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  • ISSN: 0022-149X (Print), 1475-2697 (Online)
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Robert Poulin University of Otago | New Zealand
Editorial Board
Journal of Helminthology publishes original papers and review articles on all aspects of pure and applied helminthology, particularly those helminth parasites of environmental health, medical or veterinary importance. As of June 1st 2024, the journal will no longer consider papers focused on free-living helminth taxa, unless the latter are directly relevant to the study of parasitic helminths. Research papers on the ecology and evolution of helminths in wildlife hosts, including plant and insect parasites, are also published along with taxonomic papers contributing to the systematics of a group. The journal will be of interest to academics and researchers involved in the fields of human and veterinary parasitology, public health, microbiology, ecology and biochemistry.

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  • World Ocean Day
  • 08 June 2021, Russell Stothard and Professor Robert Poulin
  • We celebrate World Ocean Day to remind us of how important the marine habitat is today and its need for better environmental stewardship tomorrow.…