1. Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to introduce an elementary tool to obtain simple upper bounds for the probability of observing unusually large maximal components in some important models of random graphs at criticality.
Given any (undirected) graph $\mathbb{G}=(V,E)$ and vertices $v,u\in V$, we write $v\sim u$ if the edge $\{v,u\}$ is present in $\mathbb{G}$ and say that vertices u and v are neighbours. We write $v\leftrightarrow u$ if there exists a path of occupied edges connecting vertices v and u and we adopt the convention that $v\leftrightarrow v$ for every $v\in V$. We let $\mathcal{C}(v)= \{u\in V\colon v\leftrightarrow u\}$ be the component (or cluster) of vertex $v\in V$ and denote its size by $|\mathcal{C}(v)|$. Moreover, we define a largest component $\mathcal{C}_{\max}$ to be any cluster $\mathcal{C}(v)$ for which $|\mathcal{C}(v)|$ is maximal, so that $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|=\max_{v\in V}|\mathcal{C}(v)|$.
The Erdős–Rényi random graph on $[n]= \{1,\dots,n\}$, denoted by $\mathbb{G}(n,p)$, is the random graph obtained from the complete graph on n vertices by independently retaining each edge with probability $p\in [0,1]$ and deleting it with probability $1-p$.
One of the most surprising aspects of this model is that when p is of the form $p=p(n)=\gamma/n$. then the $\mathbb{G}(n,p)$ random graph undergoes a phase transition as $\gamma$ passes 1. Specifically, if $\gamma < 1$ then $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|$ is of order $\log\!(n)$, if $\gamma=1$ then $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|$ is of order $n^{2/3}$, and if $\gamma > 1$ then $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|$ is of order n. See for instance the books [Reference Bollobás3], [Reference van der Hofstad13], or [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński15] for proofs of these statements and other interesting properties of this model. See also Krivelevich and Sudakov [Reference Krivelevich and Sudakov19] for a simple proof of the phase transition in $\mathbb{G}(n,p)$.
In [Reference De Ambroggio and Roberts9] De Ambroggio and Roberts introduced a ballot-type result (Lemma 1 below) to provide a new, purely probabilistic proof of the fact that in the $\mathbb{G}(n,p)$ model considered in the so-called critical window, i.e. when p is of the form $p=p(n)=n^{-1}+\lambda n^{-4/3}$, the probability of observing a maximal cluster of size larger than $An^{2/3}$ tends to zero (as $n\rightarrow \infty$) exponentially fast in A. More precisely, they proved that, for large enough n,
where $0<c\leq c^{\prime}$ are two finite constants, thus showing that in the near-critical $\mathbb{G}(n,p)$ model the number of vertices contained in the maximal component is unlikely to be much larger than $n^{2/3}$.
We remark that the correct asymptotic for $\mathbb{P}\big(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|>An^{2/3}\big)$ in this critical model was obtained first by Pittel [Reference Pittel26] (whose paper is partially based on an earlier article by Łuczak, Pittel, and Wierman [Reference Łuczak, Pittel and Wierman21]) and more recently by Roberts [Reference Roberts27]. We also mention that Nachmias and Peres [Reference Nachmias and Peres23] used a general martingale argument to establish an exponential upper bound for the probability in (1), but their bound is not optimal.
The purpose of this work is to show that part of the argument used in [Reference De Ambroggio and Roberts9] to prove the upper bound in (1) is quite general and can be used to obtain, in a surprisingly simple way, polynomial upper bounds for $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|>k)$ in different models of random graphs when considered at criticality. Specifically, we apply our method to three different models, namely a model of a random intersection graph, a random graph obtained through p-bond percolation on a general d-regular graph, and a model of an inhomogeneous random graph, and we show that $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|$ is unlikely to be much larger than $n^{2/3}$ in these models. In this sense, these random graphs exhibit a similar critical behaviour.
2. Results
In order to better understand the statement of our main result (Theorem 1 below), we first need to recall the definition of an exploration process, which is an algorithmic procedure used to reveal the components of a given graph; see e.g. [Reference De Ambroggio and Roberts9], [Reference Nachmias and Peres22], [Reference Nachmias and Peres23], [Reference Roberts27], and references therein. As we will see in a moment, when the graph under investigation is random such an exploration process reduces the study of component sizes to the analysis of the trajectory of a random process, which looks like (but is not quite) a random walk.
Let $\mathbb{G}=([n],E)$ be any (undirected) graph, and let $V_n$ be a vertex selected uniformly at random from [n]. During the exploration of $\mathcal{C}(V_n)$, each vertex will be either active, explored, or unseen, and its status will change during the course of the exploration. At each step $t\in \{0\}\cup [n]$ of the algorithm, the number of explored vertices will be t, whereas the number of active vertices will be denoted by $Y_t$. At time $t=0$, if $V_n$ is an isolated vertex we stop the procedure; otherwise there exists some vertex $u\in [n]\setminus {V_n}$ with $\{V_n,u\}\in E$. In this case vertices $V_n$ and u are declared active, whereas all other vertices are declared unseen (so that $Y_0=2$). At each step $t\in [n]$ of the algorithm we proceed as follows.
(a) If $Y_{t-1}>0$, we let $u_t$ be the active vertex with the smallest label. We reveal all unseen neighbours of $u_t$ in $\mathbb{G}$ and change the status of these vertices to active. Then we set $u_t$ itself to be explored.
(b) If $Y_{t-1}=0$, we let $u_t$ be the unseen vertex with the smallest label, and:
(b.1) if $u_t$ is isolated, we halt the procedure;
(b.2) otherwise, there is at least one unseen vertex v such that $\{u_t,v\}\in E$, and we declare both $u_t$ and v active; then we continue with step (a).
Letting $\eta_t$ denote the number of unseen vertices in $\mathbb{G}$ which become active at step t of the exploration process, we see that:
(i) if $Y_{t-1}>0$ then $Y_t=Y_{t-1}+\eta_t-1$;
(ii) if $Y_{t-1}=0$ then $Y_t=\eta_t$.
Remark 1. We remark that our description of an exploration process is slightly different from those provided in [Reference De Ambroggio and Roberts9], [Reference Nachmias and Peres23], and [Reference Roberts27], for example. Indeed, in our setting the algorithm is actually run only in the case where $V_n$ is not an isolated vertex, and the exploration starts from two active vertices and not from one active vertex, as usually happens. Moreover, whenever $Y_{t-1}=0$ and $u_t$ is not isolated, we first reveal one of the neighbours of $u_t$ before proceeding with the exploration. These small modifications will be particularly useful in one of our applications.
Now let $\mathbb{G}=([n],E)$ be any (undirected) random graph, and use the above algorithm to reveal the components of $\mathbb{G}$. It is clear that the $\eta_i$ are now random variables. Observe that, given any $k\in \mathbb{N}=\{1,2,\dots\}$, if $V_n$ is an isolated vertex then $|\mathcal{C}(V_n)|=1$ and hence, in particular, we cannot have $|\mathcal{C}(V_n)|>k$ (as $k\geq 1$). On the other hand, if $V_n$ is not isolated then $|\mathcal{C}(V_n)|>k$ implies that $Y_t=2+\sum_{i=1}^{t}\!(\eta_{i}-1)>0$ for all $t\in [k]$. Therefore we can write
Note that the $\eta_i$ are not independent and, moreover, they have different distributions (one of the reasons is that the number of unseen vertices in the graph decreases during the course of the exploration). Therefore $Y_t$ does not define a random walk.
In order to bound the probability in (2) from above, the idea is to produce a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables $X_i$, bigger than the $\eta_{i}$, that allow us to replace the probability on the right-hand side of (2) with the probability that a random walk (started at 2) stays positive up to time k.
In some random graphs this is an immediate consequence of the model construction, while in other instances one needs more care in order to produce these $X_i$.
Here is our main result.
Theorem 1. Let $\mathbb{G}=([n],E)$ be any (undirected) random graph. Suppose that there exists a sequence of i.i.d. random variables $(X_i)_{i\geq 1}$ taking values in $\mathbb{N}_0$, such that the distribution of $X_1$ may depend on n, satisfying:
(i) $\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)\geq c$ for all sufficiently large n, for some constant $c>0$;
(ii) $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}(V_n)|>k)\leq \mathbb{P}\bigl(2+\sum_{i=1}^{t}\!(X_i-1)>0\ {for\ all}\ t\in [k]\bigr)$ for every $k=k(n)\in \mathbb{N}$;
(iii) there exist $\delta,\rho=\rho(n)>0$ and $\epsilon=\epsilon(n)\geq 0$ with $\epsilon_n\rightarrow 0$ (as $n\rightarrow \infty$) such that $\mathbb{E}\big({\textrm{e}}^{rX_1}\big)\leq {\textrm{e}}^{r(1+\epsilon)+r^2\delta}$ for every $r\in (0,\rho)$ and all sufficiently large n.
Suppose that $k=k(n)\in \mathbb{N}$ satisfies $\epsilon \sqrt{k}\leq c$ and $\rho \sqrt{k}\geq 1$ for all large enough n, for some finite constant $c>0$. Then
for all sufficiently large n, where $C>0$ is a finite positive constant which depends solely on $\delta$ and c.
Remark 2. In all our applications the probability $\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)$ is bounded away from zero, so that if $k=k(n)= \lceil An^{2/3} \rceil$ satisfies the two assumptions in the statement of the theorem, then $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|> \lceil An^{2/3} \rceil)$ is indeed ${\textrm{O}}(A^{-3/2})$.
Remark 3. We note that condition (iii) in Theorem 1 might be stated in different (possibly more general) terms, but we decided to state it in this way because of its simplicity to verify, as shown in our applications.
Our claim that the approach introduced in [Reference De Ambroggio and Roberts9] is robust and that Proposition 1 leads to simple upper bounds for $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|>k)$ in several models of random graphs at criticality is justified in Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 below, where we use Proposition 1 to obtain polynomial upper bounds for the above probability in three particular models of random graphs.
We remark that our methodology does not lead to upper bounds for the probability of observing unusually small largest components; in this direction the martingale argument introduced by Nachmias and Peres in [Reference Nachmias and Peres23] seems to be more robust and adaptable to different models of random graphs.
2.1. Critical random intersection graph
Our first application of Theorem 1 involves a model of a random intersection graph; for an introduction to this class of models, we refer the reader to [Reference Frieze and Karoński11].
Here we are interested in the random graph described by Lageras and Lindholm [Reference Lageras and Lindholm20]. Such a random graph, denoted by $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$, with a set of vertices $V=\{v_i\colon i\in [n]\}$ and a set of edges E, is constructed from a bipartite graph $\mathbb{B}(n,m,p)$ with two sets of vertices: $A=\{a_j\colon j\in [m]\}$, which we call the set of auxiliary vertices, and V (i.e. the vertex set of $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$). Edges in $\mathbb{B}(n,m,p)$ between vertices and auxiliary vertices are present independently with probability $p\in [0,1]$. Two distinct vertices $v_i$ and $v_j$ are neighbours in $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ (i.e. $\{v_i,v_j\}\in E$) if and only if there exists at least one $a_k\in A$ such that both edges $\{a_k,v_i\}$ and $\{a_k,v_j\}$ are present in the bipartite graph $\mathbb{B}(n,m,p)$.
We are interested in the case where $p=p(n)=\gamma/n^{(1+\alpha)/2}$ and $m=m(n)=\lfloor \beta n \rfloor$, where $\alpha,\beta,\gamma> 0$ are fixed parameters of the model.
Stark [Reference Stark28] has shown that the vertex degree distribution (i.e. the distribution of the degree of a vertex selected uniformly at random) is highly dependent on the value of $\alpha$. However, as shown by Deijfen and Kets [Reference Deijfen and Kets10], the clustering is controllable only when $\alpha=1$.
The component structure of the graph was studied for $\alpha\neq 1$, $\gamma>0$, and $\beta=1$ by Behrisch [Reference Behrisch2], whereas it was studied for $\alpha=1$ and $\beta, \gamma>0$ in [Reference Lageras and Lindholm20]. Specifically, Lageras and Lindholm [Reference Lageras and Lindholm20] proved that the $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ model undergoes a phase transition as $\beta \gamma^2$ passes 1. Indeed, setting $\mu= \beta \gamma^2$, they proved that if $\mu<1$ (sub-critical case), then with probability tending to one there is no component in $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ with more than ${\textrm{O}}(\!\log\!(n))$ vertices, while if $\mu >1$ (super-critical case), then with probability tending to one there exists a unique giant component of size $n\delta$ where $\delta\in (0,1)$, and the size of the second largest component is at most of order $\log\!(n)$.
By means of Theorem 1 we show that, in the critical case $\mu=1$, it is unlikely for the largest component to contain more than $n^{2/3}$ vertices.
Proposition 1. Let $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ be the random intersection graph described above. Let $m= \lfloor \beta n \rfloor$, $p= \gamma/n$, and $\mu= \beta \gamma^2$. If $\mu=1$ then, given any $A>1$, when n is sufficiently large we have
where $c_1$ is a finite constant which depends solely on $\gamma$ and $\beta$.
2.2. Critical p-bond percolation on d-regular graph
In this section we consider a second application of Theorem 1. Here we analyse a random graph $\mathbb{G}_p$ obtained through p-bond percolation on a general d-regular graph.
In [Reference Nachmias and Peres22] Nachmias and Peres adapted the martingale method they developed in [Reference Nachmias and Peres23] to prove that, for any $d\geq 3$, when $p\leq (d-1)^{-1}$ then
see [Reference Nachmias and Peres22, Proposition 1.2]. For a random regular graph $\mathbb{G}(n,d,p)$ they were also able to sharpen the upper bound in (3) and to prove a corresponding lower bound. (The $\mathbb{G}(n,d,p)$ random graph is obtained by the following two-step procedure: first we draw uniformly at random a graph from the set of all simple d-regular graphs on [n], and then we retain each edge independently with probability p and delete it with probability $1-p$.) Specifically, in Theorem 2 of [Reference Nachmias and Peres22] it is shown that, when p is of the form
and $d\geq 3$ is fixed, then there are constants $C_1,C_2\in (0,\infty)$ depending on $\lambda$ and d such that, for every $A>0$ and all n, $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|>An^{2/3})\leq A^{-1}C_1 \,{\textrm{e}}^{-C_2 A^3}$. In [Reference Nachmias and Peres22] it is also shown that there exists a constant $C_3\in (0,\infty)$ (also depending on $\lambda$ and d) such that, for large enough A and all n, then $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|<\lceil A^{-1} n^{2/3}\rceil)\leq C_3A^{-1/2}$, thus proving that the size of $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|$ is indeed of order $n^{2/3}$ in this model when considered at criticality.
We remark that in [Reference Nachmias and Peres22] the parameter d is not allowed to depend on n. The problem of determining the size of $|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|$ in the critical $\mathbb{G}(n,d,p)$ model when $d=d(n)$ depends on n has been investigated by Joos and Perarnau [Reference Joos and Perarnau16], where the authors proved (among many other things) that for any $d\in \{3,\dots,n-1\}$ and when p is of the form (4), then for all sufficiently large n and $A=A(\lambda)$ we have that $\mathbb{P}(|\mathcal{C}_{\max}|\notin [A^{-1}n^{2/3},An^{2/3}])\leq 20/\sqrt{A}$.
Our goal here is to show that, by means of Theorem 1, we can recover (up to a multiplicative constant) the bound in (3), in a very simple way.
Proposition 2. Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a d-regular graph, $d> 3$, and let $\mathbb{G}_p$ denote the random graph obtained by bond percolation on $\mathbb{G}$ with probability p. If $p\leq 1/(d-1)$ then, given any $A>1$, when n is sufficiently large we have
for some finite positive constant $c_2$ which depends solely on d.
Remark 4. The requirement $d>3$ is needed because the i.i.d. random variables $(X_i)_{i\geq 1}$ that dominate the $\eta_i$ in the exploration process satisfy
see Section 3.3. Hence, if we want $\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)>0$ (a condition required in Theorem 1), we do need $d>3$.
2.3. Critical inhomogeneous random graph
In this section we discuss our final application of Theorem 1. In the random graph model that we investigate here, the n vertices are endowed with weights, and edges between a pair of vertices are placed independently with probabilities moderated by such weights.
Specifically, let $\textbf{w}=(w_i)_{i\in [n]}$ be a sequence of positive real numbers, which we call the sequence of vertex weights; we think of $w_i$ as the weight assigned to vertex $i\in [n]$. Define $l_n= \sum_{i\in[n]}w_i$, the sum of all weights.
We consider the so-called Norros–Reittu random graph [Reference Norros and Reittu24] as described by Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12]. This is an inhomogeneous random graph, that we denote by $NR_n(\textbf{w})$, in which the probability that the edge $\{i,j\}$ is present in $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ (for $1\leq i<j\leq n$) is given by
and edges are present independently.
Inhomogeneous random graphs were studied extensively by Bollobás, Janson, and Riordan [Reference Bollobás, Janson and Riordan4]. As explained by Janson [Reference Janson14] and further noted by Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12], the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph is closely related to the models studied by Chung and Lu [Reference Chung and Lu5, Reference Chung and Lu6, Reference Chung and Lu7] and Norros and Reittu [Reference Norros and Reittu24], so that the results proved for the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph apply as well to these other models.
Other models of inhomogeneous random graphs have been studied more recently by Penrose [Reference Penrose25] and by Kang, Pachon, and Rodriguez [Reference Kang, Pachon and Rodriguez18].
It is clear that the topology of the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ model depends on the choice of the sequence $\textbf{w}$, which we now specify.
Let $F\colon (0,\infty)\mapsto [0,1]$ be a distribution function, and define
By convention, we set $[1-F]^{-1}(1)= 0$. We construct the weights as in [Reference van der Hofstad12], namely we set
In [Reference Bollobás, Janson and Riordan4, Theorem 3.13] it was shown that in the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph with vertex weights as in (5), the proportion of vertices having degree $k\geq 0$, denoted by $N_k$, converges in probability (as $n \rightarrow \infty$) to
where W is a random variable taking values in $(0,\infty)$ with distribution function F. The limiting sequence $(p_k)_{k\geq 0}$ is a so-called mixed Poisson distribution with mixing distribution F.
In order to describe the phase transition for the size of the largest component, define
As explained by Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12] (see also [Reference De Ambroggio and Pachon8]), this (positive) real number corresponds to the asymptotic mean of the offspring distribution in a branching process approximation of the exploration of $\mathcal{C}(V_n)$.
In [Reference Bollobás, Janson and Riordan4, Theorem 3.1] it is shown that the graph undergoes a phase transition as $\nu$ passes 1. In particular, if $\nu>1$, the largest component contains a positive proportion of the total number of vertices, whereas if $\nu \leq 1$ the largest component contains a vanishing proportion of vertices.
Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12] provided a complete picture of the component structure in the critical $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ model. Specifically, he proved that in the case where
for some constant $c_F>0$ and some $3<\tau <4$, there is a constant $b>0$ such that for all $A>1$ and $n\geq 1$, the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph satisfies
On the other hand, when
for some $c_F>0$ and some $\tau>4$, then there is a constant $b>0$ such that, for all $n\geq 1$ and all $A>1$, the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph satisfies
(In fact Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12] proved a more general result, namely that the lower bounds (7) and (9) also remain valid after a small perturbation of the vertex weights; see [Reference van der Hofstad12, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2].)
For a heuristic explanation of the critical behaviour described by (7) and (9), we refer to [Reference van der Hofstad12, Section 1.3].
We also mention that De Ambroggio and Pachon [Reference De Ambroggio and Pachon8] used the first part of the martingale argument introduced by Nachmias and Peres [Reference Nachmias and Peres23] to obtain simple upper bounds for the probability of observing unusually large maximal components in the (critical) $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph for both regimes $\tau\in (3,4)$ and $\tau>4$, even if in the former case (i.e. for $\tau\in (3,4)$) the distribution function F is required to satisfy a stronger condition with respect to the one stated in (6).
Our goal here is to use Theorem 1 to provide a very simple proof of the fact that, in the critical $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ model with vertex weights as in (5) and distribution function F satisfying (8), the largest component is unlikely to contain more than $n^{2/3}$ vertices. More precisely, we prove the following.
Proposition 3. Consider the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph with weights defined as in (5) above. Suppose that there exists a constant $c_F>0$ and a $\tau >4$ such that $1-F(x)\leq c_Fx^{-(\tau-1)}$ for all $x\geq 0$. Then, given any $A>1$, when n is large enough we have that
where $c_3$ is a finite positive constant which depends solely on $c_F$ and $\tau$.
3. Proofs
Here we are going to prove the results stated in Section 2. We start by proving Theorem 1 and subsequently we prove the remaining results, namely Propositions 1, 2, and 3.
The proof of Theorem 1 relies on the following ballot-type estimate, which is taken from [Reference De Ambroggio and Roberts9]. For a general introduction to classical ballot theorems and their generalisations, see for instance [Reference Addario-Berry and Reed1], [Reference Kager17], and references therein.
Lemma 1. Fix $n\in \mathbb{N}$ and let $(W_i)_{i\geq 1}$ be a sequence of i.i.d. valued random variables taking values in $\mathbb{Z}$. Let $r\in \mathbb{N}$, and suppose that $\mathbb{P}(W_1=r)>0$. Define $S_t = \sum_{i=1}^{t}W_i$ for $t\in \mathbb{N}_0$. Then, for any $j\geq 1$, we have
3.1. Proof of Theorem 1
Let $k=k(n)\in \mathbb{N}$. By hypothesis, there is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables $X_i$ taking values in $\mathbb{N}_0$ such that, setting $S_t= \sum_{i=1}^{t}\!(X_i-1)$,
Using Lemma 1 with $W_i=X_i-1$ and $r=2$, we obtain
where we set $a= 1/\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)\in (0,\infty)$. Now let m be a non-negative integer to be specified later. By splitting the series in (10) at $h=m$ we can write
Now the series in (11) equals
To proceed, we observe the following: if X is a random variable taking values in $\mathbb{N}_0$, then for any $h\ge1$, we have
Thus the series in (12) equals
Substituting the series in (12) with these three terms, we obtain
Now observe that the series in (13) can be rewritten as follows:
Summarizing, so far we have shown that
Using our assumption on $\mathbb{E}({\textrm{e}}^{rX_1})$ and Markov’s inequality, we have, for all $h\geq m+1$ and all $r\in (0,\rho)$,
Now if k is such that $\rho \sqrt{k}\geq 1$ for all large enough n, then $r= 1/\sqrt{k+1}<\rho$, and hence using this specific value of r we obtain
Also, if k satisfies $\epsilon \sqrt{k}\leq c$ for all sufficiently large n, we see that $\epsilon \sqrt{k+1}\leq 2c$ and hence we can bound the series in (14) from above as follows:
Now observe that
Using the inequality ${\textrm{e}}^{-x}\leq 1-x+x^2/2$ (which is valid for all $x\geq 0$), we see that
and hence the expression on the right-hand side of (15) is at most
Thus we obtain
Taking $m=\lfloor \sqrt{k+1} \rfloor$ we see that
where we set $C=C(\delta,c)= 1+3\,{\textrm{e}}^{\delta+2c-1}$. Finally, letting
denote the number of vertices that are contained in components of size at least k, we obtain
completing the proof of the theorem.
3.2. Proof of Proposition 1
Let $\mathbb{H}(n,m,p)$ be a random (multi-)graph constructed from the bipartite graph $\mathbb{B}(n,m,p)$ by letting the number of edges between $v_i,v_j\in V$ equal the number of auxiliary vertices $a_k$ that are adjacent to both $v_i$ and $v_j$. (Recall that V is the vertex set of the random intersection graph $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ under investigation.) Notice that $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ can be obtained from $\mathbb{H}(n,m,p)$ by coalescing multiple edges between vertices into one single edge. Hence, thanks to this construction, we see that the degree distribution in $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ is dominated by the degree distribution in $\mathbb{H}(n,m,p)$. Notice that the latter is a compound binomial distribution with moment generating function
since (by construction) a vertex $v\in \mathbb{H}(n,m,p)$ is connected to a $\operatorname{Bin}\!(m,p)$ number of auxiliary vertices, and each one of them is connected to an independent $\operatorname{Bin}\!(n-1,p)$ number of vertices in $V\setminus \{v\}$.
Therefore, by revealing the components of $\mathbb{G}(n,m,p)$ using the exploration process described at the beginning of Section 2, we can write
where the $X_i$ are i.i.d. compound binomial random variables with moment generating function given in (16).
Using the probability generating function of $X_1$ (which coincides with (16) after substituting ${\textrm{e}}^r$ with r), it is not difficult to show that (for large enough n) the probability $\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)$ is bounded from below by a positive constant which depends solely on $\gamma$ and $\beta$.
Next, in order to apply Theorem 1, we simply need to prove an upper bound for $\mathbb{E}({\textrm{e}}^{rX_1})$. Recalling the expression of the moment generating function of $X_1$ given in (16), we obtain
Taking $r\in (0,1)$, we have that ${\textrm{e}}^r-1\leq r+r^2$. Then, since $1+x\leq {\textrm{e}}^x$ for all $x\in \mathbb{R}$, we see that (17) is at most
Thus, taking $r<\min\{1,1/2\gamma\}$ (so that $\gamma(r+r^2)<1$), we see that
and hence, using the fact that $\log\!(1+x)\leq x$ for all $x>-1$, we can write
Recalling that $\beta \gamma^2=1$, we obtain
Therefore, for all $r\in (0,\min\{1,1/2\gamma\})$, we have
and hence condition (iii) in Theorem 1 is satisfied for $\rho=\min\{1,1/2\gamma\}$, $\delta=1+4\gamma$, and $\epsilon=0$. Hence, taking $k=\lceil A n^{2/3} \rceil$ (which clearly satisfies the requirement $\epsilon \sqrt{k}\leq c$ for $c=0$ as well as the condition $\rho \sqrt{k}\geq 1$) and applying Theorem 1, we obtain
for some finite positive constant $c_1$ which depends solely on $\gamma$ and $\beta$.
3.3. Proof of Proposition 2
Since $\mathbb{G}$ is d-regular, we can use the exploration process described at the beginning of Section 2 to conclude that
where the $X_i$ are i.i.d. random variables with $X_i\sim \operatorname{Bin}\!(d-1,p)$, so that
(Note that if we had started the exploration process with only one active vertex, now we would have $\eta_1\sim \operatorname{Bin}\!(d,p)$, and hence in particular it would be impossible to dominate $\eta_1$ with a $\operatorname{Bin}\!(d-1,p)$ random variable.) Using a monotonicity argument we can focus on the (critical) case $p=1/(d-1)$. Note that, since $d>3$,
Next, for all $r\in (0,1)$, using the inequality $1+x\leq {\textrm{e}}^x$ (valid for all $x\in \mathbb{R}$) we see that
Hence condition (iii) of Theorem 1 is satisfied for $\rho,\delta=1$ and $\epsilon=0$. Thus, taking $k=\lceil An^{2/3}\rceil$ (which satisfies $\epsilon \sqrt{k}\leq c$ for $c=0$, as well as $\rho \sqrt{k}\geq 1$), we arrive at
for some finite positive constant $c_2$ which depends solely on d.
3.4. Proof of Proposition 3
Before starting the actual proof, we need to recall the definition of size-biased distribution of a non-negative random variable and to introduce a few facts.
Definition 1. For a non-negative random variable X with $\mathbb{E}(X)>0$, the size-biased distribution of X, denoted by $X^*$, is the random variable defined by
For proofs of the assertions that appear in the statement of the next result, see [Reference De Ambroggio and Pachon8].
Lemma 2. Suppose that $1-F(x)\leq c_Fx^{-(\tau-1)}$ for all $x\geq 0$, for some $c_F>0$ and $\tau>4$. Let $w_i$ be as in (5). Then $\max\{w_i\colon i\in [n]\}\leq (c_F n)^{1/(\tau-1)}$. Moreover, defining
and letting $W_n$ being a random variable with distribution function $F_n$ and size-biased distribution $W_n^*$, then $\mathbb{E}((W^*_n)^2)\leq C_1$ and $|1-\mathbb{E}(W^*_n)|\leq C_2n^{-{{(\tau-3)}/{(\tau-1)}}}$ for all large enough n, where $C_1$ and $C_2$ are two positive constants which depend on $c_F$ and $\tau$.
As explained in Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12] (see also [Reference De Ambroggio and Pachon8]), the cluster exploration of $V_n$ in the $NR_n(\textbf{w})$ random graph can be dominated by the total progeny of a (marked mixed-Poisson) branching process. Specifically, following Van der Hofstad [Reference van der Hofstad12], we can write
where the $X_i$ are independent mixed Poisson random variables with $X_i\sim \operatorname{Poi}\!(w_{M_i})$ and the $M_i$ are i.i.d. random variables, all distributed as a random variable M with distribution given by
As remarked in [Reference van der Hofstad12], a $\operatorname{Poi}\!(w_M)$ random variable converges in distribution to a mixed Poisson random variable with random parameter $W^*$, where $W^*$ is the size-biased distribution of W, the latter being a positive random variable with distribution function F. Therefore $\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)$ converges to $\mathbb{P}(Z=3)$, where $Z\sim \operatorname{Poi}\!(W^*)$. It follows that $\mathbb{P}(X_1=3)\geq \mathbb{P}(Z=3)/2$ for all large enough n, and hence we obtain
Taking $r\in (0,1)$ so that ${\textrm{e}}^r-1\leq r+r^2$, we obtain
If moreover $r<(2\max\{w_i\colon i\in [n]\})^{-1}$, then $w_i(r+r^2)<2r w_i\leq 1$ for every $i\in [n]$ and hence, for $0<r<\min\{1,1/2\max\{w_i\colon i\in [n]\}\}$, we can bound
Note that if $W_n$ is a random variable with distribution function $F_n$ given in (18) and $W_n^*$ is its size-biased distribution, then
Therefore we arrive at
Thanks to Lemma 2 we know that $\mathbb{E}((W^*_n)^2)\leq C_1$ and $\mathbb{E}(W^*_n)\leq 1+C_2n^{-{{(\tau-3)}/{(\tau-1)}}}$ for all sufficiently large n (for some finite constants $C_1,C_2>0$ which depend on $c_F$ and $\tau$), we see that
for all large enough n. Summarizing, for all positive $r<\min\{1,1/2\max\{w_i\colon i\in [n]\}\}$ we have shown that
provided n is sufficiently large. Hence condition (iii) in Theorem 1 is satisfied for $\rho=\rho(n)=\min\{1,1/2\max\{w_i\colon i\in [n]\}\}$, $\delta=1+5C_1$, and $\epsilon=\epsilon(n)=C_2n^{-{{(\tau-3)}/{(\tau-1)}}}$. Note that $k= \lceil An^{2/3} \rceil$ satisfies
for all large enough n since A is fixed and $\tau>4$, and $\rho \sqrt{k}\geq 1$ since
Hence we can apply Theorem 1 to conclude that
for some finite positive constant $c_3$ that depends solely on $c_F$ and $\tau$.
The author would like to thank two anonymous referees and M. Roberts for useful suggestions that helped to improve the presentation of the paper. Moreover, the author thanks G. Perarnau and A. Pachon for interesting discussions about random intersection graphs on the occasion of the workshop Graphs and Randomness in Turin (January 2019).
Funding information
The author thanks the Royal Society for his PhD scholarship.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process of this article.