1 Introduction
An open book decomposition of a closed connected oriented n-manifold M is a fibration $\pi :M\setminus B\to S^1$ , where B is a codimension-two oriented submanifold of M with a trivial normal bundle. The submanifold B is called the binding of the open book. The closure of each fibre of $\pi $ is called a page of the open book and each page is a codimension-one submanifold of M with boundary B. Alexander, in [Reference Alexander1], showed that every closed oriented $3$ -manifold admits an open book. For more details on open books, we refer to the survey [Reference Etnyre2].
Open book decomposition on odd-dimensional manifolds is an important tool in studying contact structures on manifolds. By a contact structure on a closed oriented $(2n+1)$ -manifold M, we mean a maximally nowhere integrable hyperplane field on $M.$ Giroux, in [Reference Giroux4], showed that every co-oriented contact structure on a closed oriented $(2n+1)$ -manifold is supported by an open book. In [Reference Thurston and Winkelnkemper11], Thurston and Winkelnkemper constructed contact structures on closed oriented $3$ -manifolds using open books. In [Reference Giroux4], Giroux showed that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the isotopy classes of co-oriented contact structures on a closed oriented 3-manifold M and the open book decompositions of M up to positive stabilisations. By a positive stabilisation operation on an open book of $ M$ , we mean a plumbing of a positive Hopf band to the page of the open book. Open book decomposition is a useful tool in studying $3$ -manifolds. For instance, an open book decomposition of a manifold naturally gives a Heegaard splitting of the manifold, where the Heegaard surface is the closure of the union of two pages.
Open book embeddings of closed oriented $3$ -manifolds into the open books of $S^2\times S^3$ as well as into $S^2 \,\tilde \times \, S^3$ with pages a $2$ -disc bundle over $S^2$ and monodromy the identity map are studied in [Reference Pancholi, Pandit and Saha9]. Results in [Reference Pancholi, Pandit and Saha9] are extended for nonorientable closed $3$ -manifolds in [Reference Ghanwat, Pandit and A3]. We say that a smooth manifold M with a given open book decomposition admits an open book embedding in an open book decomposition of a smooth manifold N if there exists an embedding of M in N such that, as a submanifold of N, the given open book decomposition on M is compatible with the open book decomposition of N. For the precise definition of an open book embedding, we refer to Definition 2.3. However, the existence of an open book for a closed oriented $3$ -manifold, such that its open book embeds in the trivial open book of the $5$ -sphere $S^5$ with pages the $4$ -disk $D^4$ and monodromy the identity map of $D^4$ , is not known.
In this note, we study open book embeddings of closed oriented $3$ -manifolds in the $5$ -sphere $S^5$ . We prove the following result.
Theorem 1.1. Let M be a closed connected oriented $3$ -manifold. There exists a knot K in M such that the manifold $M^{\prime }$ obtained from M, by performing an integer surgery, admits an open book decomposition and this open book embeds into the trivial open book of the $5$ -sphere $S^5.$
2 Preliminary
First, we recall the notions necessary for this note. All the manifolds and maps we consider are smooth.
Definition 2.1. An open book decomposition of a closed connected oriented manifold M is a pair $(B, \pi ),$ with the following properties.
(1) B is an oriented codimension-two submanifold in M with a trivial normal bundle called the binding of the open book.
(2) $ \pi : M \setminus B\rightarrow S^1$ is a locally trivial fibration such that the fibration $\pi $ in a tubular neighbourhood of B looks like the trivial fibration of $(B\times D^2) \setminus B\times \{0\} \to S^1$ sending $(x,r,\theta )$ to $\theta $ , where $x\in B$ and $(r,\theta )$ are polar coordinates on $D^2$ .
(3) For each $\theta \in S^1, \pi ^{-1}(\theta )$ is the interior of a compact codimension-one submanifold $N_{\theta }\subset M$ and $\partial N_\theta = B$ . The submanifold $N=N_\theta $ , for any $\theta $ , is called the page of the open book.
The fibration $\pi :M\setminus B\to S^1$ with fibre N is determined by N and the monodromy $\phi $ of the fibration up to conjugation by an orientation preserving diffeomorphism, that is, the fibre bundle $M\setminus B$ is canonically isomorphic to the mapping torus
where $\sim $ is the equivalence relation identifying $(x,1)$ with $(\varphi (x),0)$ . From the above definition, we can see that M is diffeomorphic to
Thus, an open book decomposition of $M $ is determined, up to diffeomorphism of $ M$ , by the topological type of the page N and the isotopy class of the monodromy which is an element of the mapping class group of N. The mapping class group of a manifold N with nonempty boundary is the group of isotopy classes of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of N which are the identity in a collar neighbourhood of the boundary.
This naturally leads to the notion called an abstract open book defined as follows.
Definition 2.2. An abstract open book associated with an n-manifold M is a pair $(\Sigma , \phi ),$ where $\Sigma $ is a compact connected oriented $(n-1)$ -manifold with nonempty boundary and $\phi $ is an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism of $\Sigma $ such that M is diffeomorphic to
where $id$ denotes the identity map of $\partial \Sigma \times S^1.$
The map $\phi $ in the above definition is called the monodromy of the abstract open book. Note that the mapping class of $\phi $ determines M uniquely up to diffeomorphism. We will denote the manifold M with an abstract open book decomposition $(\Sigma ,\phi )$ by $ \mathcal {A}ob(\Sigma ,\phi )$ . One can easily see that given an abstract open book decomposition of M, we can clearly associate an open book decomposition of M with pages $\Sigma $ and vice versa. We will not generally distinguish between open books and abstract open books. For more details on open books, see [Reference Etnyre2].
Let us recall the notion of an open book embedding.
Definition 2.3. Let $M^k$ and $N^l$ be manifolds with open book decompositions $(B_1, \pi _1)$ and $(B_2, \pi _2)$ , respectively. We say an embedding $f: M \hookrightarrow N$ is an open book embedding of $(B_1, \pi _1)$ into $(B_2, \pi _2)$ if f embeds $B_1$ into $B_2$ such that $\pi _2\circ f=\pi _1.$
Similarly, we can also define an abstract open book embedding.
Definition 2.4. Let $M = \mathcal {A}ob (\Sigma _1, \phi _1)$ and $N = \mathcal {A}ob( \Sigma _2, \phi _2 )$ be two abstract open books. We say that there exists an abstract open book embedding of M into N if there exists a proper embedding f of $\Sigma _1$ into $\Sigma _2$ such that $\phi _1$ is isotopic to $ f^{-1} \circ \phi _2 \circ f.$
It is clear from the definition that an abstract open book embedding produces an embedding for the associated open book and vice versa.
3 Proof of Theorem 1.1
In this section, we discuss our proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall that given an embedded circle c in the interior of a surface $\Sigma ,$ a Dehn twist $d_c$ (or $d_c^{-1}$ ) on $\Sigma $ along the circle c is a diffeomorphism which is the identity outside a neighbourhood of c and is a full twist on an annular neighbourhood of c. We begin by stating the following lemma, which is proved in [Reference Etnyre2].
Lemma 3.1. Let M be a closed oriented $3$ -manifold. Let $M=\mathcal Aob(\Sigma , \phi )$ . Suppose L is a knot sitting on a page $\Sigma $ of the open book. Then, the new manifold $ M^{\prime }$ obtained by $\pm 1$ surgery along L, with respect to the page framing, admits an open book $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ,\phi \circ d_L^{\mp 1})$ with pages $\Sigma $ and monodromy $\phi \circ d_L^{\mp 1}$ .
The following lemma will be needed in the proof of Theorem 1.1.
Lemma 3.2. Let M be a closed oriented $3$ -manifold. Let $M=\mathcal {A}ob(\Sigma , \phi )$ be an abstract open book of M. Suppose that K is a knot in M such that $K=\{x\}\times [0,1]/(x,1)\sim (\phi (x),0)$ in M for some interior point $x\in \Sigma $ . Let $D_x$ be an open disc neighbourhood of x in $ \Sigma $ such that $\phi |_{D_x}=id$ and let c be the curve parallel to $\partial D_x$ in $\Sigma \setminus D_x$ . Then, an integer n surgery along K gives a new manifold $M^{\prime }=\mathcal {A}ob(\Sigma ^{\prime },\phi ^\prime )$ with an open book decomposition having the surgery dual of K as one of the binding components, where the surface $\Sigma ^\prime =\Sigma \setminus D_x$ is the page and the map $\phi ^{\prime }=\phi |_{\Sigma ^{\prime }}\circ d_c^{-n}$ is the monodromy of the open book of $M^{\prime }$ .
Proof. The knot K is transverse to each page of the open book $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ,\phi )$ and intersects each page exactly once (see Figure 1). Suppose $n=0$ . Then, performing $0$ surgery along K is equivalent to removing $D_x$ from each page and filling the resulting boundary $\partial D_x\times S^1$ of $M\setminus \mathcal N(K)$ by $\partial D_x\times D^2$ using the identity map. Here, $\mathcal {N}(K)= D_x\times K$ denotes a tubular neighbourhood of K in $M.$ From this, one can easily see that the manifold $M^{\prime }$ , obtained from M by performing $0$ surgery along K, admits an open book with pages $\Sigma ^{\prime }=\Sigma \setminus D_x$ and monodromy $\phi ^{\prime }=\phi |_{\Sigma ^{\prime }}.$
Suppose that n is a positive integer. From blowing up operations (see Figure 1), one can see that performing integer n surgery along K is equivalent to performing $-1$ surgery along n copies of a circle c parallel to $\partial D_x$ lying in n distinct pages of the open book $\mathcal {A}ob(\Sigma ,\phi )$ and performing $0$ surgery along K. Using Lemma 3.1, one can see that the manifold $M^{\prime }$ obtained from M by performing a positive integer n surgery along K admits an open book with pages $\Sigma ^{\prime }=\Sigma \setminus D_x$ and monodromy $\phi ^{\prime }=\phi |_{\Sigma ^{\prime }}\circ d_c^{-n}$ .
Similarly, when n is a negative integer, we can see that the surgered manifold $M^{\prime }$ admits an open book with pages $\Sigma ^{\prime }=\Sigma \setminus D_x$ and monodromy $\phi ^{\prime }=\phi |_{\Sigma ^{\prime }}\circ d_c^{n}$ .
Remark 3.3. Suppose that $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ has an arc $\alpha $ joining the boundary component $\partial D_x$ to some component of $\partial \Sigma $ such that $\phi $ fixes $\alpha $ pointwise. Then, the open book $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ^{\prime }, \phi ^\prime )$ of $M^\prime $ , obtained from M by $\pm 1$ surgery along K, is just a stabilisation of $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ,\phi )$ . In this case, $M^\prime $ is diffeomorphic to $M.$
Let M be a closed connected oriented $3$ -manifold. Recall that M admits an open book decomposition with connected binding (see [Reference Myers8]). Let $M=\mathcal {A}ob(\Sigma ,\phi )$ , where $\Sigma $ is a compact connected oriented surface with connected boundary. By considering certain stabilisations of the abstract open book of $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ,\phi )$ if required, we can assume that $\Sigma $ has the genus $g\geq 3$ . The monodromy $\phi $ of the open book is an element in the mapping class group of $\Sigma $ . Humphries [Reference Humphries and Fenn6] showed that the mapping class group of a closed surface $\tilde \Sigma $ of genus $g\geq 3$ is generated by the Dehn twist along $2g+1$ closed curves $b, a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ , as shown in Figure 2, where the closed surface $\tilde \Sigma $ is obtained from $\Sigma $ by gluing a disc along the boundary. We call these curves $b, a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ in $\Sigma $ the Humphries generating curves and the corresponding Dehn twists the Humphries generators of the mapping class group of $\Sigma $ . Johnson [Reference Johnson7] showed that the $2g+1$ Dehn twists about $b,a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ on $\Sigma $ also generate the mapping class group of $\Sigma $ .
Consider a regular neighbourhood of each Humphries generating curve in $\Sigma $ . The union S of the regular neighbourhoods of the Humphries generating curves can be considered as a surface obtained by plumbing $2g+1$ annuli, as shown in Figure 2. The surface S has two boundary components. One of the boundary components of S is parallel to $\partial \Sigma $ , that is, they bound an annulus A in $\Sigma $ , and the other boundary component of S bounds a disc $D=\Sigma \setminus (S\cup A)$ in $\Sigma $ , as shown in Figure 2. Note that $\Sigma \setminus D$ is diffeomorphic to $S.$ The monodromy $\phi $ is supported in S and hence it is the identity on the disc D.
Let $x\in D$ be an interior point in $D\subset \Sigma .$ Consider the knot $K=\{x\}\times [0,1]/(x,1)\sim (\phi (x),0)$ in M. As discussed in Lemma 3.2, we get an open book $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ^{\prime },\phi ^\prime )$ of $M^\prime $ obtained by an integer n surgery along K in M. Here, $\Sigma ^\prime =S$ and $\phi ^\prime =\phi \circ d_c^{-n}$ , where c is a curve in $\Sigma ^\prime $ parallel to $\partial D.$
Now, we shall show that the open book $M^{\prime }=\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ^\prime ,\phi ^\prime )$ embeds into the trivial open book of $S^5$ . We need to recall the following notion.
Definition 3.4. A diffeomorphism $\phi $ of a surface F is said to be a flexible diffeomorphism, with respect to a proper embedding f of $\Sigma $ in a $4$ -manifold X, if there exists a diffeomorphism $\Phi $ of X isotopic to the identity map of X (also the identity near the boundary if X has nonempty boundary) such that $\phi $ is isotopic to $f^{-1} \circ \Phi \circ f$ .
One can easily observe that if a diffeomorphism $\phi $ of F is isotopic to a diffeomorphism $\psi $ of F and $\phi $ is flexible with respect to an embedding f of F in X, then $\psi $ is also flexible in X with respect to f. To prove the existence of an (abstract) open book embedding of $\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ^{\prime },\phi ^{\prime })$ in the trivial open book of $S^5$ , we need to find an embedding f of $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ in $D^4$ such that $\phi ^{\prime }$ is flexible in $D^4$ with respect to $f.$ As $\phi ^{\prime }$ is isotopic to a product of powers of Humphries generators and the Dehn twist $d_c$ , it is enough to construct a proper embedding f of $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ in $D^4$ such that the Humphries generators and the Dehn twist $d_c$ are flexible in $D^4$ with respect to $f.$
3.1 Construction of an embedding of ${\Sigma}^{\!\prime}$ in $D^4$
A Dehn twist $d_\gamma $ along an embedded circle $\gamma $ in $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ is supported in an annular neighbourhood of $\gamma $ in $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ . In [Reference Hirose and Yasuhara5], it is shown that there exists a (proper) embedding of an annulus $A=S^1\times [0,1]$ in $D^4$ such that the Dehn twist along the central curve of A is flexible and hence so is each power of this Dehn twist. This follows from the fact that there exists a flow $\Phi _t$ on the $3$ -sphere $S^3$ associated to the open book decomposition of $S^3$ with pages a Hopf annulus and monodromy the Dehn twist along the central curve of the Hopf annulus such that the time $1$ map $\Phi _1$ on $S^3$ induces the Dehn twist along the central curve on each page of the open book of $S^3$ . We can choose any Hopf annulus page $\mathcal A$ as an embedding of the annulus A in $S^3=\partial D^4\times \tfrac 12\subset \partial D^4\times [0,1]$ , where $\partial D^4\times [0,1]$ is a collar of $\partial D^4$ in $D^4$ . Using the flow $\Phi _t$ , we can construct a diffeomorphism of $D^4$ which is isotopic to the identity and induces the Dehn twist along the central curve on the embedded Hopf annulus $\mathcal A$ . For more details, see [Reference Hirose and Yasuhara5, Reference Pancholi, Pandit and Saha9]. Note that $S^3$ admits an open book with pages a positive Hopf annulus as well as an open book with pages a negative Hopf annulus. So, we will construct a proper embedding of the surface $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ in $D^4$ such that each of the curves $b, a_1,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ and the boundary parallel curve c admits either a positive or a negative Hopf annulus regular neighbourhood in the embedded $\Sigma ^{\prime }\subset D^4$ .
Consider a collar $S^3\times [0,1]$ of the $4$ -ball $D^4$ with $\partial D^4=S^3\times 0.$ Consider an embedding $S_1$ of the surface $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ , which is obtained by plumbing $2g$ positive Hopf annuli $A_1,\ldots ,A_{2g}$ with central curves $a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ and one negative Hopf annulus with central curve b in $S^3\times \tfrac 12$ , as shown in Figure 3. Recall that $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ has two boundary components. We denote these components by $\partial _1=\partial \Sigma $ and $\partial _2=\partial D.$ We make this embedding a proper embedding f of $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ by attaching cylinders $\partial _i\times [0,\tfrac 12]$ to $S_1$ along $\partial _i$ , for $i=1,2$ , and smoothing out the corners to get a smooth embedding. By construction, we can see that a regular neighbourhood of each of the Humphries generating curves $a_1,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ in $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ is a positive Hopf annulus in $S^3\times \tfrac 12\subset D^4$ and a regular neighbourhood of the Humphries generating curve b in $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ is a negative Hopf annulus $S^3\times \tfrac 12$ . A regular neighbourhood of the curve c parallel to the boundary $\partial _2$ in $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ has two positive full twists and one negative full twist. Two of the twists cancel each other to get a positive Hopf annulus neighbourhood for the curve c in $S^3\times \tfrac 12$ (see Figure 3). From this, one can see that the Dehn twists along the curves $c,b,a_1,\ldots ,a_{2g}$ are flexible in $D^4$ with respect to the embedding f of $\Sigma ^{\prime }.$ For more details regarding the flexibility of the Dehn twists, see [Reference Pancholi, Pandit and Saha9]. An alternate argument for the flexibility of the Dehn twist along a simple closed curve in $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ admitting a Hopf annulus regular neighbourhood in $S^3\times \tfrac 12$ is given in [Reference Pandit and A10]. For the sake of completeness, we summarise it here.
Observe that each curve $\alpha \in \{c, a_1,\ldots , a_{2g}\}$ bounds a disc $D_\alpha $ in $D^4$ which intersects $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ in $\alpha $ and a tubular neighbourhood $\mathcal {N}(D_\alpha )=D^2\times D^2$ intersects $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ in a regular neighbourhood $\nu (\alpha )$ of $\alpha $ in $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ . We can choose coordinates $(z_1,z_2)$ on $\mathcal {N}(D_\alpha )$ such that $\nu (\alpha )=g^{-1}(1)\cap f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ , where $g:\mathbb C^2\to \mathbb C$ is the map defined by $g(z_1,z_2)=z_1z_2$ . The monodromy of the singular fibration $g:\mathcal {N}(D_{\alpha })=\mathbb C^2\to \mathbb C= D^2$ with the singular point $(0,0)$ is the positive Dehn twist $d_{\alpha }$ along the curve $\alpha $ which lies in the regular fibre $g^{-1}(1)\cap \Sigma ^{\prime }=\nu (\alpha ).$ The isotopy of $\mathcal {N}(D_{\alpha })$ , which produces the positive Dehn twist $d_{\alpha }$ on $g^{-1}(1)\cap \Sigma ^{\prime }$ , can be extended to an isotopy $\Psi _s$ , $s\in [0,1]$ , of $D^4$ such that the isotopy is supported in the tubular neighbourhood $\mathcal {N}(D_{\alpha })$ . Then, we have $f^{-1}\circ \Psi _1 \circ f=d_{\alpha }$ up to isotopy. We have an isotopy of $D^4$ supported in the tubular neighbourhood $\mathcal {N}(D_{\alpha })$ of $D_{\alpha }$ which produces the Dehn twist $d_\alpha $ on $\Sigma ^{\prime }.$ From this, it follows that the Dehn twist $d_{\alpha }$ is flexible in $ D^4$ with respect to the embedding $f.$
The curve b bounds a disc $D_b$ in $D^4$ which intersects $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ in b and a tubular neighbourhood $\mathcal {N}(D_b)=D^2\times D^2$ intersects $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ in a regular neighbourhood $\nu (b)$ of b in $f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ . We can choose coordinates $(z_1,z_2)$ on $\mathcal {N}(D_b)$ such that $\nu (b)=g^{-1}(1)\cap f(\Sigma ^{\prime })$ , where $g:\mathbb C^2\to \mathbb C$ is the map defined by $g(z_1,z_2)=z_1\bar {z}_2$ . The monodromy of the singular fibration $g:\mathcal {N}(D_{b})=\mathbb C^2\to \mathbb C= D^2$ with the singular point $(0,0)$ is the negative Dehn twist $d_{b}^{-1}$ along the curve b which lies in the regular fibre $g^{-1}(1)\cap \Sigma ^{\prime }=\nu (b).$ By arguments similar to those above, there is an isotopy of $D^4$ supported in the tubular neighbourhood $\mathcal {N}(D_{b})$ of $D_{b}$ which produces the Dehn twist $d_b^{-1}$ on $\Sigma ^{\prime }.$ Both $d_b$ and $d_b^{-1}$ are flexible in $D^4$ with respect to the embedding $f.$
It follows that the monodromy $\phi ^{\prime }$ is flexible in $D^4$ with respect to the embedding f of $\Sigma ^{\prime }$ , that is, there exists a diffeomorphism $\Phi $ of $D^4$ which is isotopic to the identity map of $D^4$ and $f^{-1}\circ \Phi \circ f$ is isotopic to $\phi ^{\prime }$ . This gives an abstract open book embedding of $M^{\prime }=\mathcal Aob(\Sigma ^{\prime },\phi ^{\prime })$ into $S^5=\mathcal {A}ob(D^4,\Phi ).$ This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.