1. Introduction
Delannoy numbers correspond to the number of paths from $(0,\,0)$ to $(n,\,k)$, with jumps $(0,\,1)$, $(1,\,1)$, or $(1,\,0)$, which we denote by the sequence $(D_{n,k})_{n,k\in N}$. Then a recurrence follows that
or a further expression
For the historic and academic backgrounds of Delannoy numbers, and the biography of Henri Delannoy, we refer the reader to [Reference Banderier and Schwer1] and the bibliographic references therein. There have been a lot of research interests in Delannoy numbers for their nice properties. For instance, a recent work is dedicated to their analytic properties [Reference Wang, Zheng and Chen21].
In particular, when $n=k$, $D(n,\,n)$ denotes the central Delannoy numbers. We refer the reader to [Reference Banderier and Schwer1, Reference Sulanke16] for their combinatorial properties [Reference Sun17, Reference Sun18], for their work on certain number-theoretic properties [Reference Torres, Cabada and Nieto19], for their biological applications in the alignments between DNA sequences, etc.
If all the $(1,\,1)$ steps, i.e. the diagonal ones, of a Delannoy path are coloured with $q$ colours $(q \geq 0)$, then we call it $q$-coloured Delannoy path. Let $D_{n,k}(q)$ denote the number of $q$-coloured Delannoy paths from $(0,\,0)$ to $(n,\,k)$ in this case. Then, analogous to (1.1) and (1.2), respectively, we have
As a polynomial, $D_{n,k}(q)$ has some nice properties, which is partly due to the fact that it is both a Gaussian hypergeometric function $_{2}F_{1}(-n,\,-k;1;q+1)$ and a special Jacobi polynomial $P_n^{(0,-n-k-1)}(-2q-1)$. $D_{n,k}(q)$ also appears in chemical graph theory, as the Clar covering polynomial of one kind of hexagonal systems [Reference Gutman and Borovićanin7]. Moreover, $D_{n,k}(q)$ can be proved to have only real zeros by the Maló Theorem [Reference Maló10], which states that if both $\sum \nolimits _{i=0}^{n}a_iq^{i}$ and $\sum \nolimits _{j=0}^{m}b_jq^{j}$ have only real zeros then $\sum \nolimits _{k=0}^{min\{n,m\}}a_kb_kq^{k}$ has only real zeros. It is also worth noting that many well-known combinatorial counting sequences are $q$-coloured Delannoy numbers. For example, $D_{n,k}(0)$ are the binomial coefficients and $D_{n,k}(1)$ are the Delannoy numbers [Reference Banderier and Schwer1]. In a sense, that endowing the diagonal steps with being $q$-coloured pleasantly brings more research materials to the existing setting. Our paper is to study some analytical properties of the matrix related to $q$-coloured Delannoy numbers.
The $q$-coloured Delannoy numbers constitute the square matrix
whereas our paper focuses on the following triangular matrix
which is derived by arranging the $q$-coloured Delannoy numbers in a triangle array, i.e. $d_{n,k}(q)=D_{n-k,k}(q)$. This matrix is more convenient for the following investigation than the former one (albeit more natural), and therefore is our protagonist here. It is interesting to mention in passing that $D(q)$ can unify some combinatorial triangles. For example, $D(0)$ is the well-known Pascal triangle, $D(1)$ is the Delannoy triangle [Reference Wang, Zheng and Chen21, Reference Yang, Zheng, Yuan and He25], $D(2)$ and $D(3)$ also could be found in [Reference Barry2] and [Reference Sloane14, A081577, A081578].
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we show that the polynomial sequences located in a ray or a transversal line of $D(q)$ are strongly $q$-log-concave. Section 3 proves that $D(q)$ is $q$-totally positive. In § 4, we first show, for the row sums $R_n(q)$, that all their zeros lie in the open interval $(-\infty,\, -1)$ and are dense in the semi-closed interval $(-\infty,\, -1]$. And then, for the antidiagonal sums $A_n(q)$, we show that all zeros are in the interval $(-\infty,\, -1]$ and are dense there. At the end of this paper, we finish with a remark that the coefficients $r_{n,i}$ are asymptotically normal by central and local limit theorems.
2. Strong $q$-log-concavity of $D(q)$
Let $f(q)$ and $g(q)$ be two real polynomials in $q$. We say that $f(q)$ is $q$-non-negative if $f(q)$ has non-negative coefficients. Denote $f(q)\geq _q g(q)$ if the difference $f(q)-g(q)$ is $q$-non-negative. For a polynomial sequence $(f_n(q))_{n\geq 0}$, it is called $q$-log-concave (or $q$-log-convex) if
for $n \geq 1$. It is called strongly $q$-log-concave (or strongly $q$-log-convex) if
for $n \geq m \geq 1$. Clearly, the strong $q$-log-concavity (strong $q$-log-convexity) of polynomial sequences implies the $q$-log-concavity ($q$-log-convexity), which further implies the log-concavity (log-convexity) for any fixed $q \geq 0$, however, not vice versa. The (strong) $q$-log-concavity has been extensively studied; see [Reference Butler5, Reference Leroux8, Reference Sagan13].
It is known that $D(0)$ is the Pascal triangle $P$. Su and Wang [Reference Su and Wang15] proved the log-concavity of the sequence located in a transversal line of $P$ or a line parallel to the boundary of $P$. Yu [Reference Yu24] pointed out that such properties also hold in $D(1)$ which is the Delannoy triangle.
The central coefficients $d_{2n,n}(q)$ of $D(q)$ are $q$-central Delannoy numbers
Liu and Wang [Reference Liu and Wang9] proved that the sequence of $q$-central Delannoy numbers $(D_n(q))_{n\geq 0}$ is $q$-log-convex. Zhu [Reference Zhu26, Reference Zhu27] later proved that $(D_n(q))_{n\geq 0}$ is strongly $q$-log-convex. Wang and Zhu [Reference Wang and Zhu23] gave a stronger result that $(D_n(q))_{n\geq 0}$ forms a $q$-Stieltjes moment sequence, i.e., all minors of the corresponding Hankel matrix $[D_{i+j}(q)]$ are $q$-non-negative.
In this section, we aim to study the strong $q$-log-concavity of a polynomial sequence located in a ray or a transversal line of $D(q)$. Let $(d_{n_i,k_i}(q))_{i\geq 0}$ be such a sequence. Then $(n_i)_{i\geq 0}$ and $(k_i)_{i\geq 0}$ form two arithmetic sequences (see Figure 1). Clearly, the common difference of $(n_i)_{i\geq 0}$ can be assumed to be non-negative. Meanwhile the common difference of $(k_i)_{i\geq 0}$ can also be assumed to be non-negative without loss of generality since the symmetry of $D(q)$ leads to the fact that the sequences $(d_{n_i,k_i}(q))_{i\geq 0}$ and $(d_{n_i,n_i-k_i}(q))_{i\geq 0}$ are the same. Thus, to achieve our aim, it suffices to investigate the strong $q$-log-concavity of the sequence $(d_{n_0+ai,k_0+bi}(q))_{i\geq 0}$ for non-negative integers $a$ and $b$, giving rise to our first main result of this paper.
Theorem 2.1 Let $n_0,$ $k_0,$ $a$ and $b$ be four non-negative integers and $n_0\geq k_0,$ $a+b\neq 0$. Define the sequence
If $a\leq b,$ then the polynomial sequence $(S_i(q))_{i\geq 0}$ is strongly $q$-log-concave.
Before a combinatorial proof of this theorem, we need to introduce a few notions. Let $\mathfrak {D}(n,\,k)$ denote the set of all $q$-coloured Delannoy paths from $(s,\,t)$ to $(s+n,\,t+k)$ for fixed $s$ and $t$. Note that $S_i(q)$ count the number of $q$-coloured Delannoy paths from $(0,\,0)$ to $(n_0-k_0+(a-b)i,\,k_0+bi)$. Hence, for convenience we let
Then we have
where the weight of path $P$, denoted by $w(P)$, is defined as the product of the weights of all its steps. Suppose that $P$ has exactly $k$ diagonal steps (i.e. $(1,\,1)$ steps). Then
since the weight of each diagonal step in P is $q$, and the others $1$. Moreover, $w(P,\,Q)=w(P)w(Q)$ is to denote the weight of a pair of $q$-coloured Delannoy paths in the following.
Proof of Theorem 2.1 To show the strong $q$-log-concavity of $(S_i(q))_{i\geq 0}$, it suffices to show that
for $i\geq j$, i.e.,
It is equivalent to
Let $N_k(\mathfrak {D}_i,\,\mathfrak {D}_j)$ denote the number of pairs of paths with exactly $k$ diagonal steps in the set $(\mathfrak {D}_i,\,\mathfrak {D}_j)$. So it needs to prove
To this end, we construct an injection from $(\mathfrak {D}_{i+1},\,\mathfrak {D}_{j-1})$ to $(\mathfrak {D}_i,\,\mathfrak {D}_j)$, i.e.,
such that
Each pair of $(P_1,\,P_2)$ in $(\mathfrak {D}_{i+1},\,\mathfrak {D}_{j-1})$, as shown in Figure 2, follows such rules:
P1: $(0,\,0)\rightarrow (n_0-k_0+(a-b)(i+1),\,k_0+b(i+1))$;
P2: $((a-b)(i-j+1),\,b(i-j+1))\rightarrow (n_0-k_0+(a-b)i,\,k_0+bi)$.
Clearly, $P_1$ and $P_2$ must intersect at least one lattice point in the shadow area. Let $A$ denote the first intersection point. Then we define the operation $\phi$ on $(P_1,\,P_2)$ at the point $A$:
“Switch the initial segments of the two paths”,
as shown in Figure 3. With this operation $\phi$, we could obtain a corresponding pair $(Q_1,\,Q_2)\in (\mathfrak {D}_i,\,\mathfrak {D}_j)$, and
Q1: $((a-b)(i-j+1),\,b(i-j+1))\rightarrow (n_0-k_0+(a-b)(i+1),\,k_0+b(i+1))$;
Q2: $(0,\,0)\rightarrow (n_0-k_0+(a-b)i,\,k_0+bi)$.
For instance, let $n_0=10$, $k_0=3$, $a=0$ and $b=1$, and take $i=2$, $j=1$. Then $(P_1,\,P_2)\in (\mathfrak {D}_{3},\,\mathfrak {D}_{0})$, where $P_1$ goes from $(0,\,0)$ to $(4,\,6)$ and $P_2$ from $(-2,\,2)$ to $(5,\,5)$, as shown in Figure 4. The operation $\phi$ on $(P_1,\,P_2)\in (\mathfrak {D}_{3},\,\mathfrak {D}_{0})$ at the point $A$ will lead to a pair $(Q_1,\,Q_2)\in (\mathfrak {D}_{2},\,\mathfrak {D}_{1})$ as shown in Figure 4.
Note that the location of the first intersection point remains invariant under the operation $\phi$, which means $\phi$ is invertible and so that it is an injection. Meanwhile, it is easy to check that the number of diagonal steps also remains invariant under the injection $\phi$, i.e., the number of diagonal steps in $(P_1,\,P_2)$ is the same as that in $(Q_1,\,Q_2)$. Therefore, (2.4) follows, by which (2.1) can be obtained as desired.
From Theorem 2.1, we have the following corollary immediately.
Corollary 2.2 All the polynomial sequences located in a transversal of $D(q)$ or in a line parallel to the boundary of $D(q)$ are strongly $q$-log-concave.
Note that $D(0)$ and $D(1)$ are Pascal triangle and Delannoy triangle, respectively. The log-concavity of the sequences in these two triangles was mentioned at the beginning of this section. $D(2)$ and $D(3)$ are also Pascal-like triangles and could be found in [Reference Sloane14, A081577, A081578]. By Theorem 2.1, we can get the log-concavity of sequences in these two triangles.
Corollary 2.3 All the sequences located in a transversal of $D(2)$ (or $D(3)$) or in a line parallel to the boundary of $D(2)$ (or $D(3)$) are log-concave.
Remark 2.4 A polynomial sequence $(a_i(q))_{i\geq 0}$ is called a $q$-Pólya frequency ($q$-PF for short) sequence if all minors of the corresponding Toeplitz matrix $[a_{i-j}(q)]_{i,j\geq 0}$ are $q$-non-negative. In fact, the polynomial sequence $(S_i(q))_{i\geq 0}$ forms a q-PF sequence, which could be proved by the same technique used in the proof of Theorem $2$ in [Reference Yu24].
3. $q$-total positivity of $D(q)$
Let $f(q)$ and $g(q)$ be two real polynomials in $q$. Let $M(q)=[m_{n,k}]_{n,k\geq 0}$ be the matrix whose entries are all real polynomials in $q$. We say that $M(q)$ is $q$-totally positive ( $q$-TP for short) if all minors are $q$-non-negative.
Note that, since (1.4), the square matrix $[D_{n,k}(q)]_{n,k\geq 0}=PDP^{T}$, where $P$ is the Pascal triangle and $D={\rm diag}(1,\,1+q,\,(1+q)^{2},\,(1+q)^{3},\,\ldots )$. Hence the $q$-total positivity of $[D_{n,k}(q)]_{n,k\geq 0}$ follows immediately from the Cauchy–Binet formula and the total positivity of the Pascal triangle (i.e., all its minors are non-negative).
It is known that the triangle $D(q)$ is a Riordan array $(\frac {1}{1-x},\,\frac {x+qx^{2}}{1-x})$ (see [Reference Mu and Zheng12] for details). A (proper) Riordan array, denoted by $(d(x),\, h(x))$, is an infinite lower triangular matrix whose generating function of the $k$th column is $d(x)h^{k}(x)$ for $k=0,\,1,\,2,\,\ldots$, where $d(0)=1$, $h(0)=0$ and $h'(0)\neq 0$. In this section, we consider the $q$-total positivity of $D(q)$. We first prove a lemma which is a $q$-analogy of Theorem 3 in [Reference Mao, Mu and Wang11].
Lemma 3.1 Let $M(q)=(d(x),\,h(x))$ be a Riordan array, where $d(x)=\sum \nolimits _{n\ge 0}d_n(q)x^{n}$ and $h(x)=\sum \nolimits _{n\ge 0}h_n(q)x^{n}$. If the matrix
is $q$-TP, then so is the Riordan array $M(q)$.
Proof. Let $T(q)=(h(x),\,x)=[h_{i-j}(q)]_{i,j\ge 0}$ and $v(q)=(d_0(q),\,d_1(q),\,\ldots )^{T}$. Then
Let $M_k(q)$ denote the submatrix $(v(q),\,T(q)v(q),\,\ldots,\,T(q)^{k-1}v(q))$ consisting of the first $k$ columns of $M(q)$. Then
If $M_k(q)$ is $q$-TP, then so is $\left [\begin {smallmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & M_k(q) \\ \end {smallmatrix}\right ]$. The condition states that $(v(q),\,T(q))$ is $q$-TP. It follows that the product $M_{k+1}(q)$ is also $q$-TP from the classic Cauchy–Binet formula. Thus, the statement follows.
Theorem 3.2 The triangle $D(q)$ is $q$-totally positive.
Proof. Note that $D(q)=(d(x),\,h(x))=(\frac {1}{1-x},\,\frac {x+qx^{2}}{1-x})$. Let $T(q)=(h(x),\,x)$ and $v(q)=(d_0(q),\,d_1(q),\,d_2(q),\,\ldots )^{T}$. By Lemma 3.1, it suffices to show that $(v(q),\,T(q))$ is $q$-TP. We have
One can check that both matrices on the right-hand side are $q$-TP. Therefore, $(v(q),\,T(q))$ is $q$-TP by the classic Cauchy–Binet formula, as required.
4. Zeros of row sums
Let $R_n(q)=\sum \nolimits _i r_{n,i}q^{i}$ be the sum of the $n$th row of $D(q)$, i.e.,
The first few entries of $(R_n(q))_{n\geq 0}$ are $(1,\,2,\,4+q,\,8+4q,\,\ldots )$. The coefficient matrix of $R_n(q)$ is defined by the matrix
Note that the polynomial $D_{n,k}(q)$ satisfies the recurrence (1.3), hence
Thus, the row sum $R_n(q)$ satisfies the simple recurrence
with $R_1(q)=1$, $R_2(q)=2$.
Let $(f_n(z))_{n\ge 0}$ be a sequence of complex polynomials. We say that the complex number $z$ is a limit of zeros of the sequence $(f_n(z))_{n\ge 0}$ if there is such a sequence $(z_n)_{n\ge 0}$ that $f_n(z_n)=0$ and $z_n\rightarrow z$ as $n\rightarrow +\infty$. Suppose now that $(f_n(z))_{n\ge 0}$ is a sequence of polynomials satisfying the recursion
where $c_j(z)$ are polynomials in $z$. Let $\lambda _j(z)$ be all roots of the associated characteristic equation $\lambda ^{k}+\sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{k}c_j(z)\lambda ^{k-j}=0$. It is well known that if $\lambda _j(z)$ are distinct, then
where $\alpha _j(z)$ is determined from the initial conditions.
Lemma 4.1 Beraha et al. [Reference Beraha, Kahane and Weiss4, Theorem]
Under the non-degeneracy requirements that in (4.2) no $\alpha _j(z)$ is identically zero and that no pair $i\neq j$ is $\lambda _i(z)\equiv \omega \lambda _j(z)$ for some $\omega \in \mathbb {C}$ of unit modulus, then $z$ is a limit of zeros of $(f_n(z))_{n\ge 0}$ if and only if either
(i) two or more of the $\lambda _i(z)$ are of equal modulus, and strictly greater (in modulus) than the others; or
(ii) for some $j,$ $\lambda _j(z)$ has modulus strictly greater than all the other $\lambda _i(z)$ have, and $\alpha _j(z)=0$.
Theorem 4.2 Zeros of row sum $R_n(q)$ are real, distinct in $(-\infty,\, -1)$ and are dense in the corresponding semi-closed interval $(-\infty,\, -1]$.
Proof. We first need to prove that
for which we only demonstrate the case that $n$ is even in the following since it is quite similar for odd $n$.
Note that
with $R_1=1$, $R_2=2$. Hence the Binet form of the row sums is
are the roots of the characteristic equation $\lambda ^{2}-2\lambda -q=0$. Let $\omega _k=e^{\frac {2k\pi i}{n+1}}$. Then $\lambda ^{n+1}-1=\prod _{k=1}^{n+1}(\lambda -\omega _k)$. Note that
Since $n$ is even, we have
and hence
Since $\lambda _1+\lambda _2=2$ and $\lambda _1\lambda _2=-q$, we have
Denote $z_{n,k}=-1/\cos ^{2}\frac {k\pi }{n+1},\,\ k=1,\,2,\,\cdots,\,n/2.$ Then the polynomial $R_n(q)$ has distinct real zeros $z_{n,1}>z_{n,2}>\cdots >z_{n,n/2}$. Since
all zeros of $R_n(q)$ are in $(-\infty,\, -1)$.
We proceed to prove that each $q\in (-\infty,\, -1]$ is a limit of zeros of the sequence $(R_n(q))_{n\ge 0}$. The non-degeneracy conditions of Lemma 4.1 are clearly satisfied by (4.4). So the limits of zeros of $(R_n(q))_{n\ge 0}$ are those $q$ for which $|\lambda _1(q)|=|\lambda _2(q)|$, i.e.,
by (4.5). In other words, $\sqrt {q+1}$ must be a pure imaginary. It follows that $q+1\le 0$, i.e., $q\le -1$. Then the proof is completed.
Let $A_n(q)$ be the sum of the $n$th antidiagonal row of $D(q)$, i.e.,
The first few entries of $(A_n(q))_n$ are $(1,\,1,\,2,\,3+q,\,5+2q,\,\ldots )$. By (4.1), it is easy to check that $A_n(q)$ satisfies
with $A_1=1$, $A_2=1$ and $A_3=2$.
Theorem 4.3 Zeros of antidiagonal row sum $A_n(q)$ are in $(-\infty,\, -1]$ and are dense there.
To prove this, we need the following lemma which can be found in [Reference Tran and Zumba20, Theorem 3].
Lemma 4.4 Consider the sequence of polynomials $\{P_n(q)\}_{n=0}^{\infty }$ generated by
where $a\in \mathbb {R}$. If $-1\leq a\leq 1/3$, then all the zeros of $P_n(q)$ are in the real interval
and are also dense in $I_a$.
Proof of Theorem 4.3 By (4.6), the generating function of $A_n(q)$ follows that
which can also be derived from (4.7) with substitutions $x\rightarrow -x$ and $a\rightarrow -1$. So $A_n(q)$ meets the condition of Lemma 4.4, and therefore, the zeros of $A_n(q)$ are in $(-\infty,\, -1]$ and are dense there.
5. Remarks
In this section, we give some remarks on the asymptotic normality of coefficients of row sums. Let $a_{n,k}$ be a double-indexed sequence of non-negative numbers and let
denote the normalized probabilities. Following Bender [Reference Bender3], we say that the sequence $a_{n,k}$ is asymptotically normal by a central limit theorem if
where $\mu _n$ and $\sigma ^{2}_n$ are the mean and variance of $a_{n,k}$, respectively. We say that $a_{n,k}$ is asymptotically normal by a local limit theorem on $\mathbb {R}$ if
In this case,
where $k=\mu _n+x\sigma _n$ and $x=O(1)$. Clearly, the validity of (5.2) implies that of (5.1).
Many well-known combinatorial sequences enjoy central and local limit theorems, such as the binomial coefficients $\binom {n}{k}$, the signless Stirling numbers $c(n,\,k)$ of the first kind, the Stirling numbers $S(n,\,k)$ of the second kind, the Eulerian numbers $A(n,\,k)$ [Reference Canfield6], and the Delannoy numbers $d(n,\,k)$ [Reference Wang, Zheng and Chen21]. Besides, the asymptotic normality of Laplacian coefficients of graphs was discovered in [Reference Wang, Zhang and Zhu22]. A standard approach to demonstrating asymptotic normality is the following criterion (see [Reference Bender3, Theorem 2] for instance and [Reference Canfield6, Example 3.4.2] for historical remarks).
Lemma 5.1 Suppose that $S_n(q)=\sum \nolimits _{k=0}^{n}a_{n,k}q^{k}$ have only real zeros and $S_n(q)=\prod _{i=1}^{n}(q+r_i),$ where all $a_{n,k}$ and $r_i$ are non-negative. Let
Then if $\sigma _n^{2}\rightarrow +\infty,$ the numbers $a_{n,k}$ are asymptotically normal (by central and local limit theorems) with the mean $\mu _n$ and variance $\sigma _n^{2}$.
For the asymptotic normality of $r_{n,i}$ (the coefficients of row sums $R_n(q)$), we have the following result.
Theorem 5.2 The coefficients $r_{n,i}$ are asymptotically normal (by central and local limit theorems) with the mean $\mu _n\sim \frac {(2-\sqrt 2)n}{4}$ and variance $\sigma _n^{2}\sim \frac {n}{8\sqrt 2}$.
Its proof can be similarly produced by referring to [Reference Wang, Zheng and Chen21, Theorem 3.2].
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11701249, 12101110), the Scientific Research Fund of Liaoning Provincial Education Department (Nos. LJKR0463, 2019-BS-152), and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. The authors wish to thank the referee for his/her valuable suggestions.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.