The structural perfection and defects of Ag films deposited by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on Si(ll1) and Si(001) substrates have been analyzed by x-ray diffraction, Rutherford Backscattering (RBS)/channeling and electron microscopy. In spite of the large lattice mismatch (∼25 %) between Ag and Si, relatively high-quality Ag single crystal films (6∼10 % surface minimum yield) were grown on both Si(111) and Si(001) substrates. The primary defects contained in the Ag/Si(111) were double-positioning twins. The quantity of twinning depends on the film thickness and the substrate condition. For both Ag/Si(111) and Ag/Si(001) epitaxial systems, a high density defect region was contained in the Ag film within ∼1000 Å of the interface. Ag films grown on misoriented Si(l11) substrates ( 4° off normal ) were misoriented by 0.5° towards the surface normal. Possible explanations of these defect formations associated with the large lattice mismatch are presented.