Books that cannot be accommodated in our book review section but that are worthy of special attention are listed here with their tables of contents.
Barskova, Polina, ed. Written in the Dark: Five Poets in the Siege of Leningrad. Eastern European Poets #38. New York: Ugly Duckling Presse, 2016. 159 pp. Appendix. Notes. $18.00, paper.
Barskova, Polina, Written in the Dark: An Introduction. Gor, Gennady. Maksimov, Dmitry. Rudakov, Sergey. Sterligov, Vladimir. Zaltsman, Pavel. Kukulin, Ilya, Afterward.
Gery, Catherine. KinoFabula: Essais sur la litterature et le cinema russes. Europe(S) - Arts el lettres. Paris: Les Presses de l’Inalco, 2016. 256 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Indexes. Photographs. €20.00, paper.
Partie 1: Des fables cinématographiques. 1. L’univers fabuleux de Ladislas Starewitch. 2. Deux fables socialistes d’Alexandre Medvedkine. 3. Le kinoskaz ou « dit » cinématographique : quelques principes théoriques pour un genre nouveau. Partie 2: L’adaptation des classiques. 4. Dostoïevski, Tolstoï et le Grand Muet. 5. Le passé, cet étranger ? L’adaptation des classiques du xixe siècle par le cinéma soviétique. 6. La Folie des vaillants : un poème cinégraphique de Germaine Dulac d’après Maxime Gorki. 7. Autour de Nikolaï Leskov et de William Shakespeare: Lady Macbeth sibérienne d’Andrzej Wajda. Partie 3: La littérature et le cinéma regardent l’histoire. 8. Des territoires de projection : la représentation des confins dans le cinéma soviétique (1928–1968). 9. La famille, lieu de la trahison (parcours littéraire et cinématographique en Russie et en URSS). 10. Cinéma, Histoire et Littérature: les paradigmes divergents de la Commissaire d’Alexandre Askoldov. 11. Histoire et sacré dans le cinéma soviétique – le cas Eisenstein.
Ibler, Reinhard, ed. The Holocaust in Central European Literatures and Cultures Problems of Poetization and Aestheticization. Literature and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 13. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2016. 290 pp. Index. $38.00, paper.
Reinhard Ibler, Introduction. 1. Die Ästhetisierung des Holocaust: Diskussionen und Strategien / Aestheticizing the Holocaust: Discussions and Strategies. Anja Golebiowski, Schreiben nach Auschwitz? Reaktionen der polnischen Literatur auf den Holocaust. Katarzyna Adamczak, Ästhetik des (sekundären) Bildes in neuesten polnischen Dramen: Zyta Rudzkas Fastryga und Artur Palygas Żyd. Urszula Kowalska, Between the Post- and Popmemory. Holocaust Narrative in Contemporary Culture—an Attempt of Exemplification. Andreas Ohme, Die Transzendierung der Geschichte durch die Poetisierung der Darstellung in Jirí Weils Prosazyklus Barvy (Farben). Hana Hříbková, Jirí Weil: Žalozpev za 77 297 obetí. Charlotte Kitzinger, “Und, da das Schweigen Gift mir wird im Munde, / Gebe ich weinend von der Schande Kunde.” Karl Schnogs (1897–1967) satirische Holocaustdichtung. Agata Firlej, Humour and Irony as Forms of Aestheticization of Shoah Narrations: the Play Doma u Hitleru by Arnošt Goldflam. 2. Holocaustdichtung zwischen Poetizität und Prosaisierung /Holocaust Poetry between Poeticity and Prosaization. Christiane Charlotte Weber, Lyrische Grüße an Deutschland - Manfred Herzfeld und andere‚ ungeübte’ Verfasser von Holocaustgedichten 1945 bis 1949. Štepán Balík, Czech Bystanders Writing Poetry about the Shoah. Different Ways of Poetic Languages in the First Post-War Literary Reactions. Arkadiusz Morawiec, Tadeusz Rózewicz’s Poetics of Testimony. Sascha Feuchert, Heimrad Bäckers Nachschrift und/als Zeugnisliteratur. Anna Maria Skibska, Towards the Unavoidable Silence: on the Shoah Context in Andrzej Sosnowski’s Poetry. 3. Das Erzählen des Holocaust zwischen Authentizität und Fiktionalität /Holocaust Narration between Authenticity and Fictionality. Reinhard Ibler, Zwischen Dokument und Kunst: Josef Bors Werke über den Holocaust. Hans-Christian Trepte, Jerzy Kosinskis “Autofiction”—eine mögliche Strategie, über den Holocaust zu schreiben? Jiří Holý, Arnošt Lustig’s Colette, dívka z Antverp—Between Historical Facts and Fiction. Šárka Sladovníková, The Film Colette–Risks of a “Modern Approach” to the Depiction of the Holocaust. Anna Artwinska, Zeitbrücken. Erinnerungen an den Holocaust in Ivan Klímas Erzählband Moje nebezbecné výlety. Marta Škubalová, Zum Motiv des Holocaust in der Vertreibungsliteratur.
Shruba, Manfred and Korostelev, Oleg, eds. Psevdonimy russkogo zarubezh'ia: Materialy i issledovaniia. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2016. 652 pp. Bibliography. 598 RUB, hard bound.
Роман Тименчик, Об эмигрантских ложноименах. Олег Коростелев, Литературные маски и критические рубрики в периодике русского Парижа. Штефан Шмидт, К поэтике псевдонима. Краткий обзор исследований. Манфред Шруба, О функциях псевдонимов (по переписке деятелей русской эмиграции первой волны). Владимир Хазан, О некоторых псевдонимах деятелей эмигрантской русско-еврейской печати (парижские еженедельники “Еврейская трибуна” и “Рассвет”). Татьяна Подгаецка, Русская религиозная и церковная периодика межвоенных лет на территории Чехословакии. Эмил Димитров, Русско-болгарские встречи псевдонимов: две истории. Татьяна Мегрелишвили, Русскоязычная периодика Грузии 1918–1921 гг. Михаил Бирман, Псевдоним и криптонимы П. М. Бицилли (к поиску невыявленных публикаций ученого). Михаэль Хагемейстер, Мнимый псевдоним. Об авторе трехтомника “Ритуальное убийство у евреев” (Белград, 1926–1929). Ирина Белобровцева, М. Булгаков и А. Ветлугин. Павел Лавринец, Гипотетические псевдонимы А. С. Бухова в ковенской газете “Эхо”. Людмила Спроге, Загадка старца Ф. К.: чей криптоним ЛК в рижской газете “Слово”? Готтфрид Кратц, Артур Лютер и его русские псевдонимы. Аурика Меймре, “Простачок”, “Е. Сергеев”, “Наблюдатель”, “Питирим Моисеев” – они же Петр Моисеевич Пильский. Николай Богомолов, Сергей Соколов и Сергей Кречетов, литератор и политик. Микела Вендитти, Пьесы Б. де Люнеля (Бориса Ярхо) в пражском журнале “Воля России.” Борис Равдин, На полях комментария (в поисках И. Горского и др.). Иван Толстой, Псевдоним у микрофона. Судьба Николая Горчакова. Материалы. Библиография.
Goll, Sebastian, Mlinarić, Martin, and Gold, Johannes. Minorities under Attack: Othering and Right-Wing Extremism in Southeast European Societies. Forschungen zu Südosteurope: Sprache-Kultur-Literatur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. Notes. Figures. Tables. €58.00, paper.
Sebastian Goll, Martin Mlinarić, and Johannes Gold, Minorities under Attack: Othering and Right-Wing Extremism in Southeast European Societies. Johannes Gold, Measuring Interethnic Relations: A Quantitative Approximation on the Relations between Albanians and Serbs in post-UNMIK Kosovo (2008–2014). Zhidas Daskalovski, Skopje 2014: Construction of a Nation and its Exclusionary Effects. Claudia Lichnofsky, The Exclusion of Minorities and the Construction of Identities: The Case of Anti-Ziganism in Kosovo. Jelena Kisić and Željana Tunić, “For Homeland – ready!” World War II Remembrance Culture in Croatia. Dragan Šljivić and Martin Mlinarić, Sexual Othering and Democracy in post-Yugoslav Societies: A Comparison of Dveri and U ime obitelji. Costas Canakis and Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić, Spray-Canned Discourses Reimagining Gender, Sexuality, and Citizenship Trough Linguistic Landscapes in the Balkans. Sanja Đurin, On the Politics of Sexuality in Croatia during the 1990s, the Discourses that Shaped it and its Current Symptoms. Henry Ludwig, Big Brother’s Big Bang: Debates and Developments on LGBT Issues in Albania since 1990. Sebastian Goll, Right-Wing Extremism in Romania. Philipp Karl, Network Analysis of Right-Wing Extremism in Hungary. Đorđe Tomić, Post-Yugoslavia’s “Political Wasteland” and the Radical Right: Between State Sponsored Nationalism and Neoliberal pro-European Reform Course. Maik Fielitz, Beyond the Fringe: Unfolding the Dynamics of Golden Dawn’s rise. Antony Todorov, The Extreme Right Wing in Bulgaria.
Geller, Jay Howard and Morris, Leslie, eds. Three-Way Street: Jews, Germans, and the Transnational. Social History: Popular Culture and Politics in Germany. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016. iv, 352 pp. Notes. Index. Photographs. $85.00, hard bound.
Jay Howard Geller and Leslie Morris, Introduction. Part 1: To Germany, from Germany: The Promise of an Unpromised Land? Deborah Hertz, Love, Money, and Career in the Life of Rosa Luxemburg. Alan T. Levenson, The “Triple Immersion”: A Singular Moment in Modern Jewish Intellectual History? Jeffrey A. Grossman, Yiddish Writers/German Models in the Early Twentieth Century. Ofer Ashkenazi, The Symphony of a Great Heimat: Zionism as a Cure for Weimar Crisis in Lerski’s Avodah. Part 2: Germany, the Portable Homeland. Jay Howard Geller, “I Have Been a Stranger in a Foreign Land”: The Scholem Brothers and German-Jewish Émigré Identity. Michael Berkowitz, Lost in the Transnational: Photographic Initiatives of Walter and Helmut Gernsheim in Britain. Richard W. McCormick, Transnational Jewish Comedy: Sex and Politics in the Films of Ernst Lubitsch—From Berlin to Hollywood. Kerry Wallach, America Abandoned: German-Jewish Visions of American Poverty in Serialized Novels by Joseph Roth, Sholem Asch, and Michael Gold. Joachim Schlör, “Irgendwo auf der Welt”: The Emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany as a Transnational Experience. Atina Grossmann, Transnational Jewish Refugee Stories: Displacement, Loss, and (Non)Restitution. Part 3: A Masterable Past? German-Jewish Transnationalism in a Post-Holocaust Era. Karen Remmler, “Normalization and Its Discontents”: The Transnational Legacy of the Holocaust in Contemporary Germany. Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, Between Memory and Normalcy: Synagogue Architecture in Postwar Germany. Raysh Weiss, Klezmer in the New Germany: History, Identity, and Memory. Michael Meng, (Trans)National Spaces: Jewish Sites in Contemporary Germany.