Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 December 2005
Generation of high speed dense plasma blocks is well known from hydrodynamic theory and computations (PIC) with experimental confirmation by Badziak et al. (2005) since ps laser pulses with power above TW are available. These blocks may be used for fusion flame generation (thermonuclear propagation) in uncompressed solid state deuterium and tritium for very high gain uncomplicated operation in power stations. Hydrodynamic theory from computations from the end of 1970s to recent, genuine two fluid computations support the skin layer accelerations (SLA), by nonlinear (ponderomotive) forces as measured now in details under the uniquely selected conditions to suppress relativistic self-focusing by high contrast ratio and to keep plane geometry interaction. It is shown how the now available PW-ps laser pulses may provide the very extreme conditions for generating the fusion flames in solid state density DT.
The contribution by Miley et al. (2005) at this workshop was focused on the classical solution of laser fusion by 10 MJ-ns laser pulses, based on today's physics of volume ignition and technology, with the remaining soluble task for reducing the size and costs of the big lasers (Hora & Miley, 2005: p. 6). Nevertheless, there may be the alternative solution for laser fusion energy by looking to the main topic of our discussions at the workshop (Hora, 2005), how a multi-PW-ps laser regime may offer a more attractive solution in the future. In contrast to the mentioned settled classical solution with ns laser pulses, several unsettled physics problems for the ps pulses need to be solved. There are different conditions at sub-relativistic plasma block operation (Hora et al., 2002a; Hora 2003a, 2003b, 2004; Badziak et al., 1999, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2005) of a skin layer acceleration (SLA) by nonlinear (ponderomotive) forces, in contrast to the numerous research including relativistic self focusing resulting, apart from numerous intriguing relativistic effects in 5 MeV proton beams (Roth et al., 2001; Schaumann et al., 2005), explained as a normal sheath acceleration mechanism (TNSA) based on PIC computations (Wilks et al., 2001) and apart from the general interest in high energy density physics (Campbell, 1992; Campbell et al., 1997).
We focus here on the experimental results and the developed theory, and extensive numerical computations for sub-relativistic generation of plasma blocks, for igniting a fusion flame in a non-compressed solid state density large amount of DT fuel, in view also to define the conditions for experiments following the very powerful results of PIC computations by Esirkepov et al. (2004). There are well known extremely high level thresholds to be fulfilled which highly exceeded any possibilities before. The advent of the PW-ps laser pulses (Perry & Mourou 1994; Mourou & Tajima, 2002), however, initiated a turning point such that the extreme requirement for the generation of the fusion flame seems to be a possibility, however, along the sub-relativistic option as the experimentally and theoretically elaborated conditions.
From the beginning it should be mentioned that PIC computations (Esirkepov et al., 2004) arrived at similar plasma block generation with laser intensities of 1023 W/cm2, which completely fulfills the conditions of the thermonuclear propagation (fusion flame generation) in uncompressed solid DT without the complications of relativistic self-focusing. Whether this may be verified is a question to be studied, also in view of the substantial experimental and theoretical results of the here discussed cases on the basis of sub-relativistic results as a reasonable possibility. It should be understood that ignition of large amounts of DT fuel, at densities not much higher than the solid state density, by very intense relativistic electron beams (Nuckolls & Wood, 2002) for energy production by a fast ignitor schemes seems to be realistic. This kind of reacting large size uncompressed DT fuel by the sub-relativistic plasma block ignition for controlled fusion energy generation in power stations was declassified and clarified for open discussion (Hora, 2003a, 2003b). Indeed the scheme of Esirkepov et al. (2004) may be a further argument to look into the solution of laser fusion by igniting uncompressed solid DT fuel for power stations.
For completion it should be mentioned that Hain and Mulser (2001) initiated laser generation of a fusion flame generation at the conditions of highly pre-compressed plasma (Deutsch, 2004), as it is necessary in the fast ignitor scheme (Tabak et al., 1994). This ingeniously suggested scheme since the late 1980s (Campbell 2005; Campbell et al., 2000), however, initially led to several difficulties appearing in experiments (Fews et al., 1994) and from theory (Hora et al., 1998). Following these developments, nevertheless, reasonable solutions (Kodama & Fast Ignitor Consortium, 2002) arrived at considerable fusion gains. One modification was the scheme following Nuckolls and Wood (2002) or another modification is the peripheral ignition (Hain & Mulser, 2001; Leon et al., 2001) after the incompatibility of funnel generation and energy deposition in the pre-compressed plasma was evident (Mulser & Bauer, 2004; Mulser & Schneider, 2004). The following discussion for application of the sub-relativistic plasma blocks for igniting a fusion flame is intended into a similar direction where the knowledge of the PIC results of extremely intensive plasma blocks (Esirkepov et al., 2004) may be an encouraging direction to solve the laser fusion reactor at very simplified conditions. It should be mentioned that the plasma blocks (Badziak et al., 2005) result in 1000 higher current densities than the proton fast igniter (Roth et al., 2001) and may verify a solution, however, with laser precompression of the DT fuel to 1000 times solid density.
The initial theory to find the conditions for the fusion flame generation (thermonuclear propagation) (Nuckolls & Wood, 2002) was published by Bobin (1971) and Chu (1972) as summarized (Bobin, 1974; Brueckner & Jorna, 1974) to arrive at the following:
Condition A: the necessary energy flux density for plane geometry has to be
which is above the critical value Ecrit = 1.2 × 108 J/cm2. This critical value does not change much for other geometries (cylindrical, spherical).
Condition B: if the flame is carried by and ion beam of the optimum DT reaction energy of 80 keV, the ion current density has to be
These conditions were indeed far above the possibilities the lasers offered in the 1970s. Considering the interpenetration of the hot plasma of the fusion flame when propagating into the cold solid state DT, a reduction of the condition (1) to
was considered (Hora, 1983).
In view of the present aspects to study the fusion flame generation, it is interesting to mention a number of corrections in the earlier theory which may relax the values of E* to lower values.
Thermal conductivity in the plasma was based—as correct inside of homogeneous plasmas—on the thermal conductivity κe of electrons. This is different at the conditions of inhomogeneous plasmas as realized from the double layers (Eliezer & Hora, 1989) and as measured from the field effects in the surface of laser produced plasmas recognized by computations as double layers and even as inverted double layers due to the nonlinear force driven cavities (Hora et al., 1984). This decrease of thermal conductivity was concluded indirectly when fitting measurements of laser produced fast pushers for DT fusion with numerical simulations. A fit was reached if an inhibition of the thermal conduction of electrons could be assumed by a factor up to about 70. From the double layer theory (Eliezer & Hora, 1989) it could be concluded, Figure 1, that the thermal conduction is performed only by the ions such that the thermal conductivity is then
which value for the experiment is then close to 70 as expected. The omission of this double layer effect is the reason for misinterpretations of the otherwise very sophisticated fast pusher laser fusion experiments, e.g., about preheats.
Another effect not included in the theory (Bobin, 1974) is the quantum modification of the electron ion collision frequency. Based on work by Marshak (1941), the classical collision frequency νc has to be modified to
where Z is the ion charge, m the rest mass of the electron, c the speed of light, and α the fine structure constant. This fact has been recognized in several plasma experiments at sufficiently high temperatures and is the reason for the anomalous resistively, for the measured 20 times higher diffusion of deuterium against the magnetic field at 800 eV temperature (Grieger & Wendelstein VII Team, 1981), and the deviation of thermal conductivity (Razumova, 1983) from the classical value agreeing with the quantum corrected values (Hora, 1991: Section 2.6). This quantum modification causes a faster energy transfer form electrons to ions in the fusion flame than under the classical assumptions.
Another problem for the interpenetration process is, what to use for the stopping power of the energetic ions in the plasma flame region. There was a heated discussion (Stepanek, 1981) that the stopping length should be quite large as derived from binary collision models following the Bohr–Bethe-Bloch formulas. In contrast there are experiments by Kerns et al. (1972) as outlined by Guenther (1974) where 2 MeV–0.5 MAmp electron beams of 10 ns duration and 2 mm diameter were hitting deuterated polyethylene producing 1010 fusion neutrons. In order to measure the penetration depth of the electron beam, the thickness of the target was varied. The saturation of neutron emission at 3 mm proved this value as stopping length. The Bethe–Bloch formula would have arrived at more then 20 times larger stopping lengths. Following Bagge's model for cosmic radiation (Bagge & Hora, 1974) by using a plasma collective energy
in the stopping power instead of the otherwise used 15.5 eV in the binary collision theory. This means that the fast particles are slowed down as if hitting the whole Debye spheres of the plasma. This model was introduced first by Gabor (1953) and was based on quantum electrodynamics (Ray & Hora, 1977) using an unpublished derivation of Max Born for the Fokker-Planck collisional term in the Boltzmann equation. With this collective collisions, the relativistic penetration of the 2 MeV electrons interactions with the deuterated polyethylene immediately resulted in a stopping length of 3 mm. This result again is reducing the theoretical value E* for the energy flux density.
There was an unexpected effect in the plasma block acceleration by the nonlinear force as first measured by Sauerbrey (1996) with completely unprepared 350 fs KrF laser pulses. Similar unpredicted results on ion emission appeared with ps neodymium glass laser pulses with sophisticated preparation for suppression of pre-pulses (contrast ratio 107 or higher) in numerous details by Badziak et al. (2003, 2004a) as an expression of a skin layer acceleration process (Hora et al., 2002a; Hora, 2003a, 2003b). The uniqueness consists in the avoiding of relativistic self-focusing. Usually it was the experience since the 1070s that the plane geometry plasma blocks were never generated at interaction with powerful laser beams. It always happened that relativistic self-focusing (Hora, 1975, 1991, Section 12.2) appeared (Haseroth & Hora, 1996) and the generation of large numbers of highly charged ions of MeV energy nearly up to GeV were measured moving into a wide range of angles. The more were these relativistic self-focusing effects involved in most of the later ps interaction experiments with TW to PW power apart from many new relativistic effects of pair production (Roth et al., 2001), relativistic electron beams (Umstadter, 1996), gammas of more than 10 MeV energy with subsequent nuclear reactions (Ledingham et al., 2000; Clark et al., 2001; Wilks et al., 2001; Schwoerer et al., 2001; Leemans et al., 2001) etc.
In retrospect, we can consider the discovery of the plane wave geometry without self-focusing by Sauerbrey (1996) as a completely new phenomenon in contrast to all the other experiments known at this time. This is due to the fact—as we know now in retrospect from the work by Badziak et al. (2004a, 2005) as skin layer acceleration (Hora et al., 2002a)—that the 360 fs TW pulses of Schäfer's (1986, see also Teubner et al., 1993) KrF excimer laser were extremely clean, i.e., without prepulse, estimate with a contrast ratio of at least 107. The fact that the Doppler acceleration measured by Sauerbrey (1996) was from a plane geometry plasma block moving against the laser light and that there was not the relativistic self focusing known from all the other observations, can be seen from the splendid agreement of the measured acceleration with the action of the nonlinear force (Hora, 1969, 1986, 1991).
Sauerbrey (1996) measured an acceleration A in a carbon plasma produced by a 350 fs TW KrF laser pulse at 3.5 × 1017 W/cm2 of
This corresponds to an electric field E2 = 2.9 × 1015 erg/cm3 and a density ni mi of the accelerated plasma layer of 5.4 × 10−3 g/cm3 at the critical density ni = 1.6 × 1021cm−3 for C+6 ions. The nonlinear force is
Assuming for simplification dx = Δx = 10 μm and a swelling S = 2 (the experiments Badziak et al., 2003 for ps pulses resulted in S = 3.5) we find the theoretical value
Since end of the 1970s, plane geometry numerical studies of the nonlinear force interaction led to results of interaction of few ps duration and with laser fields up to 1018 W/cm2 which were then completely academic and too early in view of the just mentioned experiments during the last few years, but the results showed the plasma block acceleration which obviously was first observed in such a clear way by Sauerbrey (1996). Figure 2 shows results of these computations where a deuterium plasma block of several wave length thickness was accelerated against the laser light with velocities above 109 cm/s at neodymium glass laser beam irradiation of 1018 W/cm2 intensity.
Another key experiment was that by Zhang et al. (1998) (see Wu et al., 2005) where 100 fs TW laser pulses were focused to about 30 wave lengths diameter onto a target and the X-ray emission was measured. The laser pulses produced very much lower X-rays than known from other experiments with the same intensities. The uniqueness of this experiment consists in the procedure, that a lower intensity similar pulse was irradiated on the target at varying times between 10 to 100 ps before the main pulse. At short time pre-irradiation, no change of the low X-ray emission was seen, but as soon as the pre-pulse time reached 70 ps and more, suddenly the very high X-ray emission appeared as known from all the usual main stream experiments. The later given explanation (Hora & Wang, 2001) was evident: thanks to the clean laser pulse technique where the contrast ratio for the main pulse was 108 (ratio of suppression of any pre-pulse). When the 70 ps prepulse was incident, a plasma plum was generated of a depth about two times the focus diameter. This was sufficient that the main pulse was shrinking to about one wave length diameter by relativistic self-focusing such that the then very high X-ray intensities resulted as in the usual cases.
These both experiments (Sauerbrey, 1996; Zhang et al., 1998) were a clear confirmation of the plane wave plasma interaction, in agreement with the plane wave interaction theory, Figure 2, and the exclusion of the self-focusing theory (Hora, 1975; Jones et al., 1982; Häuser et al., 1992; Osman et al., 1999) was rather an unexpected surprise. The drastic difference against the usual observations appeared with the experiments by Badziak et al. (1999) from the studies of ion emission with high contrast ratio ps-TW laser pulses. This mutually confirmed the high contrast ratio of the excimer laser pulses (Sauerbrey, 1996) as well as the very clean techniques of the other experiments (Zhang et al., 1998; Hora & Wang, 2001).
The experiments (Badziak et al., 2003) with copper targets should have led to Cu+13 ion of 22 MeV energy due to relativistic self-focusing, but only 0.5 MeV ions were detected. Furthermore it was strange that the number of the fast ions did not change at all when the laser intensity was varying by a factor 30, while the energy of the fast ions was fully linear on the laser intensity as expected from nonlinear force acceleration. The measured X-ray emission, leading to a quiver energy swelled dielectrically by a factor three, fully explaining the measured ion energies from a plane wave interaction which was taking place within the skin depth of intensity of independent volume (Hora et al., 2002b). This confirmed the observation of the intensity independence of the fast ions. These experiments were repeated with gold targets confirming all the details of the skin layer mechanism (Badziak et al., 2003) including the generation of the plasma block moving into the target as experimentally confirmed from thin irradiated films (Badziak et al., 2004a, 2004b) and confirming an ion current density in the blocks above
The measurements confirmed also (Badziak et al., 2003) that the ps-TW interaction resulted only in one narrow ion beam, Figure 3, accelerated against the laser light as expected from the nonlinear force acceleration while the use of longer laser pulses as usually resulted in several groups of ions (Ehler, 1975) moving into a wide angle against the laser light (Wolowski et al., 2003). The result of Eq. (10) was most intriguing since it opened the connection to the very early hope, that the plasma blocks from the skin layer acceleration using the nonlinear force can well provide the conditions from sub-relativistic laser plasma interaction with DT ion current densities exceeding 1010 Amps/cm2 and optimum ion energies of 80 keV for initiation of a fusion flame according to Eq. (2). These high density ion currents move space charge neutral within the plasma blocks since their Debye length is more than 10 times smaller than the thickness of the blocks.
Because of the importance of the very high current densities in the nonlinear force driven plasma bocks form the SLA process, extensive numerical calculations were performed using the genuine two fluid model with two different but very general codes (Badziak et al., 2004a, 2004b; Cang et al., 2005; Jablonski, 2005; Glowacz et al., 2006). Figure 4 shows the intensity dependence of the block velocities and current densities and Figure 5 is showing also the dependence of the interaction on the duration of the laser pulse.
It should be mentioned that PIC calculations for the SLA plasma block generation were performed (Klimo & Limpouch, 2006) with very similar results as the genuine two fluid computations showed. The insufficiency of the PIC codes for omitting collisions does not count so much for the laser intensities around 1017 W/cm2 since the basic interaction is the nonlinear force which is essentially a collisionless interaction process. The careful inclusion of the collisions in the hydrodynamic codes is a point of safety for the studies, since it is well known from the theory of resonance absorption (Hora, 1991: Section 11.2) that the essential negative infinite pole of the collisionless theory changes to nearly positive infinite values if the slightest absorption is included.
The just presented results of nonlinear force driven plasma blocks by the TW or PW laser pulses of ps duration may open laser fusion by generating the fusion flame in uncompressed solid state density DT as envisaged by Bobin (1974). This alternative for laser fusion would very much simplify a laser fusion reactor avoiding the complicated compression of the DT fuel to several 1000 times the solid state density and may provide the controlled reaction with very high gain in the range of 104 for a much lower cost competitive technological solution.
The result (10) of ion current densities above 1010 A/cm2 for ion energies above 50 keV up to higher values from fast blocks driven into a target by the nonlinear (ponderomotive) force at laser interaction may permit an application to beam fusion as discussed before (Hora, 2004, Hora et al., 2004). Light ion beams for igniting nuclear fusion reactions in uncompressed solid deuterium-tritium targets were considered for years and the necessary conditions turned out to be far above the available technology for generating the ion beams. Nevertheless this scheme was studied in various experiments (Yonas, 1978; Ryutov et al., 2000). The difficulties with the necessary conditions were the two limits of Eqs. (1) and (2) of the energy flux density the ion current density for generating a thermonuclear propagation front (flame propagation) into uncompressed solid DT. Condition (2) can now be fulfilled with the ps laser pulses in the PW range with rather unfocussed beams in order to stay with the optimized DT energies of about 80 keV. We discuss now how the condition (1) may be fulfilled.
Specific studies of the interpenetration process (Hora, 1983) in view of the new knowledge of plasma theory may well permit that the threshold for E* may be further reduced
as explained in the preceding section. In the experiments (Badziak et al., 2004a; 2005) the energy flux density was nearly up to values of 106 J/cm2. In the following, we may concentrate on the more pessimistic value of Eq. (1).
For the physics—within many more problems to be clarified—it has to be shown that at least condition (1) has to be fulfilled where we are aware that this even may be considered as a pessimistic conclusion in view of the not yet exhausted theory about the threshold E* toward lower values. For the compressing block, the whole maximum quiver energy of the electron is converted into translation energy of the ions. The aim for the DT interaction, we use the oscillation energy of 80 keV of the resonance maximum of the DT reaction may not necessarily be the best choice. Since this is close to the relativistic threshold intensity Irel we have to use the general quiver energy (Hora, 1991)
where the maximum intensity Imax = SIvac due to the dielectric swelling near the critical density is expressed by the factor S with the laser intensity Ivac in vacuum at the target surface.
For the general analysis, we have to be flexible about the chosen values of the applied maximum (dielectrically swelled) oscillation energy εosc into the translation DT ion energy εtrans in adjustment to fusion cross sections (Li et al., 2004). We further let open the value of the energy flux density E* = IvacτL for the reaction conditions (2) or (10), or possibly even a lower value depending on the future research to find the correct value E* where the laser pulse duration τL will have to be in the range of ps. According to our numerical studies (Badziak et al., 2004a, 2004b; Jablonski et al., 2005, Glowacz et al., 2006; Cang et al., 2005) in agreement with summarizing estimations, this value could well be a few ps. From
we arrive at the function for the laser wave length
Using as a special case τL = 3ps, E* = 2 × 107 J/cm2, εtrans = 80 keV, we arrive at
The nonlinear force driven two-block skin layer interaction model works for swelling S considerably larger than 1, as it was the case automatically from the detailed analysis of the measurements (Hora et al., 2002b; Badziak et al., 2003) with S = 3. The lowest possible case with S = 1, is that without any dielectric swelling where the whole laser pulse energy is transferred as in the simple case of radiation pressure (Hora, 1991) to the (nonlinear-force collisionless dominated) absorbing plasma. We conclude that the conditions of (1) or (11) could well be fulfilled for the ignition of uncompressed solid DT fuel when applying shorter laser wave length than that of the neodymium glass laser, which are well in the reach of present technology. For the pessimistic case of Bobin (1974), the numerical factor in (15) is 0.105 such that with S = 1, just the borderline of higher harmonics CPA or of excimer lasers would be covered. Further research on lower values of E* and numerical studies for a little bit longer laser pulses may further relax the conditions, and longer laser wave lengths would be possible. Figure 6 shows the dependence of the necessary laser wave length for a pulse length of 3 ps and swelling S = 1, which one needs for a desired ion translative energy in multiples of mo c2 (mo is the rest mass of the electron) if the threshold E* is given. Maybe there is a narrow gap for successful conditions.
This study with several preliminary estimations on fusion apart from the solid experimental and theoretically based results on the plasma block generation, may provide the framework for further evaluation of the PIC results for generation of plasma blocks fully covering conditions (1) and (2) (Esirkepov et al., 2004). Attention has to be directed to how to avoid relativistic self-focusing and how to fit the optimum DT ion energies for the fusion flame. Our present position from the side of sub-relativistic conditions may be an alternative approach on the way to the very simplified low cost fusion reactor.