1. Introduction
Let A be a finite or countably infinite set and let
$X=(X_{n})_{n\ge 1}$
be a discrete-time A-valued stochastic process defined on some probability space
$(\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathrm{P})$
. We refer to set A as the alphabet and to elements of A as letters. These letters may represent different things in the context of different applications. For instance, in linguistics they may represent words in some language, while in ecology they may represent species in an ecosystem. From a general point of view, the occupancy problem (or urn scheme) is to describe the repartition of the process
$(X_{n})_{n\ge 1}$
over the set A. In this context two quantities of interest are
These quantities are related by the fact that
In words,
is the number of times that the letter observed at time
had previously been observed, and
is the probability that, given the observations up to time n, the letter observed at time
will have already been seen r times. We refer to the quantities
as the occupancy probabilities. The quantity
is also sometimes called the missing mass. It corresponds to the probability of seeing a new letter at time
. In certain ecological contexts, it represents the probability of discovering a new species. While properties of
have been thoroughly studied in the context where
are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, we have seen no work in the literature relating to the case where they follow a more general stochastic process. In this paper we give such results for a class of Markov chains that form a regime-switching model. This model expands the scope of potential applications. Moreover, it is our hope that this paper will stimulate interest in studying this problem in the context of other, more general, processes.
1.1. Related work
In the i.i.d. setting, the literature on the behavior of
, and related quantities is vast; see, for instance, the classic textbook [Reference Johnson and Kotz15], the survey [Reference Gnedin, Hansen and Pitman11], or the recent contributions in [Reference Ben-Hamou, Boucheron and Ohannessian2, Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7]. Applications include fields such as ecology [Reference Chao5, Reference Gandolfi and Sastri9, Reference Good12, Reference Good and Toulmin13], genomics [Reference Mao and Lindsay17], language processing [Reference Chen and Goodman6], authorship attribution [Reference Efron and Thisted8, Reference Thisted and Efron23, Reference Zhang and Huang25], information theory [Reference Ben-Hamou, Boucheron and Gassiat1, Reference Orlitsky, Santhanam and Zhang19], computer science [Reference Zhang24], and machine learning [Reference Bubeck, Ernst and Garivier4, Reference Grabchak and Zhang14].
We now briefly sketch several key results for the case where the random variables
$X_1, X_2, \dots$
are i.i.d. with common distribution
$P=(p_a)_{a\in A}$
on A. In this case, it is readily shown that
This expression allows for a precise asymptotic analysis. Following [Reference Karlin16], it is understood that the main ingredients for this analysis are given by the counting measure
and the counting function
. These are defined, respectively, by
Next, recall that a function
$\ell\,{:}\,(0,+\infty)\to {\mathbb R}$
is said to be slowly varying at
if, for any
In this case we write
$\ell\in \mathcal{SV}$
. With this notation, if
for some
and some
$\ell\in \mathcal{SV}$
, then, for
This result is discussed, in greater detail, in the appendix. Non-asymptotic results are given in [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7]. The main result of that paper is as follows.
Lemma 1.1. (Theorem 2.1 of [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7].) Let
$P=(p_{a})_{a\in A}$
be a probability measure on A with counting function
. For all
$n\ge 1$
, all
$0\le r\le n-1$
, and all
$0\le {\varepsilon}\le 1$
1.2. Regime-switching models
A natural extension of the i.i.d. case is to a class of regime-switching Markov chains or regime-switching models. In this context the elements in A no longer represent letters, but entire alphabets. Each
$a\in A$
represents an alphabet, which we denote by
$\{a\}\times{\mathbb N}_+$
, where
${\mathbb N}_+=\{1,2,\dots\}$
. This alphabet has its own distribution
, and we assume that observations from each alphabet are i.i.d. with distribution
. However, we randomly perform transitions between alphabets following a Markov chain with transition operator Q. Formally, we consider a Markov chain
$Z=(Z_n)_{n\ge 1}=(X_n,K_n)_{n\ge 1}$
on the product space
$\mathcal A\coloneqq\ A\times {\mathbb N}_+$
with transition operator
$\mathcal Q$
defined by
We refer to
$(Z_n)_{n\ge 1}$
as the regime-switching model and to
$(X_n)_{n\ge 1}$
as the underlying process.
One important situation is when
. In this case we can use many properties of finite Markov chains, even though the process of interest is defined on the countably infinite state space
$\mathcal A$
. Some of our more detailed results are proved under this additional assumption. For other results, in the interests of generality we not only allow
, but we remove the assumption that the underlying process is a Markov chain. Nevertheless, our motivation comes from the case where the transitions are Markovian and
. Such models can be used to describe a variety of situations, such as:
1. (Classics) A researcher reads documents in an antique library. The documents are written in a variety of languages (e.g. Latin, Greek, Hebrew, etc.). Assume that transitions between documents written in different languages follow a Markov chain. Here, the regime-switching Markov chain
$(Z_n)_{n\ge1}$ represents the sequence of ordered pairs comprised of the word that the researcher is currently reading and the language that the current document is written in. In this context, the missing mass represents the probability that the next word that the researcher encounters will be one that this researcher has not previously seen and will thus need to look up.
2. (Ecology) An ecologist is observing the animals that are found in a certain plot of a forest. However, the forest has several states (e.g. time of day, weather, etc.), with transitions between these following a Markov chain. To understand the differences in the distribution of species found under different states, the ecologist keeps track of both the species of the observed animal and the state of the forest.
3. (Computer science) A server periodically enters a state where there is a serious hacking attempt. Assume that transitions into and out of this state follow a Markov chain. To understand the effect of a serious hacking attempt on the number of packets that arrive, a researcher keeps track of the number of packets that arrive in time increments of, say, five minutes, along with the state of the server in that time period.
4. (Economics) An economy can be in one of several states, e.g. growth, recession, inflation, etc. One can model transitions between these states using a Markov chain. To understand the effect of the state of the economy on some economic indicator (e.g. the number of bank failures in a week), an economist keeps track of both the indicator and the state of the economy.
1.3. Organization
The main goal of this paper is to extend the results given in (3) and Lemma 1.1 from the i.i.d. case to the regime-switching model. We begin by giving results for a simple class of Markov chains, which will drive this model. Toward this end we introduce a useful technical result in Section 2, and then in Section 3 we consider the case of an ergodic Markov chain on a finite state space. In Section 4 we formally define the regime-switching model and give extensions of Lemma 1.1. In the interests of generality, most results in this section do not assume that transitions between alphabets are Markovian. However, this assumption is needed for the more detailed results. Then, in Section 5 we extend (3) to the case of the regime-switching model. Proofs are postposed to Section 6. A brief review of basic properties of regularly varying distributions on an alphabet is given in the appendix.
1.4. Notation
Before proceeding, we set up some notation. We write
to denote the indicator function of event
. For a set A, we write
to denote the cardinality of A. For real numbers
$a,b\in\mathbb R$
, we write
$a\vee b$
to denote the maximum of a and b, and we write
$a\wedge b$
to denote the minimum of a and b. For two sequences g(n) and h(n) we write
$g(n)\sim h(n)$
to mean
. We write
$\Gamma(x) = \int_0^\infty u^{x-1}{\rm e}^{-u} \mathrm d u$
to denote the gamma function.
2. Preliminaries
In this section we introduce a technical result that will be useful later. Toward this end, fix a finite or countably infinite set A, a Markov transition operator Q on A, and a probability measure
on A. Let
$X=(X_n)_{n\ge 1}$
be an A-valued random process defined on some probability space
$(\Omega,\mathcal F,\mathrm{P}_\mu)$
such that X is a Q-Markov chain with initial distribution
. We write
to denote the expectation under
. We write
to denote the t-step transition operator of the Markov chain. For all integers
$n\ge 1$
$a\in A$
, we set
to be the local time of Markov chain X in state a, and we set
to denote the number of times that the state visited at time
had been visited up to time n.
We now give a result that connects the distribution of
with that of the local times of the reversed chain. We assume that the Q-Markov chain
is irreducible, aperiodic, positive recurrent, and has stationary distribution
$\pi=(\pi_a)_{a\in A}$
. We denote by
$\hat X=(\hat X_n)_{n\ge 1}$
the associated reversed chain, i.e. an A-valued Markov chain with transition operator
$\hat Q$
defined by
It is easy to check that
is also the stationary distribution of
$\hat X$
and that the t-step transition operator of the reversed chain is given by
We say that the chain X is reversible when
. In this case,
$\hat Q=Q$
and the chains X and
$\hat X$
have the same distribution so long as they both start at the stationary distribution. We write
$\hat L_n(a)$
to denote the local time of the reversed chain at a, i.e.
Lemma 2.1. Let A be a finite or countably infinite set. Suppose
$X=(X_n)_{n\ge 1}$
is an irreducible, aperiodic, and positive recurrent Markov chain on A with stationary distribution
and reversed chain
$\hat X$
. Let
be arbitrary distributions on A. Then, for any positive function f and all integers
$n\ge 1$
where, on the right-hand side, it is understood that
is taken as the initial distribution of the reversed chain, i.e. it is the distribution of
$\hat X_1$
Remark 2.1. Note, in particular, that taking
in the above formula, and supposing the chain to be reversible, we get that for any positive f,
so that, under
has the same distribution as
3. Finite Markov chains
In this section we provide a bound on
$\mathrm{P}_\mu\{L_n= r\}$
in the context of an ergodic Markov chain on a finite state space. This result is interesting in itself, and it will be important in the following because such models will drive our regime-switching model. Let
$X=(X_n)_{n\ge 1}$
be an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain with finite state space A, transition matrix Q, and stationary distribution
$\pi=(\pi_a)_{a\in A}$
. This implies that there exists an integer
such that
From (6), it follows that
$\hat Q^{t_0}(a,b) >0$
for all
$a,b\in A$
. Let
is the cardinality of A. Note that
$0<\lambda\le 1$
, and, for each
$a\in A$
where u is the uniform distribution on A. By Theorem 8 of [Reference Roberts and Rosenthal22], this implies that, for every
$a\in A$
This result continues to hold if Q is replaced by
$\hat Q$
. In this context, Theorem 2 of [Reference Glynn and Ormoneit10] gives the following concentration inequality for
Lemma 3.1. If
are such that (9) holds, then, for any
$a\in A$
, any
and any initial distribution
we have
Clearly, the above holds for both the chain X and the reversed chain
$\hat X$
. Similar concentration inequalities can be obtained by applying Corollary 2.10 and Remark 2.11 of [Reference Paulin20]. Combining this with Lemma 2.1 gives the following.
Proposition 3.1. For
$n>\frac{2t_0+r\lambda + \lambda(1-\pi_\wedge)}{\lambda\pi_\wedge}$
and any initial distribution
$\mu=(\mu_a)_{a\in A}$
, we have
$t_0\ {\rm and}$
are as above,
$\pi_\wedge=\min_{a\in A}\pi_a$
, and
$C = |A|\wedge\max_{a\in A}(\mu_a/\pi_a)$
In particular, note that when
the constant
. It is straightforward to check that the asymptotic behavior of the upper bound is given by
$C'= C \exp( t_0^{-2}\lambda\pi_\wedge (2t_0+(r+1)\lambda))$
Remark 3.1. It may be interesting to note that Proposition 3.1 gives a bound with exponential decay. This holds, in particular, for the special case where
are i.i.d. random variables. In comparison, Corollary 2.1 of [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7] focuses on the i.i.d. case and only gives the bound
where c(r) is given by (4).
The proof of Proposition 3.1 depends heavily on the assumption of a finite alphabet. While concentration inequalities for the local times of Markov chains in the case of infinite alphabets are well known and can be found in, e.g., [Reference Glynn and Ormoneit10, Reference Paulin20], there does not appear to be a simple way to transform these into bounds on
. The issue comes from the fact that we need
, but it is always zero when A is an infinite set. An interesting situation, where we are able to deal with infinite alphabets, is the regime-switching model. This is the focus of the remainder of this paper.
4. The regime-switching model
This section formally introduces the regime-switching model and extends the finite-sample bounds given in Lemma 1.1 to this case. While we are primarily interested in the case where transitions between alphabets follow an ergodic Markov chain on a finite state space, our presentation is given in more generality. Let A be a finite or countably infinite set. For each
$a\in A$
, let
$P_a=(p_{a,k})_{k\ge 1}$
be a probability distribution on
${\mathbb N}_+$
. The finite-dimensional distributions of any discrete-time stochastic process
on A can be described by a family of conditional distributions
, where
$R_1(a) = \mathrm{P}(Y_1=a)$
and, for
In the case where
$P(Y_1 =a_1,Y_2=a_2,\dots,Y_{n-1}= a_{n-1})=0$
, we will take
$R_n(\,\cdot \mid a_1,\break a_2,\dots, a_{n-1})$
to be an arbitrary probability measure on A.
We now introduce a process on the state space
$\mathcal A\coloneqq\ A\times {\mathbb N}_+$
defined by the family of conditional distributions given by
$\mathcal R=(\mathcal R_n)_{n\ge1}$
, where
$\mathcal R_1$
$\mathcal R_1((a,k))=R_1(a)p_{a,k}$
and, for
Now, let
be an
$\mathcal A$
-valued stochastic process governed by
$(\mathcal R_n)_{n\ge1}$
, and let
$X=(X_n)_{n\ge 1}$
$K=(K_n)_{n\ge 1}$
denote the first and second coordinate processes of Z, i.e.
We will refer to the process X as the underlying process. Note, in particular, that X is A-valued, while K takes values in
${\mathbb N}_+$
. The next result gives a more explicit description of the dynamics of the processes X and K.
Lemma 4.1. In the above context, the following statements hold:
(1) The finite-dimensional distributions of the process
$(X_{n})_{n\ge 1}$ are determined by
$(R_n)_{n\ge1}$ .
(2) For all
$n\ge 1$ and for all
$k\ge 1$ , with probability 1,
is the random variable equal to
on the event
(3) Conditionally on the variables
$X_1,\dots,X_n$ , the variables
$K_1,\dots,K_n$ are independent. In particular, for all
$i=1,\dots,n$ and all
$k\ge 1$ , with probability 1,
is the random variable equal to
on the event
Remark 4.1. We are motivated by the case where
represents the conditional distributions of a Markov chain with transition operator Q and initial distribution
. In this case, we have
and, for
It follows that, in this case,
$\mathcal R_1((a_1,k_1))=\eta(a_1)p_{a_1,k_1}$
and, for
which is the Markov operator denoted by
$\mathcal Q$
in (5). In this case, to emphasize the dependence on the initial distibution we will write
for P and
. It should be noted that the subscript refers to the initial distribution of the underlying process X and not of Z.
Our next result establishes a link between the quantities
Lemma 4.2. For all
$n\ge 1$
and all
$0\le r\le n$
where we take
A slight modification of Lemma 4.2 brings us to the main result of this section, which extends Lemma 1.1 from the i.i.d. case to the regime-switching case. First, we introduce some notation. For all
$a\in A$
, we write
to denote the counting function of
$P_{a}=(p_{a,k})_{k\in\mathbb N_+}$
, which is defined, for all
$0\le{\varepsilon}\le 1$
, by
Theorem 4.1. For any
$n\ge 1$
and any
$0\le r\le n-1$
, we have
and where c(r) is as in (4).
Since the formulation of Theorem 4.1 is quite general, an explicit evaluation of the coefficients
can require cumbersome computations. More tractable formulas can be provided in a number of situations. We give several examples.
Example 4.1. Consider the situation where all distributions
are equal to the same distribution
, and therefore all counting functions
are equal to the counting function
of P. In this scenario, an elementary reordering of the terms in (11) yields that, for any
and, for
$1+r\le m\le n$
where c(r) is as in (4).
Example 4.2. Another favorable scenario corresponds to the case where all probabilities
have support contained in
for some
independent of
$a\in A$
, i.e.
In this case, taking
on the right-hand side of (11), and noticing that
corresponds to the size of the support of
, yields
and where c(r) is as in (4).
We now turn to the important situation where the distribution is regularly varying. In the i.i.d. case, the corresponding result is given in Corollary 2.2 of [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7].
Proposition 4.1. Assume that, for some
and some non-increasing function
, we have
for all
$a\in A$
and all
. In this case,
$p_\vee=\sup\{p_{a,k}\}_{(a,k)\in\mathcal A}, {\rm and}\ $
$\gamma(t,x)=\int_0^x u^{t-1}{\rm e}^{-u}{\rm d}u\ {\rm is\ the\ incomplete\ gamma\ function.}$
Remark 4.2. Note that in the case
, the bound in Proposition 4.1 is trivial since it involves
. Even in the i.i.d. case, the bounds given in [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7] are not able to deal with this case.
Remark 4.3. Note that Theorem 4.1 and Proposition 4.1 are quite general and hold no matter what the underlying process is. However, this generality has a cost. In particular, we still need to know quite a bit about the underlying process. In the case where the underlying process is a finite state space ergodic Markov chain, we can use Proposition 3.1 and related results to get more explicit formulas.
Corollary 4.1. Assume that
and that the underlying process is an aperiodic and irreducible Markov chain with transition operator Q, stationary distribution
$\pi=(\pi_a)_{a\in A}$
, and initial distribution
. Let
$\pi_\wedge=\min_{a\in A}\pi_a$
, let
be as in (7), and let
be as in (8). Assume further that, for some
and some non-increasing function
, we have
For any
, if
$n>\frac{2t_0+r\lambda + \lambda(1-\pi_\wedge)}{\lambda\pi_\wedge} \vee \frac{2t_0 + \lambda(1-\pi_\wedge)}{\lambda(\pi_\wedge-\epsilon)}$
, then
Here, C is as in Proposition 3.1,
are as in Proposition 4.1, and
It may be interesting to note that for any
we have
5. Asymptotics for the regime-switching model
In this section we extend (3) from the i.i.d. case to the case of the regime-switching model, where the underlying process is an ergodic Markov chain on a finite state space. We first define regular variation of
$P=(p_{a,k})_{(a,k)\in A\times\mathbb N_+}$
. For a review of basic facts about regularly varying distributions on
$\mathbb N_+$
we refer the reader to Appendix A.
Definition 5.1. We say that
$P=(p_{a,k})_{(a,k)\in A\times\mathbb N_+}$
is regularly varying with index
if there exists an
$\ell\in \mathcal{SV}$
and a function
, which is not identically zero, such that, for each
$a\in A$
is defined as in (10). In this case we write
$P\in RV_\alpha(C,\ell)$
Remark 5.1. It is important to note that we allow
for some (but not all)
$a\in A$
. When
, it means that
either does not approach infinity as
${\varepsilon}\to 0$
, or approaches it but at a rate that is slower than
. In particular, if
$P\in RV_\alpha(C,\ell)$
for some
$a_1\in A$
, and
$\ell_1\in \mathcal{SV}$
, then
, we additionally assume that there exists an
$\ell_0\in \mathcal{SV}$
and a function
, which is not identically zero, such that, for each
$a\in A$
For simplicity of notation, for
Propositions A.1 and A.2 imply that if
$P\in RV_\alpha(C,\ell)$
Note that since
the convergence in (13) is uniform in a. We now give the main result for this section.
Theorem 5.1. In the context of the regime-switching model, assume that
and that the underlying process is an aperiodic and irreducible Markov chain with stationary distribution
$\pi=(\pi_a)_{a\in A}$
and initial distribution
. Assume further that
$P\in RV_\alpha(C,\ell)$
additionally assume that (12) holds), and that
) is locally bounded away from 0 and
. In this case, for all
$r\ge 0$
we have
where F is given by (14).
This implies that for
we have, up to a constant, the same asymptotics as for the upper bound in Corollary 4.1. It may be interesting to note that as part of the proof of the theorem we show that, for any
6. Proofs
6.1. Proofs for Sections 2 and 3
Proof of Lemma 2.1. Let us first prove that, for any distributions
on A and any bounded function
$g\,{:}\,A^{n+1}\to {\mathbb R}_+$
where, on the right-hand side, it is understood that
is taken as the initial distribution of the reversed chain. From the definition of
$\hat Q$
, we obtain
which proves (15) . Then, for any positive f,
where the second line follows by applying identity (15) with
This completes the proof.
Proof of Proposition 3.1. Fix
$r\ge 0$
and observe that the assumption on n implies that
$\pi_\wedge> \frac{r}{n}$
. As a result, since
, we deduce from Lemma 3.1 that
, which is equivalent to
. From here, we provide two bounds on
$\mathrm{P}_\mu\{L_n\le r\}$
, which, when combined, give the desired result. First, note that
Next, using Lemma 2.1 with
$f(u)=\textbf{1}\{u\le r\}$
, it follows that
is the probability measure that corresponds to the case where the initial distribution is a point mass at a. Hence, once again using Lemma 3.1 and the fact that the stationary distribution of the reversed chain is the same as for the original chain, it follows that
, or equivalently
$n>(2t_0+r\lambda + \lambda(1-\pi_\wedge))/(\lambda\pi_\wedge)$
. The desired result follows by combining (16) and (17).
6.2. Proofs for Section 4
For convenience, we sometimes denote
$Y_{1\to\,m}=(Y_1,\dots, Y_{m})$
for a given process
$(Y_n)_{n\ge 1}$
Proof of Lemma 4.1.
(1) The statement follows easily from the structure of
$\mathcal R$ . Let
$p_1$ and
$p_2$ be the functions defined, for
$(a,k)\in\mathcal A$ , by
$p_1(a,k)=a$ and
$p_2(a,k)=k$ . We have
Further, for any
$n\ge 1$
and any bounded
$f\,{:}\,A\mapsto \mathbb R$
From here, the fact that
implies that
In particular, taking
$f(a) = \textbf{1}{\{a=a'\}}$
which proves the claim.
(2) For all
$n\ge 2$ , all
$k_{n}\ge 1$ , and all
$a_1,\dots, a_n\in A$ satisfying
$\mathrm{P}\{X_1=a_1,\dots,X_n=a_n\}>0$ ,
Using point (1) it follows that
and that
Combining these two identities with (18), we deduce that
where the last identity follows from the fact that
$\sum_k p_{a,k}=1$
. The case where
is similar.
(3) For any
$k_1,\dots k_n\in \mathbb N_+$ and any
$a_1,\dots, a_n\in A$ satisfying
$\mathrm{P}\{X_1=a_1,\dots,X_n=a_n\}>0$ ,
where the first identity follows by arguments similar to those used in the proof of point (2) and the second follows directly from point (2). Finally, the proof that, for
is very similar and is omitted for brevity.
Proof of Lemma 4.2. Fix
$n\ge 1$
$0\le r\le n$
. Since
$\{\mathcal L_n=r\}\subset\{L_n\ge r\}$
, we have
Noticing that the variable
-measurable by construction, we obtain
Conditionally on
the variables
are, according to point (3) of Lemma 4.1, independent and satisfy
As a result, conditionally on
, the variable
follows a binomial distribution with parameters
. Hence, we obtain
where the last line follows from point (2) of Lemma 4.1.
Proof of Theorem 4.1. From Lemma 4.2 it follows that
Note that
Now, using Lemma 1.1 inside the expectation yields
where we have denoted
Finally, observing the fact that
gives the result.
Proof of Proposition 4.1. By Lemma 4.2, we have
Corollary 2.2 from [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7] implies that
From here, the results follows in the case where
from the fact that
$ \sum_{k\ge1}p_{X_{n+1},k}=1$
Now, assume that
. Taking
in (2.4) of [Reference Decrouez, Grabchak and Paris7] implies that
On the other hand, since
$\sum_{k\ge1}p^{1+r}_{X_{n+1},k}\le \sum_{k\ge1}p_{X_{n+1},k}=1$
, we also have
This completes the proof.
Proof of Corollary 4.1. Fix
, let
and note that
$A(n)\cup B(n)=\{r+1\le L_n\}$
. We can write
Now note that
Combining this with Proposition 4.1 gives
From here, the result follows by applying Proposition 3.1.
6.3. Proofs for Section 5
To prove Theorem 5.1, we begin with two technical results.
Lemma 6.1. Let
be an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain on a finite state space A and with stationary distribution
$\pi = (\pi_a)_{a\in A}$
. Let
$\pi_\wedge=\min_{a\in A}\pi_a$
and let
$L_n= \sum_{k=1}^n \textbf{1}\{X_k=X_{n+1}\}$
1. For any
$\beta\in\mathbb R$ , any
$\epsilon\in[0,\pi_\wedge)$ , any
$r>0$ , and any initial distribution
$\eta$ , we have
and\begin{eqnarray*}\lim_{n\to\infty} n^{\beta} \mathrm{P}_{\eta}\left\{\frac{L_n}{n}\le\epsilon \right\} =0\end{eqnarray*}
\begin{equation*}\lim_{n\to\infty}n^{\beta} \mathrm{P}_{\eta}\{L_n=r\}=0.\end{equation*}
2. If
$\alpha\in[0,1]$ and
$\ell\in\mathcal{SV}$ , then, with probability 1,
(19)and, for any\begin{eqnarray}\lim_{n\to\infty}\left( \frac{L_n^{-(1-\alpha)}\ell(L_n)}{n^{-(1-\alpha)}\ell(n)} - \pi_{X_{n+1}}^{-(1-\alpha)} \right)= 0\end{eqnarray}
$r\ge0$ and any initial distribution
$\eta$ ,
\begin{equation*}\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{{\mathrm{E}}_{\eta}[\textbf{1}\{L_n>r\}L_n^{-(1-\alpha)}\ell(L_n)]}{n^{-(1-\alpha)}\ell(n)} = \sum_{a\in A} \pi_a^\alpha .\end{equation*}
Proof. The first part follows immediately from the exponential bound in Proposition 3.1.
We now turn to the second part. For ease of notation, set
$h(x) = x^{-(1-\alpha)}\ell(x)$
. Since the Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic on a finite state space, it is recurrent and hence
with probability 1. Further, it satisfies the strong law of large numbers, which means that for each
$a\in A$
, if
$L_n(a) = \sum_{k=1}^n \textbf{1}\{X_k=a\}$
$\lim_{n\to\infty} L_n(a)/n=\pi_a$
with probability 1. Since A is a finite set, with probability 1, this convergence can be taken to be uniform in a. Let
, such that for any
we have
and for any
there exists an
such that if
$n\ge N^{\prime}_\epsilon(\omega)$
Now fix
. There exists an
such that if
$n\ge N_\epsilon(\omega)$
$\left|\frac{L_n(\omega)}{n} - \pi_{X_{n+1}(\omega)}\right|<0.5\pi_\wedge$
Further, by the uniform convergence theorem for regularly varying functions, see e.g. Proposition 2.4 of [Reference Resnick21], there is a
such that, for any
and any
$t\ge T_\epsilon$
$\frac{L_n}{n}\le 1$
, it follows that, for
$n\ge \max\{N_\epsilon(\omega),T_\epsilon\}$
which proves (19).
We now turn to the last part. Fix
and let
Note that
$A(n)\cup B(n)=\{r+1\le L_n\}$
. We can write
; by the Potter bounds (see, e.g., Theorem 1.5.6 of [Reference Bingham, Goldie and Teugels3]), there exists a
such that
where the convergence follows by the first part of this lemma. Similarly,
Combining this with the fact that
is bounded means that we can use dominated convergence to get
where the third equality follows from (19) and the fact that, with probability 1, there exists a (random) N such that
for all
$n\ge N$
, and the fourth equality follows by the fact that the distribution of
converges weakly to
, Skorokhod’s representation theorem, and dominated convergence.
Lemma 6.2. Let
and let
$P\in RV_\alpha(C,\ell)$
. When
assume, in addition, that (12) holds.
1. Let
$(X_n)_{n\ge1}$ be any sequence of A-valued random variables and let
$(N_n)_{n\ge1}$ be a sequence of
$\mathbb N$ -valued random variables such that, with probability 1
$N_n\to\infty$ as
$n\to\infty$ . With probability 1,
\begin{equation*}\lim_{n\to\infty}\bigg( \frac{\binom{N_n}{r}\sum_{k=1}^\infty p_{X_{n+1},k}^{r+1} (1-p_{X_{n+1},k})^{N_n-r}}{h_{\alpha,r}(N_n)} - F(X_{n+1}, r)\bigg)=0.\end{equation*}
2. Let
$X=(X_k)_{k\ge1}$ be an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain with state space A and stationary distribution
$\pi=(\pi_a)_{a\in A}$ . If
$L_n= \sum_{k=1}^n \textbf{1}\{X_k=X_{n+1}\}$ , then, with probability 1,
\begin{equation*}\lim_{n\to\infty}\bigg(\frac{\binom{L_n}{r}\sum_{k=1}^\infty p^{1+r}_{X_{n+1},k}(1-p_{X_{n+1},k})^{L_n-r}}{h_{\alpha,r}(n)}- \pi_{X_{n+1}}^{-(1-\alpha)}F(X_{n+1},r)\bigg) =0.\end{equation*}
Note that in the first part the sequences
may be dependent or independent.
Proof. We begin with the first part. Let
$\Omega_0\in\mathcal F$
be a set with
such that, for any
. Fix
. Since (13) holds uniformly in a, it follows that there is an
such that for all
$m\ge M_\epsilon$
and all
we have
Now let
be a number such that if
$n\ge M'_\epsilon(\omega)$
$N_n(\omega)\ge M_\epsilon$
. For all such n, the above holds with
in place of m. From here, the first part follows.
For the second part, we have
Since the Markov chain X is irreducible on a finite state space, all of its states are recurrent and hence
with probability 1. Thus, by the first part of this lemma, the fact that
$\max_{a\in A}F(a,r)<\infty$
, and the fact that
$\pi_{X_{n+1}}^{-(1-\alpha)}\le \left(\min_a\pi_a\right)^{-(1-\alpha)}$
, it suffices to show that, with probability 1,
which holds by Lemma 6.1.
Proof of Theorem 5.1. Note that, by Lemma 4.2,
We begin with
. Since
$\sum_{k\ge1}p^{1+r}_{X_{n+1},k}\le \sum_{k\ge1}p_{X_{n+1},k}=1$
, it follows that
where the convergence follows by Lemma 6.1. We next turn to
. Note that (13), the fact that
, and the fact that
is locally bounded imply that there is a constant
depending only on r with
for any
and some
. Here, the second inequality follows by the Potter bounds; see, e.g., Theorem 1.5.6 of [Reference Bingham, Goldie and Teugels3]. For simplicity, set
$K_\delta = K' H_\delta$
. Fix
and let
Note that
$A(n)\cup B(n)=\{r+1\le L_n\}$
. We can write
By Lemma 6.1, we have
Combining this with the fact that
is bounded for fixed r means that we can use dominated convergence to get
where the second equality follows from Lemma 6.2 and the fact that, with probability 1, there exists a (random) N such that
for all
$n\ge N$
. The third equality follows from the fact that the distribution of
converges weakly to
, Skorokhod’s representation theorem, and dominated convergence. This gives the first part of Theorem 5.1. The second part follows from the first and Lemma 6.1.
Appendix A. Regular variation
In this appendix we briefly review several basic facts about regularly varying distributions on
$\mathbb N_+$
. First, we recall that for a probability measure
$P=(p_{k})_{k\in\mathbb N_+}$
$\mathbb N_+$
, the counting measure
is defined by (1) and the counting function
is defined by (2).
Definition A.1. A probability distribution
$P=(p_{k})_{k\ge 1}$
with counting function
is said to be regularly varying, with exponent
, if
for some
. In this case, we write
$P\in RV_{\alpha}(\ell)$
To motivate this definition, we recall the following fact from [Reference Gnedin, Hansen and Pitman11]. For
, we have
$P\in RV_{\alpha}(\ell)$
if and only if
$p_k= k^{-1/\alpha} \ell^*(k) $
for some
, which is, in general, different from
. When
, a sufficient condition for
$P\in RV_{\alpha}(\ell)$
is that there exists an
In this case, we necessarily have
; see Proposition 15 of [Reference Gnedin, Hansen and Pitman11]. We will generally assume that (20) holds in this case.
Proposition A.1. Let
$P=(p_{k})_{k\ge 1}\in RV_\alpha(\ell)$
. If
then, for all
$r\ge 0$
and (20) holds then, for every
then for every
the result in (21) holds. If
$\ell_1(x)=\int_x^\infty u^{-1}\ell(u)\mathrm du$
is a function with
this is Proposition 7 of [Reference Ohannessian and Dahleh18]. For
the result follows by combining Proposition 18 of [Reference Gnedin, Hansen and Pitman11] with Lemma 2 of [Reference Grabchak and Zhang14]. Similarly, for
the result follows by combining Proposition 19 of [Reference Gnedin, Hansen and Pitman11] with Lemma 2 of [Reference Grabchak and Zhang14]. The facts about
are given in Proposition 14 of [Reference Gnedin, Hansen and Pitman11].
Proposition A.2. Fix
. When
assume that
and when
assume that
then, for all
$r\ge 0$
then for all
the result in (22) holds. If
$\ell_1(x)\ {\rm is\ derived\ from}$
as in Proposition A.1.
Proof. Let
, let
$\boldsymbol\nu_P^q(\mathrm d x) = x^q \boldsymbol\nu_P(\mathrm d x)$
, let
$\Phi_q(n) = \frac{n^q}{q!} \sum_{k=1}^\infty p_k^q {\rm e}^{-np_k}$
, and note that
A standard application of Fubini’s theorem gives
. For
, the assumptions imply that for small enough s we have
$\nu(s)\le \delta s^{-\alpha}\ell(1/s)$
. It follows that for
we have
where the last equality follows by Karamata’s theorem (Proposition 1.5.10 in [Reference Bingham, Goldie and Teugels3]). Hence,
Similarly, when
we have
and hence
we have
and hence
From here a version of Karamata’s Tauberian theorem (Theorem 1.7.1 in [Reference Bingham, Goldie and Teugels3]) implies that for
and that the corresponding result holds for the case
. From here, since
$(n+1)^{\alpha-1}\ell(n+1)\sim n^{\alpha-1}\ell(n)$
, we can use Lemma 2 of [Reference Grabchak and Zhang14] to complete the result.
The work of M. Kelbert and Q. Paris has been funded by the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100. The work of M. Grabchak is supported, in part, by the Russian Science Foundation (project number 17-11-01098). The authors would like to thank the two anonymous referees, whose comments led to improvements in the presentation of this paper.