Jon Berrick (Algebraic topology and K-theory), School of Mathematics and Statistics F07|University of Sydney NSW 2006|Australia
Deputy Editor
J. McCoy (PDEs, algebraic and differential geometry, calculus of variations), School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science|University of Newcastle, University Dr, Callaghan NSW 2308
Associate Editors
D. Badziahin (Diophantine approximation and ergodic theory), Office C634|School of Mathematics and Statistics F07|University of Sydney NSW 2006|Australia
D. Chan (Algebraic geometry and non-commutative algebra), School of Mathematics|University of New South Wales|Sydney, NSW 2052|Australia
F. Cirstea (partial differential equations and functional analysis), School of Mathematics and Statistics | The University of Sydney | NSW 2006 | Australia|
L. Orloff Clark (Functional analysis), Victoria University of Wellington|School of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research|New Zealand
M. Coons (Number theory and Aperiodic Order), Department of Mathematics and Statistics, California State University, Chico, CA 95929, USA
J. East (Abstract algebra, semigroups), Centre for Research in Mathematics|School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics|Western Sydney University|Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751|Australia
N. Ganter (Elliptic cohomology and applications), School of Mathematics and Statistics|The University of Melbourne|Room 169, Peter Hall Building|Parkville, VIC, 3010|Australia
M. Giudici (Permutation groups), School of Mathematics and Statistics|University of Western Australia|35 Stirling Highway|Perth WA 6009|Australia
F. Lárusson (Complex analysis, complex algebraic and analytic geometry) , School of Mathematical Sciences|University of Adelaide|South Australia 5005|Australia
J. Li (Harmonic analysis and complex analysis), Department of Mathematics and Statistics|Macquarie University|Sydney Australia|
B. Martin (Group theory, algebraic geometry, computational algebra), Department of Mathematics|University of Auckland|Private Bag 92019|Auckland 1142|New Zealand
J. McCoy (PDEs, algebraic and differential geometry, calculus of variations), School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences|Faculty of Science|University of Newcastle|University Dr, Callaghan NSW 2308
M. Radnovic (Geometry, dynamics, integrable Systems), School of Mathematics and Statistics, |Carslaw Building (F07), Room 624,|University of Sydney, |NSW 2006, |Sydney, Australia
M. Radnovic (Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems), School of Mathematics and Statistics | The University of Sydney | NSW 2006 | Australia|
N. Ross (Probability and mathematical statistics), School of Mathematics and Statistics|The University of Melbourne|Parkville, VIC, 3010|Australia
J. Schillewaert (Buildings, geometric group theory, finite geometry|), Department of Mathematics|University of Auckland|Private Bag 92019|Auckland 1142|New Zealand||
A. Sims (Operator and Banach algebras), School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics|University of Wollongong|NSW 2522 |Australia
T. Tao (Harmonic analysis,PDE, combinatorics,analytic number theory)|, UCLA |Department of Mathematics|Los Angeles|CA 90095-1555|USA
G. Wilkin (Differential geometry), Department of Mathematics|James College, Campus West|University of York|YO10 5DD|United Kingdom
G. Willis (Topological algebra and functional analysis)|, Department of Mathematics |University of Newcastle |Newcastle, NSW 2308|Australia
O. Yacobi (Representation theory, categorification and algebraic combinatorics), School of Mathematics and Statistics F07 The University of Sydney |NSW 2006 |Australia||
R. Yuncken (Operator algebras, functional and harmonic analysis), Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Université de Lorraine, 3 rue Augustin Fresnel, 57000 Metz, France|