Fèlix Martí, Paul Ortega, Itziar Idiazabal, Andoni
Barreña, Patxi Juaristi, Carme Junyent, Belen Uranga and Estibaliz
Amorrortu (eds.), Words and worlds: World languages review.
Clevedon, Buffalo, & Toronto: UNESCO Etxea and Multilingual Matters,
2005. Pp. xv, 328. Hb. $89.95
This volume reports on the World Languages Review Project, financed by
the Basque Government in cooperation with UNESCO. The project's
technical committee members have coauthored much of the book, with
highlighted contributions from experts from around the globe. Content is
based on responses to open questionnaires, distributed through the project
committees' networks to individuals knowledgeable on the linguistic
situation of each of the 525 languages considered. Other data come from
continental meetings, expert consultations, publications, catalogues,
atlases, and language centers. This information is analyzed in 12 chapters
describing aspects of diversity, indices of vitality and/or decay, and
key domains for language maintenance. Chapters conclude with
recommendations for the development of language policy. In these ways, the
authors achieve their goal of increasing awareness and
“appeal[ing] to the responsibility of everyone” (p.
xii) to protect languages around the world.