The context of this note is as follows. One considers a connected
reductive group
G and a Frobenius endomorphism F[ratio ]G→G
defining G over a finite field of order q.
One denotes by GF
the associated (finite) group of fixed points.
Let [lscr ] be a prime not dividing q. We are interested in
[lscr ]-blocks of the finite
group GF. Such a block is called
unipotent if there is a unipotent character (see, for
instance, [6, Definition 12.1]) among its
representations in characteristic zero. Roughly
speaking, it is believed that the study of arbitrary blocks of GF
might be reduced to
unipotent blocks (see [2, Théorème 2.3],
[5, Remark 3.6]). In view of certain
conjectures about blocks (see, for instance, [9]),
it would be interesting to further
reduce the study of unipotent blocks to the study of principal blocks (blocks
containing the trivial character). Our Theorem 7 is a step in that direction:
we show
that the local structure of any unipotent block of GF
is very close to that of a principal
block of a group of related type (notion of ‘control of fusion’,
see [13, §49]).