1 Introduction
Let p be a prime and $N/K$ a finite Galois extension of p-adic number fields with group $G := \mathrm {Gal}(N/K)$ . We write $G_K$ (resp. $G_N$ ) for the absolute Galois group of K (resp. N), and for each finite extension $E/{{{\mathbb Q}}_{p}}$ , we let $F_E$ denote the arithmetic Frobenius automorphism. Let V denote a p-adic representation of $G_K$ , and let $T \subseteq V$ be a $G_K$ -stable ${\mathbb Z}_{p}$ -sublattice such that $V = {{\mathbb Q}}_{p} \otimes _{{\mathbb Z}_{p}} T$ .
As in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], we write $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ for the equivariant $\varepsilon $ -constant conjecture (see, for example, Conjecture 3.1.1 in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17]). For more details and some remarks on the history of the conjecture, we refer the interested reader to the introduction and Section 3.1 of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17].
In this manuscript, we will consider $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ for higher dimensional unramified twists of ${\mathbb Z}_p^r(1)$ (which should be considered as the Tate module associated with $\mathbb {G}_m^r$ ). More precisely, by [Reference CobbeCob18, Proposition 1.6], each matrix $U \in \mathrm {Gl}_r({\mathbb Z}_{p})$ gives rise to an unramified representation of $G_K$ by setting $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_K) := U$ . We will be concerned with the module $T={\mathbb Z}_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , which by [Reference CobbeCob18, Proposition 1.11] can be considered as the Tate module of an r-dimensional Lubin–Tate formal group.
We recall that for $r=1$ and representations $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}$ which are restrictions of unramified representations $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{{\mathbb Q}}_{p}} : G_{{{\mathbb Q}}_{p}} \longrightarrow {\mathbb Z}_{p}^{\times }$ , Izychev and Venjakob in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16] have proved the validity of $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ for tame extensions $N/K$ . The main result of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Theorem 1] shows that $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ holds for certain weakly and wildly ramified finite abelian extensions $N/K$ . In this context, we recall that $N/K$ is weakly ramified if the second ramification group in lower numbering is trivial. Generalizing these results, we will show the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1 Let $N/K$ be a tame extension of p-adic number fields, and let
be an unramified representation of $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ . Let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}$ denote the restriction of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ to $G_K$ . Then, $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is true for $N/K$ and $V = {\mathbb Q}_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , if $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) - 1) \ne 0$ .
Remarks 1.2
(1) The condition $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) - 1) \ne 0$ holds, if and only if $H^2(N, T)$ is finite (see Section 2). It is also equivalent to $\left ( \mathbb Z_p^r(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}) \right )^{G_N} = 0$ .
(2) If $r=1$ , then $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) - 1) = 0$ if and only if $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}} |_{G_N} = 1$ . If $r> 1$ , then there are “mixed” cases where both $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}} |_{G_N} \ne 1$ and $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) - 1) = 0$ (see, e.g., [Reference CobbeCob18, Example 3.18]).
(3) If $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}} |_{G_N}=1$ , then twisting commutes with taking $G_N$ -cohomology, so that we expect that $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ can be proved relying on the fact that the conjecture is known in the untwisted case by [Reference BreuningBre04b]. In the case $r=1$ , this is sketched in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Appendix A.1]; however, for $r>1$ , we have not checked the details.
In the weakly ramified setting, we will prove the following theorem.
Theorem 1.3 Let p be an odd prime. Let $K/{\mathbb Q}_p$ be the unramified extension of degree m, and let $N/K$ be a weakly and wildly ramified finite abelian extension with cyclic ramification group. Let d denote the inertia degree of $N/K$ , let $\tilde d$ denote the order of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) \text { mod } p$ in $\mathrm {Gl}_r({{\mathbb Z}_{p}}/p{{\mathbb Z}_{p}})$ , and assume that m and d are relatively prime. Let
be an unramified representation of $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ , and let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}$ denote the restriction of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ to $G_K$ . Assume that $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) - 1) \ne 0$ and, in addition, that one of the following three conditions holds:
(a) $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N)-1$ is invertible modulo p;
(b) $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N)\equiv 1\pmod {p}$ ;
(c) $\gcd (\tilde d,m)=1$ and $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N)^{\tilde d} - 1) \ne 0$ .
Then, $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is true for $N/K$ and $V = {\mathbb Q}_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ .
Remarks 1.4
(a) In the case $r=1$ , we define as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (14)] a nonnegative integer $\omega = \omega _N := v_p(1-\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N))$ . Note that the conditions (a) and (b) concerning the reduction of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N)$ modulo p generalize the cases $\omega =0$ and $\omega>0$ , which were studied separately in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], and which exhaust all the possible cases when $r=1$ . In the higher dimensional setting of the present paper, however, this is not true, even under the assumption $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) - 1) \ne 0$ . To deal with the remaining cases, our strategy of proof is to replace the field N by its unramified extension of degree $\tilde d$ and to use functoriality with respect to change of fields (see Prop. 7.2). For technical reasons, this forces us to require hypothesis (c).
(b) By [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 1.1], we know that $\tilde d$ is a divisor of $p^st$ with $s = (r-1)r/2$ and $t = \prod _{i=1}^r(p^i-1)$ .
In a more geometrical setting, if $A/{\mathbb Q}_p$ is an abelian variety of dimension r with good ordinary reduction, then by [Reference CobbeCob18, Proposition 1.12] the Tate module of the associated formal group $\hat {A}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb Z_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ for an appropriate choice of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ . Here, it is worth to remark that the converse is not true, i.e., not every module $\mathbb Z_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ comes from an abelian variety with good ordinary reduction. In this setting, by a result of Mazur [Reference MazurMaz72, Corollary 4.38], we know that $\det (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_L) - 1) \ne 0$ is automatically satisfied for any finite extension $L/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ (see Lemma 8.1).
Theorem 1.5 Let $N/K$ be a tame extension of p-adic number fields, and let $A/{\mathbb Q}_p$ be an r-dimensional abelian variety with good ordinary reduction. Let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ be the unramified representation induced by the Tate module $T_p\hat A$ of the formal group $\hat A$ of A, and let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}$ be the restriction of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ to $G_K$ . Then, $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is true for $V = {\mathbb Q}_p\otimes _{{\mathbb Z}_{p}}T_p\hat A$ .
Theorem 1.6 Let p be an odd prime, and let $A/{\mathbb Q}_p$ be an r-dimensional abelian variety with good ordinary reduction. Let $K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ be the unramified extension of degree m, and let $N/K$ be a weakly and wildly ramified finite abelian extension with cyclic ramification group. Let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ be the unramified representation induced by the Tate module $T_p\hat A$ of the formal group $\hat A$ of A, and let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}$ be the restriction of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ to $G_K$ . Let d denote the inertia degree of $N/K$ , and let $\tilde d$ denote the order of $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N) \text { mod } p$ in $\mathrm {Gl}_r({{\mathbb Z}_{p}}/p{{\mathbb Z}_{p}})$ . Assume that m and d are relatively prime, and, in addition, that one of the following conditions holds:
(a) $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N)-1$ is invertible modulo p;
(b) $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F_N)\equiv 1\pmod {p}$ ;
(c) $(m, \tilde d) = 1$ .
Then, $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is true for $V = {\mathbb Q}_p\otimes _{{\mathbb Z}_{p}}T_p\hat A$ .
To conclude this introduction, we reference forthcoming work of Nickel [Reference NickelNic18] and a forthcoming joint paper of Burns and Nickel [Reference Burns and NickelBN] where an Iwasawa theoretic approach to $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is developed. In a little more detail, Nickel formulates an Iwasawa theoretic analogue of $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(1))$ , call it $C_{EP}^{na}(N_{\infty }/K, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(1))$ for the purpose of this introduction, for the extension $N_{\infty }/K$ where $N_{\infty }/N$ is the unramified ${{\mathbb Z}_{p}}$ -extension of N. Then, in a second paper, Burns and Nickel show that $C_{EP}^{na}(N_{\infty }/K, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(1))$ holds if and only if $C_{EP}^{na}(E/F, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(1))$ holds for all finite Galois extensions $E/F$ such that $K \subseteq F \subseteq E \subseteq N_{\infty }$ . Furthermore, they prove a certain twist invariance of the conjecture. If $\chi ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ is a one-dimensional unramified character, they show that $C_{EP}^{na}(N_{\infty } N'/K, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(1))$ holds if and only if $C_{EP}^{na}(E/F, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(1)(\chi ^{\mathrm {nr}}))$ holds for all finite Galois extensions $E/F$ such that $K \subseteq F \subseteq E \subseteq N_{\infty } N'$ where $N'/N$ is a certain unramified extension of degree dividing $p-1$ . It will be very interesting to see how this Iwasawa theoretic approach will carry over to the higher dimensional case.
1.1 Notations
We will mostly rely on the notation of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Reference CobbeCob18]. For a field L, we write $L^c$ for its algebraic closure; for any subfield L of ${\mathbb Q}_p^c$ , we let $\bar L$ denote the p-adic completion of L. In this paper, $N/K$ will always denote a finite Galois extension of p-adic number fields. We write $N^{\mathrm {nr}}$ for the maximal unramified extension, and then set $N_0=\overline {N^{\mathrm {nr}}}$ and denote by $\widehat {N_0^{\times }}$ the p-completion of $N_0^{\times }$ . Let $N_1$ be the maximal unramified subextension of $N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ . We will denote by $e_{N/K}$ and $d_{N/K}$ the ramification index and the inertia degree of $N/K$ , $\mathcal {O}_N$ will be the ring of integers of N, and $U_N$ will be its group of units. We also set $\Lambda _N=\prod _r \widehat {N_0^{\times }}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , $\Upsilon _N=\prod _r \widehat {U_{N_0}}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , and $\mathcal Z=\mathbb Z_p^r(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , and we will mostly use an additive notation for the (twisted) action of the absolute Galois group $G_N$ . The elements fixed by the action of $G_N$ will be denoted by $\Lambda _N^{G_N}$ , $\Upsilon _N^{G_N}$ , and $\mathcal Z^{G_N}$ , respectively.
Let $\varphi $ be the absolute Frobenius automorphism, let $F_N$ be the Frobenius automorphism of N, and let $F=F_K$ be the Frobenius of K.
For an r-dimensional formal group $\mathcal F$ , we denote by $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})$ the group structure on $\prod _r\mathfrak p_N$ induced by $\mathcal F$ .
For any ring R, we denote by $M_r(R)$ the ring of $r\times r$ matrices with coefficients in R and by $\mathrm {Gl}_r(R)$ the group of invertible matrices. A unity matrix will always be denoted simply by $1$ . In addition, we write $Z(R)$ for the centre of R.
If $\Lambda $ and $\Sigma $ are unital rings and $\Lambda \longrightarrow \Sigma $ a ring homomorphism, then we write $K_0(\Lambda , \Sigma )$ for the relative algebraic K-group defined by Swan [Reference SwanSwa70, p. 215]. If $\Sigma = L[G]$ for a finite group G and a field extension $L/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ , we write $\mathrm {Nrd}_{\Sigma } \colon K_1(\Sigma ) \longrightarrow Z(\Sigma )^{\times }$ for the map on $K_1$ induced by the reduced norm map. We will only be concerned with cases where $\mathrm {Nrd}_{\Sigma }$ is an isomorphism. In this case, we set $\hat \partial ^1_{\Lambda , \Sigma } := \partial ^1_{\Lambda , \Sigma } \circ \mathrm {Nrd}_{\Sigma }^{-1}\colon Z(\Sigma )^{\times } \longrightarrow K_0(\Lambda , \Sigma )$ where $\partial ^1_{\Lambda , \Sigma } \colon K_1(\Sigma ) \longrightarrow K_0(\Lambda , \Sigma )$ is the canonical map. If there is no danger of confusion, we will often abbreviate $\hat \partial ^1_{\Lambda , \Sigma }$ to $\hat \partial ^1$ .
For any ${{\mathbb Z}_{p}}$ -module X and any ring extension $R/{{\mathbb Z}_{p}}$ , we set $X_R := R \otimes _{{\mathbb Z}_{p}} X$ .
1.2 Plan of the manuscript
We will start recalling some results on the cohomology of $\mathbb Z_p^r(1)$ which are proved in [Reference CobbeCob18]. We will also formulate a finiteness hypothesis (F), which we will assume throughout the paper, and we will show some basic consequences of (F). After a short digression on the formal logarithm and exponential function in higher dimension in Section 3, we can start our study of the conjecture $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ .
As in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], which was motivated by the work in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16], we define an element
in the relative algebraic K-group $K_0({\mathbb Z_p[G]},{{\mathbb Q}_p[G]})$ . The conjecture $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is then equivalent to the vanishing of $R_{N/K}$ .
Actually, the element $R_{N/K}$ as defined in (1.1) differs from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (17)] by the term $m U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{{\mathbb Q}}_{p}})$ . This new term emerges from the computation of the cohomological term $C_{N/K}$ , which was slightly incorrect in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], and has to be compensated in the definition of $R_{N/K}$ . For more details on this issue, we refer the reader to Remark 6.6.
We will explicitly compute the terms $C_{N/K}$ , $U_{\mathrm {cris}}$ , and $\hat \partial ^1_{{\mathbb Z_p[G]}, {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}(\varepsilon _D(N/K,V))$ in the definition of $R_{N/K}$ and then use these results to prove $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ when $N/K$ is tame (Theorem 1.1) and, under some additional hypotheses, also when $N/K$ is weakly and wildly ramified (Theorem 1.3). This generalizes previous work for $r = 1$ of Izychev and Venjakob in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16] in the tame case and the authors in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17] in the weakly ramified case.
2 The cohomology of ${\mathbb Z}_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\text {nr}})$
Let $u \in \mathrm {Gl}_r({{\mathbb Z}_{p}})$ , and let $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}} = \rho _u \colon G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}} \longrightarrow \mathrm {Gl}_r({{\mathbb Z}_{p}})$ denote the unramified representation attached to u by [Reference CobbeCob18, Proposition 1.6]. By [Reference HazewinkelHaz78, Section 13.3], there is a unique r-dimensional Lubin–Tate formal group $\mathcal F = \mathcal F_{pu^{-1}}$ attached to the parameter $pu^{-1}$ . As in [Reference CobbeCob18, Proposition 1.10], we can construct an isomorphism $\theta \colon \mathcal F \longrightarrow \mathbb {G}_m^r$ defined over the completion $\overline {{{\mathbb Q}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}}$ of ${{\mathbb Q}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}$ such that
where $\varepsilon \in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\overline {\mathbb Z_p^{\mathrm {nr}}})$ has the defining property $\varphi (\varepsilon ^{-1})\varepsilon = u^{-1}$ . In the following, we set $T := \mathbb Z_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , and for future reference, we recall that T is isomorphic to the p-adic Tate module $T_p\mathcal F$ of $\mathcal F$ by [Reference CobbeCob18, Proposition 1.11].
Let $N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ be a finite field extension, and let $N_0 = \overline {N^{\mathrm {nr}}}$ denote the completion of the maximal unramified extension of N. Following [Reference CobbeCob18], we define
Then, by [Reference CobbeCob18, Corollary 3.16], we have
Remark 2.1 We point out that the above isomorphisms are induced by the explicit representative $C^{\bullet }_{N, \mathcal F}$ of $R\Gamma (N, T)$ constructed in [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.15]. In the formulation of $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ , however, we will use the identification of the cohomology modules resulting from the use of continuous cochain cohomology. We will address this problem in Section 6.1.
For each finite field extension $N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ , we set
and in the sequel, always assume the following finiteness hypothesis.
Hypothesis (F): $\det (U_N - 1) \ne 0$ .
This hypothesis clearly implies (and, in fact, is equivalent to)
The elementary divisor theorem immediately implies
where $v_p$ denotes the normalized p-adic valuation.
We first study the case when $N/K$ is tame.
Proposition 2.2 Let $N/K$ be a finite Galois extension with Galois group $G = {\mathrm {Gal}}(N/K)$ . Assume that Hypothesis (F) holds. If $N/K$ is tame, then both $H^1(N, T)$ and $H^2(N, T)$ are G-cohomologically trivial.
Proof By [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.3 and Lemma 2.2], it suffices to show that $\mathcal {Z} / (F_N - 1)\mathcal {Z} = {\mathbb Z}_p^r / (U_N - 1){\mathbb Z}_p^r$ is cohomologically trivial.
We set $M := \mathcal {Z} / (F_N - 1)\mathcal {Z}$ and write $I = I_{N/K}$ for the inertia group. By [Reference Ellerbrock and NickelEN18, Lemma 2.3], it suffices to show that ${\hat H}^i(G/I, M^I) = 0$ and ${\hat H}^i(I, M) = 0$ for all $i \in {\mathbb Z}$ , where ${\hat H}^i$ denotes Tate cohomology. Because M is a (finite) p-group and $p \nmid \#I$ , we get $\hat H^i(I, M) = 0$ . Hence, it suffices to show that $\hat H^i(G/I, M^I) = 0$ for all $i \in \mathbb Z$ . Because $G/I$ is cyclic and M finite, a standard Herbrand quotient argument shows that it is then enough to prove that $\hat H^{-1}(G/I, M^I) = 0$ . Note that $M^I = M$ . The long exact cohomology sequence attached to the short exact sequence
of $G/I$ -modules yields the exact sequence
With $F_N = F_K^{d_{N/K}}$ , one has $U_N = U_K^{d_{N/K}}$ and
Because $U_N - 1$ is invertible, the same is true for $1 - U_K$ ; hence, $\mathcal {Z}^{G/I} = 0$ and $\hat {H}^{0}(G/I, \mathcal {Z} ) = 0$ . To show that $\hat {H}^{-1}(G/I, \mathcal {Z} ) = 0$ , we note that the above identity also implies that $1 + U_K + \cdots + U_K^{d_{N/K}-1}$ is invertible, and hence, the kernel of the norm map is trivial. Consequently, $\hat {H}^{-1}(G/I, \mathcal {Z} ) = 0$ .▪
Because of Proposition 2.2, the tame case is much more accessible to proofs of conjecture $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ than the wild case. Conversely, the following lemma shows that in the generic wild case, the cohomology modules are not cohomologically trivial.
Lemma 2.3 Assume that Hypothesis (F) holds. Then, the following are equivalent:
(i) $H^2(N,T)$ is trivial.
(ii) $U_N - 1 \in \mathrm {Gl}_r({{\mathbb Z}_p})$ .
If $N/K$ is wildly ramified, then this is also equivalent to:
(iii) $H^1(N,T)$ is cohomologically trivial.
(iv) $H^2(N,T)$ is cohomologically trivial.
Proof The equivalence of (i) and (ii) is clear. The equivalence of (iii) and (iv) follows from [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.3 and Lemma 2.2]. To see the equivalence of (i) and (iv) in the wildly ramified case, it suffices to note that I acts trivially on $M := H^2(N,T) = \mathcal {Z} / (F_N - 1)\mathcal {Z}$ . If P denotes a subgroup of I of order p, then one obviously has
3 Formal logarithm and exponential function in higher dimensions
In this section, we prove some results which are probably well known, but for which we could not find a precise reference in the literature. Throughout this subsection, we let L be a finite extension of ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ and $v_L$ the normalized valuation of L.
The statement and the proof of the following lemma generalize [Reference FröhlichFrö68, Chapter IV, Section 1, Proposition 1] to a higher dimensional setting. We set $X := (X_1, \ldots , X_r)$ , and for a homomorphism
we write $J_f(X):=\left (\frac {\partial f_i}{\partial X_j}\right )_{1\leq i,j\leq r}$ for the Jacobian of f.
Lemma 3.1 Let $\mathcal F$ be an r-dimensional commutative formal group defined over $\mathbb Z_p$ . Then, there exists a unique isomorphism $\log _{\mathcal F}:\mathcal F\to \mathbb {G}_a^r$ defined over ${\mathbb Q}_p$ , so that the Jacobian $J_{\log _{\mathcal F}}(X)$ satisfies $J_{\log _{\mathcal F}}(0)=1$ . Furthermore, $J_{\log _{\mathcal F}}(X)\in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\mathbb Z_p[[X]])$ and $\log _{\mathcal F}(x)$ converges for all $x{\,=\,}(x_1,\dots ,x_r) {\,\in\,} L^{(r)}$ satisfying $\min \{v_L(x_1),\dots ,v_L(x_r)\}{\,>\,}0$ .
Proof By [Reference FröhlichFrö68, Chapter II, Section 2, Theorem 1 and Corollary 1], there exists an isomorphism $g:\mathcal F\to \mathbb {G}_a^r$ defined over ${\mathbb Q}_p$ . It is then clear that the Jacobian $J_g(0)$ is an invertible matrix. We also note that $J_g(0)^{-1}X$ defines an isomorphism $g_1:\mathbb {G}_a^r\to \mathbb {G}_a^r$ . Thus, the composition $\log _{\mathcal F}=g_1\circ g:\mathcal F\to \mathbb {G}_a^r$ is an isomorphism satisfying our normalization $J_{\log _{\mathcal F}}(0)=J_{g_1}(g(0))J_g(0)=J_g(0)^{-1}J_g(0)=1$ .
To prove uniqueness, we assume that $f:\mathcal F\to \mathbb {G}_a^r$ is another isomorphism with $J_f(0)=1$ . Then,
It is easy to see that the isomorphisms $\mathbb {G}_a^r\to \mathbb {G}_a^r$ over ${\mathbb Q}_p$ are in one-to-one correspondence with the matrices in $\mathrm {Gl}_r({\mathbb Q}_p)$ . Hence, we deduce that $\log _{\mathcal F}\circ f^{-1}$ is the identity map, i.e., $f=\log _{\mathcal F}$ .
To show that $J_{\log _{\mathcal F}}(X)\in M_r(\mathbb Z_p[[X]])$ , we write
We view both sides as formal series in the variables Y, calculate the Jacobians, and evaluate at $Y=0$ :
As a consequence, we obtain
We let $\mathfrak a$ denote the ideal of ${{\mathbb Z}_{p}}[[X]]$ which is generated by $X_1, \ldots , X_r$ and note that $p{{\mathbb Z}_{p}}[[X]] + \mathfrak a$ is the maximal ideal of the local ring ${{\mathbb Z}_{p}}[[X]]$ . By the axioms of formal groups, it follows that $J_{\mathcal F(X,\cdot )}(0) = 1 + M$ with a matrix $M\in M_r(\mathbb Z_p[[X]])$ with coefficients in $\mathfrak a$ . Hence, $\det (J_{\mathcal F(X,\cdot )}(0)) \equiv 1 \pmod {\mathfrak a}$ , and we deduce that $\det (J_{\mathcal F(X,\cdot )}(0))$ is a unit in ${{\mathbb Z}_{p}}[[X]]$ . It follows that $J_{\mathcal F(X,\cdot )}(0)$ is invertible in $M_r({{\mathbb Z}_{p}}[[X]])$ , so that its inverse $J_{\log _{\mathcal F}}(X)$ has integral coefficients and is, in fact, in $\mathrm {Gl}_r(\mathbb Z_p[[X]])$ .
Hence, a general term of any component $\log _{\mathcal F,i}$ of $\log _{\mathcal F}$ is of the form $\frac {a}{m}\prod _{i=1}^r X_i^{n_i}$ , with $m=\gcd (n_1,\dots ,n_r)$ and $a\in \mathbb Z_p$ . If we set $n=\sum _{i=1}^r n_i$ , then
This last expression tends to infinity when the total degree n tends to infinity.▪
As usual, we write $\exp _{\mathcal F}$ for the inverse of $\log _{\mathcal F}$ . To obtain information on the convergence of $\exp _{\mathcal F}$ , we will need the following lemma whose proof is inspired by the proof of [Reference SilvermanSil09, Lemma IV.5.4].
Lemma 3.2 Let $f,g\in {\mathbb Q}_p[[X]]^r$ be power series without constant term such that $f(g(X))=X$ for $X=(X_1,\dots ,X_r)$ . Assume that $J_g(X)\in M_r(\mathbb Z_p[[X]])$ and $J_g(0)=1$ . Then, for all $s\in \mathbb N$ and for all $i, n_1,\dots ,n_s\in \{1,\dots ,r\}$ , we have
Proof In a first step, we prove the following claim.
Claim: For all $s \in {\mathbb N}$ and all $n_1,\dots ,n_s\in \{1,\dots ,r\}$ , the expression
is a polynomial in $\frac {\partial ^t f_i}{\partial X_{k_1}\cdots \partial X_{k_t}}(g(X))$ with $1\leq t\leq s-1$ , $k_1,\dots ,k_t\in \{1,\dots ,r\}$ and coefficients in $\mathbb Z_p[[X]]$ .
Indeed, the chain rule for $\frac {\partial }{\partial X_{n_{1}}}$ applied to $f_i(g(X))=X_i$ yields
and thus establishes the claim for $s=1$ .
For the inductive step, we apply $\frac {\partial }{\partial X_{n_{s+1}}}$ to the expression in (3.1), and again, by the chain rule, we obtain
Using the inductive hypothesis for the first term on the right-hand side and the assumption $J_g(X) \in M_r({{\mathbb Z}_{p}}[[X]])$ for the second, one proves the above claim.
In order to prove the assertion of the lemma, we again proceed by induction on s. For $s=1$ , we specialize (3.2) at $X=0$ and obtain from $g(0) = 0$
Because $J_g(0) = 1$ , this implies $\frac {\partial f_i}{\partial X_{n_1}}(0) = \delta _{i,n_1} \in {{\mathbb Z}_{p}}$ .
For the inductive step, we specialize (3.1) at $X=0$ , and because $J_g(0)=1$ , we simply obtain
By the above claim and the inductive hypothesis, this is an element in ${{\mathbb Z}_{p}}$ .▪
Lemma 3.3 The isomorphism $\exp _{\mathcal F}$ converges for all $x=(x_1,\dots ,x_r) \in L^{(r)}$ satisfying $\min \{v_L(x_1),\dots ,v_L(x_r)\}>v_L(p)/(p-1)$ .
Proof By Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we have
for any $s\in \mathbb N$ and $i, n_1,\dots ,n_s\in \{1,\dots ,r\}$ . It follows that each component $\exp _{\mathcal F,i}$ of $\exp _{\mathcal F}$ is of the form
for some $a_{m_1,\dots ,m_r}\in \mathbb Z_p$ . As in the proof of [Reference SilvermanSil09, Lemma IV.6.3(b)], we can show that
which under our assumption tends to infinity as the total degree tends to infinity.▪
We summarize our discussion in the next proposition.
Proposition 3.4 Let L be a finite extension of ${{{\mathbb Q}}_{p}}$ with normalized valuation $v_L$ . Let $n> \frac {v_L(p)}{p-1}$ be an integer. Then, the formal logarithm induces an isomorphism
with inverse induced by $\exp _{\mathcal F}$ .
Proof Given the results of this section, the proposition follows as in the proof of [Reference SilvermanSil09, Theorem IV.6.4].▪
4 Computation of the term $U_{\mathrm {cris}}$
4.1 Some preliminary results
We will apply the notation introduced and explained in [Reference Benois and BergerBB08, Section 1.1]. In particular, $B_{\mathrm {cris}}, B_{\mathrm {st}}$ , and ${B_{\mathrm {dR}}}$ denote the p-adic period rings constructed by Fontaine. We recall that the field ${B_{\mathrm {dR}}} = B_{\mathrm {dR}}^+[1/t]$ is a ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ -algebra which contains ${{\mathbb Q}_p^c}$ and carries an action of $G_{{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}$ . The uniformizing element $t = \log [\varepsilon ]$ depends on the choice of $\varepsilon = \left ( \zeta _{p^n} \right )_{n \ge 0}$ where the primitive $p^n$ -th roots of unity $\zeta _{p^n}$ are compatible with respect to $x \mapsto x^p$ . We let $\chi _{cyc} \colon G_{{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}} \longrightarrow \mathbb Z_p^{\times }$ denote the cyclotomic character which is uniquely determined by the requirement $\zeta _{p^n}^{\sigma } = \zeta _{p^n}^{\chi _{cyc}(\sigma )}$ for all $n \ge 0$ and all $\sigma \in G_{{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}$ . In particular, we have $\sigma (t) = \chi _{cyc}(\sigma )t$ for all $\sigma \in G_{{{{\mathbb Q}}_{p}}}$ .
The subring $B_{\mathrm {cris}}$ of ${B_{\mathrm {dR}}}$ contains the element t, and, in addition, there is a Frobenius endomorphism $\phi $ acting on $B_{\mathrm {cris}}$ . In Section 4.2, we will frequently use the formula $\phi (t) = pt$ . If V is a p-adic representation of $G_K$ , we put
The K-vector space $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^K(V)$ is finite dimensional and filtered. The tangent space of V over K is defined by
Finally, we write $\exp _V \colon t_V(K) \longrightarrow H^1(K, V)$ for the exponential map of Bloch and Kato. Note here that $H^1(K, V)$ is defined using continuous cochain cohomology (see Remark 2.1).
For any ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ -vector space W, we write $W^* = \mathrm {Hom}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(W, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ for its ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ -linear dual. For convenience, we usually write $t^*_V(K)$ instead of $t_V(K)^*$ .
We fix a matrix $T^{\mathrm {nr}}\in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\overline {\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , so that $\varphi (T^{\mathrm {nr}})(T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1}=u^{-1}$ , which exists by [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 1.9].
Lemma 4.1 Let $v_1^*,\dots ,v_r^*$ denote the elements of the canonical ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ -basis of $V^*(1)$ . Then, $e_i^*=\sum _{n=1}^r (T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1}_{i,n}\otimes v_n^*$ , $i = 1, \ldots , r$ , constitute a basis of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))$ as an $N_1$ -vector space and of $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^N(V^*(1))$ as an N-vector space. In addition, each element $e_i^*$ is fixed by the action of the Galois group $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ .
Proof The following proof is the r-dimensional generalization of the first part of the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 5.2.1].
By definition, we have $T^{\mathrm {nr}}=u\varphi (T^{\mathrm {nr}})$ , and by induction, we deduce $F_N(T^{\mathrm {nr}})=\varphi ^{d_N}(T^{\mathrm {nr}})=u^{-d_N}T^{\mathrm {nr}}$ , and hence $u^{d_N}F_N(T^{\mathrm {nr}})=T^{\mathrm {nr}}$ .
First of all, recall that the completion $\overline {\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}$ of ${\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}$ is contained both in $B_{\mathrm {cris}}$ and ${B_{\mathrm {dR}}}$ . We now prove that the elements $e_i^*$ are fixed by the absolute Galois group $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ , which will show that the $e_i^*$ are contained in both $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))$ and $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^N(V^*(1))$ . We note that the inertia group $I_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ acts trivially on $V^*(1)$ , and hence, it remains to prove that $e_i^*$ is fixed by $\varphi $ . We first need to calculate $\varphi (v_i^*)$ . Here, we use the definitions and the fact that the elements $v_i$ constitute the canonical basis of ${\mathbb Q}_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ :
and we conclude that
Because $T^{\mathrm {nr}} \in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\overline {\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}) \subseteq \mathrm {Gl}_r(B_{\mathrm {cris}})$ , the elements $e_1^*,\dots ,e_r^*$ are a $B_{\mathrm {cris}}$ -basis of $B_{\mathrm {cris}} \otimes _{{\mathbb Q}_{p}} V^*(1)$ . As $N_1$ is a subfield of $B_{\mathrm {cris}}$ , we see that $e_1^*,\dots ,e_r^*$ are linearly independent over $N_1$ . This concludes the proof that the elements $e_i^*$ constitute a basis of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))$ , because $\dim _{N_1}D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))\leq \dim _{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(V^*(1))=r$ . In particular, this also proves that $V^*(1)$ is cristalline. Then, the elements $e_1^*,\dots ,e_r^*$ must also be a basis of the N-vector space $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^N(V^*(1))=N\otimes _{N_1}D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))$ .▪
Lemma 4.2 Let $v_1,\dots ,v_r$ be the elements of the canonical ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ -basis of V. The elements $e_i=\sum _{n=1}^r t^{-1} T^{\mathrm {nr}}_{n,i}\otimes v_n$ , $i = 1, \ldots , r$ , constitute a basis of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V)$ as an $N_1$ -vector space and of $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^N(V)$ as an N-vector space. In addition, each element $e_i$ is fixed by the action of the Galois group $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ .
Proof For $\sigma \in I_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ we compute
Hence, the elements $e_i$ are fixed by the inertia group, and a similar computation as in the proof of Lemma 4.1 shows that $\varphi (e_i) = e_i$ . The proof follows as above.▪
Lemma 4.3 Let $\tilde v_1,\dots ,\tilde v_r$ be the elements of the canonical ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ -basis of $V(-1)$ . The elements $\tilde e_i=\sum _{n=1}^r T^{\mathrm {nr}}_{n,i}\otimes \tilde v_n$ are a basis of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V(-1))$ as an $N_1$ -vector space and of $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^N(V(-1))$ as an N-vector space. In addition, each element $\tilde e_i$ is fixed by the action of the Galois group $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ .
Proof Similar as above.▪
4.2 Computation of $U_{\text {cris}}$
We recall that $V = {\mathbb Q}_p^r(1)(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ and $V^*(1) = {\mathbb Q}_p^r((\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1})$ and that we always assume Hypothesis (F). The following lemma (and its proof) is the analogue of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 5.1.2].
Lemma 4.4 We have:
(1) $t_{V^*(1)}(N)=0$ .
(2) $H_f^1(N,V^*(1))=0$ .
(3) $H_f^1(N,V)= H^1_e(N,V) = H^1(N,V)$ .
Proof Proofs are as for [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 5.1.2]. For the proof of part (c), we also need that by Lemma 4.7 below the endomorphism $1 - \phi $ of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V)$ is an isomorphism.▪
By the above lemma, [Reference CobbeCob18, Corollary 3.16], and [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (30)], the seven-term exact sequence [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (5)] degenerates into the two exact sequences
The term $U_{\mathrm {cris}}\in K_0({\mathbb Z}_p[G],{\mathbb Q}_p[G])$ is defined by [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (26)]. We recall that for a ring R, the abelian group $K_1(R)$ is generated by elements $[P,\alpha ]$ , where P is a finitely generated projective R-module and $\alpha $ is an automorphism of P. By the computations in loc. cit. (see, in particular, [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (32)]), we obtain
Before computing $U_{\mathrm {cris}}$ , we need an easy lemma from linear algebra.
Lemma 4.5 Let R be a unital commutative ring, and let
be a block matrix, with $n^2$ square blocks of the same size. Let $\det =\det _R$ denote the determinant over R. Then,
Proof By Gaussian elimination, we obtain the matrix
The Wedderburn decomposition of ${{\mathbb Q}_p[G]}$ induces a decomposition of $Z({{\mathbb Q}_p[G]})$ as a finite direct sum $\bigoplus _{i} F_i$ of suitable finite field extensions $F_i/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ . If $x \in Z({{\mathbb Q}_p[G]})$ , we let ${}^*x \in Z({{\mathbb Q}_p[G]})^{\times }$ denote the invertible element which is given by $({}^*x_i)$ with ${}^*x_i = 1$ if $x_i = 0$ and ${}^*x_i = x_i$ otherwise.
We now generalize [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemmas 5.2.1 and 5.2.2], and in this way, explicitly compute the element $U_{\mathrm {cris}}$ . Recall that $F = F_K= \varphi ^{d_K}$ is the Frobenius element of K. We write $I = I_{N/K}$ for the inertia subgroup of the Galois extension $N/K$ .
Lemma 4.6 The endomorphism $1-\phi ^*$ of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))^*$ is an isomorphism. Furthermore, we have
in $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]},\!{{\mathbb Q}_p[G]})$ .
Proof We have to compute $\phi (e_i^*)$ . Using the $\varphi $ -semilinearity of $\phi $ , we compute
We fix a normal basis element $\theta $ of $N_1/{{\mathbb Q}}_p$ . Then, $w_{i,j}:=\varphi ^{-j}(\theta ) e_i^*$ , for $i=1,\dots ,r$ and $j=0,\dots ,d_K-1$ , is a ${\mathbb Q}_p[G/I]$ -basis of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))$ . Let $\psi _{i,j}\in D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V^*(1))^*$ for $i=1,\dots ,r$ and $j=0,\dots ,d_K-1$ be the dual ${\mathbb Q}_p[G/I]$ -basis.
For $0<i,h\leq r$ , $0\leq j,k<d_K-1$ , and $0\leq n\leq d-1$ , we have
If $n=0$ , $k=j+1$ , and any $0<h\leq r$ , this is equal to $((T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1} uT^{\mathrm {nr}})_{h,i}$ ; it is $0$ otherwise. Hence,
Analogously, for $0<i\leq r$ and $j=d_K-1$ , we have
Note here that $\phi ^*$ is indeed defined over ${\mathbb Q}_p[G/I]$ , because $(T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1}uT^{\mathrm {nr}}\in M_r({\mathbb Q}_p)$ .
With respect to the ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}[G/I]$ -basis $\psi _{i,j}$ the matrix associated to $1-\phi ^*$ is given by
In this matrix, each entry is an $r\times r$ matrix with coefficients in ${\mathbb Q}_p[G/I]$ (recall that $F=F_K$ generates $G/I$ ). In the following, we write $\det $ for the determinant over the commutative ring ${\mathbb Q}_p[G/I]$ . By Lemma 4.5, the determinant of the above matrix is $\det (1-F^{-1}(T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1} u^{d_K}T^{\mathrm {nr}})=\det (1-F^{-1}u^{d_K})$ . Because this determinant computes the reduced norm of $1-\phi ^*$ , the equality in the lemma follows.
To conclude that $1-\phi ^*$ is an isomorphism, it is now enough to notice that
which is invertible, because, by Hypothesis (F), we always have $\det (U_N-1)\neq 0$ .▪
Lemma 4.7 The endomorphism $1 - \phi $ of $D_{\mathrm {cris}}^N(V)$ is an isomorphism, and we have
in $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{\mathbb Q}_p[G]})$ .
Proof The proof is analogous to the proof of the previous lemma.
To show that $\det (1-F(pu)^{-d_K})$ is invertible in ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}[G/I]$ , it is enough to notice that $\sum _{i=0}^{\infty } (F^{-1}(pu)^{d_K})^i$ converges in the matrix ring $M_r({{\mathbb Z}_p}[G/I])$ and is the inverse of
Proposition 4.8 We have
We conclude this section by proving some functorial properties for the term $U_{\mathrm {cris}}$ . To that end, we let L be an intermediate field of $N/K$ and set $H := \mathrm {Gal}(N/L)$ . Then, we let
denote the natural restriction of scalars homomorphism, and if H is normal in G, then
denotes the homomorphism which is induced by the functor $\mathrm {Hom}_{\mathbb Z[H]}(\mathbb Z,\cdot )=(\cdot )^H$ .
Lemma 4.9 Let L be an intermediate field of $N/K$ and $H=\mathrm {Gal}(N/L)$ . Then:
(1) $\rho ^G_H(U_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})=U_{\mathrm {cris},N/L}$ .
(2) If H is normal in G, then $q^G_{G/H}(U_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})=U_{\mathrm {cris},L/K}$ .
Proof Let $u_{\mathrm {cris},N/K}\in Z({{\mathbb Q}_{p}}[G])^{\times }$ be such that $\hat \partial _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q_p[G]}}^1(u_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})=U_{\mathrm {cris},N/K}$ . We will use an analogous notation for all the other Galois extensions involved in the proof.
Then, for any irreducible character $\chi $ of G, we can take
For two (virtual) characters $\chi _1$ and $\chi _2$ of a finite group J, we write $\langle \chi _1, \chi _2\rangle _J$ for the standard scalar product.
(1) By [Reference Bley and WilsonBW09, Section 6.1], we have
$$ \begin{align*} \rho^G_H(u_{\mathrm{cris},N/K})= \left( \prod_{\chi\in\mathrm{Irr}(G)}(u_{\mathrm{cris},N/K})_{\chi}^{\langle\chi,\mathrm{Ind}^G_H\psi\rangle_G} \right)_{\psi\in \mathrm{Irr}({H})}. \end{align*} $$Because $\langle \chi ,\mathrm {Ind}^G_H\psi \rangle _G = \langle \chi |_H,\psi \rangle _H$ by Frobenius reciprocity, we obtain$$ \begin{align*} (u_{\mathrm{cris},N/K})_{\chi}^{\langle \chi,\mathrm{Ind}_H^G\psi\rangle_G} =\begin{cases}1&\text{if }\chi|_{I_{N/K}}\neq 1,\\ u_{\mathrm{cris},N/K}& \text{if }\chi|_{I_{N/K}}=1 \text{ and } \chi|_H = \psi,\\ 1&\text{if }\chi|_{I_{N/K}}=1 \text{ and } \chi|_H \neq \psi. \end{cases} \end{align*} $$If $\psi |_{I_{N/L}} \ne 1$ , then $\chi |_{I_{N/K}} \ne 1$ whenever $\langle \chi |_H, \psi \rangle _H \ne 0$ . Thus, $\rho ^G_H(u_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})_{\psi } = 1$ for those characters $\psi $ .On the other hand, if $\psi |_{I_{N/L}} = 1$ , then $\psi $ is a character of the cyclic group $\overline {H} := H/I_{N/L} = \langle F_L \rangle $ . Each character $\chi \in \mathrm {Irr}(G)$ with $(u_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})_{\chi } \ne 1$ is actually a character of $\overline {G} := G / I_{N/K} = \langle F_K \rangle $ . Note that we can naturally identify $\overline {H}$ with a subgroup of $\overline {G}$ and recall that $|\overline {G} / \overline {H}| = d_{L/K}$ .
We therefore obtain
$$ \begin{align*} \prod_{\chi\in\mathrm{Irr}(G)}(u_{\mathrm{cris},N/K})_{\chi}^{\langle\chi,\mathrm{Ind}^G_H\psi\rangle_G} = \prod_{\chi \in \mathrm{Irr}(\overline{G}), \chi|_{\overline{H}} = \psi} \frac{\det(1 - \chi(F_K)(pu)^{-d_K})}{\det(1 - u^{d_K}\chi(F_K)^{-1})}. \end{align*} $$We consider the numerator and the denominator separately and use, in each case, the polynomial identity$$ \begin{align*} \prod_{\chi \in \mathrm{Irr}(\overline{G}), \chi|_{\overline{H}} = \psi} (X - \chi(F_K)) = X^{d_{L/K}} - \psi(F_L). \end{align*} $$For the numerator, we compute
$$ \begin{align*} & \prod_{\chi \in \mathrm{Irr}(\overline{G}), \chi|_{\overline{H}} = \psi} \det(1 - \chi(F_K)(pu)^{-d_K}) \\ &= \det \left( \prod_{\chi \in \mathrm{Irr}(\overline{G}), \chi|_{\overline{H}} = \psi} (pu)^{-d_K} \left( (pu)^{d_K} - \chi(F_K) \right) \right) \\ &= \det \left( (pu)^{-d_K d_{L/K}} \left( (pu)^{d_K d_{L/K}} - \psi(F_L) \right) \right) \\ &= \det \left( 1 - (pu)^{-d_L} \psi(F_L)\right), \end{align*} $$and a similar computation for the denominator shows claim (a). -
(2) For any character $\psi $ of $G/H$ , we write $\mathrm {infl}(\psi )$ for the inflated character of G. By [Reference Bley and WilsonBW09, Section 6.3], $q^G_{G/H}(u_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})_{\psi }=(u_{\mathrm {cris},N/K})_{\mathrm {infl}(\psi )}$ for any $\psi \in \mathrm {Irr}(G/H)$ . This is equal to $(u_{\mathrm {cris},L/K})_{\psi }$ , because $I_{L/K} = I_{N/K}H/H$ and $\mathrm {infl}(\psi )(F_K)=\psi (F_K)$ .▪
5 Computation of epsilon constants
As in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Section 2.3], we define
For all unexplained notation, we refer the reader to [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Section 2.3]. If there is no danger of confusion, we sometimes drop $\psi _{\xi }$ and $\mu _{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ from our notation. Still following [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16] (see the proof of Lemma 4.1 of loc. cit.), we obtain
For an extension $L/K$ of p-adic fields, we write $\mathfrak D_{L/K} = \pi _L^{s_{L/K}}\mathcal {O}_L$ for the different of $L/K$ ; in the case $K={\mathbb Q}_p$ , we use the notations $\mathfrak D_L$ for $\mathfrak D_{L/{\mathbb Q}_p}$ and $s_L$ for $s_{L/{\mathbb Q}_p}$ . If $M/L$ is a finite abelian extension and $\eta $ an irreducible character of $\mathrm {Gal}(M/L)$ , then we let $\tau _L(\eta )$ denote the abelian local Galois Gauß sum defined, e.g., in [Reference Pickett and VinatierPV13, p. 1184]. For the definition of Galois Gauß sums for a finite Galois extension $M/L$ , we refer the reader to [Reference FröhlichFrö83, Chapter I, Section 5].
Proposition 5.1 We have the equality
where we write $\mathfrak f(\chi ) = \pi _K^{m_{\chi }}\mathcal {O}_K$ for the Artin conductor of $\chi $ .
Proof In the proof, we will use the list of properties in [Reference Benois and BergerBB08, Section 2.3]. The field K of loc. cit. corresponds to ${{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ in our situation. Hence, if $\psi $ denotes the standard additive character, we have $n(\psi ) = 0$ for its conductor.
Because V is cristalline, the $N_1$ -basis $\{e_i\}$ constructed in Lemma 4.2 is also a ${{\mathbb Q}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}$ -basis of $D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)$ . A straightforward computation (see the proof of Lemma 4.6 for a similar computation) shows that
As in the proof of Lemma 4.2, any element $\sigma $ of the absolute inertia group acts trivially on the basis elements $e_i$ , whence $D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)$ is unramified.
Applying (5.1) and [Reference Benois and BergerBB08, Section 2.3, proprieté (6)], we obtain
where $m(D_{\mathrm {pst}}(\mathrm {Ind}_{K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(\chi ^{{*}})))$ is the exponent of the Artin conductor.
We consider the first factor and note that
so that we deduce from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Proposition 6.1.3] that
As a consequence of [Reference MartinetMar77, Proposition II.4.1(ii)], we get
For the second factor, we first note that
By [Reference Benois and BergerBB08, p. 625], the action of the Weil group $W_{{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}$ on $D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)$ is defined, so that the action of the geometric Frobenius $\varphi ^{-1}$ coincides with the usual action of $\varphi ^{-1} \phi $ on $D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)$ . We recall from (5.2) that with respect to the basis $\{e_i\}$ of $D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)$ the element $\varphi ^{-1}\phi $ acts as $\varphi ^{-1}( p^{-1}(T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1} u^{-1}T^{\mathrm {nr}})$ on $D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)$ , so that we derive $\det (\varphi ^{-1},D_{\mathrm {pst}}(V)) = p^{-r}\det (u^{-1})$ .
Finally, by [Reference NeukirchNeu92, Chapter VII, Theorem 11.7], we get
so that
We conclude that
The proposition is now immediate from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 6.2.2], which shows that
Concerning functoriality with respect to change of fields, we have the following lemma.
Lemma 5.2 Let L be an intermediate field of $N/K$ and $H=\mathrm {Gal}(N/L)$ .
(1) $\rho ^G_H(\hat \partial ^1_{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q}_p^c[G]}(\varepsilon _D(N/K, V)))=\hat \partial ^1_{{{\mathbb Z}_p}[H], {\mathbb Q}_p^c[H]}(\varepsilon _D(N/L, V))$ .
(2) If H is normal in G, then
$$ \begin{align*} q^G_{G/H}(\hat\partial^1_{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q}_p^c[G]}(\varepsilon_D(N/K, V)))=\hat\partial^1_{{{\mathbb Z}_p}[G/H], {\mathbb Q}_p^c[G/H]}(\varepsilon_D(L/K, V)). \end{align*} $$
Proof By Proposition 5.1, we have
By [Reference BreuningBre04b, Lemma 2.3], we have
whereas [Reference Bley and WilsonBW09, Section 6.1] implies
From [Reference NeukirchNeu92, Theorem VII.11.7] and the obvious relation
we derive
where $\mathfrak d_{L/K}$ denotes the discriminant of $L/K$ . This implies
Furthermore, we note
Hence, we deduce from $d_L = d_Kd_{L/K}$
where the last equality follows from the multiplicativity of differents (see [Reference NeukirchNeu92, Theorem III.2.2(i)]). The first functoriality property is now obvious.
The second functoriality property follows easily from [Reference BreuningBre04b, Lemma 2.3] and [Reference NeukirchNeu92, Lemma VII.11.7(ii)].▪
6 Computation of the cohomological term
6.1 Identifying cohomology
In the following, we will take the opportunity to clarify some of the constructions of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.1, p. 356]. This is necessary, because, in the definition of $C_{N/K}$ , we use the identification of $H^1(N, T)$ with $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})$ coming from continuous cochain cohomology combined with Kummer theory, whereas in the computations in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.1], we use the identification coming from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Theorem 4.3.1] combined with [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 4.1.1]. In this manuscript, we work in the r-dimensional setting based on the results of [Reference CobbeCob18, Section 3], where the special case $r=1$ covers the situation of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17].
with nontrivial modules in degrees $0$ , $1$ , and $2$ , be the complex of [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.12], and let
with nontrivial modules in degrees $1$ and $2$ , be the complex of [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.15]. We also deduce from [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.3] combined with [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 2.1] the short exact sequence
In the sequel, we will use dotted arrows for morphisms in the derived category and solid arrows for those which are actual morphisms of complexes.
In the proof of [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.12], we construct an isomorphism
in the derived category which induces the identity on $H^0$ . In a second step (see [Reference CobbeCob18, Corollary 3.13]), we produce quasi-isomorphisms
Here, the ${\mathbb Z}_p[G]$ -modules $P^{-1}, P^{0}, P^1$ are finitely generated and projective, and the uniquely divisible module $\mathbb Q_p^r(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})/(F_N-1)\cdot \mathbb Q_p^r(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ is G-cohomologically trivial. Composing $\eta $ and $\tau $ , we obtain an isomorphism
in the derived category. Passing to the projective limit in [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 3.14], we obtain another quasi-isomorphism $\varphi \colon \tilde P^{\bullet } \stackrel \sim \longrightarrow R\Gamma (N, T)[1]$ and thus obtain the following commutative diagram in the derived category:
On $H^0$ , we therefore obtain the commutative diagram:
By the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Theorem 4.3.1] (which is used also for [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.15]), we know that the composite
is the Kummer map $\partial _{Ku,n}$ resulting from the distinguished triangle
By the universal property of projective limits, we obtain
6.2 Definition of the twist invariant
In this subsection, we define an invariant $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ in the relative algebraic K-group $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, \overline {\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G])$ . We recall that $T^{\mathrm {nr}} \in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}})$ satisfies the matrix equality
This equality determines $T^{\mathrm {nr}}$ up to right multiplication by a matrix $S \in \mathrm {Gl}_r({{\mathbb Z}_p})$ ; explicitly, if $\tilde {T}^{\mathrm {nr}}$ is a second matrix satisfying (6.4), then $T^{\mathrm {nr}} = \tilde {T}^{\mathrm {nr}}S$ . It is thus immediate that the element
does not depend on the specific choice of $T^{\mathrm {nr}}$ satisfying (6.4).
Remark 6.1 The element $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ clearly becomes trivial under the canonical map $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, \overline {\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G]) \longrightarrow K_0(\overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G], \overline {\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G])$ .
6.3 The cohomological term $C_{N/K}$
In this subsection, we clarify and correct the computation of the cohomological term $C_{N/K}$ of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.1]. In particular, we produce a detailed proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.1.2], which in loc. cit. was quoted from [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Lemma 6.1]. It is this part of the computation where the new term $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ emerges.
We recall that we throughout assume Hypothesis (F), in particular, $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}} |_{G_N} \ne 1$ . Then, by [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equations (15) and (16)], the cohomological term $C_{N/K}$ is defined by
We fix a ${{\mathbb Z}_p}[G]$ -projective sublattice $\mathcal L\subseteq \mathcal {O}_N$ such that the exponential map $\exp _{\mathcal F}$ of Lemma 3.3 converges on $\mathcal {L}^{(r)}$ . We set $X(\mathcal {L}):=\exp _{\mathcal F}(\mathcal {L}^{(r)})$ and note that $X(\mathcal {L}) \subseteq \mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})$ .
The embedding $X(\mathcal {L}) \hookrightarrow{f_{{\mathcal F},{\mathcal N}}} H^1(C_{N, T}^{\bullet })$ , where $f_{{\mathcal F},{\mathcal N}}$ is the first map in the exact sequence (6.1), induces an injective map of complexes $X(\mathcal {L})[-1] \longrightarrow C_{N,T}^{\bullet }$ . We set
with modules in degrees $1$ and $2$ , and have thus constructed an exact sequence of complexes
We first rewrite $C_{N/K}$ in terms of the middle complex and obtain
with $\xi $ as in (6.2). We then use additivity of refined Euler characteristics in distinguished triangles and derive
where $\lambda $ is the following composite map:
Then, the term $\chi _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]},{{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}( M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L}), 0)$ is precisely the term which is computed in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.2] in the one-dimensional weakly ramified case. We will compute this term in arbitrary dimension $r \ge 1$ in Section 6.4 in the tame case and in Section 6.5 in the weakly ramified case.
For the first term, we obtain
where the elements $e_1, \ldots , e_r$ are defined in Lemma 4.2 and $\lambda _2$ is the composite map
Note that $e_1, \ldots , e_r$ constitute an N-basis of $D_{\mathrm {dR}}^N(V) = t_V(N)$ .
In the next three lemmas, we will compute the summands in (6.10).
Lemma 6.2 With $\lambda _2$ denoting the composite map defined in (6.11), we have
Proof This proof is an expanded version of the arguments of [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, p. 509].
Recall the isomorphism $\theta :\mathcal F\to \mathbb {G}_m^r$ from (2.1), which satisfies $\theta (x)\equiv \varepsilon ^{-1}x\pmod {\deg \geq 2}$ . Let $\pi _{{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}}:{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}^+\to \mathbb C_p$ be the natural projection to the residue field. Similarly to [Reference Bloch, Kato, Cartier, Illusie, Katz, Laumon, Manin and RibetBK90, p. 360], we can construct a commutative diagram of exact sequences:
Note that (differently from [Reference Bloch, Kato, Cartier, Illusie, Katz, Laumon, Manin and RibetBK90]) some of the objects are twisted by $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}$ in order to make all maps $G_N$ -invariant; $\varepsilon $ always denotes multiplication by the element $\varepsilon \in \overline {{\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}}$ which occurs in (2.1). We observe that by Lemma 3.1 we have the equality $\log _p\circ \varepsilon \circ \theta =\log _{\mathcal F}$ .
Taking $G_N$ -fixed elements and cohomology, we obtain
where the map s is such that $s(v_i)=e_i$ for all i. Note that this diagram is the higher dimensional version of [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, equation (3.4)]. It makes the identification s of $N^r$ and the tangent space $t_V(N)$ explicit.
We rewrite $\lambda _2$ in terms of the maps in the last diagram and get
By diagram (6.3), we see that $(\partial _{Ku}^{-1}\circ H^0(\xi )\circ f_{{\mathcal F},{\mathcal N}})(X(\mathcal {L})) = X(\mathcal {L})$ , so that it remains to show
which is immediate from $\log _{\mathcal F}(X(\mathcal {L})) = \mathcal {L}^{(r)}$ and $s(v_i)=e_i$ for $i=1, \ldots ,r$ .▪
Lemma 6.3 With notation as in (6.10) and $m := [K : {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}]$ , we have
where the elements $\tilde e_i$ are defined in Lemma 4.3.
Proof It is easy to see that in the r-dimensional setting, we also have a diagram as in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, equation (6.1)]. If we denote the vertical maps in this diagram by $f_1$ and $f_2$ , then
Because $f_1$ sends each basis element $e_i$ to $\tilde e_i$ , the first summand on the right-hand side is trivial. Both $\mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}T$ and $\mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}T(-1)$ are isomorphic to ${{\mathbb Z}_p}[G]^{rm}$ as ${{\mathbb Z}_p}[G]$ -modules. Via these isomorphisms, the map $f_2$ corresponds to multiplication by t, and so we obtain
Let $\beta \in N$ be a normal basis element of $N/K$ , i.e., $N = K[G]\beta $ . Let
be defined by
where $\mathfrak d_K$ denotes the discriminant of $K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ and $\mathcal N_{K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(\beta | \chi )$ the usual norm resolvent (see, e.g., [Reference Pickett and VinatierPV13, Section 2.2]).
We also recall the definition of the twist invariant $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ in Section 6.2. The next lemma corrects an error in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.1.2] where we just quoted the proof of [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Lemma 6.1]. However, whereas we work in the relative group $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]})$ , the authors of loc. cit. work in $K_0(\overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G], {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]})$ where $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ vanishes by Remark 6.1.
Lemma 6.4 With $m = [K:{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}]$ and $\hat \partial ^1 = \hat \partial ^1_{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}$ , we have
Proof We let $T_{\mathrm {triv}} = {\mathbb Z}_p^{(r)}$ and $V_{\mathrm {triv}}=\mathbb Q_p^{(r)}$ denote the trivial representations. Let $z_1, \ldots , z_r$ denote the canonical ${{\mathbb Z}_p}$ -basis of $T_{\mathrm {triv}}$ .
In the following, we choose to use for each $G_N$ -representation W
as the definition for the induction. Note that if $L/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ is any field extension (e.g., $L = {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}$ ) which carries an action of $G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ and W is an L-space, then $ \mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(W)$ is also an L-space with $(\alpha x)(\sigma ) = \sigma (\alpha ) x(\sigma )$ for all $\alpha \in L$ and $\sigma \in G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ . We also note that
is a well-defined isomorphism of $L[G]$ -modules. For the comparison isomorphism $\mathrm {comp}_W$ , we then obtain the following simple description:
where $l \in L$ , $z \in \left ( L \otimes _{{\mathbb Q}_{p}} W \right )^{G_N}$ and $y_z(\sigma ) := z$ for all $\sigma \in G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ (and hence, $(ly_z)(\sigma ) = \sigma (l)z$ ).
We define a G-equivariant isomorphism
Then, similar as in the proof of [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Lemma 6.1], we obtain a commutative diagram:
As a consequence, we derive
The computations in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, pp. 512–513] show that
It finally remains to prove that
To that end, we write
and define elements $x_{ij} \in \mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(T_{\mathrm {triv}})$ and $y_{ij} \in \mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(T(-1))$ , for $i = 1, \ldots ,m$ and $j = 1, \ldots , r$ , by
Without loss of generality, we assume $\rho =1$ for $\bar \rho =1$ . Then, the $x_{ij}$ , respectively, the $y_{ij}$ , constitute a ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ -basis of $\mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(T_{\mathrm {triv}})$ , respectively, $\mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(T(-1))$ .
For fixed i and j and for $1 \le k \le m$ , we compute
For $1 \le s \le m$ and $1 \le t \le r$ , let $\xi _{st}$ be indeterminates (with values in ${B_{\mathrm {dR}}}$ ). Then,
Because $\tilde e_j = \sum _t T^{\mathrm {nr}}_{tj} \otimes \tilde v_t$ , we obtain
and hence, for all $1\leq t\leq r$ ,
We conclude that with respect to the chosen basis, the map h is represented by a block matrix of the form
We recall that $\varphi (T^{\mathrm {nr}}) = u^{-1}T^{\mathrm {nr}}$ and fix $\alpha _i \in \hat {\mathbb z}$ such that $\sigma _i |_{\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}} = \varphi ^{\alpha _i}$ . Note that for all $n\in {\mathbb z}$ , $\varphi ^{-n}(T^{\mathrm {nr}})\cdot (T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1}=u^n$ , which coincides with $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(\varphi ^n)$ . By a continuity argument, we have $\varphi ^{-\alpha _i}(T^{\mathrm {nr}})\cdot (T^{\mathrm {nr}})^{-1}=u^{\alpha _i}$ , where $u^{\alpha _i}$ is well defined by [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 1.5]. Then,
with $\alpha = \sum _i \alpha _i$ . Because $\det (u)^{\alpha } \in {\mathbb Z}_p^{\times } \subseteq {{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}^{\times }$ , the result follows from the definition of $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ .▪
We summarize the results of the previous lemmas in the following proposition.
Proposition 6.5 With $\hat \partial ^1 = \hat \partial _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}^1$ and $\chi = \chi _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}$ , we have
Remark 6.6 To compare Proposition 6.5 and [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (55)], we first note that in loc. cit., we have $\mathcal {L} = {\mathcal {O}_K[G]} \beta $ . The additional new term $U_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ emerges from the computations in Lemma 6.4. The error does not affect the validity of any of the arguments in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17]; it just forces us to adapt our definition of $R_{N/K}$ and $\tilde {R}_{N/K}$ .
To finish the proof of the conjecture, it is necessary to compute explicitly the term $\chi _{{\mathbb Z}_p[G], {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}(M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L}), 0)$ . For this, we will consider the tame and the weakly ramified case separately.
6.4 The tame case
In this subsection, we let $N/K$ be tame und compute the term $\chi _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}(M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L}), 0)$ from (6.9). In the tame case, by results of Ullom, we can and will use $\mathcal {L} = \mathfrak p_N^{\nu }$ for a large enough positive integer $\nu $ and we also fix $\beta \in \mathcal {O}_N$ such that $\mathcal {O}_N={\mathcal {O}_K[G]} \beta $ .
Proposition 6.7 We have
Proof The key point in the proof is that by Proposition 2.2 the cohomology modules of $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ are perfect, so that we can compute the refined Euler characteristic of $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ in terms of cohomology without explicitly using the complex. In a little more detail, we note that the mapping cone of
where the map in degree $1$ is induced by $f_{{\mathcal F},{\mathcal N}}$ , is isomorphic to $H^2(N, T)[2]$ . We also recall from Section 2 that we identify $H^2(N, T)$ with $\mathcal {Z} / (F_N -1)\mathcal {Z}$ . Hence, we conclude from [Reference Breuning and BurnsBB05, Theorem 5.7] that
To compute the first summand, we observe that by Proposition 3.4 we have $X(\mathcal {L}) = \mathcal F\left ( (\mathfrak p_N^{\nu })^{(r)}\right )$ . Because, for each integer $i \ge 0$ , the identity map induces isomorphisms
a standard argument shows that
For the computation of the second term, we consider the short exact sequence of G-modules
where $\pi (z(\bar g))=g\cdot (z+(F_N-1)\mathcal {Z})$ for all $z\in {\mathbb Z}_p^r$ and $g\in G$ and where G acts on $\mathcal {Z} / (F_N -1)\mathcal {Z}$ through any lift of its elements to $G_K$ (which is well defined, because elements of $G_N$ act trivially).
Let $x=\sum _{i=0}^{d-1}\alpha _i F^{-i}\in {\mathbb Z}_p^r[G/I]$ be an element in the kernel of the map on the left. Then, $u^{d_K}\alpha _{i-1}-\alpha _i=0$ for all i. Hence, $(u^{dd_K}-1)\alpha _i=0$ , and by the assumption $\mathcal Z^{G_N}=1$ , it follows that $\alpha _i=0$ for all i. Hence, the map on the left is injective.
Next, we see that $\pi ((F^{-1}u^{d_K}-1)e_i)=(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}(F^{-1})u^{d_K}-1)e_i=0$ .
Conversely, let $x=\sum _{i=0}^{d-1}\alpha _i F^{-i}\in {\mathbb Z}_p^r[G/I]$ be such that $\pi (x)=0$ . Modulo the image of $F^{-1}u^{d_K}-1$ , x has a representative $y\in {\mathbb Z}_p^r$ . We must show that $y\in \mathrm {im}(F^{-1}u^{d_K}-1)$ . Because $\pi (y)=0$ , there exists $z\in {\mathbb Z}_p^r$ such that $y=(u^{dd_K}-1)z=((F^{-1}u^{d_K})^d-1)z$ , which is in the image of $F^{-1}u^{d_K}-1$ . Hence, we have exactness in the middle term.
To prove the exactness of the sequence, it remains to check the surjectivity of the map on the right, which is obvious.
Because we are considering the case of a tame extension, ${\mathbb Z}_p^r[G/I]$ is a projective ${\mathbb Z}_p[G]$ -module and we have:
The results follows.▪
6.5 The weakly ramified case
In this subsection, we let p be an odd prime. Let $K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ be the unramified extension of degree m. We let $N/K$ be a weakly and wildly ramified finite abelian extension with cyclic ramification group. We let $d = d_{N/K}$ be the inertia degree of $N/K$ and assume that m and d are relatively prime.
The aim of this subsection is to compute the term $\chi _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}(M^{\bullet }(\lambda ), 0)$ from (6.9) in this weakly and wildly ramified situation. For that purpose, we aim to generalize the methods of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17]; however, this forces us to introduce a further technical condition which might be either
Hypothesis (T): $U_N \equiv 1 \pmod {p}$
Hypothesis (I): $U_N - 1$ is invertible modulo p.
Here, (T) stands for trivial reduction modulo p and (I) for invertible modulo p. If we set $\omega := v_p(\det (U_N-1))$ , then we have the following equivalences:
Note also that Hypothesis (T) immediately implies $\omega> 0$ . However, in the higher dimensional setting, there are mixed cases, where none of our hypotheses holds.
As in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], we have a diagram of fields as follows:
Here, $K'/K$ is the maximal unramified subextension of $N/K$ , $M/K$ is a weakly and wildly ramified cyclic extension of degree p, and $N = MK'$ . Because $\gcd (m,d)=1$ , there exists $\tilde K'/\mathbb Q_p$ of degree d such that $K'=K\tilde K'$ .
The following lemma generalizes [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.1].
Lemma 6.8 For $n \ge 2$ , one has
Proof For $n \ge 2$ , the formal logarithm induces an isomorphism $\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^n)^{(r)}) \cong (\mathfrak p_N^n)^{(r)}$ of ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ -modules by Proposition 3.4. Hence, the first assertion follows from [Reference KöckKöc04, Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 1.3].
We henceforth assume $n=1$ . By Lemma 2.3, we know that $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})$ is cohomologically trivial, if and only if Hypothesis (I) holds. Hence, it suffices to prove that $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})$ is torsion-free. By [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 2.1], the module $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})$ is isomorphic to $\left ( \prod _r \widehat {N_0^{\times }} (\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})\right )^{G_N}$ which is torsion-free. Indeed, any tuple $(\zeta _1, \ldots , \zeta _r)$ of pth roots of unity $\zeta _1, \ldots , \zeta _r \in \widehat {N_0^{\times }} \cong {{\mathbb Z}_p} \times U_{N_0}^{(1)}$ must be contained in N (because $N_0/N$ is unramified). Hence, $(\zeta _1, \ldots , \zeta _r)$ is fixed by $G_N$ , if and only if it is fixed by $F_N$ , if and only if $\zeta _1 = \cdots = \zeta _r = 1$ (using Hypothesis (I)).▪
By Lemma 6.8, we can and will take $\mathcal {L} = \mathfrak p_N^{p+1}$ and thus obtain
We recall some of the notations from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17]. We put $q=p^m$ , $b=F^{-1}$ and consider an element $a\in \mathrm {Gal}(N^{\mathrm {nr}}/K)$ such that $\mathrm {Gal}(M/K)=\langle a|_M\rangle $ , $a|_{K^{\mathrm {nr}}}=1$ . Because there will be no ambiguity, we will denote by the same letters $a,b$ their restrictions to N. Then, $\mathrm {Gal}(N/K) = \langle a,b \rangle $ and $\mathrm {ord}(a)=p, \mathrm {ord}(b) = d$ . We also define $\mathcal T_a := \sum _{i=0}^{p-1}a^i$ .
Let $\theta _1\in M$ be such that $\mathcal T_{M/K}\theta _1=p$ , where $\mathcal T_{M/K}$ denotes the trace map from M to K, and $\mathcal {O}_K[\mathrm {Gal}(M/K)]\theta _1=\mathfrak p_M$ . Let $\theta _2$ (resp. A) be a normal integral basis generator of trace one for the extension $\tilde K'/\mathbb Q_p$ (resp. $K/\mathbb Q_p$ ). Let $\alpha _1\in \mathcal {O}_K^{\times }$ be such that $\theta _1^{a-1}\equiv 1-\alpha _1\theta _1\pmod {\mathfrak p_M^2}$ . If we set
then these elements form a ${{\mathbb Z}_p}$ -basis of $\mathcal {O}_K$ (see [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (60)]).
Furthermore, we use [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 2.4] to find for $i=1, \ldots ,r$ an element $\gamma _i\in \prod _r U_{N_0}^{(1)}$ such that
with the nontrivial entry is the ith component.
and put
If we write $e_1, \ldots , e_r$ for the standard ${{\mathbb Z}_p}$ -basis of ${{\mathbb Z}_p}^{(r)}$ , then a general element of W is of the form
with $\lambda _{i,j,k} \in {{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ or $\mu _{i,j} \in {\mathcal {O}_K[G]}$ . We will apply this convention analogously for the modules $W'$ and $ W_{\geq n}$ .
We define a matrix $E \in M_r(\mathcal O_{K'})$ by
and a matrix
We also recall that in [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 1.9], we constructed an element $\varepsilon \in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}})$ such that $u=\varepsilon ^{-1}\cdot \varphi (\varepsilon )$ .
Lemma 6.9 The following assertions hold:
(1) $E\in \mathrm {Gl}_r(\mathcal {O}_{K'})$ .
(2) $\varphi (E)\equiv \tilde u E \equiv E\tilde u \pmod {p\mathcal {O}_{K'}}$ .
(3) $\varphi (\varepsilon ^{-1} E)\equiv u^{-1}\tilde u \varepsilon ^{-1} E \pmod {p}$ .
Proof Let $H=\mathrm {Gal}(K'/\mathbb Q_p)$ and let $f \colon H\to K'$ be defined by $f(\sigma )=(A\theta _2)^{\sigma ^{-1}}$ . Then, applying [Reference WashingtonWas97, Lemma 5.26(a)], we obtain
Because $A\theta _2$ is an integral normal basis generator and $K'/\mathbb Q_p$ is unramified, the left-hand side $\det (\tau \sigma ^{-1}(A\theta _2))_{\sigma ,\tau \in H}$ is a unit (whose square is the discriminant of $K'/\mathbb Q_p$ ). Therefore, for each character $\chi \in \hat H$ , the factor
is a unit, and hence, $\sum _{i=0}^{dm-1}(A\theta _2)^{\varphi ^{i}}\varphi ^{-i}$ is a unit in the maximal order ${\mathcal M}$ of $K'[H]$ . Because $\sum _{i=0}^{dm-1}(A\theta _2)^{\varphi ^{i}}\varphi ^{-i}\in \mathcal O_{K'}[H]$ , we deduce from the well-known fact
that $\sum _{i=0}^{dm-1}(A\theta _2)^{\varphi ^{i}}\varphi ^{-i}\in \mathcal O_{K'}[H]^{\times }$ . We now apply the character $\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ and easily derive (a).
For the proof of (b), we can assume Hypothesis (T) and we compute
where the congruences hold, because we have $u^{md} \equiv 1\pmod {p}$ by hypothesis (T).
If Hypothesis (T) holds, then part (c) is an immediate consequence of [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 1.9]. Under Hypothesis (I), it follows from the definitions.▪
Generalizing the approach of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 6.3], we define a ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ -module homomorphism
for all $i,j,k$ , where $\theta =\theta _1\theta _2$ . We denote by $f_{3,W}$ the composition of $\tilde f_{3,W}$ with the projection to $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})/\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{p+1})^{(r)})$ .
In order to generalize [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.4], we first need a higher dimensional version of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Lemma 4.1.7].
Lemma 6.10 For $\nu \in \mathcal {O}_K[G]$ , $i=1,\dots ,r$ and $j=0,\dots ,p-1$ , we have
Proof We write $\nu =\sum _{h,l,k}\nu _{h,l,k}a^hb^l\alpha _k$ for some $\nu _{h,l,k}\in {\mathbb Z}_p$ . Then,
by [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Lemma 3.2.5]. Using the isomorphism in (6.12), this is congruent to
Lemma 6.11 The map $f_{3,W}$ is surjective. More precisely, for $j\geq 0$ ,
Proof For $j=p$ , $W_{\geq p}=\{0\}$ and $\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{p+1})^{(r)})/\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{p+1})^{(r)})=\{0\}$ , so the result is trivial.
We assume the result for $j+1$ and proceed by descending induction. Let $x\in \mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{j+1})^{(r)})$ . As in the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.4], there exist $\nu _{h,\ell ,i,k}\in {\mathbb Z}_p$ such that
This means that the class $\pi (x)$ of x in $\mathcal F(\mathfrak p_N^{(r)})/\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{p+1})^{(r)})$ is the sum of an element in the image of $W_{\geq j}$ and an element in $\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{j+2})^{(r)})/\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{p+1})^{(r)})$ , which is by assumption in the image of $W_{\geq j+1}\subseteq W_{\geq j}$ .▪
Lemma 6.12 Let $1\leq i\leq r$ , $0\leq j\leq p-1$ , $1\leq k\leq m$ . Then there exists $\mu _{i,j,k}\in W_{\geq j+2}$ such that the element
is in the kernel of $f_{3,W}$ . Here, $w_p$ should be interpreted as $0$ .
Proof As in the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.5], we see that the formal subtraction of X and Y takes the form
with $A_h\in M_r({\mathbb Z}_p)$ for $h=1,\dots ,r$ . In analogy to the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.5], we set
and we obtain that $x -_{\mathcal F} y -_{\mathcal F} z \equiv 0\pmod {\mathcal F((\mathfrak p_N^{j+3})^{(r)})}$ . Therefore,
and we conclude the proof of the lemma using Lemma 6.11.▪
Lemma 6.13 The elements
for $1\leq i\leq r$ and $1< k<m$ , are in the kernel of $f_{3,W}$ . Note that $\varepsilon u^{-1}\tilde u^{1-m\tilde m}\varepsilon ^{-1}$ has coefficients in ${\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}$ and is fixed by $\varphi $ ; hence, it has coefficients in ${{\mathbb Z}_p}$ .
Proof We denote by $v_j$ the jth component of a vector v. Using [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Lemma 3.2.2] and Lemma 6.9(c), we calculate
We also compute
With this in mind, we can do analogous calculations to those in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Lemma 4.2.6] and [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.6] and obtain
It is straightforward to adapt the remaining calculations from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.6] and conclude that $r_{i,k}\in \ker f_{3,W}$ for $1\leq i\leq r$ and $1< k<m$ . The proof that $r_{i,m}\in \ker f_{3,W}$ is analogous.▪
From now on, we have to distinguish the cases of Hypotheses (T) and (I).
We start assuming Hypothesis (I).
Following the computations in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.3], we have
Lemma 6.14 The $pmr$ elements $r_{i,k},s_{i,j,k}$ , for $1\leq i\leq r$ , $0\leq j\leq p-2$ , $1\leq k\leq m$ , constitute a ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ -basis of $\ker f_{3,W}$ .
Proof We adapt the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemmas 7.3.1]. We write the coefficients of the $e_i\alpha _kw_{p-1}$ -components, $i=1,\dots ,r$ , $k=1,\dots ,m$ , of the elements $r_{i,j}$ , $j=1,\dots ,m$ , into the columns of an $mr \times mr$ matrix, which we call ${\mathcal M}$ , and whose entries are $r\times r$ blocks,
By Lemma 4.5 and analogous computations as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], we obtain
The rest of the proof works exactly as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17]; note that Hypothesis (I) plays the role of the assumption $\omega =0$ in the one-dimensional setting.▪
We recall that $G = \mathrm {Gal}(N/K) = \langle a \rangle \times \langle b \rangle $ . Any irreducible character $\psi $ of G decomposes as $\psi = \chi \phi $ , where $\chi $ is an irreducible character of $\langle a \rangle $ and $\phi $ an irreducible character of $\langle b \rangle $ . We will denote by $\chi _0$ the trivial character.
Proposition 6.15 Assume Hypothesis (I). For $\mathcal {L} = \mathfrak p_N^{p+1}$ , the element
is contained in $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q_p[G]})$ and represented by $\varepsilon \in {\mathbb Q_p[G]}^{\times }$ where
Proof We choose the elements $r_{i,k}$ and $s_{i,j,k}$ of Lemma 6.14 as a ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ -basis of $\ker (f_{3,W})$ and fix the canonical ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ -basis of W. Then,
is represented by the determinant of
where in the above $pmr\times pmr$ all the entries are $mr\times mr$ blocks. Recalling that p is odd, we get:
It remains to consider the case of Hypothesis (T). Here, we follow the strategy of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.4].
Lemma 6.16 There is a commutative diagram of ${\mathbb Z}_p[G]$ -modules with exact rows
for all i, j, and k (recall that $\gamma _i$ was defined in (6.14)). Furthermore, $X(2)=\ker (\delta _2|_{W'})$ and $\tilde f_{3,W}$ is the restriction of $\tilde f_3$ to $X(2) \oplus W$ .
Proof We recall from [Reference CobbeCob18, Section 2] that the action of $\mathrm {Gal}(K_0/K) \times G$ on $\mathcal {I}_{N/K}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}})$ is characterized by
where $x_i \in \prod _r \widehat {N_0^{\times }}$ , the elements $F^{-n}$ and $\sigma \in G$ have the same restriction to $N \cap K_0$ , and $\tilde \sigma \in \mathrm {Gal}(N_0/K)$ is uniquely defined by $\tilde \sigma |_{K_0} = F^{-n}$ and $\tilde \sigma |_{N} = \sigma $ . Furthermore, we remark that the action of G on $\mathcal {Z} / (U_N - 1)\mathcal {Z}$ is induced by
The bottom sequence is exact by [Reference CobbeCob18, Theorem 3.3 and Lemma 2.1]. The proofs of the exactness of the top sequence as well as the proof of commutativity follow along the lines of proof in the one-dimensional case (see [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.1]). For example, if we denote the coefficients of $U_K = u^m$ by $u_{ij}$ , then
We will need an explicit description of $X(2)$ , which generalizes the one given in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.3].
Lemma 6.17 We have
Proof The proof is just the r-dimensional analogue of that of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.3].▪
We let
denote the composite of $\tilde f_{3,W}$ with the canonical projection. By Lemma 6.11, the homomorphism $f_{3,W}$ is surjective.
In the next proposition, which is the analogue of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.2], we will obtain an explicit representative for the complex $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ , which we will use to compute the Euler characteristic $\chi _{{\mathbb Z}_p[G], {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}(M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L}), 0)$ .
Proposition 6.18 The complex
with modules in degrees $0,1$ , and $2$ is a representative of $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ for $\mathcal {L} = \mathfrak p_N^{p+1}$ .
Proof If we recall the definition of $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ from (6.8), then it follows readily from Lemmas 6.11 and 6.16 that we have a quasi-isomorphism of complexes
For the computation of the Euler characteristic of $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ , we continue to closely follow the approach of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 7.4]. On these grounds, we will only sketch the proofs, pointing out the parts which are specific for the higher dimensional setting.
The next result is an analogue of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.5] and [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.6]. Recall that by assumption $(m,d) = 1$ , and let $\tilde m$ denote an integer such that
Lemma 6.19 There exist $y_{i,1}\in W_{\geq 1}$ such that
are in the kernel of $f_{3,W}$ .
Proof Let $x_2\in \mathcal {O}_{K^{\mathrm {nr}}}$ be such that $x_2/\alpha _1\pmod {\mathfrak p_{K'}}$ is a root of $X^p-X+A\theta _2$ , and let $(1+x_2\theta _1)_i$ be the element in $\prod _r U_{N_0}^{(1)}$ whose ith component is $1+x_2\theta _1$ and all the other components are $1$ . By the same proof as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.2.2], we obtain
Therefore, by [Reference CobbeCob18, Lemma 2.4], we may assume $\gamma _i\equiv (1+x_2\theta _1)_i\pmod {\mathfrak p_{N_0}^2}$ .
With this in mind, the proof of the lemma is the same as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.5] and [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.6].▪
In the case of Hypothesis (T), we need to redefine the elements $r_{i,1}$ in a different way:
Lemma 6.20 The elements
belong to $\ker f_{3,W}\cap W$ , and their $\alpha _1w_0$ -components are $(u^mb)^{\tilde m} \mathcal T_a e_i$ .
Proof Straightforward by the same calculations as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Lemma 4.2.5].▪
We also redefine the matrix ${\mathcal M}$ considered in the case of Hypothesis (I) using the elements $t_{i,2}$ instead of the elements $r_{i,1}$ . For $m>1$ , we obtain:
We call ${\mathcal M}_1$ the matrix consisting of the first r columns of ${\mathcal M}$ , and $\tilde {\mathcal M}$ the matrix of the remaining columns.
For $m=1$ , the matrix ${\mathcal M}$ is determined only by the $t_{i,2}$ , and, recalling their definition from Lemma 6.19, we get minus the identity matrix.
By an easy calculation, $\det ({\mathcal M})=(-1)^{mr}(\det (u)^mb)^{-\tilde m(m-1)}$ .
Lemma 6.21 The $r(pm+1)$ elements $t_{1,i}, t_{2,i}$ , for $i=1,\dots ,r$ , $r_{i,k}$ , for $i=1,\dots ,r$ , $k=2,\dots ,m$ , and $s_{i,j,k}$ , for $i=1,\dots ,r$ , $j=0,\dots ,p-2$ , $k=1,\dots ,m$ , constitute a ${\mathbb Z}_p[G]$ -basis of $\ker (f_{3,W})$ .
Proof It is enough to follow the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Lemma 7.4.9]. Note that we can construct the matrix ${\mathcal M}$ as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17] and that it also takes exactly the same shape up to the fact that all the entries are $r\times r$ blocks.▪
By the same proof as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], we can now reduce the computation of the term $\chi _{{\mathbb Z}_p[G], {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}(M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L}), 0)$ to the determinant of a matrix $(w,\mathfrak M)$ , which looks exactly as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], with the convention the elements in ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ must be thought as diagonal $r\times r$ matrices. So, in particular, $m\times m$ blocks become $mr \times mr$ blocks and so on. Of course, for the block ${\mathcal M}$ , we have to take the one defined above and not that of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17]. With this in mind, the matrix looks as follows:
Here, $I_{rm}$ (resp. $I_r$ ) is the $rm\times rm$ (resp. $r\times r$ ) identity matrix, $\tilde I$ is obtained by $I_{rm}$ by removing the first r columns, v is an $r \times rm$ matrix, whose first r rows coincide with the matrix $(u^mb)^{\tilde m}$ , and $\frac {1}{u^{dm}-1}$ is the inverse of the matrix $u^{dm}-1$ .
We are ready to record the result of the computation of the refined Euler characteristic of $M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L})$ .
Proposition 6.22 We assume the hypotheses (F) and (T), and let $\mathcal {L} = \mathfrak p_N^{p+1}$ . Then, the element $\chi _{{\mathbb Z}_p[G], {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}(M^{\bullet }(\mathcal {L}), 0)$ is contained in $K_0({\mathbb Z}_p[G], {\mathbb Q}_p[G])$ and represented by $\varepsilon \in {\mathbb Q}_p[G]^{\times }$ where
and $\chi \phi $ is the decomposition explained before Proposition 6.15.
Proof The proof is a straightforward adaption of the computations in the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Proposition 7.4.10].▪
7 Rationality and functoriality
From now on, we set $\hat \partial ^1 = \hat \partial _{{{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G]}}^1$ . As in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], we consider the term
which a priori lives in $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {B_{\mathrm {dR}}}[G])$ . The unramified term $U_{N/K}$ is defined by Breuning in [Reference BreuningBre04b, Proposition 2.12]. Recall that $R_{N/K}$ differs from [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, equation (17)], because we have to adapt the definition of $R_{N/K}$ as explained in Remark 6.6.
Proposition 7.1 The element $R_{N/K}$ is rational, i.e., $R_{N/K}\in K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {{\mathbb Q}_{p}}[G])$ .
Proof For elements $x,y \in K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q}_p^c[G])$ , we use the notation $x \equiv y$ when $x-y \in K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q_p[G]})$ . By Propositions 4.8, 5.1, and 6.5, we get
where $T_{N/K} := \hat \partial \left ( \tau _{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}(\mathrm {Ind}_{K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(\chi ))_{\chi \in \mathrm {Irr}(G)}\right )$ is precisely the element defined by Breuning in [Reference BreuningBre04b, Section 2.3]. The result now follows, because this is exactly r times the element obtained in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Proposition 7.1.3].▪
Proposition 7.2 Let L be an intermediate field of $N/K$ and $H=\mathrm {Gal}(N/L)$ . Let $\rho _H^G$ and $q_{G/H}^G$ be the restriction and quotient maps from (4.2) and (4.3), respectively. Then,
(1) $\rho ^G_H(R_{N/K})=R_{N/L}$ .
(2) If H is normal in G, then $q^G_{G/H}(R_{N/K})=R_{L/K}$ .
Proof By definition of the cohomological term, we have
with $M^{\bullet } = R\Gamma (N, T) \oplus \mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}T[0]$ . The functoriality properties of $rm\hat \partial ^1(t)$ and $mU_{tw}(\rho ^{\mathrm {nr}}_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}})$ follow easily using the general formulas in [Reference Bley and WilsonBW09, Sections 6.1 and 6.3]. Recalling also Lemmas 4.9 and 5.2 and [Reference BreuningBre04a, Lemma 4.5], it remains to show
The proof of (7.1) follows along the same line of argument as the proof of [Reference BreuningBre04a, Lemma 4.14(1)]. We just have to replace $A = \mu _{p^n}$ in loc. cit. by $\mathcal F[p^n]$ .
Because (7.2) is essentially proved in the same way as part (2) of [Reference BreuningBre04b, Lemma 4.14], we only give a brief sketch. As in (17) of loc. cit., we obtain a canonical isomorphism
in the derived category. For each i, the induced map from $H^i({\mathbb Q}_p^c \otimes R\Gamma (L, T)) \cong {\mathbb Q}_p^c \otimes H^i(L, T)$ to $H^i({\mathbb Q}_p^c \otimes R\mathrm {Hom}_{{\mathbb Z}_p[H]}({{\mathbb Z}_p}, R\Gamma (N, T))) \cong {\mathbb Q}_p^c \otimes H^i(N, T)^H$ is the map induced by the restriction $H^i(L, T) \longrightarrow H^i(N, T)$ .
For $i=1$ , this restriction map is clearly given by the inclusion ${\mathcal F}({\mathfrak p}_L^{(r)}) \subseteq {\mathcal F}({\mathfrak p}_N^{(r)})$ , and for $i=2$ , cohomology vanishes after tensoring with ${\mathbb Q}_p^c$ by our hypothesis (F).
We further note that we have a canonical isomorphism
which is given by $x \mapsto x$ , if we identify $ \mathrm {Ind}_{N/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}T$ with the set of maps $x \colon G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}} \longrightarrow T$ satisfying $x(\tau \sigma ) = \tau x(\sigma )$ for all $\tau \in G_N$ and $\sigma \in G_{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}$ .
From (7.3) and (7.4), we derive a canonical isomorphism $M_L^{\bullet } \cong R\mathrm {Hom}_{{\mathbb Z}_p[H]}({{\mathbb Z}_p}, M_N^{\bullet })$ , and it finally remains to show that the induced maps (drawn as dotted arrows below) in the following diagram coincide with $\mathrm {comp}_{V,L}^{-1}$ and $\exp _{V, L}$ , respectively:
For $\exp _V$ , this is immediate, because it is defined as a connecting homomorphism (see, for example, [Reference Benois and BergerBB08, p. 612]) and thus compatible with restriction. In addition, for $\mathrm {comp}_V$ , it follows from the definitions (see [Reference Benois and BergerBB08, p. 625]).▪
8 Proof of the main results
As in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], we also define
so that $R_{N/K} = \tilde R_{N/K} - rU_{N/K}$ .
We now argue as in the proof of [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Proposition 3.2.6] (see page 359 of loc. cit.). By Taylor’s fixed point theorem together with [Reference BreuningBre04b, Proposition 2.12], it can be shown that $R_{N/K}=0$ in $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]},{\mathbb Q_p[G]})$ if and only if $\tilde R_{N/K}=0$ in $K_0(\overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G], \overline {\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G])$ .
From Propositions 4.8, 5.1, and 6.5, we conclude that
As in the one-dimensional case (see [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Proposition 3.2.6]), the following three statements are equivalent in our present setting:
(a) $C_{EP}^{na}(N/K, V)$ is valid.
(b) $R_{N/K} = 0$ in $K_0({{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}, {\mathbb Q_p[G]})$ .
(c) $\tilde R_{N/K} = 0$ in $K_0(\overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G], \overline {\mathbb Q_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G])$ .
Proof of Theorem 1.1
It suffices to show that $\tilde R_{N/K}=0$ . From (8.1) together with Proposition 6.7, we obtain
The term
vanishes by [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, Lemma 6.2]. Because $N/K$ is tame, the group ring idempotent $e_I$ is contained in ${{\mathbb Z}_p[G]}$ , and it is then easy to show that
We conclude that
where the last equality follows from [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, equation (6.7)]. In conclusion, we have shown that
We finally conclude as in the proof of [Reference BreuningBre04b, Theorem 3.6] or as in [Reference Izychev and VenjakobIV16, p. 517] to show that
We recall that these proofs crucially use a fundamental result of M. Taylor (see [Reference FröhlichFrö83, Theorem 31]) which computes the quotient of norm resolvents and Galois Gauss sums. We also note that the so-called nonramified characteristic which occurs in these results is an integral unit itself.▪
Proof of Theorem 1.3
The crucial input in our proof is a result of Picket and Vinatier in [Reference Pickett and VinatierPV13]. In [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Section 5.1], we used this result to construct an integral normal basis generator $\beta = p^2\alpha _M\theta _2$ of $\mathcal {L} = \mathfrak p_N^{p+1}$ . Hence, the expression in (8.1) simplifies to
By [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Proposition 5.2.1], the element $\hat \partial ^1(\rho _{\beta }) - \hat \partial ^1\left (\tau _{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}( \mathrm {Ind}_{K/{{\mathbb Q}_{p}}}(\chi ) ) \right )_{\chi \in \mathrm {Irr}(G)}$ is represented by $\hat \partial ^1(\eta ^{-1})$ with $\eta $ as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC16, Proposition. 5.2.1]. Furthermore, recalling that $m=d_K$ and $s_K=0$ ,
From now on, we have to distinguish the three conditions in the statement of the Theorem. Let us start with (a), i.e., Hypothesis (I). In this case, $\tilde R_{N/K}$ is represented by
Let $W_{\theta _2}\in \mathcal O_p^t[G]\subset \overline {{\mathbb Z}_p^{\mathrm {nr}}}[G]^{\times }$ be defined by
where $\tilde u\in {\mathbb Z}_p[a]$ is a unit whose augmentation is congruent to $1$ modulo p, as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17, Section 8]. Then, the proof works as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17].
Let us now consider case (b), i.e., Hypothesis (T). In this case, $\tilde R_{N/K}$ is represented by
As in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], Hypothesis (T) implies that $\det (u)^{m^2\tilde m-m}\equiv 1\pmod {1-\zeta _p}$ . Then, the proof works as in [Reference Bley and CobbeBC17], using the computations of the case of Hypothesis (I).
It remains to consider the case (c). Let $E/K'$ be the unramified extension of degree $\tilde d$ . By the functoriality result of Proposition 7.2 (a), it is enough to show $R_{NE/K}=0$ , which is true, because, for $NE/K$ , we can apply part (b) of the theorem.▪
We finally prove Theorems 1.5 and 1.6. For the definition of the twist matrix of an abelian variety A with good ordinary reduction, we refer the reader to [Reference Lubin and RosenLR78, p. 237]. We recall the following lemma.
Lemma 8.1 Let A be an r-dimensional abelian variety defined over the p-adic number field L with good ordinary reduction, and let U be the twist matrix of A. Then, $\det (U - 1) \ne 0$ .
Proof This is shown in [Reference MazurMaz72, Corollary 4.38] or in the proof of [Reference Lubin and RosenLR78, Theorem 2].▪
We would like to thank Andreas Nickel for sharing with us some of his insights on a particular computation necessary for the proof of Lemma 6.2, which required quite a lot of efforts to be fully clarified. We would also like to thank the referees for their fast and careful reading, as well as their valuable suggestions to improve the exposition, and for correcting some minor mistakes.