2020s (Vol 30-35)Access
2025 - Volume 35Access
2024 - Volume 34Access
Issue 12December 2024pp. 2499-2718
Issue 11November 2024pp. 2279-2498
Issue 10October 2024pp. 2059-2277
Issue 9September 2024pp. 1839-2058
Issue 8August 2024pp. 1619-1837
Issue 7July 2024pp. 1401-1618
Issue S2 (57th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))July 2024pp. S1519-S1956
Issue 6June 2024pp. 1171-1400
Issue 5May 2024pp. 937-1170
Issue S1 (8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (WCPCCS))May 2024pp. S1-S1518
Issue 4April 2024pp. 705-936
Issue 3March 2024pp. 473-703
Issue 2February 2024pp. 233-472
Issue 1January 2024pp. 1-231
2023 - Volume 33Access
Issue 12December 2023pp. 2471-2692
Issue 11November 2023pp. 2139-2470
Issue 10October 2023pp. 1791-2137
Issue 9September 2023pp. 1497-1789
Issue 8August 2023pp. 1277-1495
Issue 7July 2023pp. 1043-1275
Issue 6June 2023pp. 843-1042
Issue 5May 2023pp. 673-842
Issue S1 (56th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))May 2023pp. S1-S319
Issue 4April 2023pp. 503-672
Issue 3March 2023pp. 337-502
Issue 2February 2023pp. 169-336
Issue 1January 2023pp. 1-168
2022 - Volume 32Access
Issue 12December 2022pp. 1875-2045
Issue 11November 2022pp. 1705-1874
Issue 10October 2022pp. 1541-1703
Issue 9September 2022pp. 1363-1540
Issue 8August 2022pp. 1193-1362
Issue S2 (55th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))August 2022pp. S1-S279
Issue 7July 2022pp. 1019-1192
Issue 6June 2022pp. 855-1018
Issue 5May 2022pp. 683-853
Issue 4April 2022pp. 513-681
Issue S1 (54th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))April 2022pp. S1-S212
Issue 3March 2022pp. 345-511
Issue 2February 2022pp. 173-344
Issue 1January 2022pp. 1-171
2021 - Volume 31Access
Issue 12December 2021pp. 1885-2050
Issue 11November 2021pp. 1717-1884
Issue 10October 2021pp. 1549-1715
Issue 9September 2021pp. 1381-1547
Issue 8August 2021pp. 1213-1379
Issue 7July 2021pp. 1057-1212
Issue 6June 2021pp. 873-1056
Issue 5May 2021pp. 689-871
Issue 4April 2021pp. 515-687
Issue 3March 2021pp. 337-513
Issue 2February 2021pp. 177-332
Issue 1January 2021pp. 1-176
2020 - Volume 30Access
Issue 12December 2020pp. 1757-1979
Issue 11November 2020pp. 1557-1756
Issue 10October 2020pp. 1383-1555
Issue 9September 2020pp. 1221-1382
Issue 8August 2020pp. 1061-1219
Issue 7July 2020pp. 907-1060
Issue 6June 2020pp. 753-906
Issue 5May 2020pp. 599-751
Issue 4April 2020pp. 451-598
Issue 3March 2020pp. 303-450
Issue 2February 2020pp. 153-302
Issue 1January 2020pp. 1-151
2010s (Vol 20-29)Access
2019 - Volume 29Access
Issue 12December 2019pp. 1419-1571
Issue 11November 2019pp. 1323-1417
Issue 10October 2019pp. 1225-1321
Issue 9September 2019pp. 1121-1224
Issue 8August 2019pp. 1009-1120
Issue 7July 2019pp. 853-1008
Issue 6June 2019pp. 733-852
Issue 5May 2019pp. 553-731
Issue 4April 2019pp. 457-551
Issue S1 (53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))April 2019pp. S1-S209
Issue 3March 2019pp. 259-456
Issue 2February 2019pp. 93-258
Issue 1January 2019pp. 1-92
2018 - Volume 28Access
Issue 11November 2018pp. 1275-1377
Issue 12December 2018pp. 1379-1490
Issue 10October 2018pp. 1079-1173
Issue 9September 2018pp. 1077-1177
Issue 8August 2018pp. 981-1076
Issue 7July 2018pp. 895-980
Issue 6June 2018pp. 791-893
Issue 5May 2018pp. 621-789
Issue 4April 2018pp. 517-620
Issue S1 (52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))April 2018pp. 1-S187
Issue 3March 2018pp. 351-516
Issue 2February 2018pp. 175-350
Issue 1January 2018pp. 1-174
2017 - Volume 27Access
Issue 10 (Proceedings of the 2017 7th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery (WCPCCS 2017) Barcelona, Spain July 16–21, 2017)December 2017pp. 1865-2062
Issue S6 (Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society Statement)December 2017pp. S1-S68
Issue 9November 2017pp. 1655-1864
Issue S5 (Abstracts of the Annual Spring Meeting 2017 of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association, Leicester, UK, 19-20th May, 2017)November 2017pp. 1-S15
Issue 8October 2017pp. 1447-1653
Issue 7September 2017pp. 1241-1445
Issue 6August 2017pp. 1031-1240
Issue 5July 2017pp. 825-1029
Issue S4 (7th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery Abstracts)July 2017pp. S1-S682
Issue S3 (The German Society of Paediatric Cardiology (DGPK) Guidelines for the Management of Congenital Heart Diseases in Childhood and Adolescence)June 2017pp. S1-S105
Issue 4May 2017pp. 617-824
Issue S2 (51st Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC))May 2017pp. S1-S158
Issue 3March 2017pp. 411-616
Issue 2March 2017pp. 207-410
Issue S1 (Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the Young: A Contemporary Perspective)January 2017pp. S1-S148
Issue 1January 2017pp. 1-206
2016 - Volume 26Access
Issue 8 (HeartWeek 2016)December 2016pp. 1455-1602
Issue 7October 2016pp. 1247-1454
Issue 6August 2016pp. 1039-1245
Issue 5June 2016pp. 831-1037
Issue S1 (50th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Rome, Italy, June 1–4, 2016)May 2016pp. S1-S192
Issue 4April 2016pp. 623-830
Issue 3March 2016pp. 415-622
Issue 2February 2016pp. 221-413
Issue 1January 2016pp. 1-219
2015 - Volume 25Access
Issue 8 (HeartWeek 2015)December 2015pp. 1441-1636
Issue 7October 2015pp. 1233-1440
Issue 6August 2015pp. 1027-1232
Issue S2 (Special Supplement of Cardiology in the Young: Proceedings of the 2015 International Paediatric Heart Failure Summit of Johns Hopkins All Children's Heart Institute)August 2015pp. 1-180
Issue 5June 2015pp. 819-1025
Issue S1 (49th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology)May 2015pp. S1-S190
Issue 4April 2015pp. 611-817
Issue 3March 2015pp. 403-609
Issue 2February 2015pp. 193-401
Issue 1January 2015pp. 1-192
2014 - Volume 24Access
Issue 6 (HeartWeek 2014)December 2014pp. 959-1153
Issue 5October 2014pp. 767-957
Issue S2 (Fetal cardiovascular medicine: current perspectives and future hopes)October 2014pp. 1-65
Issue 4August 2014pp. 577-766
Issue 3June 2014pp. 385-575
Issue S1 (48th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, with joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery and Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society Helsinki, Finland, May 21–24, 2014)May 2014pp. S1-S176
Issue 2April 2014pp. 191-383
Issue 1February 2014pp. 1-190
2013 - Volume 23Access
Issue 6 (HeartWeek 2013)December 2013pp. 784-937
Issue 5October 2013pp. 629-782
Issue 4August 2013pp. 473-628
Issue 3June 2013pp. 315-471
Issue S1 (47th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, AEPC with joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery London, UK, May 22–25, 2013)May 2013pp. S1-S153
Issue 2April 2013pp. 159-314
Issue 1February 2013pp. 1-158
2012 - Volume 22Access
Issue 6 (A Lifelong Interdisciplinary Approach to Common Arterial Trunk, Transposition of the Great Arteries, and Other Evolving Challenges in Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Disease)December 2012pp. 619-830
Issue 513 September 2012pp. 493-617
Issue 4August 2012pp. 367-492
Issue 3June 2012pp. 241-365
Issue S1 (46th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, AEPC with joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, May 23–26, 2012)01 May 2012pp. S1-S186
Issue 202 March 2012pp. 121-239
Issue 1February 2012pp. 1-120
2011 - Volume 21Access
Issue S2 (A Holistic Approach to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and other evolving challenges in Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Disease)13 December 2011pp. 1-176
Issue 628 October 2011pp. 603-720
Issue 509 September 2011pp. 485-602
Issue 412 July 2011pp. 363-484
Issue 3June 2011pp. 241-361
Issue S1 (45th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology, AEPC with joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Granada, Spain, May 18–21, 2011)05 May 2011pp. S1-S181
Issue 2April 2011pp. 121-240
Issue 1February 2011pp. 1-119
2010 - Volume 20Access
Issue 6December 2010pp. 593-713
Issue S3 (Rare and Challenging Congenital Cardiac Lesions: an Interdisciplinary Approach)December 2010pp. 1-204
Issue 5October 2010pp. 473-592
Issue 4August 2010pp. 353-472
Issue 3June 2010pp. 233-352
Issue S2 (44th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology, AEPC with joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Innsbruck, Austria May 26–29, 2010)April 2010pp. S1-S125
Issue 2April 2010pp. 115-232
Issue S1 (5th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery)April 2010pp. 1-422
Issue 1February 2010pp. 1-114
2000s (Vol 10-19)Archive contentPartial access
2009 - Volume 19Access
Issue 6December 2009pp. 545-664
Issue S2 (Innovation associated with the treatment of patients with congenital and pediatric cardiac disease)November 2009pp. 1-162
Issue 5October 2009pp. 427-543
Issue 4August 2009pp. 309-425
Issue 3June 2009pp. 223-308
Issue S1 (Statements on the Management of Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Congenital Heart Disease)May 2009pp. 1-53
Issue 2April 2009pp. 117-222
Issue 1February 2009pp. 1-115
2008 - Volume 18Access
Issue 6December 2008pp. 555-644
Issue S3 (Controversies and challenges of Tetralogy of Fallot and other challenges facing paediatric cardiovascular practitioners and their patients)December 2008pp. 1-83
Issue S2 (Databases and the assessment of complications associated with the treatment of patients with congenital cardiac disease)December 2008pp. 1-530
Issue 5October 2008pp. 449-554
Issue 4August 2008pp. 361-448
Issue 3June 2008pp. 241-360
Issue 2April 2008pp. 123-240
Issue S1 (43rd Annual AEPC Meeting & 18th Spring Meeting of ECHSA, Italy, May 2008)April 2008pp. 1-106
Issue 1February 2008pp. 1-121
2007 - Volume 17Access
Issue 6December 2007pp. 581-712
Issue 5October 2007pp. 459-579
Issue S4September 2007pp. 1-174
Issue 4August 2007pp. 339-457
Issue 3June 2007pp. 241-338
Issue S1May 2007pp. 1-152
Issue E-S2May 2007pp. 1-25
Issue E-S1May 2007pp. 1-24
Issue 2April 2007pp. 121-239
Issue 1February 2007pp. 1-119
2006 - Volume 16Access
Issue 6December 2006pp. 519-621
Issue 5October 2006pp. 417-518
Issue S3 (Controversies and Challenges of the Atrioventricular Junctions and Other Challenges Facing Paediatric Cardiovascular Practitioners and their Patients)September 2006pp. 1-156
Issue 4August 2006pp. 329-416
Issue 3June 2006pp. 209-328
Issue S2 (AEPC Abstracts)May 2006pp. 1-98
Issue 2April 2006pp. 105-208
Issue S1 (Controversies and Challenges in the Management of the Functionally Univentricular Heart)February 2006pp. 1-104
Issue 1January 2006pp. 1-103
2005 - Volume 15Access
Issue 6December 2005pp. 551-691
Issue S3December 2005pp. 1-79
Issue 5October 2005pp. 445-549
Issue 4August 2005pp. 331-443
Issue 3June 2005pp. 239-330
Issue S2 (association for european paediatric cardiology, association européene pour la cardiologie pédiatrique, xl annual meeting, 18–21 may, 2005)May 2005pp. 1-100
Issue 2March 2005pp. 117-237
Issue S1 (Controversies Concerning the Ventriculo-Arterial Junctions and Other Topics)February 2005pp. 1-197
Issue 1January 2005pp. 1-116
2004 - Volume 14Access
2003 - Volume 13Access
2002 - Volume 12Access
2001 - Volume 11Access
2000 - Volume 10Archive content
1990s (Vol 1-9)Archive content