Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 December 2005
Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms is a powerful tool in computational probability. It greatly enhances the applicability of stochastic models in many fields. In this article we present a simple Laplace transform inversion algorithm that can compute the desired function values for a much larger class of Laplace transforms than the ones that can be inverted with the known methods in the literature. The algorithm can invert Laplace transforms of functions with discontinuities and singularities, even if we do not know the location of these discontinuities and singularities a priori. The algorithm only needs numerical values of the Laplace transform, is extremely fast, and the results are of almost machine precision. We also present a two-dimensional variant of the Laplace transform inversion algorithm. We illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the algorithms with various numerical examples.
The emphasis on computational probability increases the value of stochastic models in queuing, reliability, and inventory problems. It is becoming standard for modeling and analysis to include algorithms for computing probability distributions of interest. Several tools have been developed for this purpose. A very powerful tool is numerical Laplace inversion. Probability distributions can often be characterized in terms of Laplace transforms. Many results in queuing and reliability among others are given in the form of transforms and become amenable for practical computations once fast and accurate methods for numerical Laplace inversion are available. Numerical Laplace inversion is much easier to use than it is often made to seem. This article presents a new and effective algorithm for numerical Laplace inversion. The new algorithm outperforms existing methods, particularly when the function to be inverted involves discontinuities or singularities, as is often the case in applications.
The algorithm can compute the desired function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…,M − 1 for a much larger class of Laplace transforms than the ones that can be inverted with the known methods in the literature. It can invert Laplace transforms of functions with discontinuities and singularities, even if we do not know the location of these discontinuities and singularities a priori, and also locally nonsmooth and unbounded functions. It only needs numerical values of the Laplace transform, the computations cost M log(M) time, and the results are near machine precision. This is especially useful in applications in computational finance, where one needs to compute a large number of function values by transform inversion (cf. Carr and Madan [8]). With the existing Laplace transform inversion methods, this is very expensive. With the new method, one can compute the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…,M − 1, at once in M log(M) time.
There are many known numerical Laplace inversion algorithms. Four widely used methods are (1) the Fourier series method, which is based on the Poisson summation formula (cf. Dubner and Abate [13], Abate and Whitt [4,5], Choudhury, Lucantoni, and Whitt [9], O'Cinneide [17], and Sakurai [21]), (2) the Gaver-Stehfest algorithm, which is based on combinations of Gaver functionals (cf. Gaver [14] and Stehfest [22]), (3) the Weeks method, which is based on bilinear transformations and Laguerre expansions (cf. Weeks [27] and Abate, Choudhury, and Whitt [1,2]), and (4) the Talbot method, which is based on deforming the contour in the Bromwich inversion integral (cf. Talbot [25] and Murli and Rizzardi [16]).
The new algorithm is based on the well-known Poisson summation formula and can therefore be seen as a so-called Fourier series method, developed in the 1960s by Dubner and Abate [13]. The Poisson summation formula relates an infinite sum of Laplace transform values to the z-transform (Fourier series) of the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…. Unfortunately, the infinite sum of Laplace transform values, in general, converges very slowly. In their seminal article, Abate and Whitt [4] used an acceleration technique called Euler summation to accelerate the convergence rate of the infinite sum of Laplace transform values. Recently, Sakurai [21] extended the Euler summation to be effective for a wider class of functions. A disadvantage of all the variants of the Fourier series methods is that unless one has specified information about the location of singularities, the accelerating techniques are not very effective and the convergence is slow.
We present a Gaussian quadrature rule for the infinite sum of Laplace transform values. The Gaussian quadrature rule approximates accurately the infinite sum with a finite sum. Then we compute the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…,M − 1, efficiently with the well-known fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm (cf. Cooley and Tukey [11]). For smooth functions, the results are near machine precision. With a simple modification, we can handle known discontinuities in the points kΔ, k = 0,1,…., such that the running time of the algorithm is still insensitive to the number of discontinuities and we get results near machine precision. We also extend the Gaussian quadrature formula for the multidimensional Laplace transform and present a multidimensional Laplace transform inversion algorithm. With this algorithm, we can compute the function values f (k1 Δ1,…,kj Δj), kj = 0,1,…,M − 1, at once in Mj log(Mj) time and the results are again of machine precision. We develop a modification that gives results near machine precision for functions with singularities and discontinuities on arbitrary locations. We also develop a modification that is effective for almost all kinds of discontinuity, singularity, and local nonsmoothness. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision in continuity points for almost all functions, even if we do not know the location of these discontinuities and singularities a priori.
The accurateness and robustness of the algorithms is illustrated by examining all of the Laplace transforms that are used in the overview article of Davies and Martin (cf. [12]). We also demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm with an application in queuing theory by computing the waiting time distribution for a M/D/1 queue.
Let f be a complex-valued Lebesgue integrable function f, with e−αtf (t) ∈ L1[0,∞), for all α > c. The Laplace transform of f is defined by the integral
The Poisson summation formula relates an infinite sum of Laplace transform values to the z-transform (damped Fourier series) of the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,….
Theorem 2.1 (PSF): Suppose that f ∈ L1[0,∞) and f is of bounded variation. Then for all υ ∈ [0,1),
here, f (t) has to be understood as (f (t+) + f (t−))/2, the so-called damping factor a is a given real number, and i denotes the imaginary number
A proof of this classical result can, for instance, be found in Abate and Whitt [4] or Mallat [15]. The right-hand side of (2.2) is the (damped) Fourier series of the function values {f (k); k = 0,1,…}. In this article we present a Gaussian quadrature rule for the left-hand side of (2.2); that is, we approximate this infinite sum with a finite sum,
with {βk} given positive numbers and the {λk} given real numbers. In Appendix A the reader can find these numbers for various values of n. We can compute the function values {f (k); k = 0,1,…,M − 1} by
here, M2 is a given power of 2. With the well-known FFT algorithm (cf. Cooley and Tukey [11]) we can compute these sums in M2 log(M2) time. We can compute the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…, by applying (2.3) to the scaled Laplace transform
which is the Laplace transform of the function fΔ(t) = f (Δt).
We associate with the left-hand side of (2.2) an inner product, say 〈·,·〉Qυ.
Definition 3.1: Let the inner product 〈·,·〉Qυ be given by
, we can write the left-hand side of (2.2) as
. The idea is to approximate this inner product with a Gaussian quadrature rule. As usual, we associate with the inner product 〈·,·〉Qυ the norm ∥·∥Qυ, which induced the sequence space L2(Qυ). We say that a function f belongs to L2(Qυ) iff the sequence {f (1/2πi(k + υ))} belongs to L2(Qυ). Let the polynomials {qnυ; n ∈ N0} be given by
The following result holds.
Theorem 3.2: The set {qjυ; j = 0,1,…} is a complete orthogonal set of polynomials in L2(Qυ).
The proof is given in Appendix E.
We can now easily obtain the desired Gaussian quadrature rule (cf. Definition C.1 in Appendix C). We denote this quadrature rule with 〈·,·〉Qυn.
Definition 3.3: The inner product 〈·,·〉Qυn is given by
The {μkυ} are the zeros of the polynomial qnυ. The so-called Christophel numbers {αkυ} are positive numbers given by
It is well known (cf.
[24]) that the roots of orthogonal polynomials are all distinct and lie on the support of the inner product; thus, the roots {μkυ} are all distinct and lie on the imaginary axis. Having
, we approximate
with our Gaussian quadrature rule and obtain the quadrature formula
where the last identity follows from the PSF formula (2.2). In Appendix F we explain how we can compute the numbers {μkυ} and {αkυ} efficiently. Considering that only the real part yields the quadrature formula
we used here that the αkυ are real. Similarly to the Abate and Whitt algorithm (cf. [4]), we use a damping factor for functions with support contained in [0,∞); that is, we take the Laplace transform
, which is the Laplace transform of e−atf (t). This yields the quadrature rule
It remains to compute the function values f (k), k = 0,1,…,M − 1. We can realize this by the discrete Fourier series inversion formula
with M2 a given power of 2. With the well-known FFT algorithm (cf. Cooley and Tukey [11]), we can compute the sums (3.4) in M2 log(M2) time. In Appendix H we discuss the details of this approach.
Remark 3.4: The quadrature rule is also valid for a function f with support (−∞,∞). Formula (3.3) then reads as
Remark 3.5: For smooth functions on (−∞,∞) or [0,∞), the quadrature formula is extremely accurate. In Appendix G and, in particular, Theorem G.3 we prove that for smooth functions, the approximation error of (3.3) is approximately
with α some number in (0,2). This implies that if we compute the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…, by inverting the Laplace transform
with (3.4), the approximation error is of the order O(Δ2n+1). Formula (3.5) shows also that if
is bounded, then the quadrature formula converges faster than any power of n.
Remark 3.6: The convergence of the quadrature rule is insensitive for discontinuity in t = 0 (cf. Remark G.4 in Appendix G).
Remark 3.7: Gaussian quadrature is a standard method for the numerical evaluation of integrals (cf. Stoer and Bulirsch [23]). Piessens (cf. [18,19]) tried to apply Gaussian quadrature directly on the Bromwich inversion integral. He reports in [19] for the first Laplace transform of Table 1 (cf. Section 4.2) an average approximation error of 1.0e-4 for a 17-point quadrature rule (for the values t = 0,1,…,12). Our method gives an average approximation error of 1.0e-15 (cf. Table 1).
In this section we explain how we can approximate the quadrature rule (3.2) with a simpler quadrature rule. In addition to this approximation being easier to implement, it is also numerically more stable. Therefore, we strongly recommend using this quadrature rule.
We start by writing the PSF (cf. (2.2)) as
Applying the quadrature rule on the left-hand side of (4.1) yields the approximation
Considering only the real part yields the formula
We make
periodic by defining
equal to
It remains to compute the function values f (k), k = 0,1,…,M − 1. We can realize this by the discrete Fourier series inversion formula
with M2 a given power of 2.
Finally, we show how to simplify (4.7). Since the coefficients of the polynomials qk0.5, k = 1,2,…, are real, we can order the roots {μkυ} such that the μk0.5 and μn−k0.5 are pairs of conjugate numbers. It follows from (3.1) that the Christophel numbers αk0.5 and αn−k0.5 are equal. Using this symmetry, (4.4), and the symmetry cos(2πυ) = cos(2π(1 − υ)) yields (for n is even) that (4.7) can be simplified to
In Appendix A the reader can find these numbers for various values of n. With the well-known FFT algorithm (cf. Cooley and Tukey [11]), we can compute the sums (4.8) in M2 log(M2) time. In Appendix H we discuss the details of the discrete Fourier inversion formula (4.8). We can now present our Laplace inversion algorithm.
, with M a power of 2
Output: f ([ell ]Δ), [ell ] = 0,1,…,M − 1
Parameters: M2 = 8M, a = 44/M2, and n = 16
Step 1. For k = 0,1,…,M2 and j = 1,2,…,n/2, compute the numbers
Step 2. For [ell ] = 0,1,…,M2 − 1, compute the numbers
with the backwards FFT algorithm.
Step 3. Set f ([ell ]Δ) = ea[ell ]f[ell ] for [ell ] = 0,1,…,M − 1.
In Appendix H we discuss the details of Steps 2 and 3 of the algorithm.
Remark 4.1: We can compute the function values f (kΔ), k = 0,1,…, by applying the quadrature rule to the scaled Laplace transform
Remark 4.2: Extensive numerical experiments show that n = 16 gives, for all smooth functions, results attaining the machine precision. For double precision, we choose a = 44/M2 and M2 = 8M. For n = 16, we need 8 Laplace transform values for the quadrature rule and we use an oversampling factor of M2 /M = 8; thus, on average, we need 64 Laplace transform values for the computation of 1 function value. The method can be efficiently implemented with modern numerical libraries with FFT routines and matrix/vector multiplication routines (BLAS). If we are satisfied with less precision, then we can reduce the oversampling factor and/or the number of quadrature points. For other machine precisions, it is recommend to choose a somewhat larger than −log(ε)/M2, with ε the machine precision.
Remark 4.3: The choice of the parameter M2 is a trade-off between the running time and the accuracy of the algorithm. The actual running time is M2 log(M2); hence, from this perspective, we want to choose M2 as small as possible. However, in Step 3 of the algorithm we multiply the results with a factor exp(a[ell ]) = exp(44[ell ]/M2); to obtain a numerically stable algorithm, we want to choose M2 as large as possible. We recommend choosing M2 = 8M.
Remark 4.4: Since the Gaussian quadrature rule is exact on the space of polynomials of degree 2n − 1 or less, we obtain that
This is clearly minimal for υ = 0.5. This shows that (4.6) is numerically more stable than the original Gaussian quadrature formula.
Remark 4.5: If n is odd, then one of the {μk0.5; k = 1,2,…,n} is equal to zero. The evaluation of (3.2) can be a problem in this case. To avoid this, we take n even.
Remark 4.6: The Gaussian quadrature formula (3.3) is extremely accurate for smooth inverse functions (cf. Appendix G and Remark 3.5). Since the smoothness of the inverse function f implies that the function
is a smooth function too, we can expect that the modified quadrature formula is extremely accurate for smooth functions. All of the numerical examples support this statement (cf. Section 4.2). In fact, many numerical experiments show that the modified formula performs even better. The reason for this is that the modified quadrature formula is numerically more stable.
To test the method, we examined all of the Laplace transforms that are used in the overview article by Davies and Martin (cf. [12]). In this subsection we discuss the results for eight analytical test functions. These results are presented in Table 1. The inversions are done in 32 points and so M = 32. We have taken M2 = 8M = 256, a = 44/M2, and n = 16. The computations are done with double precision. We have taken Δ = 1/16, Δ = 1, and Δ = 10. We see that for smooth functions the approximation error seems to be independent of Δ. The reason for this is that the approximation error is dominated with round-off error. From all of the examples, we can conclude that the method is very accurate, robust, and fast. In Section 6.2 we discuss the other test functions that are used in the overview article by Davies and Martin (cf. [12]).
Let f be a complex-valued Lebesgue integrable function with
. The two-dimensional Laplace transform of f is defined by the integral
In order to extend the algorithm of Section 4 to a two-dimensional Laplace transform algorithm, we need the two-dimensional Poisson summation formula (PSF2).
Theorem 5.1 (PSF2): If
is of bounded variation, then for all υ and ω ∈ [0,1),
here, f (x,y) has to be understood as
Similarly as in the one-dimensional case, we associate with (5.3) an inner product; we call this inner product 〈·,·〉Qυω.
Definition 5.2: Let the inner product 〈·,·〉Qυω be given by
where ukυ = 1/(2πi(k + υ)).
, we can write (5.3) as
. The idea is to approximate this inner product with a Gaussian quadrature rule. Similarly as in the one-dimensional case, we associate with the inner product 〈·,·〉Qυω the norm ∥·∥Qυω and introduce the sequence space L2(Qυω). We say that a function f belongs to L2(Qυω) iff the sequence {f (ukυ,ujω)} belongs to L2(Qυω). Let the polynomials {qkjυω} be given by
The following result holds.
Theorem 5.3: The set {qkjυω; j = 0,1,…} is a complete orthogonal set of polynomials in L2(Qυω).
The proof is given in Appendix E.
We can now easily obtain the desired Gaussian quadrature rule. We denote this quadrature rule by 〈·,·〉Qυωn.
Definition 5.4: The inner product 〈·,·〉Qυωn is given by
The {μkυ} are the zeros of the polynomial qnυ. The so-called Christophel numbers {αk} are positive numbers given by
, we approximate
with Gaussian quadrature rule (5.4). By considering the real part of the quadrature formula, we obtain
The second equation in (5.5) follows from PSF2 (cf. (5.2)).
As in Section 4, we approximate quadrature rule (5.5) with a numerically more stable quadrature rule. Again, we start by writing the PSF2 (cf. (5.1)) as
Applying the quadrature rule to (5.6) yields the approximation
We make
periodic by defining
and by defining
all equal to
It remains to compute the function values f (k,j), k = 0,1,…,M1 − 1 and j = 0,1,…,M2 − 1. We can realize this by the discrete Fourier series inversion formula
where N1 and N2 are given powers of 2. With the well-known (two-dimensional) FFT algorithm (cf. Cooley and Tukey [11]), we can compute the sums (5.8) in N1 N2 log(N1 N2) time.
with M1 and M2 powers of 2
Output: f ([ell ]Δ1,mΔ2), [ell ] = 0,1,…,M1 − 1, m = 0,1,…,M2 − 1
Parameters: N1 = 8M1, N2 = 8M2, a = 44/N1, b = 44/N2, and n = 16
Step 1. For k = 0,1,…,N1, j = 1,2,…,n, m = 0,1,…,N2, and l = 1,2,…,n, compute the numbers
and the numbers
Step 2. For [ell ] = 0,1,…,N1 − 1 and m = 0,1,…,N2 − 1, compute the numbers
with the backwards FFT algorithm.
Step 3. Set f ([ell ]Δ1,mΔ2) = ea[ell ]ebmf[ell ]m for [ell ] = 0,1,…,M1 − 1 and m = 0,1,…,M2 − 1.
Remark 5.5: We can compute the function values f (kΔ1,jΔ2), k,j = 0,1,…, by applying the quadrature rule to the scaled Laplace transform
Remark 5.6: In a similar way, we can invert higher-dimensional transforms and compute the function values f (k1 Δ1,…,kd Δd), kj = 0,1,…,Mj − 1, at once in
Remark 5.7: We have tested the two-dimensional Laplace transform inversion with many numerical experiments. All of these experiments show that the two-dimensional inversion algorithm is extremely accurate for smooth functions. In Section 6 we discuss the number of modifications to obtain the same accurate results for nonsmooth functions. We discuss them in the context of the one-dimensional inversion algorithm. The modifications can also be used in combination with the two-dimensional Laplace transform inversion algorithm.
In Appendix G we prove that the inversion algorithm is extremely accurate for smooth functions. In the following subsections we present a number of modifications to obtain the same accurate results for nonsmooth functions. In Section 6.1 we discuss a modification for piecewise smooth functions. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision for functions with discontinuities in the points
. In Section 6.2 we discuss a modification for functions with singularities at arbitrary locations. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision for functions with discontinuities at arbitrary but a priori known locations. In Section 6.3, we discuss a modification that is effective for almost all kinds of discontinuity, singularity, and local nonsmoothness. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision in continuity points for almost all functions, even if we do not know the discontinuities and singularities a priori. The modifications of the next subsections can, in principle, also be used in combination with other Fourier series methods. The effectiveness of the modifications in combination with other Fourier series methods is a subject for future research.
In this subsection we discuss a modification for piecewise smooth functions. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision for functions with discontinuities in the points
. The discontinuities of such a function are represented as exponentials in the Laplace transform. To be more precise, suppose that the function f is a piecewise smooth function with discontinuities in the points
. We can write the Laplace transform
the Laplace transforms of functions that are smooth on [0,∞). The function f is then given by
here, we use the translation property. Since the fj are smooth functions on [0,∞), the quadrature rule is accurate. Hence,
with sυa = a + 2πiυ. On the other hand,
Combining the above equations yields
We now proceed as in Section 4 and compute the function values f (k), k = 0,1,…,M − 1, with
Remark 6.1: If f is piecewise smooth, with discontinuities in the points
, we can write the Laplace transform
. We scale the Laplace transform to
and can obtain the values {f (kα/m)} with high precision.
As an example, consider the Laplace transform
We then obtain the quadrature formula
, with M a power of 2
Output: f ([ell ]Δ), [ell ] = 0,1,…,M − 1
Parameters: M2 = 8M, a = 44/M2, and n = 16
Step 1. For k = 0,1,…,M2 and j = 1,2,…,n, compute the numbers
and the numbers
Step 2. For [ell ] = 0,1,…,M2 − 1, compute the numbers
with the backwards FFT algorithm.
Step 3. Set f ([ell ]Δ) = ea[ell ]f[ell ] for [ell ] = 0,1,…,M − 1.
In Appendix H we discuss the details of Steps 2 and 3 of the algorithm.
We test this modification on two discontinuous test functions. The results are presented in Table 2. The inversions are done in 32 points and so M = 32. We have taken M2 = 256 = 8M and Δ = 1/16 and we have taken a = 44/M2. In addition to the choice of the previous parameters, we have taken n = 16.
We can conclude that our method is also very accurate, robust, and fast for discontinuous functions. In the next subsection we show the effectiveness of the modification of this subsection with an application from queuing theory.
Consider the M/G/1 queue arrival rate λ and general service time distribution B with first moment μB. It is assumed that ρ = λμB < 1. It is well known that the distribution of the stationary waiting time W is given by (see, e.g., Asmussen [6])
. The Laplace transform
of W is given by
As an example, consider the M/D/1 queue; that is, the service times are deterministic, with mean 1. For this case, the Laplace transform
is given by
Observe that
contains the factor exp(−s). Therefore, introduce the function
For this choice, it follows that
and, therefore, we can apply the modification of Section 6.1. We have calculated the waiting time distribution for ρ = 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 0.95. By comparing our results with results of the algorithm in Tijms [26, p.381], it appears that we can calculate the waiting time distribution with near machine accuracy in a fraction of a second; see Table 3.
Remark 6.2: We can generalize the above approach to a service distribution
We then obtain
In this subsection we discuss a modification for functions with singularities at arbitrary locations. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision for functions with discontinuities at arbitrary but a priori known locations. Suppose that there is a singularity in t = α, with
. We then consider the function
where the so-called window function w is a trigonometric polynomial with period 1, w(0) = 1, and w(α) = 0, and q is a positive integral number. Hence, the function fw is smooth in t = α and
We can compute the function values f (k) by inverting the Laplace transform
with the algorithm of Section 4. The following class of window functions gives results near machine precision:
where the coefficients A and B are given by
and p is chosen such that (pα mod 1) is close to ½. We obtain by the modulation property that
Remark 6.3: Suppose that there are singularities in the points αj, j = 1,2,…,m. Then we can multiply the windows; that is, we take
where wj is a trigonometric polynomial with period 1, wj(0) = 1, and wj(αj) = 0.
Remark 6.4: If we want to compute f (kΔ), we have to replace
If there is a singularity in t = 0, then A and B are not defined. Consider, therefore, the function
The function w has period 2, w(1) = 1, w(α) = 0, and ∂w(α)/∂α = 0. Hence, fw is smooth in t = 0 and
We obtain from
and the modulation property that
We can compute the function values f (2k + 1), with the algorithm of Section 4. If we want to compute f (Δ(2k + 1)), we have to replace
Remark 6.5: For singularities at t = 0 of the order xα, 0 < α < 1, we can obtain with q = 1 results near machine precision. For singularities at t = 0 of the order xα, −1 < α < 0, with q = 2 we can obtain results near machine precision. For discontinuities and singularities at arbitrary t, we recommend using q = 6.
Remark 6.6: Since the composite inverse function fw(tΔ) is a highly oscillating function, we recommend choosing n = 32. With this choice, we obtain results near machine precision. If the inversion point is close to a singularity, we can compute f (t) accurately by inverting the scaled Laplace transform
with Δ small enough. The price we have to pay for a small Δ is that M becomes large (M ≈ t/Δ).
Remark 6.7: The idea of smoothing through the use of multiplying smoothing functions has been discussed in the context of Euler summation by O'Cinneide [17] and Sakurai [21]. O'Cinneide called the idea “product smoothing.”
We end this subsection with the results for eight test functions with singularities that were in the overview article of Davies and Martin (cf. [12]). These results are presented in Table 4. The inversions are done in 32 points and so M = 32. We have taken M2 = 256 = 8M, and for all of the examples, we have taken a = 44/M2. We have used the window function w(t) = sin(πt/2)2, and we have taken q according to Remark 6.5. In addition to the choice of the previous parameters, we have taken n = 32. The computations are done with double precision. We have taken Δ = 1/16, Δ = 1, and Δ = 10. We see that, for smooth functions, the approximation error seems to be independent of Δ. The reason for this is that the approximation error is dominated with round-off errors and the error caused by the oscillation of the window function.
From all of the examples, we can conclude that the method is very accurate, robust, and fast for functions with singularities.
In this subsection we discuss a modification that is effective for almost all kinds of discontinuity, singularity, and local nonsmoothness. With this modification, we can obtain results near machine precision in continuity points for almost all functions, even if we do not know the discontinuities and singularities a priori. As in Section 6.2, we compute the function value f (k) by inverting the Laplace transform of the function
but now the window function depends on the point k; that is, for the computation of each function value f (k) we use a different window function. We choose the window function such that the ε-support {t;|e−αtfwk(t)| ≥ ε} of fwk is contained in [k − δ, k + δ], with δ given positive control parameters, ε a given tolerance, and wk(k) = 1. The advantage of this construction is that it is sufficient that the function f is smooth on [k − δ, k + δ], in order that the function fwk is smooth on [0,∞). Thus, we only need that the function f is smooth on [k − δ, k + δ] to compute f (k) accurately with the quadrature rule. Hence, we can obtain results near machine precision in continuity points for almost all functions.
A second advantage is that we can efficiently invert the resulting z-transform. As the ε-support of fwk is contained in [k − δ, k + δ] implies that
(the first equation follows from (4.5)) and the N-point discrete Fourier transform computes the numbers
(cf. Appendix H), we can compute the function values f (k) efficiently with an N-point discrete Fourier transform (N ≥ 1 + 2[lfloor ]δ[rfloor ]).
We can construct the window functions with the desired properties as follows: Let w be a smooth bounded function satisfying
with P a given positive number. We choose the damping factor α such that
We extend w to a periodic function with period P by setting
The desired window function wk is defined by
We will now show how we can efficiently evaluate the Fourier series
for k = 0,1,…,M − 1. Since w has period P and w is smooth, we can expand w in a fast converging Fourier series. Thus, we can write
This yields that the Laplace transform of fwk is given by
Since w is a smooth periodic function, the {Aj} converge rapidly to zero. Hence, we can approximate
accurately with
for J large enough. Hence,
Moreover, if J is a multiple of P, then
with L = J/P. We make
periodic by defining
equal to
We can compute the sums (6.10) in L log(L) + J time with the FFT algorithm (cf. Cooley and Tukey [11]). It remains to compute the function values f (k), k = 0,1,…,M − 1. We can realize this by the discrete Fourier series inversion formula
. If δ ≤ 1, then
Let us finally define the window function w. A good choice is the so-called Gaussian window (cf. Mallat [15]). The Gaussian window is defined by
with σ a given scale parameter. Given a prespecified tolerance ε, the scale parameter σ is chosen such that
We can compute the numbers Aj by
The truncation parameter L (in (6.10)) is chosen as
and δ is chosen as δ = 1.
, with M a power of 2
Output: f ([ell ]Δ), [ell ] = 0,1,…,M − 1
Parameters: P = 8M, δ = 1, L (cf. (6.12)), σ (cf. (6.11)), and n = 48
Step 1. For k = −PL,…,PL − 1 and j = 1,2,…,n, compute the numbers
for k = −PL,…,PL − 1, compute the numbers
and for j = 0,1,…,P − 1, compute the numbers
Step 2. Compute
, for k = 0,1,…,P − 1, with the FFT algorithm.
Step 3. Compute f (kΔ) with f (kΔ) = (−1)keakfk, for k = 0,1,…,M − 1.
Remark 6.8: The composite inverse functions fwk are highly peaked; therefore we recommend choosing n = 48. With this choice, we obtain results near machine precision.
Remark 6.9: For an arbitrary window function, we can also compute the coefficients Aj efficiently with the fractional FFT (cf. [7]). Since |w(t)| < ε for [−P/2,−δl] ∪ [δu,P/2], we can write this discrete Fourier transform as
with M a power of 2. This expression can be efficiently computed with the fractional FFT.
Remark 6.10: If the inversion point is close to a singularity, we can compute f (t) accurately by inverting the scaled Laplace transform
To be more precise, suppose that f is smooth on the interval [k − δa,k + δa] and that the function wk has ε-support contained in [k − δ, k + δ]. If we choose Δ ≤ δa /δ, then fwk is a smooth function. The price we have to pay for a small Δ is that the period of wk is large and that we need a larger number of terms for an accurate approximation of the Fourier series (6.8).
We end this subsection with a discussion of the numerical results for eight test functions with singularities that were used in the overview article of Davies and Martin (cf. [12]). These results are presented in Table 5. The inversions are done in 32 points and so M = 32. We have taken P = 256 = 8M, and for all of the examples, we have taken a = 44/M2. In addition to the choice of the previous parameters, we have taken
. The computations are done with double precision. We have taken Δ = 1/16, Δ = 1, and Δ = 10. We see that the approximation error seems to be independent of Δ. The reason for this is that the approximation error is dominated with round-off error and the error caused by the highly peaked window function. We also test the method on two discontinuous functions. These results are presented in Table 6. For this example, we have taken Δ = 1/16. From all of the examples, we can conclude that the method is very accurate, robust, and fast.
The author is indebted to Emőke Oldenkamp, Marcel Smith, Henk Tijms, and the two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions, which significantly improved the article.
We tabulated only the numbers λj and βj for j = 1,2,…,n/2. The numbers λn+1−j are given by −λj − 2π. The numbers βn+1−j coincide with βj.
We start by introducing the Fourier transform over the space L1(−∞,∞) of Lebesgue integrable functions. For a function f ∈ L1(−∞,∞) and pure imaginary s, the Fourier integral
is properly defined. In fact,
is a continuous function. If the support of f is contained in [0,∞), then we call
the Laplace transform of f. If
, the space of complex-valued Lebesgue integrable functions, satisfies
, then the inverse Fourier integral is properly defined.
Theorem B.1. If
, then
is properly defined and
This theorem can be found in any text about Fourier transforms; we have taken it from Mallat [15]. It follows immediately that
is a continuous function.
Definition C.1 (Gaussian Quadrature (cf.
[24])): Let the inner product 〈·,·〉 be given by
with μ a given positive measure and I a subinterval of the real axis or a subinterval of the imaginary axis. Let {qk} be an orthogonal set w.r.t. this inner product. Let the inner product 〈·,·〉n given by
with {μk; k = 0,1,…,n − 1} the simple roots of qn and the strictly positive numbers {αk; k = 0,1,…,n − 1}, the so-called Christophel numbers, be given by
with An the highest coefficient in qn. The roots {μk; k = 0,1,…,n − 1} ∈ I. The inner product 〈·,·〉n is called the Gaussian quadrature rule and is the unique nth-order quadrature rule satisfying
where πn is the space of polynomials with degree not exceeding n and 1 is the constant function 1(t) = 1.
The Legendre polynomials {φn; n ∈ N0} are a complete orthogonal polynomial set in L2([0,1]). These polynomials
are given by
with D the differential operator.
Consider the polynomials
A routine computation shows that the Laplace transform
of the nth Legendre polynomial φn is given by
. Since exp(−s−1) = exp(−i2πυ) on
, it follows that
. This identity is crucial for Appendixes E and F.
Proof of Theorem 3.2: Recall that
. Since exp(−s−1) = exp(−i2πυ) on
, it follows that
, on
. Hence,
and the function Φmn is of bounded variation and in L1, we can apply the PSF (Theorem 2.1) and obtain that
This proves that the {qj} are orthogonal.
. Since {φk} is a complete orthogonal set in L2([0,1]), we obtain that
we obtain that
in the last step, we use
. Thus,
We obtain from Parseval's theorem (cf. Conway [10, Thm.4.13]) that {qkυ} is a complete orthogonal set in L2(Qυ). █
Proof of Theorem 5.3: Since for f (s,r) = f1(s) f2(r) and g(s,r) = g1(s)g1(r),
the orthogonality of {qkjυω} follows from the orthogonality of the sets {qkυ} and {qjυ} Let
, respectively. Since
we obtain that
Using the fact that the sets {qkυ} and {qjω} are both complete orthogonal in L2(Qυ) and L2(Qω), respectively, yields by Parseval's theorem (cf. Conway [10, Thm.4.13]) that
We obtain from Parseval's theorem that {qkjυω} is a complete orthogonal set in L2(Qυω). █
Let us begin with analyzing the matrix representation of the multiplication operator w.r.t. the basis {qkυ}.
Theorem F.1: Let M : LQυ2 → LQυ2 be the multiplication operator defined by Mf (s) = sf (s). The matrix representation of
, w.r.t. the basis {qkυ} is given by
Let Mn : LQυn2 → LQυn2 be the multiplication operator defined by Mn f (s) = sf (s). The matrix representation of
, w.r.t. the basis {qkυ; k = 0,1,…,n − 1} is given by
Proof: Since
M is a skew adjoint operator. Since qn is orthogonal to πn−1, the space of polynomials with degree less or equal n − 1, we obtain that
Since M is skew adjoint, we obtain that
Let An be the coefficient of sn in qnυ and let Bn be the coefficient of sn−1 in qnυ. It can be easily verified that
Comparing the coefficient of sn in Mqn−1υ and qnυ respectively yields that
Comparing the coefficients of sn in Mqnυ − 〈Mqnυ,qn+1υ〉Qυ qn+1υ and qnυ respectively yields that
Expanding Mqnυ in {qkυ} yields the desired result for the operator M. Since for all f ∈ LQυn2,
we obtain the desired result for the operator Mn. █
Theorem F.2: The numbers {μkυ} are the eigenvalues of Mn. The Christophel numbers {αkυ} are given by |〈vk,q0υ〉|2/|1 − exp(−i2πυ)|2, with the {vk} the normalized eigenfunctions (∥vk∥ = 1) of Mn.
Proof: Let ρ be an arbitrary polynomial in π2n−1. Since the matrix Mn is skew self-adjoint, we obtain by the spectral theorem (cf. Conway [10]) that
with {ak} the eigenvalues and {vk} the normalized eigenfunctions (∥vk∥ = 1) of Mn. Further, since Mn and M are tridiagonal, we obtain that
Since the Gaussian quadrature rule is the unique nth-order quadrature rule satisfying
we obtain the result. █
Remark F.3: Since the matrix
is skew self-adjoint, we can efficiently compute the eigenvalues {μkυ} and eigenvectors {vk} with the QR algorithm (cf. Stoer and Bulirsch [23]).
Let us start by giving an alternative formula for the Christophel numbers {αjυ}.
Lemma G.1: The Christophel numbers {αjυ} are given by
where Anυ is the coefficient of sn in qnυ.
Proof: Let [ell ]j be the Lagrange polynomial defined by [ell ]j(μkυ) = δkj, with δkj = 1 if k = j and δkj = 0 if k ≠ j. Then 〈qn−1υ,[ell ]j〉 = αjυqn−1υ(μjυ). On the other hand, 〈[ell ]j,qn−1υ〉 = Bj /An−1υ, with An−1υ the coefficient of sn−1 in qn−1υ and Bj the coefficient of sn−1 in [ell ]j. Since Bj = Anυ/Dqnυ(μkυ), we obtain the identity
Before we can give an error estimate for the quadrature rule, we need the following technical lemma.
Lemma G.2: Let the integration operator I : L2([0,1]) → L2([0,1]) be given by
For m = 0,1,…,n − 1, the estimate
is valid.
Proof: Since by the PSF (Theorem 2.1)
, with en the nth unit vector, we only have to prove that
. Introduce the directed graph G with vertices {0,1,…} and edges V− = {Vj,j+1} and V+ = {Vj,j−1}. Let Gn be the subgraph of G with vertices {0,1,…,n − 1} and edges V− = {Vj,j+1; j ≤ n − 2} and V+ = {Vj,j−1; j ≤ n − 1}. Let the weight of the path {j0,…,jm} be given by
. Let
be the set of all paths from n − 1 to k of length m in G and Gn, respectively. The remainder of the proof consists of the following steps:
Proof of Step (1): We will prove this result by induction. Clearly, the result is true for m = 1. Since
we obtain
where the second equation follows from the induction hypotheses and the last equality follows from the fact that the matrix
is tridiagonal (Theorem F.1) with only the first element on the diagonal nonzero and m ≤ n − 1.
Proof of Step (2): Since each path from n − 1 to k contains exactly (m − (n − 1 − k))/2 edges of the set V− and (m + (n − 1 − k))/2 edges of the set V+, the weight of each path in Skm has the same sign.
Proof of Step (3): Since
is a subset of Skm and each path in Skm has the same sign, we obtain
The desired result follows from
We can now give an error estimate for the quadrature rule.
Theorem G.3: The error of the quadrature formula
is given by
where f(k) denotes the kth-order derivative of f and
with φn the nth Legendre polynomials given by
where D denotes the differential operator. Furthermore, the remainder
is bounded by
Thus, for smooth functions,
with α some number in (0,2).
Proof: The proof consists of the following steps:
(1) The functional Eυ can be expanded as
where Vj is given by
(2) By the definition of the functional Eυ,
The term
is equal to
(3) The term
is bounded by
(4) We can estimate Wj h and ∥Rj h∥1 by
Proof of Step (1): Let
; then
Let Pn−1 be the interpolation polynomial of
, where the {μkυ} are the zeros of qnυ. Since the quadrature rule is exact for polynomials of degree n − 1, we obtain that
Since for s ∈ {2πi(k + υ)} (cf. (D.1))
we obtain
The following observations show that
is a proper Laplace transform, satisfying the conditions for the PSF (Theorem 2.1):
is holomorphic in the plane except in the points {1/μkυ} and converges uniformly to zero as |s| → ∞, we obtain
Hence, we obtain for x < 0,
where the last equality follows from Lemma G.1. Since the support of W is (−∞,0], we obtain
in the last equality we use that φn is orthogonal on each polynomial of degree less than n. By (G.5) and the definition of the inner product 〈·,·〉Qυn (Definition 3.3), this yields
with Vj given by
Proof of Step (2): Since for s ∈ {2πi(k + υ)},
the first term of (G.2) is equal to
We obtain from the PSF (Theorem 2.1) that this is equal to
We obtain from (G.1) that the second term of (G.2) is equal to
Proof of Step (3): Since φn is orthogonal on πn−1, we obtain Rj p2n−1 = 0 for p2n−1 ∈ π2n−1. Hence,
for 0 ≤ m ≤ (n − 1). Hence,
the last inequality follows from (A.1). We obtain from Lemma G.2 that
Proof of Step (4): Recall that
Integration by part and using
yields that
where Bn is the density of the Beta distribution; that is,
Since the Beta distribution is a probability distribution, we obtain by the mean value theorem that
By a similar argument, we obtain
Remark G.4: It follows from Theorem G.3 that the approximation error does not depend on the discontinuity of f in t = 0.
Theorem H.1: Let
The following inversion formula holds:
for j = 0,1,…,N − 1.
Proof: Since for integral k and m, exp(−i2πkm) = 1, we obtain that
Formula (H.1) follows from
Remark H.2: This result is sometimes called the discrete Poisson summation formula (cf. Abate and Whitt [3]). In their article Abate and Whitt presented an efficient inversion algorithm for the inversion of z-transforms (also called generating functions) of discrete probability distributions.
We proceed as the article by Abate and Whitt [3]. It follows immediately from Theorem H.1 that if the discretization error
is small, then
In general, it is hard to ensure that the discretization error ξd is small. However, for a special class of z-transforms, we can easily control the discretization error ξd. A z-transform,
belongs to the Hilbert space
, for k < 0 (cf. Rudin [20, Chap.17]). Since fk = 0, for k < 0, we obtain that the inverse sequence of the z-transform
is given by
. Hence, r−kfkr = fk and
is of order O(rN). Hence, we can make ξjr arbitrarily small by choosing r small enough. The conclusion is that if
, then we can efficiently compute the numbers fk with arbitrary precision, with the following algorithm.
Remark H.3: On one hand, we want to choose r as small as possible, since then the discretization error is as small as possible. On the other hand, we multiply fkr by the factor r−k; hence, a small r makes the algorithm numerically unstable. Suppose that we want to compute the values {fk; k = 0,1,…,m − 1} with a precision of ε. We can control both the discretization error and the numerical stability by using an m2 = 2pm (with p a positive integral number) discrete Fourier transform (FFT) and choose r = ε1/m2. The discretization error is then of magnitude ε and the multiplication factor is bounded by ε1/2p. For double precision, we recommend the parameter values p = 3 and r = exp(−44/2pm).