8.1Ballo for the Turks with dancing bears, in Balletti d’invenzione nella Finta Pazza di Giovanbattista Balbi (c. 1658)
8.2A choreography by Pécour in Beauchamps-Feuillet notation, in Michel Gaudrau, Nouveau recüeil de dance de bal et celle de ballet (s.d. [1715]), 91
8.3A symmetrical grouping of six couples dancing with a soloist (s.d., c. 1700) by Jean Berain
8.4Scapino dancing, in Gregorio Lambranzi, Neue und curieuse theatralische Tantz-Schul (1716), Book I, plate 34
9.1The battle scene from La regina Sant’Orsola (1624) by Alfonso Parigi (1625)
9.2Final scene from Il Sant’Alessio (1631) by François Collignon (1634)
9.4Performance of Alceste at Versailles (1674) by Jean Le Pautre
14.1Portrait of Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán, Marquis del Carpio (c. 1683) by anon. artist
14.2Atlas carrying the terrestrial globe from Andrómeda y Perseo (c. 1653) by Luigi Baccio del Bianco