We consider the following reaction-diffusion equation:
$$ {\rm (KS)}\left\{\begin{array}{llll}u_t=\nabla \cdot \Big( \nabla u^m - u^{q-1} \nabla v \Big),& x \in \mathbb{R}^N, \ 0<t<\infty, \nonumber0 = \Delta v - v + u, & x \in \mathbb{R}^N, \ 0<t<\infty, \nonumberu(x,0) = u_0(x), & x \in \mathbb{R}^N,\end{array}\right.$$
where $N \ge 1, \ m > 1, \ q \ge \max\{m+\frac{2}{N},2\}$
In [Sugiyama, Nonlinear Anal.63 (2005) 1051–1062; Submitted; J. Differential Equations (in press)]it was shown that in the case of $q \ge \max\{m+\frac{2}{N},2\}$
, the above problem (KS) is solvable globally in time for “small $L^{\frac{N(q-m)}{2}}$
data”.Moreover, the decay of the solution (u,v) in $L^p(\mathbb{R}^N)$
was proved.In this paper, we consider the case of “ $q \ge \max\{m+\frac{2}{N},2\}$
and small $L^{\ell}$
data” with any fixed $\ell \ge \frac{N(q-m)}{2}$
and show that (i) there exists a time global solution (u,v) of (KS) andit decays to 0 as t tends to ∞ and(ii) a solution u of the first equation in (KS)behaveslike the Barenblatt solution asymptotically as t tends to ∞,where the Barenblatt solution is the exact solution (with self-similarity) of the porous medium equation $u_t = \Delta u^m$
with m>1.