Let, for each t ∈ T, ψ(t, ۔) be a random measure on theBorel σ-algebra in ℝd such that Eψ(t, ℝd)k < ∞ for all k and let $\widehat{\psi}$
(t, ۔) beits characteristic function. We call the function$\widehat{\psi}$
(t1,…, tl ; z1,…, zl) = ${\sf E}\prod^l_{j=1}\widehat{\psi}(t_j, z_j)$
of arguments l ∈ ℕ, t1, t2… ∈ T, z1, z2 ∈ ℝd the covaristic of the measure-valued random function (MVRF)ψ(۔, ۔). A general limit theorem for MVRF's interms of covaristics is proved and applied to functions of thekind ψn(t, B) = µ{x : ξn(t, x) ∈ B}, where μ is anonrandom finite measure and, for each n, ξn is atime-dependent random field.