; see the next subsection and (3.12). Indeed, there are many possible choices for
$P_1,\dots ,P_n$
3.5 Model Localised at Central Point x
Twisting the model of Lemma 3.1 back so that the
-cells are localised at their centres, and the
-cell is localised at its centre
, we find the differential is given by (3.1), (3.2), and (3.3) along with
The final requirement is that the model is symmetric under the action of
; that is, it is invariant under
$\sigma $
$\tau $
. By the geometry and total symmetry of the bi-gon model, (3.1), (3.2), and (3.3) will be invariant under
$\sigma $
$\tau ,$
$\iota $
. Under
$\tau $
are fixed, while
$e_i\mapsto {}e_{i+1}$
$f_i\mapsto {}f_{i+1}$
$v_i\mapsto {}v_{i+1,}$
so (3.7) is invariant under
$\tau $
so long as
which is ensured by
$\sigma $
are fixed,
$e_i\mapsto {}e_{n-i}$
$f_i\mapsto {}-f_{n-i-1}$
$v_i\mapsto {}v_{n-i-1,}$
changes sign. In order for (3.7) to be invariant under
$\sigma $
, it is required that
which is ensured by (3.8) along with
$\iota $
, the quantities
all change sign, while
is invariant, and so (3.7) is invariant under
$\iota $
so long as
$v_i=\mu _2(e_i,e_{i+1})$
$v=\mu _n(e_1,\dots ,e_n)$
In conclusion, we have the following lemma.
Lemma 3.2 The completed DGLA with (free) Lie algebra generators
and differential defined by (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), and (3.7) is a model for the
-faceted banana that is invariant under the geometric symmetries of the cell fixing the vertices, so long as the polynomials
$P_1,\dots ,P_n$
non-commuting variables, with initial term 1, satisfy identities (3.6), (3.8), and (3.9). It will be completely invariant under the symmetries of the
-cell if, in addition, (3.10) holds.
By Lemma 2.6(i), we can write
is a polynomial in two non-commuting variables whose lowest order terms are
$\tfrac 12X+\tfrac 1{12}(X^2-YX)+\cdots $
. By Lemma 2.6(iii), iterating (3.11) gives
so that
is a solution of (3.6). Note that (3.6) is a linear condition on
$(P_1,\dots ,P_n)$
that is invariant under the action of cyclic permutation of the
while cyclically permuting the
$X_n=-{\text {BCH}}(X_1,\dots ,X_{n-1})$
), as well as reversing the order of the
while reversing the order and signs of the
. That is, (3.6) is invariant under a dihedral group action, and so there exists an invariant solution (that will satisfy (3.8) and (3.9)) given by averaging the orbit of the solution (3.12) under the just described dihedral action. The result is that
satisfies (3.6), (3.8), and (3.9). The coefficient of
$f^{\prime }_i$
${\partial }_ah'$
from (3.5) is now
Theorem 3.3 The completed DGLA with (free) Lie algebra generators
and differential defined by (3.1), (3.2), (3.3) and
defines a model for the
-faceted banana that is symmetric under the geometric symmetries of the cell fixing the vertices, where
is defined by (3.11),
$f^{\prime }_i=e^{\frac 12{\text {ad}}_{v_i}}f_i$
$v_i=\mu _2(e_i,e_{i+1})$
$v=\mu _n(x_1,\dots ,x_n),$
$x=u_{\frac 12v}(a)$
. The
-cell is localised at
in this model and the bi-gon
-cells are localised at their centres
$x_i=u_{\frac 12v_i}(a)$
Up to the first two non-trivial orders (in Lie brackets),
Meanwhile, up to second order (in Lie brackets) the differential is given by
Remark The particular solution of (3.6), (3.8) and (3.9) constructed above does not satisfy (3.10) and so the model described in Theorem 3.3 is not symmetric under the full symmetry group
$D_n\times \mathbb {Z}_2$
, but only under the part fixing the vertices. In particular, it is not invariant under
$\iota $
, although such a model does exist. However, this model and the model it induces in Section 4 on the cube have sufficient symmetry for the applications in [Reference Lawrence, Ranade and Sullivan8], where cells will come with a preferred oriented main diagonal.
4 A Model for an Arbitrary Polyhedral
Suppose that
is an arbitrary polyhedral
-cell, with
faces. Choose two vertices
. Pick a shelling of the subdivision of the boundary, that is, a choice of
non-self intersecting paths
$\gamma _1,\dots ,\gamma _n$
each from a to b along edges of the polyhedron, in such a way that for each
$i=1,\dots ,n$
, the paths
$\gamma _i$
$\gamma _{i+1}$
$\gamma _{n+1}\equiv \gamma _1$
) have common initial and final segments so that the intermediate segments together (one in reverse orientation) form the geometric boundary of the
-th face,
, of
. See the figure below; for each
$\delta _i\cup -\delta ^{\prime }_i={\partial }_0$
-th face) with matching orientation (faces oriented outwards). Here ,
$\delta _i$
$\delta ^{\prime }_i$
share common initial and final points, say
To construct a model
, first note that
-cells and
-cells have a unique description. For the
-cells, pick a basepoint (say
). In a model in which the
-th cell
is localised at
To determine a suitable expression for the differential of the
, we decide to localise it at
and then induce
${\partial }{}h$
from the differential (3.5) on the
-cell in the
-faceted banana
using the natural DGLA map
$A(X_n)\rightarrow {}A(X)$
in which
using the notation of
$f^{\prime }_i$
cells in
localised at
as in (3.4) and (3.5) above. Thus, one can use in
If it is desired to localise cells at symmetric central points in place of points on their boundary, then additional twists can be applied according to Lemma 2.12.
Example 4.1 We apply the above general argument to construct a model for the cube in which
- and
-cells are localised at their centres. Denote a pair of antipodal vertices by
. If these vertices and their adjacent edges are removed from the skeleton of the cube, then a hexagon remains joining the six remaining vertices; label the vertices of this hexagon
$a_1,\dots ,a_6$
and the edges
$f_1,\dots ,f_6$
modulo 6). Denote the edges adjacent to
and their opposite edges (adjacent to
) by
$\overline {e}_1,\overline {e}_2,\overline {e}_3$
, respectively. Orient the edges so that those adjacent to
are oriented away from
and orient other edges so that parallel edges have matching orientation. The faces containing
are labelled
and their opposite faces with a bar.
is the centre point defined in terms of the centre diagonal
The formula for the cube is induced from a symmetric model of a
-faceted banana, by mapping the edges of
${\text {BCH}}$
of the 6 maximal chains from
on the cube, while mapping the faces
(based at their centres) to the conjugations of the corresponding faces of the cube,
$\exp (-V_i)g_i$
, where
is a zero graded element that flows the centre
of the
-th face of the cube to the centre of the corresponding bi-gon bounded by two maximal chains (thus changing the point at which it is localised). Here, by the centre of a square, we mean the centre point as in the formulae for
${\partial }$
of a square above. Up to terms with only one bracket (which are all that affect the result of
$\exp (-V_i)g_i$
up to two brackets), the
’s for the squares
$\overline {g}_1$
$\overline {g}_2$
$\overline {g}_3$
$\frac 12\overline {e}_1$
$\frac 12\overline {e_2}$
$\frac 12\overline {e}_3$
$-\frac 12e_1$
$-\frac 12e_2$
$-\frac 12e_3$
, respectively. That is,
$A(X_6)\rightarrow {}A(\text {cube})$
is given on edges by
and on faces by
Up to one Lie bracket in
which transforms on the cube to
The model of the cube so obtained will be symmetric under symmetries that fix the diagonal
Remark Notice that the structure of the differential for
-cells is essentially simpler than that for
-cells, having a linear dependence on its codimension one boundary sub-cells. Thus, in (3.5), the dependence of
${\partial }_ah'$
is linear. This is not true one dimension lower, where the dependence in (3.4) of
${\partial }_af^{\prime }_i$
on its boundary cells
is highly non-linear (through
${\text {BCH}}$
Remark The functorial nature of the construction of
means that under a subdivision, there should be a corresponding DGLA map. The subdivision map for the interval (or 1-skeleta) is generated by
${\text {BCH}}$
(see [Reference Lawrence and Sullivan10]), and for this reason, the differential on a
-cell (in its simplest form) is the
${\text {BCH}}$
of its boundary (see (3.4)). Similarly, the subdivision map for a
-cell (say splitting a bi-gon into two bi-gons) will be linear, and the difference between the two sides gives an expression for the differential on a
-cell as in (3.5). This same story should continue in higher dimensions (all dimensions
will have a linear form).