Review of Middle East Studies, Volume 49 - August 2015
- This volume was published under a former title. See this journal's title history.
Book Review
Roham Alvandi . Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: The United States and Iran in the Cold War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. xii + 255 pages, acknowledgements, notes, bibiliography, index. Cloth US$55.00 ISBN: 978-0199375691.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 18 May 2016, pp. 182-184
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Nurullah Ardıç . Islam and the Politics of Secularism: The Caliphate and Middle Eastern Modernization in the Early Twentieth Century. New York: Routledge, 2012. 394 pages, preface, acknowledgments, figures and tables, abbreviations, notes, references, index. Hardback US$155.00 ISBN 978-0-415-67166-8.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 66-68
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Dominique Avon and Anaїs-Trissa Khatchadourian . Hezbollah: A History of the “Party of God.” Translated by Jane Marie Todd . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012. 256 pages, appendixes, bibliography, index. Hardcover US$24.95 ISBN 978-0-6740-6651-9.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 68-70
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Beth Baron . The Orphan Scandal: Christian Missionaries and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014. xxiii + 245 pages, preface, acknowledgements, cast of characters, maps, index. Cloth US$85.00 ISBN 978-0804790765. Paperback US$24.95 ISBN 978-0804791380.
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- 18 May 2016, pp. 184-186
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Laurie A. Brand . Official Stories: Politics and National Narratives in Egypt and Algeria. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014. xiv + 274 pages, preface, a note on qawmiyya and waṭaniyya, acronyms, notes, select bibliography, index. Paper US$27.95 ISBN 978-0-8047-9216-5.
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- 18 May 2016, pp. 186-188
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Roksana Bahramitash . Gender and Entrepreneurship in Iran: Microenterprise and the Informal Sector. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. x + 223 pages, acknowledgements, appendix, notes, references, index. Hardcover US$115.00 ISBN 978-1-137-34286-7.
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- 14 October 2015, pp. 70-72
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Ayesha S. Chaudhry . Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: Ethics, Law, and the Muslim Discourse on Gender. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. xii + 258 pages, preface, acknowledgements, appendix, bibliography, index. Cloth US$52.50 ISBN 978-0-19-964016-4.
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- 18 May 2016, pp. 188-190
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Brian A. Catlos . Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom c. 1050–1614. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. xix + 628, preface, acknowledgements, postscript, glossary, bibliography, index. Cloth US$99 ISBN 978-0-521- 88939-1.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 72-74
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Mary Ann Fay . Unveiling the Harem: Elite Women and the Paradox of Seclusion in Eighteenth-Century Cairo. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2012. xvii + 331 pages, acknowledgements, note on transliteration, photographs, tables, notes, references, index. Cloth US$45.00 ISBN 978-0-8156-3293-1.
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- 18 May 2016, pp. 190-192
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Miriam Cooke . Tribal Modern: Branding New Nations in the Arab Gulf. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014. viii + 214 pages, acknowledgements, notes, references, index. Hardcover US$65.00 ISBN 978-0-5202-8009-0. Paper US$29.95 ISBN 978-0-5202-8010-6. E-Book US$29.95 ISBN 978-0-5209-5726-8.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 74-76
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Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller , ed. Israeli–Palestinian Conflict in the Francophone World. New York & London: Routledge, 2010. x + 261 pages, acknowledgements, notes, contributors, index. Cloth US$140.00 ISBN 978-0-415-99587-0. Paper US$54.95 ISBN 978-1-13-887017-8.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 76-78
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Richard Gauvain . Salafi Ritual Purity: In the Presence of God. London & New York, NY: Routledge, 2013. x + 383 pages, acknowledgments, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover US$155.00 ISBN 978-0-7103-1356-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 18 May 2016, pp. 192-194
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Jörg Matthias Determann . Historiography in Saudi Arabia: Globalization and the State in the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris, 2014. xviii + 325 pages, acknowledgements, bibliography, index. Cloth US$95.00 ISBN 978-1-7807-6664-5.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 78-80
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T.J. Gorton . Renaissance Emir: A Druze Warlord at the Court of the Medici. Northampton, Massachusetts: Olive Branch Press, 2014. xix + 226 pages, prologue, acknowledgements, abbreviations, notes, bibliography, index. US$20.00 ISBN 978-1-56656-963-7.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 18 May 2016, pp. 194-196
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Raymond Hinnebusch and Tina Zintl , eds. Syria from Reform to Revolt, Volume 1: Political Economy and International Relations. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2015. 344 pages, black-and-white illustration, map, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth US$49.95 ISBN 978-0-8156-3377-8. E-Book IBSN 978-8156-5302-8.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 18 May 2016, pp. 196-198
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Sebastian Elsässer . The Coptic Question in the Mubarak Era: Debating National Identity, Religion, and Citizenship. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. xviii + 319 pages, illustrations, references. Cloth US$74.00 ISBN 978-0-1993-6839-6.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 80-82
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Robert G. Hoyland . In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. xiv + 303 pages, acknowledgments, figures, appendix, timeline, dramatis personae, genealogical tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth US$29.95 ISBN 978-0-19-991636-8.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 18 May 2016, pp. 198-200
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Sulaiman H. Al-Farsi . Democracy and Youth in the Middle East: Islam, Tribalism and the Rentier State in Oman. London: I.B. Tauris, 2013. xii + 228 pages, notes, appendixes, bibliography, index. Cloth US$100.49 ISBN 978-1-7807-6090-2.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 82-83
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Sherine Hafez and Susan Slyomovics , eds. Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa: Into the New Millennium. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2013. xxiv + 414 pages, acknowledgements, bibliography, list of contributors, index. Cloth US$85.00 ISBN 978-0-253-00746-9. Paper US$30.00 ISBN 978-0-253-00753-7. E-Book US$24.99 ISBN 978-0-253-00761-2.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 October 2015, pp. 84-85
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Frank Peter , Sarah Dornhof , Elena Arigita , eds. Islam and the Politics of Culture in Europe: Memory, Aesthetics, Art. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2013. 267 pages. Paper US $45.00 ISBN 978-3-8376-2176-1
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 18 May 2016, pp. 200-202
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