1 Introduction
We investigate sums involving the divisor function over nonhomogeneous Beatty sequences. The nonhomogeneous Beatty sequences of integers are defined by
where $\alpha $ and $\beta $ are fixed real numbers and $\beta \neq 0$ . Here, $[x]$ denotes the greatest integer not larger than x. The distribution properties of such sequences are related to the type of $\alpha .$ For an irrational number $\alpha ,$ we define its type $\tau $ by the relation
where $\lVert u\rVert $ denotes the distance of u from the nearest integer. Thus, an irrational number $\alpha $ is of type $\tau $ if and only if for every $\epsilon>0$ , there is a constant $c(\tau ,\alpha )$ such that
For properties and extensions of the type, see [Reference Abercrombie, Banks and Shparlinski2, Reference Banks and Shparlinski3].
Let $\alpha>1$ and $\beta $ be fixed real numbers with $\alpha $ positive, irrational and of finite type $\tau =\tau (\alpha )$ . The classical divisor function $d(n)$ denotes the number of divisors of the integer n. There are precise estimates for sums of the divisor function over homogeneous Beatty sequences. Abercrombie proved in [Reference Abercrombie1] that for almost all $\alpha>1$ with respect to the Lebesgue measure,
where the implied constant may depend on $\alpha $ and $\varepsilon .$ This result was subsequently improved and extended in various ways (see [Reference Abercrombie, Banks and Shparlinski2, Reference Lü and Zhai9, Reference Technau and Zafeiropoulos11, Reference Zhai14]). Zhai [Reference Zhai14] proved that for almost all $\alpha>1$ with respect to the Lebesgue measure,
where the implied constant may depend on $\alpha $ and $\varepsilon .$ In fact, this result can be modified to apply to an individual $\alpha .$
The main aim of this paper is to generalise such sums to nonhomogeneous Beatty sequences and an individual number $\alpha $ with an error term as strong as previous results (obtained for almost all numbers). By the method of [Reference Abercrombie, Banks and Shparlinski2] or [Reference Zhai14], it is not easy to obtain such results for nonhomogeneous Beatty sequences and an individual $\alpha $ , and we borrow some ideas from [Reference Banks and Shparlinski3].
Before we focus on sums of the divisor function over Beatty sequences, we investigate a related double exponential sum, analogous to a result of Vaughan [Reference Vaughan12].
Theorem 1.1. Let $\alpha>1$ be a real number. Suppose that $a,q,h\in \mathbb {N}^{+}$ and $H,x\geq 1$ with $H\ll x.$ If
Estimates for exponential functions twisted with divisor functions are classical problems in analytic number theory. For example, Chowla [Reference Chowla4] proved that for almost all irrational $\alpha ,$
as $x\rightarrow \infty .$ Erdös [Reference Erdős5] improved the error term in this result to
for almost all $\alpha .$ However, such estimates give no idea about the numbers $\alpha $ to which the result applies. The estimates we obtain for such sums depend on the type of $\alpha $ and we show that the estimate applies to any individual $\alpha $ whose rational approximations satisfy certain hypotheses. In this way, we can derive estimates for specific values of $\alpha $ (or over interesting classes of $\alpha $ such as the class of algebraic numbers). For example, we give the following consequence of Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.2. For all irrational $\alpha>1$ of finite type $\tau <\infty , h\in \mathbb {N}^{+}$ and $H,x\geq 1$ with $H\ll x,$
where the implied constant may depend on $\alpha $ and $\varepsilon .$
Remark 1.3. Taking $\tau =1$ and $H=1$ gives a similar upper bound for the sum
for individual numbers $\alpha $ of finite type $\tau <\infty $ .
By adapting the method of proving Theorem 1.1, we can obtain the following result for inhomogeneous Beatty sequences.
Theorem 1.4. Let $\alpha>1$ be a fixed irrational number of finite type $\tau <\infty $ and $\beta \in \mathbb {R}$ be fixed. Then there is a constant $\varepsilon>0$ such that
where N is a sufficiently large integer and the implied constant depends only on $\alpha , \beta $ and $\varepsilon $ .
Remark 1.5. Previously, such estimates were proved only for almost all $\alpha>1$ (not for an individual $\alpha $ ) and for homogeneous Beatty sequences. Our result also gives almost all results for nonhomogeneous Beatty sequences because, by the theorems of Khinchin [Reference Khinchin7] and of Roth [Reference Roth10], almost all real numbers and all irrational algebraic numbers are of type $\tau =1$ . One can also consider generalised divisor functions, which were studied in [Reference Lü and Zhai9, Reference Zhai14] only for the case of homogeneous Beatty sequences.
2 Proof of Theorem 1.1
To prove the theorem, we need the concept of discrepancy. For a sequence $u_{m}, m=1,2,\ldots\, $ , M, of points of $\mathbb {R}/\mathbb {Z}$ , the discrepancy $D(M)$ of the sequence is
where the supremum is taken over all subintervals $\mathcal {I}=(c, d)$ of the interval $[0, 1), \mathcal {V} (\mathcal {I}, M)$ is the number of positive integers $m\leq M$ such that $u_{m}\in \mathcal {I}$ , and $|\mathcal {I}| = d-c$ is the length of $|\mathcal {I}|.$
Let $D_{\alpha ,\beta }(M)$ denote the discrepancy of the sequence $\{\alpha m+\beta \}, m=1,2,\ldots , M$ , where $\{x\}=x-[x].$ We introduce several auxiliary lemmas.
Lemma 2.1 [Reference Banks and Shparlinski3].
Let $\alpha>1.$ An integer m has the form $m=[\alpha n+\beta ]$ for some integer n if and only if
The value of n is determined uniquely by $m.$
Lemma 2.2 [Reference Kuipers and Niederreiter8, Ch. 2, Theorem 3.2].
Let $\alpha $ be a fixed irrational number of finite type $\tau <\infty .$ Then, for all $\beta \in \mathbb {R},$ we have
as $M\rightarrow \infty $ , where the function implied by $o(1)$ depends only on $\alpha .$
Lemma 2.3 [Reference Vinogradov13, page 32].
For any $\Delta \in \mathbb {R}$ such that $0<\Delta <1/8$ and $\Delta \leq 1/2\min \{\gamma ,1-\gamma \},$ there exists a periodic function $\Psi _{\Delta }(x)$ of period 1 such that:
(1) $0\leq \Psi _{\Delta }(x) \leq 1 \mbox { for all } x\in \mathbb {R};$
(2) $\Psi _{\Delta }(x)=\Psi (x) \mbox { if } \Delta \leq x\leq \gamma -\Delta \mbox { or } \gamma +\Delta \leq x\leq 1-\Delta $ where
$$ \begin{align*} \Psi(x)= \begin{cases} 1\ \ &\mbox{if}\ \,0<x\leq \gamma,\\ 0\ \ &\mbox{if}\ \,\gamma<x\leq 1; \end{cases} \end{align*} $$ -
(3) $\Psi _{\Delta }(x)$ can be represented as a Fourier series
(2.2) $$ \begin{align} \Psi_{\Delta}(x)=\gamma+\sum_{j=1}^{\infty} g_{j}e({\kern1.5pt}jx)+h_{j}e(-jx), \end{align} $$where the coefficients $g_{j}$ and $h_{j}$ satisfy $\max \{|g_{j}|, |h_{j}|\}\ll \min \{{\kern1.5pt}j^{-1},j^{-2}\Delta ^{-1}\}$ for $j\geq 1$ .
Lemma 2.4. Let $\alpha $ be of finite type $\tau <\infty $ and let K be sufficiently large. For an integer $w\geq 1,$ there exist $a,q\in \mathbb {Z}, a/q\in \mathbb {Q}$ with $(a,q)=1$ and $K^{1/\tau -\varepsilon }w^{-1}<q\leq K$ such that
Proof. By the Dirichlet approximation theorem, there is a rational number $a/q$ with $(a,q)=1$ and $q\leq K$ such that
that is, $ \lVert qw\alpha \rVert \,\leq 1/K. $ Since $\alpha $ is of type $\tau <\infty ,$ for sufficiently large $K,$ we have
which gives
Lemma 2.5 [Reference Iwaniec and Kowalski6, Section 13.5].
If $\vert \alpha -a/q\vert \leq q^{-2}, a,q\in \mathbb {N}$ and $(a,q)=1,$ then
Proof of Theorem 1.1.
By the Dirichlet hyperbolic method,
By the well-known estimate
we have
Hence by Lemma 2.5,
Hence, by Lemma 2.4, (2.3) and (2.4), for all irrational $\alpha $ of finite type $\tau <\infty $ ,
3 Proof of Theorem 1.4
It is easy to see that
Hence, we can focus on the right-hand sum. The proof is similar to the argument of Theorem 1.1. Let $\delta =\alpha ^{-1}(1-\beta )$ and $M=[\alpha N+\beta ].$ Then by Lemma 2.1,
where $\Psi (x)$ is the periodic function with period one for which
Let $\Delta $ and $\Psi _{\Delta }(x)$ satisfy the conditions of Lemma 2.3 with
From (3.1),
where $\mathcal {V}(I,M)$ denotes the number of positive integers $m\leq M$ such that
Since $|I|\ll \Delta ,$ it follows from the definition (2.1) and Lemma 2.2 that
where the implied constant depends only on $\alpha .$ By (2.2),
By Lemma 2.3, for
we have
Then by Theorem 1.1, (3.5) and (3.6),
where $1\leq H\leq N^{2/(\tau +1)}$ and q is determined by (3.5) and (3.6) with $K=N^{\tau /(\tau +1)}$ . Similarly,
However, the well-known bound
implies that
where $\Delta =N^{-1/(\tau +1)}.$ Inserting the bounds (3.7)–(3.10) into (3.4),
where the implied constant depends on $\alpha , \beta $ and $\varepsilon .$ Substituting this bound and (3.3) into (3.2) and recalling the choice of $\Delta =N^{-1/(\tau +1)}$ completes the proof of Theorem 1.4.
I am deeply grateful to the referee(s) for carefully reading the manuscript and making useful suggestions.