We study the influence of hydrodynamic, thermodynamic and interparticle forces on the diffusive motion of a Brownian probe driven by a constant external force through a dilute colloidal dispersion. The influence of these microscopic forces on equilibrium self-diffusivity (passive microrheology) is well known: all three act to hinder the short- and long-time self-diffusion. Here, via pair-Smoluchowski theory, we explore their influence on self-diffusion in a flowing suspension, where particles and fluid have been set into motion by an externally forced probe (active microrheology), giving rise to non-equilibrium flow-induced diffusion. The probe’s motion entrains background particles as it travels through the bath, deforming the equilibrium suspension microstructure. The shape and extent of microstructural distortion is set by the relative strength of the external force
$F^{\mathit{ext}}$ to the entropic restoring force
$kT/a_{\mathit{th}}$ of the bath particles, defining a Péclet number
$\mathit{Pe}\equiv F^{\mathit{ext}}/(2kT/a_{\mathit{th}})$; and also by the strength of hydrodynamic interactions, set by the range of interparticle repulsion
${\it\kappa}=(a_{\mathit{th}}-a)/a$, where
$kT$ is the thermal energy and
$a_{\mathit{th}}$ and
$a$ are the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic sizes of the particles, respectively. We find that in the presence of flow, the same forces that hinder equilibrium diffusion now enhance it, with diffusive anisotropy set by the range of interparticle repulsion
${\it\kappa}$. A transition from hindered to enhanced diffusion occurs when diffusive and advective forces balance,
$\mathit{Pe}\sim 1$, where the exact value is a sensitive function of the strength of hydrodynamics,
${\it\kappa}$. We find that the hindered to enhanced transition straddles two transport regimes: in hindered diffusion, stochastic forces in the presence of other bath particles produce deterministic displacements (Brownian drift) at the expense of a maximal random walk. In enhanced diffusion, driving the probe with a deterministic force through an initially random suspension leads to fluctuations in the duration of probe–bath particle entrainment, giving rise to enhanced, flow-induced diffusion. The force-induced diffusion is anisotropic for all
$\mathit{Pe}$, scaling as
$D\sim \mathit{Pe}^{2}$ in all directions for weak forcing, regardless of the strength of hydrodynamic interactions. When probe forcing is strong,
$D\sim \mathit{Pe}$ in all directions in the absence of hydrodynamic interactions, but the picture changes qualitatively as hydrodynamic interactions grow strong. In this nonlinear regime, microstructural asymmetry weakens while the anisotropy of the force-induced diffusion tensor increases dramatically. This behaviour owes its origins to the approach toward Stokes flow reversibility, where diffusion along the direction of probe force scales advectively while transverse diffusion must vanish.