Published online by Cambridge University Press: 08 June 2004
This paper proposes a semiparametric approach by introducing a smooth scale function into the standard generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) model so that conditional heteroskedasticity (CH) and scale change in financial returns can be modeled simultaneously. An estimation procedure combining kernel estimation of the scale function and maximum likelihood estimation of the GARCH parameters is proposed. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are investigated in detail. It is shown that asymptotically normal, -consistent parameter estimation is available. A data-driven algorithm is developed for practical implementation. Finite sample performance of the proposal is studied through simulation. The proposal is applied to model CH and scale change in the daily S&P 500 and DAX 100 returns. It is shown that both series have simultaneously significant scale change and CH.We are very grateful to the co-editor and two referees for their helpful comments and suggestions, which led to a substantial improvement of this paper. The paper was finished under the advice of Professor Jan Beran, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Konstanz, Germany, and was financially supported by the Center of Finance and Econometrics (CoFE), University of Konstanz. We thank colleagues in CoFE, especially Professor Winfried Pohlmeier, for their interesting questions at a talk of the author. It was these questions that motivated the author to write this paper. Our special thanks go to Dr. Erik Lüders, Department of Finance and Insurance, Laval University, and Stern School of Business, New York University, for his helpful suggestions.
Modeling of heteroskedasticity in financial returns is one of the most important and interesting themes of financial econometrics. Well-known conditional heteroskedastic (CH) models are the autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic ARCH (Engle, 1982) and (generalized ARCH) GARCH (Bollerslev, 1986) together with numerous extensions. Most GARCH variants are however stationary models and are hence time homoskedastic with constant unconditional variance. In practice it is realized that financial returns are often not only conditional but also time heteroskedastic with time varying unconditional variance. This is shown by, e.g., Beran and Ocker (2001) by fitting a trend function to some volatility series defined by Ding, Granger, and Engle (1993). Nonstationarity in financial returns is investigated in detail by, e.g., Mikosch and Stărică (2004). They show that the phenomenon
by a fitted GARCH(1, 1) model often implies nonstationarity.
In recent years different approaches for simultaneously modeling conditional and time heteroskedasticity have been introduced in the literature by defining the volatility as a function not only of the past values but also of the time, e.g., GARCH model with change points (the piecewise GARCH model of Mikosch and Stărică, 2004) and local time homogeneous model with change points (Mercurio and Spokoiny, 2002). A general continuous time model to perform this may be found in Fan, Jiang, Zhang, and Zhou (2002). One can also obtain a similar model for discrete time series by introducing past information into the mean and volatility functions in the indexed stochastic model proposed by Yao and Morgan (1999). Another proposal in this context is the time heteroskedastic stochastic volatility model (Härdle, Spokoiny, and Teyssière, 2000).
In this paper another approach, called a semiparametric GARCH (SEMIGARCH) model is proposed by introducing a scale function σ(t) into the parametric GARCH model. This proposal is motivated by the observation that one important reason for the time heteroskedasticity is a slowly changing scale function in volatility. The advantages of this approach are as follows. 1. The volatility is decomposed into two multiplicative components corresponding to the location and the past information, respectively. 2. The GARCH parameters are estimated globally, and hence asymptotically normal,
-consistent estimators are available. 3. The SEMIGARCH model can also be used for predicting the future volatility. A semiparametric estimation procedure combining kernel estimation of the scale function and maximum likelihood estimation of the GARCH parameters is proposed. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are investigated in detail. A data-driven algorithm is developed for practical implementation. Finite sample performance of the proposal is examined through a simulation study. The proposal is applied to model CH and scale change in the daily S&P 500 and DAX 100 returns. It is shown that both series have simultaneously significant scale change and CH.
This approach provides an interesting alternative for modeling financial volatility. Whether or not it is better than another approach depends on the case considered. The idea proposed in this paper can be used to obtain semiparametric generalizations of other GARCH variants. Change points can also be introduced into the SEMIGARCH model.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the model. Section 3 describes the semiparametric estimation procedure. Asymptotic properties of the proposals are investigated in Section 4. Section 5 proposes a data-driven algorithm for practical implementation. Results of the simulation study are reported in Section 6. The proposal is applied to the log-returns of the daily S&P 500 and DAX 100 indices in Section 7. Section 8 contains some final discussion. Proofs of results are in the Appendix.
Consider the equidistant time series model
where μ is an unknown constant, ti = i/n, σ(t) > 0 is a smooth, bounded scale (or volatility) function, and {εi} is assumed to be a GARCH(r,s) process defined by
(Bollerslev, 1986), where ηi are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) N(0,1) random variables, α0 > 0 and α1,…,αr,β1,…,βs ≥ 0. Let v(t) = σ2(t) denote the local variance of Yi. The rescaled time index ti = i/n is introduced to guarantee that the information increases as n increases and the availability of a consistent estimator of v. Now, model (1) defines indeed a sequence of processes.
Let θ = (α0,α1,…,αr,β1,…,βs)′ be the unknown parameter vector. It is assumed that
, which ensures the existence of a unique strictly stationary solution of (2). The practical implementation of a nonparametric estimator
requires the moment condition E(εi8) < ∞. However, as pointed out by an anonymous referee, the condition of E(εi4) < ∞ is sufficient for the derivation of the asymptotic results. Necessary and sufficient conditions that guarantee the existence of high-order moments of a GARCH process may be found in Ling and Li (1997), Ling (1999), and Ling and McAleer (2002). It is further assumed var(εi) = E(εi2) = 1, implying
, to avoid identifiability problems.
The process defined by (1) and (2) is locally stationary in the sense of Dahlhaus (1997), which is a special case of Example 1 given there. Such a model provides a semiparametric extension of the standard GARCH model (Bollerslev, 1986) by introducing the scale function σ(t) into it, where hi1/2 stand for the conditional standard deviations of the standardized process εi. The total standard deviation at ti is hence given by σ(ti)hi1/2. For σ(t) ≡ σ0, model (1) and (2) reduces to the standard GARCH model. Our purpose is to estimate v(t) and hi separately. If the scale function σ(t) in (1) changes over time, then the assumption of a GARCH model is a misspecification. In this case the estimation of the GARCH model will be inconsistent. It can be shown through simulation that, if a nonconstant scale function is not eliminated, one will obtain
by a fitted GARCH(1,1) model as n → ∞, even when εi are i.i.d. Furthermore, in the presence of scale change the estimation of v(t) is also necessary for the prediction. On the other hand, if Yi follows a GARCH model but model (1) and (2) is used, then the estimation is still
-consistent but with some loss in efficiency due to the estimation of σ(t).
The assumptions of model (1) and (2) can be weakened in different ways. For instance, if the constant mean μ in (1) is replaced by a smooth mean function g, then we obtain the following nonparametric regression with heteroskedastic and dependent errors:
where {εi} is a zero mean stationary process. Estimation of the mean function g in model (3) with i.i.d. εi is discussed in, e.g., Ruppert and Wand (1994), Fan and Gijbels (1995), and Efromovich (1999). Discussion on the estimation of the scale function in heteroskedastic nonparametric regression may be found in, e.g., Efromovich (1999). This paper focuses on investigating the estimation of σ(t) and θ under model (1) and (2).
Model (1) and (2) can be estimated by a semiparametric procedure combining nonparametric estimation of v(t) and parametric estimation of θ. A linear smoother of the squared residuals will estimate v(t). Let Zi = (Yi − μ). Then model (1) can be rewritten as follows:
where Xi = Zi2 and ξi = εi2 − 1 ≥ −1 are zero mean stationary time series errors. Model (4) transfers the estimation of the scale function to a general nonparametric regression problem (for a related idea, see Efromovich, 1999, Sect. 4.3). On the one hand, model (4) is a special case of (3) with g(t) and σ(t) both being replaced by v(t). On the other hand, model (4) also applies to (3) by defining Zi = Yi − g(ti). Hence, the extension of our results to model (3) is expected.
The kernel estimator of conditional variance proposed by Feng and Heiler (1998) will be adapted to estimate v(t). Let y1,…,yn, denote the observations. Let
. Let K(u) denote a second-order kernel with compact support [−1,1]. The Nadaraya–Watson estimator of v at t based on
is defined by
and b is the bandwidth. And we define
. It is assumed that b → 0, nb → ∞ as n → ∞, which together with other regular conditions ensures the consistency of
. The estimator defined in (5) does not depend on the dependence structure of the errors because
is a linear smoother. It is clear that
if all observations for which |ti − t| ≤ b are not identical. The bias of
at a boundary point is of a larger order than in the interior because of the asymmetry in the observations. This is the so-called boundary effect of the kernel estimator, which can be overcome by using a local linear estimator (see, e.g., Härdle, Tsybakov, and Yang, 1998). However, as mentioned in Feng and Heiler (1998), a local linear estimator of v may sometimes be nonpositive. Hence, the kernel estimator is more preferable in the current context.
Following Bollerslev (1986), the conditional Gaussian log-likelihood in a parametric GARCH model takes the form (ignoring constants)
The maximizer of L(θ), denoted by
, is not available, because εi are unobservable in the current context. Hence we define the approximate log-likelihood by
are the standardized residuals given by
The symbols
are used to indicate that, for a given value of θ, hi(ε;θ) in L(θ) depends on
. Similar to the parameter estimation in the SEMIFAR (semiparametric fractional autoregressive) model (Beran, 1999), θ will be estimated by
, the maximizer of
. Any standard GARCH packet can be used for estimating
. In this paper the S+ GARCH will be used.
obtained in this way is an approximate maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), which may perform differently from
were available).
For the derivation of the asymptotic results the following assumptions are required.
A1. Model (1) and (2) holds with i.i.d. N(0,1) ηi and strictly stationary εi such that E(εi4) < ∞. Furthermore, it is assumed that
A2. The function v(t) is strictly positive, bounded, and at least twice continuously differentiable on [0,1].
A3. The kernel K(u) is a symmetric density with compact support [−1,1].
A4. The bandwidth b satisfies b → 0 and nb → ∞ as n → ∞.
Assumptions A2–A4 are regular conditions in nonparametric regression. A1 summarizes conditions required on the GARCH model. For a GARCH(1,1) model, these conditions are stronger than those used by, e.g., Lee and Hansen (1994) and Lumsdaine (1996). Now, the condition E(εi4) < ∞ implies in particular α1 + β1 < 1, and hence E [ln(α1ηi2 + β1)] < 0, one of the conditions used by Lee and Hansen (1994) and Lumsdaine (1996). In this paper the innovations ηi are assumed to be i.i.d. N(0,1) random variables as in, e.g., Bollerslev (1986) and Ling and Li (1997) for simplicity, which implies Assumption 2 in Lumsdaine (1996). If non-Gaussian innovations are considered, suitable moment conditions have to be used, which might depend on the orders of the GARCH model. For instance, for a GARCH(1,1) model, Lumsdaine (1996) introduces the moment condition E(ηi32) < ∞ together with further regular conditions on the distribution of ηi (Assumption 2 therein). Furthermore, it can be shown that, under A1, other assumptions in Lee and Hansen (1994) hold. The additional assumption
in A1 is introduced to avoid the naive case with αi ≡ 0 for all i = 1,…,r.
Equation (4) is a nonparametric regression model with dependent and heteroskedastic errors. Pointwise results in nonparametric regression with dependent errors as given in, e.g., Altman (1990) and Hart (1991) can be adapted to
defined in (5) without any difficulty. Let γξ(k) denote the autocovariance function of ξi. It is well known that
depends on cf = f (0), where
is the spectral density of ξi. Let r′ = max(r,s). Following equations (6) and (7) in Bollerslev (1986) and observing that
, we have the ARMA(r′,s) representation of ξi:
where αj′ = αj + βj for j ≤ min(r,s), αj′ = αj for j > s, if r > s, and αj′ = βj for j > r, if s > r, and
is a sequence of zero mean, uncorrelated random variables with independent ηi ∼ N(0,1). Equations (9) and (10) allow us to calculate cf .
Define R(K) = ∫ K2(u) du and I(K) = ∫ u2K(u) du. At an interior point 0 < t < 1 the following results hold.
THEOREM 1. Under Assumptions A1–A4 we have the following results.
(i) The bias of
is given by
(ii) The variance of
is given by
(iii) Assume that nb5 → d2 as n → ∞, for some d > 0; then
where D = I(K)v′′(t)/2 and V(t) = 2πcf R(K)v2(t).
The proof of Theorem 1 is given in the Appendix. The asymptotic bias of
is the same as in nonparametric regression with i.i.d. errors. The asymptotic variance of
it is similar to that in nonparametric regression with short-range dependence, which depends, however, on the unknown underlying function v itself.
. Under A1 we have
If εi follows a GARCH(1,1) model, we have
The last equation in (15) is due to the standardization of εi. The proof of (14) and (15) is given in the Appendix.
The mean integrated squared error (MISE) defined on [Δ,1 − Δ] will be used as a goodness-of-fit criterion, where Δ > 0 is used to avoid the boundary effect of
. Define
. The following theorem holds.
THEOREM 2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 we have the following results.
(i) The MISE of
(ii) Assume that I((v′′)2) ≠ 0. The asymptotically optimal bandwidth for estimating v, which minimizes the dominant part of the MISE, is given by
The proof of Theorem 2 is straightforward and is omitted. If a bandwidth b = O(bA) = O(n−1/5) is used, we have
Asymptotic properties of
defined in Section 3 are investigated by Ling and Li (1997) under the general fractionally autoregressive integrated moving average–GARCH (FARIMA-GARCH) framework. More detailed asymptotic results in the special case of a GARCH(1,1) model may be found in Lee and Hansen (1994) and Lumsdaine (1996). Asymptotic properties of
will be studied by comparing its performance with that of
based on the results in Ling and Li (1997). At first we will introduce a general lemma. Let θ0 = (θ10,…,θm0)′ be the true value of a m-dimensional parameter vector θ and be in the interior of the compact set Θ. Assume that there exists a consistent MLE
satisfying the equation ∂L(θ)/∂θ = 0, where L(θ) is a standard likelihood or log likelihood function. Furthermore, assume that L(θ) is three times differentiable, L′′(θ) converges in probability to a positive definite matrix, and all third-order partial derivatives of L(θ) have bounded expectations in Θ. Let
be a consistent estimate of L(θ). Then we have the following result.
LEMMA 1. Assume
for θ in a neighborhood of θ0. Under the preceding regular conditions on L(θ) there exists a consistent MLE
The proof of Lemma 1 is straightforward and is omitted. Lemma 1 ensures the existence of an approximate MLE and provides a tool to quantify the distance between it and an infeasible MLE. Note that
is in general
-consistent and asymptotically normal. Hence,
will have the same properties if
Now, denote by θ0 = (α00,α10,…,αr0,β10,…,βs0)′ the true value of the unknown parameter vector θ. Assumption A1 ensures that θ0 is in the interior of a compact parameter set Θ. Let
be as defined in Section 3. Let
and Ω0, the value of Ωθ at θ = θ0, denote the information matrix. Then, following Lemma 1 and Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 in Ling and Li (1997), we have the following result.
THEOREM 3. Assume that A1–A4 hold.
We see that
-consistent and asymptotically normal up to a bias term Bθ. The proof of Theorem 3 is given in the Appendix and shows that the O(b2) term in Bθ is due to
and the O[(nb)−1] term is due to
. If O(n−1/2) < b < O(n−1/4), Bθ is negligible, and we have
. Similar observations have been made in other semiparametric contexts, e.g., within the context of partially linear models. There, for a certain choice of bandwidth the nonparametric part has no effect on the rate of convergence of the parametric estimator (see Härdle, Liang, and Gao, 2000). If
is estimated using b = O(bA), then Bθ = O(n−2/5). If Yi follow a GARCH model and b > O(n−1/2), then
-consistent and asymptotically normal because now
is unbiased.
A plug-in bandwidth selector may be developed by replacing the unknowns cf, I(v2), and I((v′′)2) in (18) with some suitable estimators. At first, it is proposed to estimate cf by
is a nonparametric estimator of E(εi4). Although explicit formulas of E(εi4) are known (for common results, see He and Teräsvirta, 1999a; Karanasos, 1999; for results in some special cases, see Bollerslev, 1986; He and Teräsvirta, 1999b), we prefer to use
defined in (21) because the formulas of E(εi4) are in general too complex. For a GARCH(1,1) model, another simple estimator,
, say, may be defined based on (15) by replacing α0, α1, and β1 with their estimates. Now
perform quite similarly. Assume that a bandwidth bε is used for estimating E(εi4), which satisfies A4 but is not necessarily the same as b. Furthermore, make the following assumption.
A1′. The same as A1 but with E(εi8) < ∞.
Then the following proposition holds.
PROPOSITION 1. Under Assumptions A1′ and A2–A4 we have
where cfε denotes the value of the spectral density of the process εi4 at the origin.
The proof of Proposition 1 is given in the Appendix.
Remark 1. Equations (22) and (23) show that
-consistent, if O(n−1/2) ≤ bε ≤ O(n−1/4). The optimal bandwidth in a second-order sense, which balances the two terms on the right-hand side of (22), is of order O(n−1/3). In this paper, we propose to use a bandwidth bε = O(n−1/4) for estimating E(εi4) so that the estimator is more stable. Note that
is no longer
-consistent if a bandwidth bε = O(bA) = O(n−1/5) is used. The finally selected bandwidth is not so sensitive to the bandwidth for estimating E(εi4).
The integral I(v2) can be estimated by
where n1 and n2 denote the integer parts of nΔ and n(1 − Δ), respectively, and
is the same as defined in (5) but obtained with another bandwidth bv, say, that satisfies A4. The following results hold for
PROPOSITION 2. Under the assumptions of Proposition 1 we have
The proof of Proposition 2 is given in the Appendix.
Remark 2. Note that the dominated orders of the biases and variances of
are the same. Hence similar statements as given in Remark 1 apply for results given in (25) and (26). This is not surprising because both v2(ti) and εi4 are related to the fourth moment of the errors.
A well-known estimator of I((v′′)2) is given by
(see, e.g., Ruppert, Sheather, and Wand, 1995), where
is a kernel estimator of v′′ using a fourth-order kernel K2 for estimating the second derivative (see, e.g., Müller, 1988) and again another bandwidth bd. Corresponding results as given in Proposition 2 hold for
, for which the following adapted assumptions are required.
A2′. The function v(t) is strictly positive on [0,1] and is at least four times continuously differentiable.
A3′. v′′ is estimated with a symmetric fourth-order kernel for estimating the second derivative with compact support [−1,1].
A4′. The bandwidth bd satisfies bd → 0 and nbd5 → ∞ as n → ∞.
PROPOSITION 3. Under Assumptions A1′–A4′ we have
The proof of Proposition 3 is omitted because it is well known in nonparametric regression (for results with i.i.d. errors, see, e.g., Ruppert et al., 1995; for results with dependent errors, see, e.g., Beran and Feng, 2002a, 2000b).
Remark 3. The MSE (mean squared error) of
is dominated by the squared bias. The optimal bandwidth for estimating I((v′′)2), which balances the two terms on the right-hand side of (28), is of order O(n−1/7). With a bandwidth bd = O(n−1/7) we have
We see that for selecting the bandwidth b we have to choose at first three pilot bandwidths bε, bv, and bd. This problem will be solved using the iterative plug-in idea (Gasser, Kneip, and Köhler, 1991) with a so-called exponential inflation method (see Beran and Feng, 2002a, 2002b). Let bj−1 denote the bandwidth for estimating v in the (j − 1)th iteration. Then in the jth iteration, the bandwidths bε,j = bv,j = bj−15/4 and bd,j = bj−15/7 will be used for estimating E(ε4), I(v2), and I((v′′)2), respectively. These inflation methods are chosen so that bε,j and bv,j are both of order Op(n−1/4) and bd,j is of the optimal order Op(n−1/7), when bj−1 is of the optimal order Op(n−1/5). By an iterative plug-in algorithm the unknown constants in the pilot bandwidths can be simply omitted. Furthermore, we also need to choose a starting bandwidth b0. In the current context, b0 should satisfy A4 because we have to estimate θ in the first iteration. Theoretically, a bandwidth b0 = O(n−1/5) is more preferable. Our experience shows that b0 = 0.5n−1/5 is a good choice. Detailed discussions on this topic may be found in the next two sections, especially in Section 6.3.
The proposed data-driven algorithm processes as follows:
1. Start with the bandwidth b0 = c0 n−1/5 with, e.g., c0 = 0.5.
2. In the jth iteration
3. Increase j by one and repeatedly carry out step 2 until convergence is reached or until a given maximal number of iterations has been completed. Put
The condition |bj − bj−1| < 1/n is used as a convergence criterion of
, because such a difference is negligible. The maximal number of iterations is put to be 20. In this algorithm,
is estimated using bj−1 as for
because we do not have a proper bandwidth selector for estimating θ. The asymptotic performance of
is quantified by the following theorem
THEOREM 4. Assume that A3 and A1′–A3′ hold and that I((v′′)2) ≠ 0. Then we have
The proof of Theorem 4 is given in the Appendix. Note that A4 and A4′ are automatically satisfied. The second O(n−2/5) term on the right-hand side of (31) is due to the error in
caused by the bias in
, which is indeed negligible compared with the first term.
The proposed algorithm is coded in an S-Plus function called SEMIGARCH. A practical restriction 1/n ≤ b ≤ 0.5 − 1/n is used in the program for simplicity. Four commonly used kernels, namely, the uniform, the Epanechnikov, the bisquare, and the triweight kernels (see, e.g., Müller, 1988), are built into the program. As a standard version we propose the use of the Epanechnikov kernel with Δ = 0.05 and c0 = 0.5, which will be used in the next two sections.
Remark 4. Note that bA is not well defined if I((v′′)2) = 0 implying v′′(t) ≡ 0. However, the SEMIGARCH model also applies to this case. In particular, the proposed algorithm does work if Yi follow a GARCH model. Now it can be shown that, theoretically, bj → Op(1) as j → ∞. Following the context after Theorem 3,
has the same asymptotic properties as by a GARCH model because
. And
-consistent with some loss in the efficiency compared with a parametric estimator, provided that no maximal number of iterations is given, because (nbj)−1 → Op(n−1) now.
To show the practical performance of our proposal, a simulation study was carried out. In the simulation study, εi were generated using the simulate.garch function in S+GARCH following one of the two GARCH(1,1) models.
Model 1 (M1). εi = ηi hi1/2, hi = 0.6 + 0.2εi−12 + 0.2hi−1 and
Model 2 (M2). εi = ηi hi1/2, hi = 0.15 + 0.1εi−12 + 0.75hi−1.
The yi are generated following model (1) with μ ≡ 0 and one of the three scale functions:
The terms v1(t) and v2(t) are quite similar, and they are designed following the estimated scale function in the daily DAX 100 returns. The scale change with v2 is stronger than that with v1. It is strongest with v3. To this end see the bandwidths required for estimating them given in Table 2. The scale function σ2(t) may be found in Figure 2b, which follows. To confirm the statements in Remark 4, a constant scale function v0(t) = σ02(t) ≡ 16 is also used. The simulation was carried out for three sample sizes n = 1,000, 2,000, 4,000. For each case 400 replications were done. For each replication, three GARCH (1,1) models were fitted to εi, the data-driven
. The estimators of α1 and β1 are denoted by
, respectively. For v0 we have
. Here,
are used as a benchmark. Note in particular that the estimated parameters may sometimes be negative using the S+GARCH.
To give a summary of the performance of
, and to compare them with
, the empirical efficiency (EFF) of an estimator w.r.t. the corresponding one estimated from εi is calculated. For instance,
These results are listed in Table 1. The difference between two related EFFs, e.g.,
, in a given case may be thought of as the gain by using the SEMIGARCH model. Table 1 shows that the EFFs of
seem to tend to 100%, whereas those of
seem to tend to zero, as n → ∞. Hence, the gains seem to tend to 100% as n → ∞. The EFFs of
under M2 are relatively low. In particular, for n = 1,000, the EFFs of
in the two cases of M2 with v1 and v3 are even smaller than those of
; i.e., the gain in these cases is slightly negative. This shows that n = 1,000 is sometimes not large enough for estimating the scale function when β1 is large.
Empirical efficiencies (%) of the estimated parameters
Box plots of the 400 replications of
for n = 1,000 are shown in Figures 1a–1f, where the symbols E1, E2, and E3 denote estimators obtained from
, respectively. Those for n = 2,000 and n = 4,000 are omitted to save space. The simulation results show that
perform in general quite well. One clear problem arises with
under M2 with n = 1,000. Now, both the variance and the bias of
are strongly affected by some extremely small estimates (see Figures 1m–1p). This is due to the nonrobustness of the bandwidth selection. Hence, it is worthwhile to develop a robust procedure to improve the poor performance of
for small n. The quality of
is clearly improved as n increases. In particular, the estimation becomes more and more stable. Detailed statistics (in the first version of this paper) show that the standard deviations of
seem to converge at the same rate as those of
, but their biases converge a little more slowly. This confirms the results of Theorem 3. The simulation results show clearly that, in the case with scale change,
are inconsistent as a result of their biases. The situation become worse as n increases. In particular, we can see that
will tend to one as n → ∞, no matter how large β10 is. However, if there is no scale change the estimators
should of course be used. It is hence helpful to test whether or not the estimated scale function is significant. For the data examples given in the next section it is proposed to carry out such a test based on simulation.
Box plots of (E3), respectively, with n = 1,000, where the horizontal lines show the true values.
Now let us consider the quality of
. The sample means, standard deviations, and square roots of the MSEs of
together with the true asymptotic optimal bandwidths bA are given in Table 2. Note that bA and the MSE in cases with v0 are not defined. Kernel density estimates of
(omitted to save space) show that the performance of
is satisfactory. In all cases the variance of
decreases as n increases. It is also true for the bias in most of the cases. Both the variance and the bias of
depend on the scale function and the model of the errors. For two related cases, the variance of
under M1 is smaller than that under M2. Generally, the stronger the scale change, the larger the variance of
. The bias of
by v1 is always negative, and it is always positive by v3. The bandwidth for v2 is easiest to choose. The choice of the bandwidth by v3 is in general easier than that by v1, except for the case of M2 with n = 1,000. In this case, the detailed structure of v3 may sometimes be smoothed away because of the large variation caused by the GARCH model. This shows again that n = 1,000 is sometimes not large enough for distinguishing the CH and the scale change.
Statistics on the selected bandwidth
Remark 5. As suggested by a referee, the performance of the proposed procedure for the cases with highly persistent GARCH effect is investigated through an additional simulation under a third model, model 3 (M3), with α1 = 0.07 and β1 = 0.87 and without trend. As expected, the proposed procedure does not work well for n = 1,000 because the variance of
and in particular that of
are too large as a result of some extreme estimates. This shows again that a robust estimation procedure should be developed. For n ≥ 2,000, the procedure works well. The empirical efficiencies are a little lower than those for M2. Detailed results of this additional simulation are omitted to save space.
Remark 6. In this paper, the bandwidth is selected by minimizing the dominant part of the MISE of
. In a semiparametric context, the performance of the bandwidth selection and the resulting parameter estimation may be improved if a plug-in algorithm that takes the MSE of
into account is developed. For this purpose a more detailed formula of the MSE of
is required, and one has to develop a suitable procedure to estimate the MSE. This is still an important open question and will be discussed elsewhere.
In the following discussion, two simulated data sets are selected to show some details. The first example (called Sim 1) is a typical example of the replications under M2 with the scale function σ2(t) and n = 2,000. The observations yi, i = 1,…,2,000, are shown in Figure 2a. For Sim 1 we have
by starting with any bandwidth 3/n ≤ b0 ≤ 0.5 − 1/n; i.e.,
does not depend on b0 if b0 is not too small. The σ2(t) (solid line) and
(dashed line) are shown in Figure 2b. Figure 2c shows the standardized residuals
, which look stationary. The estimated GARCH(1,1) models are
Estimation results for the first simulated data set.
for yi and
. For model (32) we have
, so that the fourth moment of this model does not exist. On the opposite model (33) has finite moments until at least twelfth order as for the underlying GARCH model. The estimated SEMIGARCH conditional and total standard deviations, i.e.,
, are shown in Figures 2d and 2e. The true conditional and total standard deviations of yi, i.e., (hi)1/2 and σ2(ti)(hi)1/2, are shown in Figures 2f and 2g. Figure 2h shows the estimated GARCH conditional (in this case also the total) standard deviations (hiy)1/2. The analysis of Sim 1 shows the following results.
(1) If a standard GARCH model is used, the scale change will be wrongly estimated as a part of the CH. Furthermore, the total variance tends to be overestimated when it is large and underestimated when it is small (compare Figures 2g and 2h). This phenomenon is mainly due to the overestimation of
and will be called the (volatility) inflation effect of the GARCH model in the presence of scale change.
(2) Following the SEMIGARCH model, both the conditional heteroskedasticity and the scale change are well estimated. The estimated SEMIGARCH total variances are quite close to the true values and are more stable and accurate than those following the standard GARCH model (compare Figures 2e and 2h). The errors in
are caused by the errors in these two estimates, and both of them can be clearly reduced if more dense observations are available, e.g., by analyzing high-frequency financial data. The MSE of the estimated total variances are 0.687 for the SEMIGARCH and 4.979 for the standard GARCH models; the latter is about seven times as large as the former.
Furthermore, (hiy)1/2 shown in Figure 2h (see also Figure 3f) exhibit a clear signal of covariance nonstationarity, a property not shared by the true and the estimated SEMIGARCH conditional standard deviations.
The estimation results for the S&P 500 returns.
The second simulated data set (called Sim 2) is one of the replications under M1 with v3 and n = 1,000, which is chosen to show that sometimes the selected bandwidth will be wrong if b0 is too small or too large. That is, a moderate b0 should be used as proposed in Section 5. For this data set we have either
if b0 < 0.020. On the other hand, we have
, the largest allowed bandwidth in the program, if b0 > 0.262. For any starting bandwidth b0 ∈ [0.021, 0.262] a bandwidth
will be selected. Now,
does not depend on b0. Note that the proposed default starting bandwidth b0 = 0.5n−1/5 = 0.126 lies in the middle part of the interval [0.021, 0.262]. In case when it is doubtful, if the selected bandwidth with b0 = 0.5n−1/5 is the optimal one, we recommend that the user try with some different b0's and choose the most reasonable
from all possible selected bandwidths by means of further analysis (see Feng, 2002).
In this section the proposal will be applied to the log-returns of the daily S&P 500 and DAX 100 financial indexes from January 3, 1994, to August 23, 2000. For the S&P 500 returns shown in Figure 3a we have
(for any b0 ≥ 0.075). The fitted GARCH models are
for yi and
. As before, for model (34) we have
so that the fourth moment of this model does not exist. Model (35) has finite moments until twelfth order. To test whether the estimated trend is significantly nonconstant, 400 replications were generated following model (35) with the corresponding sample variance and without trend. The scale function was then estimated with the bandwidth b = 0.183 from each replication. Symmetric Monte Carlo confidence bounds that covered 95% or 99% of all estimated trends were calculated and are shown in Figure 3b together with the sample standard deviation (0.0099) and the estimated scale function
. We see that there is significant scale change in this data set. Furthermore, both
in model (35) are strongly significant. That is, this series has simultaneously significant scale change and CH. Figures 3c–3f show
, the SEMIGARCH conditional standard deviations
, the SEMIGARCH total standard deviations
, and the GARCH conditional standard deviations (hiy)1/2. Comparing Figures 3e and 3f we see again that the estimated total variances following the SEMIGARCH model are more stable and those following the GARCH model are inflated.
For the DAX 100 returns we have
(for any b0 ≥ 0.075). The fitted GARCH models are
for yi and
. The condition for the existence of the fourth moment of model (36) is slightly satisfied, but the eighth moment of this model does not exist. Again, model (37) has finite moments until twelfth order. The S&P 500 and DAX 100 returns series perform quite similarly, and the conclusions on the former given previously apply to the latter.
Now, we will compare the performance of the GARCH and SEMIGARCH by predicting future volatility. The GARCH unconditional variance,
, say, is calculated following (34) or (36). For the SEMIGARCH,
is used as the unconditional variance in the near future. The predicted (expected) conditional standard deviations
following the GARCH and
following the SEMIGARCH, k = 1,2,…,100, for the S&P 500 and DAX 100 returns are shown in Figure 4 together with
. Note that, the conditional standard deviations by both series at the right end are lower than
. Consequently,
increase for both series. The
look quite reasonable and converge to
quickly. However,
in both cases seem to be underestimated, because of the inflation effect mentioned previously. Furthermore,
converge very slowly to some wrongly estimated limits. The sample standard deviation for the S&P 500 returns is 0.0099. Following (34) we have
, which is clearly overestimated as a result of the instability of this model. For the DAX 100 returns,
is about equal to its sample value, which is, however, clearly lower than the locally unconditional standard deviation at t = 1. There are two problems if the fitted parametric GARCH models from these data sets are used for predicting future volatility: (1) the unconditional variance at the current end was wrongly estimated; and (2) the predicted conditional variance converges very slowly, because these models only have finite moments of low orders. Both of these problems were overcome by applying the SEMIGARCH model.
Predicted standard deviations (middle dashes) and (solid line) together with their limits following the GARCH (short dashes) and following the SEMIGARCH (long dashes) for (a) the S&P 500 and (b) the DAX 100 returns.
The SEMIGARCH introduced in this paper provides a useful tool for estimating financial volatility in cases when the stationary assumption of a GARCH model is likely to break down, which decomposes the volatility into a smooth scale function of the location and a CH component depending on the past information. A data-driven algorithm is developed for practical implementation. Simulation and data examples show that the proposal works well in practice. There are some other recent proposals to deal with similar problems, e.g., the parametric GARCH model with change points (Mikosch and Stărică, 2004) for modeling structural breaks in the unconditional variance, which cannot be used for modeling slowly changing unconditional variance. On the other hand, structural breaks in the unconditional variance cannot be modeled by the SEMIGARCH. It is worthwhile to combine these two approaches. Another related work is Mercurio and Spokoiny (2002), where the volatility is assumed to be constant in some unknown time intervals. By this approach scale change and CH are modeled together but not separately.
Under model (1) and (2) v(t) is integrable. This implies that y is
-consistent. Hence, in the following discussion,
can be replaced by zi and xi respectively.
Proof of Theorem 1.
(i) The bias. Note that
is a linear smoother
where wi are the weights defined by (5). The bias of
, which is just the same as in nonparametric regression with i.i.d. errors. That is, the bias depends neither on the dependence structure nor on the heteroskedasticity of the errors. This leads to the result given in (11).
(ii) The variance. Let ζi = v(ti)ξi denote the errors in (4). Note that wi = 0. For |ti − t| > b we have
For |ti − t| ≤ b and |tj − t| ≤ b we have ζi = [v(t) + O(b)]ξi and ζj = [v(t) + O(b)]ξj. This leads to
Insert this into (A.2), then we have
Results in (12) follow from known results on [sum ][sum ]wi wjγξ(i − j) in nonparametric regression with dependent errors (see, e.g., Beran, 1999; Beran and Feng, 2002a).
(iii) Asymptotic normality. Consider the estimation problem under the model without scale change:
are observations obtained following model (A.5). Following the results in (i) and (ii) we see
. Hence
is asymptotically normal if and only if
is. Furthermore, following Theorem 4 in Beran and Feng (2001) it can be shown that the kernel estimator
is asymptotically normal if and only if the sample mean of the squared GARCH process εi2 or equivalently the sample variance of εi is asymptotically normal. Basrak, Davis, and Mikosch (2002) show that the squared GARCH process εi2 is strongly mixing with geometric rate. The condition E(εi4) < ∞ implies that there is a δ > 0 such that E|εi2|2+δ < ∞. The conditions of Theorem 18.5.3 in Ibragimov and Linnik (1971) hold. This shows that n−1[sum ]εi2 of a GARCH process with finite fourth moment is asymptotically normal. Theorem 1 is proved. █
Proof of (14) and (15). Note that ξi has the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) representation
where φ(z) and ψ(z) are as defined before. Under A5 φ(z) and ψ(z) have no common roots. Under A1 all roots of φ(z) and ψ(z) lie outside the unit circle. Then the spectral density of ξ is given by
Note that E(εi4) = 3E(hi2) (Bollerslev, 1986) and var(ui) = E(ui2) = 2E(hi2). The last equation follows from (10). That is, var(ui) = 2/3E(εi4). The result in (14) is proved by inserting this formula, ψ(1), and φ(1) into (A.8). The result in (15) is obtained by further inserting the explicit formula of E(εi4) for a GARCH(1,1) model (Bollerslev, 1986) into (14). █
The following analysis involves infinite past history of
. The presample values of
will be assumed to be zero. The presample values of εi2 and hi(ε;θ) (resp.
are chosen to be
. For simplicity, it is also assumed that
(and hence
are of the same order of magnitude, if i and j are not far from each other. This is true if ti and tj are both in the interior or both in the boundary area. The preceding simplifications do not affect the asymptotic properties of
Consistency and asymptotic normality of
defined in Section 3 are a part of the results of Theorem 3.2 in Ling and Li (1997). Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 therein together show that conditions of Lemma 1 are fulfilled for the log-likelihood function L(θ). In the following discussion, we will investigate the difference between
caused by replacing the unobservable εi with
. Two lemmas are introduced at first.
LEMMA A.1. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3 we have
Proof of Lemma A.1. For any trial value θ = (α0,α1,…,αr,β1,…,βs)′ ∈ Θ, one can rewrite hi(ε;θ) as
This leads to
where aj are obtained by matching the powers in B, which decay exponentially. █
LEMMA A.2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3 we have, ∀θ ∈ Θ, the first element of
is zero and the other elements of it are all of the order
Proof of Lemma A.2. Following (21) in Bollerslev (1986) we have
where ζi = (1,εi−12,…,εi−r2,hi−1(ε;θ),…,hi−s(ε;θ))′. Analogously, we have
. Denote by
we have
This leads to
Again, cj decay exponentially. Observe that the first element of
is zero. Results of Lemma A.2 follow from (A.13) and Lemma A.1. █
Proof of Theorem 3.
(i) Under the conditions of Theorem 3, we have
. Following Lemmas A.1 and A.2,
. Following Lemma 1 there exists a consistent approximate MLE
satisfying the equation
such that
(ii) Note that
(see Ling and Li, 1997). Results given in this part hold if we can show
. Because
, we have to show that
, or equivalently
, is a matrix of the order o(n−1).
Note that
By means of Taylor expansion and using the results of Lemmas A.1 and A.2 we have
where Op denote the order of magnitude of a random vector and
Furthermore, note that
Inserting these results into (A.15), we obtain
where the random vector
Observe that
. We have that each element of T is of the order
Hence, the variance of each element of T is of the order
and so far
is consistent. This shows that all entries of
are of the order o(n−1).
(iii) Now, we will calculate the order of magnitude of
. Observe that
at any point and
in the interior. We have, at an interior point ti,
Furthermore, note that
at the boundary and that the length of the boundary area is equal to 2b. This shows that the expected value of each element of T is of the order O[b2 + (nb)−1] and hence
Theorem 3 is proved. █
A sketched proof of Proposition 1. Taylor expansion on
leads to
We have
Furthermore, we have E(T1) = O(bε2) and T2 [esdot ] MISE[0,1] = O(nbε)−1 + o(T1), where MISE[0,1] denotes the MISE on [0,1]. The results given in (22) are proved.
Observe that
. We have
Note that εi4 follow a squared ARMA process, which is again a second-order stationary process with absolute summable autocovariances under the assumption E(εi8) < ∞. Hence the spectral density of εi4 exists and
where cfε is the value of the spectral density of εi4 at the origin (see, e.g., Brockwell and Davis, 1991, pp. 218ff). Proposition 1 is proved. █
A sketched proof of Proposition 2. Estimation of functionals ∫{v(ν)(t)}2 dt, where v(ν) is the νth derivative of v, was investigated by Ruppert et al. (1995) and Beran and Feng (2002b) in nonparametric regression with independent and dependent errors, respectively. Note that I(v2) = ∫{v2(t)}2 dt is a special case of such functionals with ν = 0. Furthermore, the results in Ruppert et al. (1995) and Beran and Feng (2002b) together show that the orders of magnitude in these results stay unchanged if short-range dependence and/or a bounded, smooth scale function are introduced into the error process. We obtain the results of Proposition 2 by setting k = 0, l = 2, and δ = 0 in the results in Beran and Feng (2002b), where k and l correspond to ν = 0 and the kernel order used here and δ is the long-memory parameter, which is zero in the current context. █
A sketched proof of Theorem 4. Note that
, where CA is as defined in (18). Hence we have
Taylor expansion shows that
Observe that
The term
is of a much smaller order than that given in (A.25) and hence is omitted. As a result of the bias in
one has
The results as given in Theorem 4 hold. █
Empirical efficiencies (%) of the estimated parameters
Box plots of (E3), respectively, with n = 1,000, where the horizontal lines show the true values.
Statistics on the selected bandwidth
Estimation results for the first simulated data set.
The estimation results for the S&P 500 returns.
Predicted standard deviations (middle dashes) and (solid line) together with their limits following the GARCH (short dashes) and following the SEMIGARCH (long dashes) for (a) the S&P 500 and (b) the DAX 100 returns.