1 Introduction
All groups considered here are finite. Let G be a group and let $\pi $ be a set of primes. Recall that a subgroup H of a group G is called a $\pi $ -subgroup of G if all primes dividing the order of H lie in $\pi $ . Moreover, a subgroup H is called a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup of G if it is a $\pi $ -subgroup and its index is not divisible by the elements of $\pi $ .
According to Hall [Reference Hall2], a group G is said to satisfy $E_{\pi }$ (or $G \in E_{\pi }$ for short) if there exists a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup of G. If $G \in E_{\pi }$ and all $\pi $ -Hall subgroups are conjugate then we say that G satisfies $C_{\pi }$ ( $G \in C_{\pi }$ ). If $G \in E_{\pi }$ and every $\pi $ -subgroup of G is contained in a conjugate of a $\pi $ -Hall subgroup of G then we say that G satisfies $D_{\pi }$ .
In 1954, Wielandt [Reference Wielandt5] proved the classical result that a group G possessing a nilpotent $\pi $ -Hall subgroup satisfies $D_{\pi }$ . After several years, one of the earliest generalisations of Wielandt’s theorem was obtained by Wielandt himself in [Reference Wielandt6]. Suppose that a set of primes $\pi $ is a union of disjoint subsets $\sigma $ and $\tau $ , and a group G possesses a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup $H = H_{\sigma } \times H_{\tau }$ , where $H_{\sigma }$ is a nilpotent $\sigma $ -subgroup of H and $H_{\tau }$ is a $\tau $ -subgroup of H. If G satisfies $D_{\tau }$ , then G satisfies $D_{\pi }$ . In the same paper, Wielandt conjectured that one can replace ‘the nilpotency of $H_{\sigma }$ ’ with the weaker condition that ‘G satisfies $D_{\sigma }$ ’ in the above theorem. This conjecture was completely confirmed by Guo et al. [Reference Guo, Revin and Vdovin1] by using the classification of finite simple groups. It is worth pointing out another inspiring result due to Rusakov [Reference Rusakov4] that if a group G possesses a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup H whose Sylow subgroups are all cyclic, then G satisfies $D_{\pi }$ .
In this paper, we try to weaken the ‘direct product relation’ between $H_{\sigma }$ and $H_{\tau }$ in Wielandt’s theorem, replacing it with a special semidirect product. Our main theorem is the following result.
Theorem 1.1. Let a set $\pi $ of primes be a union of disjoint subsets $\sigma $ and $\tau $ . Let a group G possess a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup $H=H_{\sigma } H_{\tau }$ such that:
(1) $H_{\sigma }$ is a normal $\sigma $ -subgroup of H;
(2) $H_{\tau }$ is a $\tau $ -subgroup of H with all Sylow subgroups cyclic;
(3) $H_{\tau }$ normalises every subgroup of $H_{\sigma }$ .
If G satisfies $D_{\sigma }$ , then G satisfies $D_{\pi }$ .
It is worth mentioning that the proof of Theorem 1.1 does not depend on the classification of finite simple groups. In Theorem 1.1, neither of the hypotheses $(2)$ or $(3)$ can be removed. In fact, we can see this in the projective linear group $G=\operatorname {\mathrm {PSL}}(2,11)$ . Let $\pi =\{2,3\}$ and notice that Hall $\pi $ -subgroups of G are isomorphic to the alternating group $\operatorname {\mathrm {A}}_{4}$ or the dihedral group $\operatorname {\mathrm {D}}_{12}$ . Hence $G \notin D_{\pi }$ .
If $H\cong D_{12}$ , then we can set $\sigma =\{3\}$ and $\tau =\{2\}$ . Hence $H_{\sigma }\cong \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{3}$ and $H_{\tau }\cong \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{2}\times \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{2}$ are the Sylow $3$ -subgroup and the Sylow $2$ -subgroup of H, respectively. Clearly $G\in D_{\{3\}}$ , $H_{\sigma }\unlhd H$ and $H_{\tau }$ normalises every subgroup of $H_{\sigma }$ , which means that all hypotheses in Theorem 1.1 hold except hypothesis $(2)$ because $H_{\tau }$ is not cyclic.
If $H\cong A_{4}$ , we may assume that $\sigma =\{2\}$ and $\tau =\{3\}$ . Then $H_{\sigma }\cong \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{2}\times \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{2}$ and $H_{\tau }\cong \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{3}$ are the Sylow $2$ -subgroup and the Sylow $3$ -subgroup of H, respectively. We see that $G\in D_{\{2\}}, H_{\sigma }\unlhd H$ and $H_{\tau }$ is cyclic but $H_{\tau }$ does not normalise all subgroups of $H_{\sigma }$ .
The following two corollaries both follow directly from Theorem 1.1. The first unifies Wielandt’s and Rusakov’s results.
Corollary 1.2. Let a set $\pi $ of primes be a union of disjoint subsets $\sigma $ and $\tau $ . Let a group G possess a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup $H=H_{\sigma } H_{\tau }$ such that:
(1) $H_{\sigma }$ is a normal nilpotent $\sigma $ -subgroup of H;
(2) $H_{\tau }$ is a $\tau $ -subgroup with all Sylow subgroups cyclic;
(3) $H_{\tau }$ normalises every subgroup of $H_{\sigma }$ .
Then G satisfies $D_{\pi }$ .
The second corollary is a generalisation of Rusakov’s result following Wielandt’s idea; it is also a direct corollary of the result of Guo et al. [Reference Guo, Revin and Vdovin1].
Corollary 1.3. Let a set $\pi $ of primes be a union of disjoint subsets $\sigma $ and $\tau $ . Let a group G possess a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup $H=H_{\sigma }\times H_{\tau }$ such that:
(1) $H_{\sigma }$ is a $\sigma $ -subgroup of H;
(2) $H_{\tau }$ is a $\tau $ -subgroup with all Sylow subgroups cyclic.
If G satisfies $D_{\sigma }$ , then G satisfies $D_{\pi }$ .
2 Lemmas
In this section we list some lemmas, most of which are well known. The first is a direct consequence of Burnside’s p-nilpotency criterion.
Lemma 2.1 [Reference Huppert3, IV, Theorem 2.8].
Let G be a group and let p be the smallest prime dividing the order of G. If G possesses a cyclic Sylow p-subgroup, then G is p-nilpotent.
Lemma 2.2. Let G be a group with all Sylow subgroups cyclic. Then G has two cyclic subgroups $N_{1},N_{2}$ such that $G=N_{1}N_{2}, N_{1}\unlhd G$ and $(|N_{1}|, |N_{2}|)=1$ .
Proof. This is a consequence of [Reference Huppert3, IV, Theorem 2.11].
The following lemma gives a property of groups with all Sylow subgroups cyclic and will be useful in the proof of our main theorem.
Lemma 2.3. Let G be a group with all Sylow subgroups cyclic and assume that p is the smallest prime dividing the order of G. If K is a $p^{\prime }$ -subgroup of G, then there exists a Sylow p-subgroup P of G such that $P\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K)$ .
Proof. By Lemma 2.1, G is p-nilpotent. Denote by N the normal p-complement of G. Clearly $K\leq N$ . Notice that all Sylow subgroups of N are also cyclic. By Lemma 2.2, we can assume that $N=N_{1}N_{2}$ , where $N_{1},N_{2}$ are cyclic, $(|N_{1}|,|N_{2}|)=1$ and $N_{1}\unlhd N$ .
Let $K_{1}=K\cap N_{1}$ . As $N_{1}$ is a normal Hall subgroup of N, it is easy to see that $K_{1}$ is a normal Hall subgroup of K. By the Schur–Zassenhaus theorem, we may assume that $K=K_{1}K_{2}$ , where $K_{2}$ is a complement of $K_{1}$ in K. Since $N/N_{1}\cong N_{2}$ is cyclic, it follows that $K_{2}N_{1}/N_{1}$ is a characteristic subgroup of $N/N_{1}$ . Since $N_{1}$ is a characteristic subgroup of N, it is not difficult to check, by definition, that $K_{2}N_{1}$ is a characteristic subgroup of N. As $N\unlhd G$ , it follows that $K_{2}N_{1}\unlhd G$ . By a Frattini argument, $G=\operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{2})N_{1}$ . Since the index of $\operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{2})$ in G is a $p^{\prime }$ -number, there exists a Sylow p-subgroup P of G such that $P\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{2})$ .
On the other hand, it is easy to see that $K_{1}$ is a characteristic subgroup of $N_{1}$ as $N_{1}$ is cyclic. Since $N_{1}$ is a characteristic subgroup of G, we deduce that $K_{1}\unlhd G$ . It follows that P normalises $K=K_{1}K_{2}$ . Hence $P\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K)$ , as desired.
Recall that a group G is called minimal non-p-nilpotent if G is not p-nilpotent but every proper subgroup of G is p-nilpotent. The structure of minimal non-p-nilpotent groups is well known, due to N. Itô.
Lemma 2.4. Let p be a prime and G be a minimal non-p-nilpotent group. Then G possesses a normal Sylow p-subgroup P and a cyclic Sylow q-subgroup $Q\neq 1$ for some $q\neq p$ such that $G=PQ$ .
Proof. See [Reference Huppert3, IV, Theorem 5.4].
3 Proof of Theorem 1.1
Suppose that the theorem is false so that there exists a group G possessing a Hall $\pi $ -subgroup $H=H_{\sigma }H_{\tau }$ such that $G, H_{\sigma },H_{\tau }$ satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 1.1 but $G \notin D_{\pi }$ , which means that there exists a $\pi $ -subgroup K of G such that $K^{g}\nleq H$ for each $g\in G$ . Choose the counterexample triple $(G, H, K)$ with $|G|+|H|+|K|$ minimal and, without loss of generality, assume that $\pi \subseteq \pi (G)$ .
By hypothesis, if $\tau $ is empty, the result is trivial. Now let p be the smallest prime in $\tau $ . Since all Sylow subgroups of $H_{\tau }$ are cyclic, $H_{\tau }$ is p-nilpotent. As $H_{\sigma }\unlhd H$ , H is also p-nilpotent. Set $\widetilde {\pi }=\pi -\{p\}$ and $\widetilde {\tau }=\tau -\{p\}$ . Then we will derive a contradiction from the following three steps.
Step 1: $p\in \pi (K)$ .
If $p \notin \pi (K)$ , then K is a $\widetilde {\pi }$ -subgroup of G. Let $\widetilde {H}=H_{\sigma }H_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ , where $H_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ is the normal p-complement of $H_{\tau }$ . It is obvious that $\widetilde {H}$ is a $\widetilde {\pi }$ -Hall subgroup of G and $\widetilde {H}\leq H$ . Considering the triple $(G, \widetilde {H}, K)$ , by minimality, K is contained in a conjugate of $\widetilde {H}$ and also in a conjugate of H, contrary to the choice of K.
Step 2: K is minimal non-p-nilpotent.
For any proper subgroup T of K, minimality implies that T is contained in a conjugate of H. As H is p-nilpotent, so is T. Now we will show that K is not p-nilpotent.
Assume that K is p-nilpotent and let $K=K_{p}K_{\widetilde {\pi }}$ , where $K_{p}$ and $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}$ are the Sylow p-subgroup and the normal p-complement of K, respectively. Since $p\in \pi (K)$ by Step 1, $K_{p}\neq 1$ and $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}<K$ . By minimality, $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}$ is contained in a conjugate of H. Without loss of generality, we can assume that $K_{\widetilde {\pi }} \leq H$ . Write $K_{\sigma }=H_{\sigma }\cap K_{\widetilde {\pi }}$ . Since $H_{\sigma }$ is a normal Hall $\sigma $ -subgroup of H, it follows that $K_{\sigma }$ is a normal Hall $\sigma $ -subgroup of $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}$ . By the Schur–Zassenhanus theorem, we may assume that $K_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ is the complement of $K_{\sigma }$ in $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}$ , which is also a Hall $\tau $ -subgroup of K.
Since H has a Hall $\tau $ -subgroup $H_{\tau }$ with all Sylow subgroups cyclic, by Rusakov’s theorem, $H\in D_{\tau }$ . As $K_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ is a $\tau $ -subgroup of H, $K_{\widetilde {\tau }}\leq H_{\tau }^{h}$ for some $h\in H$ .
Moreover, as $K_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ is a $p^{\prime }$ -subgroup, it follows from Lemma 2.3 that there exists a Sylow p-subgroup P of $H_{\tau }^{h}$ such that P normalises $K_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ . On the other hand, by hypothesis, $P^{h^{-1}}\leq H_{\tau }$ normalises every subgroup of $H_{\sigma }$ . Since $h\in H$ and $H_{\sigma } \unlhd H$ , $K_{\sigma }^{h^{-1}}\leq H_{\sigma }^{h^{-1}}=H_{\sigma }$ . Hence $P^{h^{-1}}$ normalises $K_{\sigma }^{h^{-1}}$ , and so P normalises $K_{\sigma }$ . Thus P normalises $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}=K_{\sigma }K_{\widetilde {\tau }}$ , that is, $P \in \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{\widetilde {\pi }})$ .
Notice that P is also a Sylow p-subgroup of G and also of $\operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{\widetilde {\pi }})$ , and $K_{p}\leq K\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{\widetilde {\pi }})$ since $K_{\widetilde {\pi }}\unlhd K$ . By Sylow’s theorem, there exists an element $x\in \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{\widetilde {\pi }})$ such that $K_{p}^{x}\leq P$ . Thus
which is a contradiction. Hence K is minimal non-p-nilpotent.
Step 3: The final contradiction.
Since K is minimal non-p-nilpotent, it follows from Lemma 2.4 that $K=K_{p}K_{q}$ , where $K_{p}$ is the normal Sylow p-subgroup of K and $K_{q}\neq 1$ is a cyclic Sylow q-subgroup of K for some prime $q\neq p$ and $q \in \pi $ . Notice that $K_{q}\neq 1$ and so $K_{p}< K$ . Minimality implies that $K_{p}$ is contained in a conjugate of $H_{\tau }$ . Since all Sylow subgroups of $H_{\tau }$ are cyclic, $K_{p}$ is cyclic. Hence, by the N/C theorem,
Note that $K\neq \operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{K}(K_{p})$ otherwise $K_{p}$ is in the centre of K and K is nilpotent, contrary to Step 2. Hence the order of $K/\operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{K}(K_{p})$ is a positive power of q, which implies that q divides $|\!\operatorname {\mathrm {Aut}}(K_{p})|=p^{a}(p-1)$ for some nonnegative integer a. As $p\neq q$ , q divides $p-1$ . Since p is the smallest prime in $\tau $ , it follows that $q\notin \tau $ . As $q\in \pi =\sigma \cup \tau $ , this forces $q \in \sigma $ .
By Rusakov’s theorem, G satisfies $D_{\tau }$ . Hence we can assume that $K_{p} \leq H_{\tau }^{g}$ for some $g \in G$ . Let Q be a Sylow q-subgroup of $H_{\sigma }^{g}$ . By hypothesis, $H_{\tau }^{g}$ normalises every subgroup of $H_{\sigma }^{g}$ . This implies that $K_{p}$ normalises every subgroup of Q. For each cyclic subgroup $Q_{1}$ of Q, $Q_{1}$ is also $K_{p}$ -invariant and so $ |K_{p}/\operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{K_{p}}(Q_{1})|$ divides $|\!\operatorname {\mathrm {Aut}}(Q_{1})|=q^{n-1}(q-1)$ , for some positive integer n. As $q<p$ , it follows that $K_{p}=\operatorname {\mathrm {C}}_{Q_{1}}(K_{p})$ and thus $K_{p}$ acts trivially on each cyclic subgroup $Q_{1}$ and also on Q. In particular, $Q\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{p})$ . Since Q is a Sylow q-subgroup of $\operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{p})$ and $K_{q}\leq K\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{p})$ , there exists an element $y\in \operatorname {\mathrm {N}}_{G}(K_{p})$ such that $K_{q}^{y}\leq Q$ . Now we see that
which is the final contradiction. The proof is complete.