1 Introduction
The Barth–Schneider theorem [Reference Barth and Schneider1] states that whenever $A,B$ are countable dense subsets of $\mathbb {R}$ , there is an entire function f which restricts to an order-isomorphism of A onto B. This generalizes Cantor’s theorem which gives an order-isomorphism of A onto B which then extends uniquely to an order-isomorphism of $\mathbb {R}$ onto itself. P. M. Gauthier noted (private communication) that if A and B are countable dense subsets of the unit circle $T\subseteq \mathbb {C}$ , then there is a diffeomorphism $T\to T$ mapping A onto B and asked whether this diffeomorphism can be taken to be analytic.
It is a standard exercise (cf. [Reference Rudin4, Exercise 4, p. 264 and Exercise 25, p. 295]) that the entire functions that map the unit circle T into itself are the functions $f(z) = az^n$ , $|a|=1$ , $n=0,1,2,\dots $ . These map T bijectively onto itself only when they are rotations, i.e., when $n=1$ . Thus they give a bijection satisfying $f(A)=B$ only when B is the image of A under a rotation.
We will prove a version (Theorem 3.6) of the Barth–Schneider theorem for sets A, B which are invariant under a translation ${\sigma }(x)=x+t$ and use it to show (Theorem 4.1) that if A and B are countable dense subsets of $T\setminus \{1\}$ , where $T\subseteq \mathbb {C}$ is the unit circle $|z|=1$ , then there is an analytic function $h\colon \mathbb {C}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb {C}$ that restricts to an order isomorphism of the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ onto itself $T\setminus \{1\}$ and satisfies $h(A)=B$ and $h'(z)\not =0$ when $z\in T$ . The proof uses a version (Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 3.5) of Theorem 3.2 of [Reference Burke2], adapted to produce functions which commute with a translation. In this paper, we fix a positive real number t, and the translation ${\sigma }$ given by ${\sigma }(z)=z+t$ . Note that $f{\sigma }=f$ says that f is periodic with period t, where $f{\sigma }$ denotes the composition $f\circ {\sigma }$ .
2 Preliminary results
In this section, we prove two technical facts needed in the next section. The first is an analog of a result of Walsh (cf. [Reference Deutsch3, Corollaries 1.2 and 1.3]). This is likely known, but we have not found it in the literature except for $k=0$ , so we give a proof. The second is adapting Proposition 2.1 of [Reference Burke2] to our present context.
Theorem 2.1 Let k be a nonnegative integer, ${\sigma }(z)=z+t$ . If $f\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R}$ is a $C^k$ function which satisfies $f{\sigma }=f$ , and $F\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ is finite, then there is an entire function g such that
(a) $g(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ and $g{\sigma }=g$
(b) $|D^ig(x)-D^if(x)|<{\varepsilon }$ , $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$
(c) $D^ig(x)=D^if(x)$ for $x\in F$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$
Proof If we can arrange (a) and (b), then it follows that we can also arrange (c) by Theorem 0 of [Reference Deutsch3] applied to the space $X_k=\{f\in C^k(\mathbb {R}):f{\sigma }=f\}$ with the norm $\|f\|=\sum _{i=0}^k\|D^if\|_\infty $ . (Cf. [Reference Deutsch3, Example (1), p. 1183, and Corollary 1.3]) So we need only arrange (a) and (b).
It is standard that in $X_0$ the functions $g(2\pi z/t)$ , where g is a trigonometric polynomial with real coefficients, are dense (e.g., see [Reference Deutsch3, Example (2), p. 1183] or [Reference Sohrab5, Remark 9.4.24 (2)]).
For the general case, we proceed by induction on k. When $k>0$ , fix $f\in X_k$ and apply the induction hypothesis to $Df$ to get an entire function $g_1$ satisfying $g_1(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $g_1{\sigma }=g_1$ and $|D^{i-1}g_1(x)-D^if(x)|<\delta =\min ({\varepsilon }/2,{\varepsilon }/(2t))$ for $x\in \mathbb {R}$ and $i=1,\dots ,k$ . Define an entire function g by
where $c=(1/t)\int _0^t g_1(s)\,ds$ is the average value of $g_1$ over $[0,t]$ . Since $\int _0^tDf = 0$ by periodicity, we have
To verify that $g{\sigma }=g$ , it suffices to check that $g(x+t)=g(x)$ when x is real, and that follows by the following calculation.
For $x\in [0,t]$ , we also have
and so, by periodicity, $|g(x)-f(x)| <{\varepsilon }$ for all $x\in \mathbb {R}$ . This takes care of the bound on $|D^ig(x)-D^if(x)|$ , $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , when $i=0$ . When $i=1$ we have
and when $2\leq i\leq k$ , $|D^ig(x)-D^if(x)|=|D^{i-1}g_1(x)-D^if(x)|<\delta <{\varepsilon }$ . ▪
Lemma 2.2 Let ${\varepsilon }>0$ . Let k be a nonnegative integer and let $F\subseteq [0,t]$ be a finite set such that $\{0,t\}\subseteq F$ or $\{0,t\}\cap F=\emptyset $ . For each $p\in F$ and $i=0,\dots k$ , let $k_{p,i}\in \{-1,0,1\}$ with $k_{0,i}=k_{t,i}$ if $0\in F$ . Then there is an entire function $f\colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}$ such that $f{\sigma }=f$ , $f(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ and for $i=0,\dots ,k$ and $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , we have $|(D^i f)(x)| < {\varepsilon }$ and for $p\in F$ , $(D^i f)(p)$ is $<0$ , $=0$ , $>0$ when $k_{p,i}=-1,0,1$ , respectively.
Proof For $r>0$ and $p\in \mathbb {R}$ , write $I_r(p)=(p-r,p+r)$ . For each $p\in F$ , choose $0<r_p<1$ , so that the intervals $I_{r_p}(p)$ are contained in $(0,t)$ when $0<p<t$ , $I_{r_t}(t) = I_{r_0}(0) + t$ if $0\in F$ , and the intervals $I_{r_p}(p)$ for $p\in F$ and have closures which are disjoint from each other. For each $p\in F$ , choose a $C^\infty $ bump function $\varphi _p$ with support equal to the closure of $I_{r_p}(p)$ , so that $0\leq \varphi _p\leq 1$ , $\varphi _p(p)=1$ , $\varphi _p$ has a flat point at p (i.e., $(D^i \varphi _p)(p)=0$ for all nonzero i), taking $\varphi _t(x)=\varphi _0(x-t)$ if $0\in F$ . Let $\theta _p$ be a $C^\infty $ function whose derivatives at p follow the requisite pattern, with $\theta _t(x)=\theta _0(x-t)$ if $0\in F$ , for example, take $\theta _p(x)=\sum _{i=0}^kk_{p,i}(x-p)^i$ . For suitably chosen positive constants $\lambda _p$ , we set $g(x) = \sum _{p\in F}\lambda _p\theta _p(x)\varphi _p(x)$ , $0\leq x\leq t$ , and extend g by periodicity to all of $\mathbb {R}$ so that $g{\sigma }=g$ . This function g is $C^\infty $ and its derivatives have the requisite pattern at the points $p\in F$ since for $i=0,\dots ,k$ we have $(D^i g)(p) = \lambda _p(D^i (\varphi _p\theta _p))(p) = \lambda _p D^{i}\theta _p(p)$ . Choose the constants $\lambda _p$ , $p\in F$ , small enough so that for each $i=0,\dots ,k$ ,
Then g is a $C^\infty $ function which satisfies the conclusion in the place of f and with ${\varepsilon }$ replaced by ${\varepsilon }/2$ . Get the desired entire function f by applying Theorem 2.1 to g with ${\varepsilon }/2$ in the place of ${\varepsilon }$ . ▪
3 Barth–Schneider for periodic functions
Definition 3.1 A fiber-preserving local homeomorphism of $\mathbb {R}^{2}\cong \mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}$ is a homeomorphism $h\colon G^1_h\to G^2_h$ between two open sets $G^1_h,G^2_h\subseteq \mathbb {R}^{2}$ such that h has the form $h(x,y)=(x,h^*(x,y))$ for some continuous map $h^*\colon G^1_h\to \mathbb {R}$ . We write $k_h$ for the inverse of h.
We can identify a fiber-preserving homeomorphism h with the family $\{(h^*)_x\}$ of vertical sections of $h^*$ , given by $(h^*)_x(y)=h^*(x,y)$ . These are homeomorphisms $(h^*)_x\colon (G^1_h)^{\,}_x\to (G^2_h)^{\,}_x$ , where $(G^1_h)^{\,}_x$ , $(G^2_h)^{\,}_x$ are the vertical sections at x of $G^1_h$ , $G^2_h$ .
It is separate continuity rather than joint continuity that we require for these fiber-preserving maps. In our context, however, this is not a weaker property as the following proposition shows.
Proposition 3.1 Let X be any topological space, $G\subseteq X\times \mathbb {R}$ an open set, and let $h\colon G\to X\times \mathbb {R}$ . Assume that for each $x\in X$ , $h(G_x)\subseteq \{x\}\times \mathbb {R}$ , h is one-to-one and h is separately continuous, i.e., the functions $x\mapsto h(x,y)$ , $y\mapsto h(x,y)$ are continuous on their domains. Then h is continuous.
Taking $h(x,y)=(x,h^*(x,y))$ on $\mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}$ with $h^*(x,y)=xy/(x^2+y^2)$ when $(x,y)\not =(0,0)$ , $h^*(0,0)=0$ , shows that the assumption that h is one-to-one cannot be omitted.
Proof Write $h(x,y)=(x,h^*(x,y))$ . The continuity of h is equivalent to that of $h^*$ . Also note that because h is one-to-one, so is $y\mapsto h^*(x,y)$ for each fixed x. Let $a\in X$ , $b,c\in \mathbb {R}$ with $(a,b)\in G$ and $h^*(a,b)=c$ . Fix an open neighborhood U of a and an open interval V containing b such that $U\times V\subseteq G$ . Choose an open interval W with $c\in W$ . Since $y\mapsto h^*(a,y)$ is continuous, there is a $\delta>0$ such that $|y-b|\leq \delta $ implies $y\in V$ and $h^*(a,y)\in W$ . The two functions $x\mapsto h^*(x,b\pm \delta )$ are continuous at a and hence there is an open neighborhood $U'\subseteq U$ of a such that $x\in U'$ implies $h^*(x,b\pm \delta )\in W$ . For $x\in U'$ , $y\mapsto h^*(x,y)$ is a continuous one-to-one function on the interval $[b-\delta ,b+\delta ]$ , so that the image of this interval is an interval with endpoints $h^*(x,b\pm \delta )$ , and hence is contained in W. Thus, $h^*(U'\times (b-\delta ,b+\delta ))\subseteq W$ and therefore $h^*$ is continuous at $(a,b)$ . ▪
Remark 3.2 The inverse $k_h$ of a fiber-preserving local homeomorphism h is also a fiber-preserving local homeomorphism and is related to h by the fact that $(x,y)\in G^1_h$ and $h^*(x,y)=z$ if and only if $(x,z)\in G^2_h$ and $k^*_h(x,z)=y$ . As pointed out in the proof of Proposition 3.1, the vertical sections of $h^*$ are one-to-one since h is one-to-one. The main examples for our purposes are $h=\operatorname {id}_{\mathbb {R}^2}$ , the identity map on $\mathbb {R}^{2}$ (for which $(h^*)_x(y)=y$ is the identity map for each $x\in \mathbb {R}$ ), and for a given a continuous map $g\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R}$ , $h^*(x,y)=g(x)+y$ . Both of these have $G^1_h=G^2_h=\mathbb {R}^{2}$ .
We shall prove our main results using the following version of Theorem 3.2 of [Reference Burke2]. The proof is similar to that of the original version, but we repeat the argument with the necessary changes in order to be clear.
Theorem 3.3 Let $E_i\subseteq [0,t]$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ , be countable sets with $\{0,t\}\subseteq E_i$ or $E_i\cap \{0,t\}=\emptyset $ . Let $F\subseteq [0,t]$ be a finite set disjoint from $\bigcup _{i=0}^k E_i$ with $\{0,t\}\subseteq F$ or $F\cap \{0,t\}=\emptyset $ . For each $p\in E_i$ , let $A_{p,i}\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ be a countable dense set, with $A_{0,i}=A_{t,i}$ if $\{0,t\}\subseteq A$ . Let ${\varepsilon }>0$ . Let $\mathscr {H}$ be a countable family of fiber-preserving local homeomorphisms of $\mathbb {R}^2$ . There exists an entire function $f\colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}$ such that $f(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $f{\sigma }=f$ and for all $x\in \mathbb {R}$ and $i=0,\dots ,k$ ,
(a) $|(D^{i}f)(x)|<{\varepsilon }$ , and if $x\in F$ then $D^if(x)=0$ .
(b) for each $p\in E_i$ , $(D^i f)(p)\in A_{p,i}$ .
(c) for every $q\in \mathbb {R}$ , $h\in \mathscr {H}$ and every open interval $U\subseteq \mathbb {R}\setminus F$ , if
$$ \begin{align*} (x,(D^i f)(x))\in G^1_h\quad \text{and}\quad q = h^*(x,(D^i f)(x)) \end{align*} $$for some $x\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ , where $Y_{h,q,i} = \{p\in E_i:$ for some $q'\in A_{p,i}$ , $(p,q')\in G^1_h$ and $q=h^*(p,q')\}$ , then $q = h^*(p,(D^i f)(p))$ for some $p\in U\cap E_i$ .
Remark 3.4 (i) For the hypothesis in (c) to be nonvacuous, there must be a point $x\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} E_i\subseteq U\cap [0,t]$ , so only intervals which intersect $[0,t]$ are relevant.
(ii) It is sometimes useful to reword clause (c) in an equivalent form. The criterion for $p\in Y_{h,q,i}$ is that $p\in E_i$ and $q\in (h^*)_p(A_{p,i})$ . Clause (c) says equivalently that for $x\in [0,t]\setminus F$ , if $q=(h^*)_x((D^i f)(x))$ and arbitrarily close to x there are points $p\in E_i$ such that $q\in (h^*)_p(A_{p,i})$ , then arbitrarily close to x there are points $p\in E_i$ such that $q=(h^*)_p((D^i f)(p))$ .
(iii) If we require $\operatorname {id}_{\mathbb {R}^2}\in \mathscr {H}$ then this ensures that either f is constant or for $x\in [0,t]\setminus F$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ , if $q=(D^i f)(x)$ and arbitrarily close to x there are points $p\in E_i$ such that $q\in A_{p,i}$ , then $x\in E_i$ . To see why, apply the reworded clause (c) in (ii) with h being the identity map to get that if $q=(D^i f)(x)$ and arbitrarily close to x there are points $p\in E_i$ such that $q\in A_{p,i}$ , then arbitrarily close to x there are points $p\in E_i$ such that $q=(D^i f)(p)$ . If x itself does not belong to $E_i$ , then since $D^if$ is entire, $D^if$ is constant with value q and hence f is a polynomial. Since f is periodic, it then follows that f is constant.
Proof We may assume that $\bigcup _{i=0}^k E_i\not =\emptyset $ (otherwise take $f=0$ ) and that ${\varepsilon }\leq 1$ . Let $\mathscr {B}=\{U_r:r=1,2,\dots \}$ be a one-to-one enumeration of a base of bounded open intervals for $\mathbb {R}\setminus F$ . For each r, write $U_r=\bigcup _{n=1}^\infty U_{r,n}$ , the union of an increasing sequence of concentric intervals so that $\operatorname {cl} U_{r,n}\subseteq U_{r,n+1}$ . Let $\{(i_n,s_n):n=1,2,\dots \}$ list all pairs $(i,s)$ consisting of an $i=0,\dots ,k$ and a point $s\in E_i$ . Let $Q=\{h^*(p,q'):h\in \mathscr {H},\, p\in E_i,\, q'\in A_{p,i},\, (p,q')\in G^1_h,\, i=0,\dots ,k\}$ . List the quadruples $(h,j,q,V)$ consisting of an $h\in \mathscr {H}$ , a $j=0,\dots ,k$ and elements $q\in Q$ , $V\in \mathscr {B}$ as $\{(h_m,j_m,q_m,V_m):m=1,2,\dots \}$ with each quadruple listed infinitely many times. As with the $U_r$ above, we write $V_m=\bigcup _{n=1}^\infty V_{m,n}$ where if $V_m=U_r$ then $V_{m,n}=U_{r,n}$ . We will write $G^1_m$ , $G^2_m$ , $k_m$ for $G^1_{h_m}$ , $G^2_{h_m}$ , $k_{h_m}$ , respectively.
We will build the required function as $f=\sum _{n=1}^\infty \lambda _n u_n$ , where for each $n\in {\mathbb N}$ , $\lambda _n\in \mathbb {R}$ satisfies $|\lambda _n|\leq 1$ and $u_n\colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}$ is an entire function such that $u_n(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ . We recursively define the following.
(i) $\lambda _n$ and $u_n$ .
(ii) An increasing sequence of finite sets $\emptyset =K_0\subseteq K_1\subseteq \dots $ of pairs $(w,p)$ consisting of a $w=0,\dots ,k$ and a point $p\in E_w$ .
(iii) A decreasing sequence of positive numbers $1=\delta _0>\delta _1>\dots $ .
We will arrange that the following properties hold for $n=1,2,\dots $ . In this list, $f_n$ denotes the sum $\sum _{k=1}^n \lambda _k u_k$ , and $f_0=0$ .
(1) $u_n{\sigma }=u_n$ and $|(D^{i}u_n)(x)| < 2^{-n-1}\delta _{n-1}{\varepsilon }$ for $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ .
(2) $(D^{w}u_n)(p) = 0$ for $(w,p)\in K_{n-1}$ .
(3) $(D^{i}u_n)(x) = 0$ whenever $x\in F$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ .
(4) $|u_n(z)| < 2^{-n}$ , for $|z|\leq n$ .
(5) For each $(w,p)\in K_n$ , $(D^w f_n)(p)\in A_{p,w}$ .
(6) If n is odd then $K_n = K_{n-1}\cup \{(i_\ell ,s_\ell )\}$ for the least $\ell $ such that $(i_\ell ,s_\ell )\not \in K_{n-1}$ . We have $(D^{i_\ell }u_n)(s_\ell ) \not = 0$ .
(7) If $n=2m$ is even, we have the following. Suppose that
$$ \begin{align*} (x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))\in G^1_{m}\ \text{and}\ (x,q_m)\in G^2_{m}\ \text{whenever}\ x\in V_m. \end{align*} $$-
(a) If $q_m=h^*_m(x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))$ for some $x\in V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ then for some $p\in V_m\cap Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , $h^*_m(p,(D^{j_m}f_{n})(p))=q_m$ and $K_n = K_{n-1}\cup \{(j_m,p)\}$ .
(b) If $q_m\not =h^*_m(x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))$ for all $x\in V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ then $u_n=0$ , $K_n = K_{n-1}$ and $\delta _n<\inf \{|k^*_m(x,q_m) - (D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x)|:x\in V_{m,n}\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}\}$ .
We now explain how to carry out the construction at odd stages and at even stages.
First suppose n is odd. This stage includes the initial step $n=1$ . Set $K_n = K_{n-1}\cup \{(i_\ell ,s_\ell )\}$ for the least $\ell $ such that $(i_\ell ,s_\ell )\not \in K_{n-1}$ . Apply Lemma 2.2 to get an entire function $u_n\colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}$ satisfying (1), (2), (3), and (6). Arrange (4) by replacing $u_n$ by a smaller positive multiple of itself if necessary. Since $(D^{i_\ell }u_n)(s_\ell )\not =0$ by (6), and $A_{s_\ell ,i_\ell }$ is dense in $\mathbb {R}$ , we may choose $\lambda _n$ so that $0<\lambda _n<1$ and $(D^{i_\ell }f_n)(s_\ell ) = (D^{i_\ell }f_{n-1})(s_\ell ) + \lambda _n (D^{i_\ell }u_n)(s_\ell )\in A_{s_\ell ,i_\ell }$ . This gives (5) because if $(w,p)\in K_{n-1}$ then $(D^w u_n)(p)=0$ by (2), so $(D^w f_n)(p) = (D^w f_{n-1})(p)$ which by (5) for $n-1$ belongs to $A_{p,w}$ . For $\delta _n$ , choose any positive number satisfying $\delta _n<\delta _{n-1}$ .
Now suppose that $n=2m$ is even. If the assumption of (7) fails, take $u_n=0$ , $\lambda _n=0$ , $K_n=K_{n-1}$ , and let $\delta _n$ be any number such that $0<\delta _n<\delta _{n-1}$ . Clearly (1)–(7) hold. Now suppose that the assumption is satisfied, i.e., $(x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))\in G^1_{m}$ and $(x,q_m)\in G^2_{m}$ whenever $x\in V_m$ .
Case 1. $q_m\not = h^*_m(x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))$ for all $x\in V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m} $ .
Let $u_n=0$ , $\lambda _n=0$ , $K_n=K_{n-1}$ . Clearly (1)– (5) hold. For (7), choose any positive number $\delta _n<\delta _{n-1}$ so that $\delta _n<\inf \{|k^*_m(x,q_m) - (D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x)|:x\in V_{m,n}\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}\}$ where the right-hand side is positive because $\operatorname {cl}(V_{m,n})\cap \operatorname {cl} (Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m})$ is compact and contained in $V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ .
Case 2. $h^*_m(p,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(p))=q_m$ for some $p\in V_m\cap Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ .
By definition, $p\in Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ means that $p\in E_{j_m}$ and there is a (unique) $q'\in A_{p,j_m}$ such that $(p,q')\in G^1_m$ and $q_m=h^*_m(p,q')$ . Since the vertical sections of $h^*_m$ are one-to-one, we must have $(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(p)=q'$ and hence $(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(p)\in A_{p,j_m}$ . Let $u_n=0$ , $\lambda _n=0$ , $K_n=K_{n-1}\cup \{(j_m,p)\}$ . Clearly (1)–(5) and (7) hold. For $\delta _n$ , choose any positive number satisfying $\delta _n<\delta _{n-1}$ .
Case 3. $h^*_m(x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))\not =q_m$ for all $x\in V_m\cap Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , but
for some $p\in V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ .
The assumptions give $h^*_m(p,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(p)) = q_m$ and $p\not \in V_m\cap Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , and since $p\in V_m$ this gives $p\not \in Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ . It follows from (5) that $(j_m,p)\not \in K_{n-1}$ because if $(j_m,p)\in K_{n-1}$ then $p\in E_{j_m}$ and by (5) we have
which together with $h^*_m(p,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(p))=q_m$ gives $p\in Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , contradiction. Apply Lemma 2.2 to get an entire function $u_n\colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}$ satisfying (1), (2), (3) and $(D^{j_m} u_n)(p)>0$ . Arrange (4) by replacing $u_n$ by a smaller positive multiple of itself if necessary. The function $x\mapsto (k^*_m(x,q_m) - (D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))/(D^{j_m}u_n)(x)$ is continuous at p with value $0$ there, and $p\in V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , so we can pick an element $p'$ of $V_m\cap Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ so close to p that the number
satisfies $|\lambda _n|<1$ . With this value of $\lambda _n$ , we have $k^*_m(p',q_m)=(D^{j_m}f_n)(p')$ and therefore
and hence (7) holds if we take $K_n=K_{n-1}\cup \{(j_m,p')\}$ . Note that (5) is satisfied. For $\delta _n$ , choose any positive number satisfying $\delta _n<\delta _{n-1}$ .
This completes the construction. Property (4) ensures that the formula $f = \sum _{n=1}^\infty \lambda _nu_n$ defines an entire function and that
for all $i=0,\dots ,k$ and $z\in \mathbb {C}$ . Clearly $f(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ and by (1), we have $f{\sigma }=\sum _{n=1}^\infty \lambda _nu_n{\sigma }=f$ . We now verify (a)–(c).
(a) When $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , we have using (1) that $|(D^{i}f)(x)| \leq \sum _{i=1}^\infty |(D^{i}u_i)(x)| < \sum _{i=1}^\infty 2^{-i-1}{\varepsilon } = {\varepsilon }$ and, using (3), when $x\in F$ we have $(D^{i}f)(x) = 0$ .
(b) When $p\in E_i$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ , (6) ensures that $(i,p)\in K_n$ if n is sufficiently large. Then (5) gives $(D^{i}f_n)(p) \in A_{p,i}$ . From (2), we get that $(D^{i}u_j)(p)=0$ , $j\geq n+1$ , and hence $(D^{i}f)(p) = (D^{i}f_n)(p) \in A_{p,i}$ .
(c) Suppose $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $q\in \mathbb {R}$ , $U\subseteq \mathbb {R}\setminus F$ is an open interval, and we have $(p,(D^i f)(p))\in G^1_h$ , and $q = h^*(p,(D^i f)(p))$ for some $p\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ . We wish to show that $q = h^*(\bar {p},(D^i f)(y))$ for some $y\in U\cap E_i$ . We may assume that $U\in \mathscr {B}$ and for some open intervals $W_1,W_2\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , for all $x\in U$ ,
• $(D^i f)(x)\in W_1\subseteq \operatorname {cl} W_1\subseteq W_2$ , and $U\times W_2\subseteq G^1_h$ and
• $(x,q)\in G^2_h$ .
Since $D^i f_n\to D^i f$ uniformly on compact sets, for large enough n we have for $x\in U$ that $(D^i f_n)(x)\in W_2$ and hence $(x,(D^i f_n)(x))\in G^1_h$ . By assumption, $p\in \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ , so $Y_{h,q,i}\not =\emptyset $ and hence $q\in Q$ . Fix r such that $U=U_r$ . Choose an even $n=2m$ with $(h_m,j_m,q_m,V_m)=(h,i,q,U_r)$ , n large enough so that $p\in U_{r,n}=V_{m,n}$ and $(x,(D^i f_{n-1})(x))\in G^1_h$ for all $x\in U$ .
Claim. $q = h^*(x,(D^i f_{n-1})(x))$ for some $x\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ .
If not, then by (7), $\delta _n<\inf \{|k^*_m(x,q_m) - (D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x)|:x\in V_{m,n}\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}\}$ and $u_n=0$ , so that $f_n=f_{n-1}$ . We have that for $j>n$ , $|(D^{i}u_j)(p)| < 2^{-j-1}\delta _{n}$ . This gives
This contradicts $h^*(p,(D^i f)(p))=q$ (which is equivalent to $k^*_h(p,q)=(D^i f)(p)$ ). This completes the proof of the claim.
The claim says that $q_m=h^*_m(x,(D^{j_m}f_{n-1})(x))$ for some $x\in V_m\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , so by (7), for some $y\in V_m\cap Y_{h_m,q_m,j_m}$ , $h^*_m(y,(D^{j_m}f_{n})(y))=q_m$ and $K_n = K_{n-1}\cup \{(j_m,y)\}$ . But then by (2), $(D^{j_m}u_k)(y) = 0$ if $k>n$ , so $h^*_m(y,(D^{j_m}f)(y)) = h^*_m(y,(D^{j_m}f_{n})(y))=q_m$ . ▪
The next corollary incorporates into the theorem the ability to approximate a given function g such that either $g{\sigma }=g$ or $g{\sigma }={\sigma } g$ . These two types of functions are related by the fact that for a function g, if we write $g=g_1+\operatorname {id}$ , i.e., $g(x)=g_1(x)+x$ , then ${\sigma } g=g{\sigma }$ if and only if $g_1{\sigma }=g_1$ . Also note that if either $g{\sigma }=g$ or $g{\sigma }={\sigma } g$ then $(D^ig){\sigma }=D^ig$ for $i>0$ when the derivatives exist.
Corollary 3.5 (A) Let $g\in C^k(\mathbb {R})$ satisfy $g{\sigma }=g$ . Let $E_i\subseteq [0,t]$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ , be countable sets with $\{0,t\}\subseteq E_i$ or $E_i\cap \{0,t\}=\emptyset $ . Let $F\subseteq [0,t]$ be a finite set disjoint from $\bigcup _{i=0}^k E_i$ with $\{0,t\}\subseteq F$ or $F\cap \{0,t\}=\emptyset $ . For each $p\in E_i$ , let $A_{p,i}\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ be a countable dense set, with $A_{0,i}=A_{t,i}$ if $\{0,t\}\subseteq E_i$ . Let ${\varepsilon }>0$ . Let $\mathscr {H}$ be a countable family of fiber-preserving local homeomorphisms of $\mathbb {R}^2$ . There exists an entire function $f\colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}$ such that $f(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $f{\sigma }=f$ and for all $x\in \mathbb {R}$ and $i=0,\dots ,k$ ,
(a) $|(D^{i}f)(x)-(D^{i}g)(x)|<{\varepsilon }$ , and if $x\in F$ then $D^if(x)=D^ig(x)$ .
(b) for each $p\in E_i$ , $(D^i f)(p)\in A_{p,i}$ .
(c) for every $q\in \mathbb {R}$ , $h\in \mathscr {H}$ and every open interval $U\subseteq \mathbb {R}\setminus F$ , if
$$ \begin{align*} (x,(D^i f)(x))\in G^1_h\ \text{and}\ q = h^*(x,(D^i f)(x)) \end{align*} $$for some $x\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ , where $Y_{h,q,i} = \{p\in E_i:$ for some $q'\in A_{p,i}$ , $(p,q')\in G^1_h$ and $q=h^*(p,q')\}$ , then $q = h^*(p,(D^i f)(p))$ for some $p\in U\cap E_i$ .
(B) The same statement is true with $g{\sigma }=g$ , $f{\sigma }=f$ replaced by $g{\sigma }={\sigma } g$ , $f{\sigma }={\sigma } f$ , respectively, and the condition $A_{t,i}=A_{0,i} ($ when $\{0,t\}\subseteq E_i)$ replaced by $A_{t,i}=A_{0,i}$ when $i\not =0$ , $A_{t,0}=A_{0,0}+t$ .
Proof (A) Using Theorem 2.1, we can approximate g by an entire function $g_0$ so that $g_0(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $g_0{\sigma }=g_0$ , and for $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $|D^ig_0(x)-D^ig(x)|<{\varepsilon }/2$ and if $x\in F$ then $D^ig_0(x)=D^ig(x)$ . If we approximate $g_0$ as in Corollary 3.5, replacing ${\varepsilon }$ by ${\varepsilon }/2$ , we get the desired function f. Hence, we may assume that g is entire.
For $p\in E_i$ , define $B_{p,i}=A_{p,i}-(D^i g)(p)$ . Writing $\xi _i$ for the fiber-preserving homeomorphism of $\mathbb {R}^{2}$ given by $\xi _i(x,y)=(x,y+(D^i g)(x))$ , take $\mathscr {H}_i=\{h\circ \xi _i:h\in \mathscr {H}\}$ and apply Theorem 3.3 with $A_{p,i}$ replaced by $B_{p,i}$ and $\mathscr {H}$ replaced by $\overline {\mathscr {H}}=\bigcup _i\mathscr {H}_i$ . (Here, $h\circ \xi _i\colon \xi _i^{-1}(G^1_h)\to G^2_h$ .) If $f_1$ is the resulting entire function, the function $f=g+f_1$ is as desired. We have $f{\sigma }=g{\sigma }+f_1{\sigma }=g+f_1=f$ . Clauses (a) and (b) are immediate from the corresponding clauses of Theorem 3.3 and the definition of $B_{p,i}$ .
For (c), fix an $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $q\in \mathbb {R}$ , $h\in \mathscr {H}$ , an open interval $U\subseteq \mathbb {R}\setminus F$ , and assume that $(x,(D^i f)(x))\in G^1_h$ and $q = h^*(x,(D^i f)(x))$ for some $x\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ . Then $\xi _i(x,(D^i f_1)(x))\in G^1_h$ , so $(x,(D^i f_1)(x))\in \xi _i^{-1}(G^1_h)$ , and $q = (h^*\circ \xi _i)(x,(D^i f_1)(x))$ .
Claim. $Y_{h,q,i}\subseteq Y_{h\circ \xi _i,q,i}$ where the set $Y_{h\circ \xi _i,q,i}$ is defined using the $B_{p,i}$ instead of the $A_{p,i}$ .
Let $p\in Y_{h,q,i}$ . Then $p\in E_i$ and for some $q'\in A_{p,i}$ , $(p,q')\in G^1_h$ and $q=h^*(p,q')$ . We then have $q'-(D^i g)(p)\in B_{p,i}$ , $(p,q'-(D^i g)(p)) = \xi _i^{-1}(p,q')\in \xi _i^{-1}(G^1_h)$ and $q=(h^*\circ \xi _i)(p,q'-(D^i g)(p)) = (h\circ \xi _i)^*(p,q'-(D^i g)(p))$ . Thus, $p\in Y_{h\circ \xi _i,q,i}$ , which proves the claim.
By the claim, $x\in \operatorname {cl} Y_{h\circ \xi _i,q,i}$ and hence by (c) of Theorem 3.3, $q = (h\circ \xi _i)^*(p,(D^i f_1)(p)) = (h^*\circ \xi _i)(p,(D^i f_1)(p))$ for some $p\in U\cap E_i$ . Then $h^*(p,(D^i f)(p)) = (h^*\circ \xi _i)(p,(D^i f_1)(p))=q$ .
(B) This part follows from (A) by an argument similar to that used for (A). Given $g\in C^k(\mathbb {R})$ satisfying $g{\sigma }={\sigma } g$ , write $g=g_1+\operatorname {id}$ . As pointed out above, we have $g_1{\sigma }=g_1$ . For $p\in E_i$ , define $B_{p,i}=A_{p,i}-(D^i \operatorname {id})(p)$ . (So $B_{p,0}=A_{p,0}-p$ , $B_{p,1}=A_{p,1}-1$ , $B_{p,i}=A_{p,i} (i>1)$ .) Writing $\xi _i$ for the fiber-preserving homeomorphism of $\mathbb {R}^{2}$ given by $\xi _i(x,y)=(x,y+(D^i \operatorname {id})(x))$ , take $\mathscr {H}_i=\{h\circ \xi _i:h\in \mathscr {H}\}$ and apply part (A) to $g_1$ with $A_{p,i}$ replaced by $B_{p,i}$ and $\mathscr {H}$ replaced by $\overline {\mathscr {H}}=\bigcup _i\mathscr {H}_i$ . (Here, $h\circ \xi _i\colon \xi _i^{-1}(G^1_h)\to G^2_h$ .) If $f_1$ is the resulting entire function, the function $f=\operatorname {id}+f_1$ is as desired. Since $f_1$ satisfies $f_1{\sigma }=f_1$ , it follows that f satisfies $f{\sigma }={\sigma } f$ . Clauses (a) and (b) of part (B) are immediate from the corresponding clauses of part (A) and the definition of $B_{p,i}$ . For (c), as in part (A), fix an $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $q\in \mathbb {R}$ , $h\in \mathscr {H}$ , an open interval $U\subseteq \mathbb {R}\setminus F$ , and assume that $(x,(D^i f)(x))\in G^1_h$ and $q = h^*(x,(D^i f)(x))$ for some $x\in U\cap \operatorname {cl} Y_{h,q,i}$ . Then $\xi _i(x,(D^i f_1)(x))\in G^1_h$ , so $(x,(D^i f_1)(x))\in \xi _i^{-1}(G^1_h)$ , and $q = (h^*\circ \xi _i)(x,(D^i f_1)(x))$ . As in the proof of (A), we get $Y_{h,q,i}\subseteq Y_{h\circ \xi _i,q,i}$ where the set $Y_{h\circ \xi _i,q,i}$ is defined using the $B_{p,i}$ instead of the $A_{p,i}$ . (In the proof of the claim in part (A), replace the four g’s by $\operatorname {id}$ .) Then finish exactly as in part (A), reading “by (c) of part (A)” instead of “by (c) of Theorem 3.3.” ▪
Theorem 3.6 Let $(A^i_n,B^i_n)$ , $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $n\in {\mathbb N}$ , be pairs of countable dense subsets of $\mathbb {R}$ invariant under ${\sigma }$ such that for each fixed i, the $A^i_n$ are pairwise disjoint. Assume also that the $B^0_n$ are pairwise disjoint. Let $F\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ be a finite set disjoint from each $A^i_n$ . Fix ${\varepsilon }>0$ . Then for each $g\in C^k(\mathbb {R})$ with $k\geq 1$ such that $g{\sigma }={\sigma } g$ , $Dg>0$ , and $g(F)\cap B^0_n=\emptyset $ for all $n\in {\mathbb N}$ , there is an entire function f such that for $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $n\in {\mathbb N}$ , and $x\in \mathbb {R}$ ,
(a) $f(\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $f{\sigma }={\sigma } f$ , $Df(x)>0$
(b) $|(D^{i}f)(x)-(D^{i}g)(x)|<{\varepsilon }$ , and if $x\in F$ then $D^if(x)=D^ig(x)$
(c) $D^if(A^i_n)\subseteq B^i_n$ , $f(A^0_n)=B^0_n$
Proof For $i=0,\dots ,k$ , let $E_i=[0,t]\cap \bigcup _{n=1}^\infty A^i_n$ . For pairs $(p,i)$ with $p\in E_i$ , for some unique n we have $p\in A^i_n$ . Define $A_{p,i}=B^i_n$ . If $0,t\in E_i$ , then for some n we have $0,t\in A^i_n$ . Then $A_{0,i}=A_{t,i}=B^i_n$ and therefore also ${\sigma }(A_{0,i})=A_{t,i}$ by invariance of $B^i_n$ . The orbit of each point has at most two points in $[0,t]$ , so $F_1=[0,t]\cap \bigcup _{\ell \in {\mathbb Z}}{\sigma }^\ell (F)$ is finite. We have $E_i\cap F_1=\emptyset $ for each i, because $E_i\cap F_1 \subseteq (\bigcup _{n=1}^\infty A^i_n)\cap (\bigcup _{\ell =1}^\infty {\sigma }^\ell (F))$ and for all $n,\ell $ , $A^i_n\cap {\sigma }^\ell (F) = {\sigma }^{\ell }(A^i_n\cap F) = \emptyset $ . Similarly, $g(F_1)\cap B^0_n =\emptyset $ because $g({\sigma }^\ell (F))\cap B^0_n = {\sigma }^{\ell }(g(F)\cap B^0_n) = \emptyset $ for all $n,\ell $ . Take ${\varepsilon }'=\min ({\varepsilon },\inf \{Dg(x):x\in \mathbb {R}\})$ which is positive by periodicity of $Dg$ and since $Dg>0$ . Corollary 3.5 (B) with $\mathscr {H}=\{\operatorname {id}_{\mathbb {R}^2}\}$ gives $f $ such that $f (\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $f {\sigma }={\sigma } f $ and for all $x\in \mathbb {R}$ and $i=0,\dots ,k$ ,
(i) $|(D^{i}f )(x)-(D^{i}g )(x)|<{\varepsilon }'$ , and if $x\in F_1$ then $D^if (x)=D^ig (x)$ .
(ii) for each $p\in E_i$ , $(D^i f )(p)\in A_{p,i}$ .
(iii) for any $q\in \mathbb {R}$ , if $q = f(x)$ for some $x\in \operatorname {cl} \{p\in E_0: q\in A_{p,0}\}$ , $x\notin F_1$ , then $q = f(p)$ for some $p\in E_0$ . (Since f is injective, necessarily $x=p$ .)
From (i) we get (b). From (i) we also get for $x\in \mathbb {R}$ , $|Df(x)-Dg(x)| <{\varepsilon }'\leq Dg(x)$ , so $Df(x)>0$ giving (a). For (c), fix $i=0,\dots ,k$ , $n\in {\mathbb N}$ . We want to show that $D^if(A^i_n)\subseteq B^i_n$ , and when $i=0$ , $f(A^0_n)=B^0_n$ . For $p\in A^i_n$ we have for some $\ell $ that ${\sigma }^\ell (p)\in [0,t]$ . When $i=0$ , we get, using (ii), $f (p) = {\sigma }^{-\ell }f ({\sigma }^\ell (p))\in {\sigma }^{-\ell }A_{{\sigma }^\ell (p),0} = B^0_n$ . When $i>0$ , we get similarly $D^if (p) = D^if ({\sigma }^\ell (p)) \in A_{{\sigma }^\ell (p),i} = B^i_n$ .
There remains to show that $B^0_n\subseteq f(A^0_n)$ . Let $q\in B^0_n$ . Since $f(t)=f(0)+t$ , for some $\ell $ , ${\sigma }^\ell (q)\in [f(0),f(t)]$ and therefore, for some $x\in [0,t]$ , $f(x)={\sigma }^\ell (q)$ . We have $x\notin F_1$ because otherwise $g(x)=f(x)={\sigma }^\ell (q)\in B^0_n$ , contradicting the fact that $g(F_1)\cap B^0_n = \emptyset $ . Since $A^0_n$ is dense, arbitrarily close to x there are $p\in A^0_n\cap [0,t]$ and these satisfy ${\sigma }^\ell (q)\in B^0_n = A_{p,0}$ , so by (iii), there is a $p\in E_0$ such that ${\sigma }^\ell (q) = f(p)$ and therefore $f({\sigma }^{-\ell }(p))=q$ . This gives $q\in f(A^0_n)$ as long as $p\in A^0_n$ . Let m be such that $p\in A^0_m$ . Then ${\sigma }^\ell (q)=f (p)\in f (A^0_m)\subseteq B^0_m$ . Since $B^0_m$ and $B^0_n$ are disjoint, it follows that $m=n$ . ▪
4 Order-isomorphisms of the arc $\boldsymbol{T\setminus \{1\}}$
Applying Theorem 3.6 we can transfer the Barth–Schneider theorem for the real line to the following analog for the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ .
Theorem 4.1 Let $(A_n,B_n)$ , $n\in {\mathbb N}$ , be countable dense subsets of $T\setminus \{1\}$ . Assume that $A_n\cap A_m=\emptyset $ and $B_n\cap B_m=\emptyset $ when $n\not =m$ . Let $g\colon T\to T$ satisfy $g(e^{i\theta })=e^{i\beta (\theta )}$ , $0\leq \theta \leq 2\pi $ , where $\beta \colon [0,2\pi ]\to [0,2\pi ]$ is a $C^1$ bijection such that $D\beta>0$ and $D\beta (0)=D\beta (2\pi )$ . Let $F\subseteq T\setminus \{1\}$ be a finite set so that F is disjoint from each $A_n$ and $g(F)$ is disjoint from each $B_n$ . Then there is an analytic function $h\colon \mathbb {C}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb {C}$ that restricts to an order-preserving bijection of the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ onto itself and satisfies the following.
(a) $|h(z)-g(z)|<{\varepsilon }$ for $z\in T$ and $h(z)=g(z)$ for $z\in F$ .
(b) $h(A_n)=B_n (n\in {\mathbb N})$ .
(c) $Dh(z)\not =0$ when $z\in T$ .
Remark 4.2 (i) It will be apparent from the proof that we can require that $h(e^{i\theta })=e^{i\alpha (\theta )}$ where $\alpha \colon [0,2\pi ]\to [0,2\pi ]$ is a bijection which is the restriction of an entire function, and $D\alpha (\theta )>0$ and $|D\alpha (\theta )-D\beta (\theta )|<{\varepsilon }$ for $\theta \in [0,2\pi ]$ .
(ii) We take the ordering on the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ to be counterclockwise. We could replace “order-preserving” by “order-reversing.” In this context, $D\beta>0$ should be replaced by $D\beta <0$ . To get the desired conclusion, define $\bar {A}_n = \{\bar {z}:z\in A_n\}$ , $\bar {F}= \{\bar {z}:z\in F\}$ . Then define $\tilde {\beta }(\theta ) = \beta (2\pi -\theta )$ , $\tilde {g}(z)=g(1/z)=e^{i\tilde {\beta }(\theta )}$ . Note that $\bar {F}\cap \bar {A}_n = \overline {F\cap A}_n = \emptyset $ and $\tilde {g}(\bar {F})\cap B_n = g(F)\cap B_n=\emptyset $ . From Theorem 4.1, get $\tilde {h}$ satisfying (a)–(c) with respect to $\tilde {g}$ , $\bar {F}$ , and the pairs $(\bar {A}_n,B_n)$ . Then $h(z)=\tilde {h}(1/z)$ gives the desired order-reversing bijection of the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ .
(iii) The order-preserving bijection from the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ to itself can be replaced by an order-preserving bijection $T\setminus \{p\}\to T\setminus \{q\}$ (where $p\in T\setminus A_n$ , $q\in T\setminus B_n$ ) by considering the rotated sets $\bar {p}A_n$ and $\bar {q}B_n$ .
Proof Define $F'=\{0\}\cup \{\theta \in (0,2\pi ):e^{i\theta }\in F\}$ , and define
The assumption on $\beta $ ensures that it extends to a $C^1$ function on $\mathbb {R}$ satisfying ${\sigma }\beta =\beta {\sigma }$ . The sets $A^{\prime }_n$ , $B^{\prime }_n$ are countable, dense, and invariant under translation by $t=2\pi $ . The $A^{\prime }_n$ are pairwise disjoint, as are the $B^{\prime }_n$ , and the conditions $F\cap A_n=\emptyset $ , $g(F)\cap B_n=\emptyset $ , $1\notin A_n,B_n$ imply the conditions $F'\cap A^{\prime }_n=\emptyset $ , $\beta (F')\cap B^{\prime }_n=\emptyset $ . Choose $\delta>0$ so that $D\beta (\theta )>\delta $ , $\theta \in \mathbb {R}$ , and $|\theta _1-\theta _2|<\delta $ implies $|e^{i\theta _1} - e^{i\theta _2}|<{\varepsilon }$ . Apply Theorem 3.6 to get an entire function $\alpha $ such that such that $\alpha (\mathbb {R})\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ , $\alpha {\sigma }={\sigma } \alpha $ , and
(i) $|\alpha (\theta )-\beta (\theta )|<\delta $ for $\theta \in \mathbb {R}$ and $\alpha (\theta )=\beta (\theta )$ for $\theta \in F'$ .
(ii) $|D\alpha (\theta )-D\beta (\theta )|<\delta $ for $\theta \in \mathbb {R}$ .
(iii) $\alpha (A^{\prime }_n)=B^{\prime }_n (n\in {\mathbb N})$ .
(iv) $D\alpha>0$ .
(Note that (iv) follows from (ii) and the choice of $\delta $ .) From (i) we get $\alpha (0)=\beta (0)=0$ . For the function $\gamma (z)=\alpha (z)-z$ we have $\gamma (z+2\pi )=\gamma (z)$ , $\alpha (z)=z+\gamma (z)$ . Consider the branches of $\log $
We have $\operatorname {Log} z = \log z$ when $\operatorname {Im} z> 0$ and $\log z = \operatorname {Log} z + 2\pi i$ when $\operatorname {Im} z < 0$ . By the periodicity of $\gamma $ we have
for $z\not =0$ not a positive real number. We have
Similarly, if we set $H(z)=e^{i\alpha (-i\operatorname {Log} z)}$ when $z\not =0$ is not a negative real number, we get $H(z) = ze^{i\gamma (-i\operatorname {Log} z)}$ , and by (4.1), $h(z)=H(z)$ for $\operatorname {Im} z\not =0$ . Thus, h extends to an analytic function defined on $\mathbb {C}\setminus \{0\}$ by setting $h(z)=H(z)$ when z is a positive real number.
When $z=e^{i\theta }$ , $0<\theta <2\pi $ , we have $-i\log z = \theta $ , so $h(z)=e^{i\alpha (\theta )}$ . As $\theta $ runs over $(0,2\pi )$ from $0$ to $2\pi $ , $\alpha (\theta )$ does the same since $\alpha (0)=0$ and $\alpha (2\pi ) = \alpha (0)+2\pi =2\pi $ , so $h(z)=h(e^{i\theta })=e^{i\alpha (\theta )}$ runs over the arc $T\setminus \{1\}$ counterclockwise from $1$ to $1$ . From (i) and the choice of $\delta $ we get
and this implies the first part of (a). If $\theta \in F'$ then $h(e^{i\theta }) = e^{i\alpha (\theta )} = e^{i\beta (\theta )} = g(e^{i\theta })$ and this implies the second part of (a).
Also, for $0<\theta <2\pi $ and $n\in {\mathbb N}$ ,
so that for $z\in T\setminus \{1\}$ , we have $z\in A_n$ if and only if $h(z)\in B_n$ . Hence h restricts to an order-isomorphism of $T\setminus \{1\}$ mapping $A_n$ onto $B_n$ .
There remains to verify that $Dh(z)\not =0$ when $|z|=1$ . When $|z|=1$ , $z\not =1$ , we have
which is nonzero since $-i\log z$ is real when $|z|=1$ and $D\alpha (\theta )\not =0$ for $\theta \in \mathbb {R}$ . Writing $\operatorname {Log}$ instead of $\log $ we have the analogous computation when $|z|=1$ , $z\not =-1$ . ▪
The author thanks P. M. Gauthier for suggesting the problem and for helpful correspondence. The author also thanks the referee for a very careful reading of the paper and helpful suggestions for improving it.