In the paper [5] bounds are found for the sum,
for a suitable Dirichlet character χ mod r, and real functionf(x). The proofs in that paper use Bombieri and Iwaniec's method [1], one formulation of which has as part of its first step the estimation of S in terms of a sum of many shorter sums of the form,
where e(x) = exp (2πix), mi∈ [M, 2M], and each mi, lies in its own interval, of length N ≥ M/4, that is disjoint from those of the others. This paper addresses a problem springing from above: to bound the numbers of ‘similar’ pairs, Si+, Si+, satisfying both
where ‖x‖ = min{|x − n|: n ∈ ℤ}. Lemma 5.2.1 of [3] (partial summation) shows that each sum in a similar pair is a bounded multiple of the other.