In [2], H. Furstenberg studied a distal action
of a locally compact group G on
a compact metric space X, and established a structure
theorem. As a consequence,
he showed that if G is abelian, then a simply connected space
X does not admit a minimal distal G-action.
In this paper we concern ourselves with a nonsingular flow
ϕ={ϕt} on a closed
3-manifold M. Recall that ϕ is called distal if for any
distinct two points x, y ∈ M, the distance
d(ϕtx, ϕty)
is bounded away from 0. The distality depends strongly
upon the time parametrization. For example, there exists a time parametrization
a linear irrational flow on T2
which yields a nondistal flow [4, 6].