Book Reviews
Francesco Menotti. Wetland archaeology and beyond. xviii+544 pages, 142 illustrations, 6 tables. 2012. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-957101-7 hardback £100.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1332-1333
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Tracking prehistoric migrations - Peter Bellwood. First migrants: ancient migration in global perspective. xvii+308 pages, 37 b&w illustrations. 2013. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell; 978-1-4051-8909-8 paperback £19.99. - Jean Manco. Ancestral journeys: the peopling of Europe from the first venturers to the Vikings. 312 pages, 123 colour and b&w illustrations, 2 tables. 2013. London: Thames & Hudson; 978-0-500-05179-8 hardback £19.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 658-659
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Vikings go multi-media
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 292-295
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Is dating an issue?
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 948-950
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Book Reviews
Clive Gamble. Settling the Earth: the archaeology of deep human history. xxi+377 pages, 67 b&w illustrations, 57 tables. 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-1-107-60107-9 paperback £55 & $90.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1333-1334
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‘Simple’ need not mean ‘archaic’
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 950-953
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Review articles
Maritime archaeology galore - Virginia Dellino-Musgrave. Marine archaeology: a handbook (CBA Practical Handbook 20). xii+110 pages, 26 colour and b&w illustrations. 2012. York: Council for British Archaeology; 978-1-902771-91-5 paperback £12. - Jesse Ransley & Fraser Sturt with Justin Dix, Jon Adams & Lucy Blue. People and the sea: a maritime archaeological research agenda for England. xxi+250 pages, 68 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. York: Council for British Archaeology; 978-1-902771-93-9 paperback £ 30. - Anne Lehoërff with Jean Bourgeois, Peter Clark & Marc Talon. Be yond the horizon: societies of the Channel and North Sea 3500 years ago. 160 pages, 228 colour and b&w illustrations. 2012. Paris: Somogy; 978-2-7572-0537-2 paperback €23. - Nathan Richards & Sami Kay Seeb (ed.). The archaeology of watercraft abandonment. xiii+375 pages, 88 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. New York: Springer; 978-1-4614-7342-8 hardback £117.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 296-299
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A milestone in medieval urban archaeology - David Perry, Hilary Murray, Tom Beaumont James & Nicholas Q. Bogdan. Perth High Street: archaeological excavation 1975–77. Fascicule 1: the excavations at 75–95 High Street and 5–10 Mill Street, Perth. xii+242 pages, 166 colour and b&w illustrations, 14 tables, CD. 2010. Perth: Tayside and Fife Archaeological Committee; 978-0-9561783-4-3. - Derek W. Hall & numerous other contributors. Perth High Street: archaeological excavation 1975–77. Fascicule 2: the ceramics, the metalwork and the wood. xi+400 pages, 217 colour and b&w illustrations, 9 tables. 2012. Perth: Tayside and Fife Archaeological Committee; 978-0-9561783-6-7. - P.Z. Dransart & numerous other contributors. Perth High Street: archaeological excavation 1975–77. Fascicule 3: the textiles and the leather. xv+383 pages, 169 colour and b&w illustrations, 14 tables. 2012. Perth: Tayside and Fife Archaeological Committee; 978-0-9561783-6-7. - G.W.I. Hodgson & numerous other contributors. Perth High Street: archaeological excavation 1975–77. Fascicule 4: living and working in a medieval Scottish burgh. Environmental remains and miscellaneous finds. x+169 pages, 65 colour and b&w illustrations, 40 tables, CD. 2011. Perth: Tayside and Fife Archaeological Committee; 978-0-9561783-5-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 660-662
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Review articles
Landscapes of tells in the Near East and beyond - Jason Ur. Tell Hamoukar, volume 1. Urbanism and cultural landscapes in northeastern Syria: the Tell Hamoukar survey, 1999–2001 (Oriental Institute Publications 137). lxi+384 pages, 210 illustrations, 74 tables. 2010. Chicago (IL): Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; 978-1-885923-73-8 hardback £ 56 & $75. Available at: - Paolo Matthiae & Nicolò Marchetti (ed.). Ebla and its landscape: early state formation in the ancient Near East. 535 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast; 978-1-61132-228-6 hardback $129. - Robert Hofmann, Fevzi-Kemal Moetz & Johannes Müller (ed.). Tells: social and environmental space. Proceedings of the international workshop “Socio-environmental dynamics over the last 12,000 years: the creation of landscapes II (14th–18th March 2011)” in Kiel. Volume 3 (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 207). 233 pages, numerous b&w illustrations. 2012. Bonn: Habelt; 978-3-7749-3765-9 hardback € 56.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 300-303
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The peopling of South America: expanding the evidence
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 954-955
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Book Reviews
Søren H. Andersen. Tybrind Vig: submerged Mesolithic settlements in Denmark. 527 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Højbjerg: Jutland Archaeological Society, Moesgård Museum; 978-87-88415-78-0 hardback DKK399.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1334-1336
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Cultural heritage management: power, values and identity - Christina Luke & Morag Kersel. US cultural diplomacy and archaeology. Soft power, hard heritage. xi+169 pages, 5 tables. 2013. Abingdon: Routledge; 978-0-415-64549-2 hardback £80. - Robert J. Shepherd & Larry Yu. Heritage management, tourism, and governance in China. xii+90 pages, 21 colour illustrations, 3 tables. 2013. New York: Springer, 978-1-4614-6917-0 paperback $49.95. - Sophia Labadi. UNESCO, cultural heritage and Outstanding Universal Value. Value-based analyses of the World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Conventions. xi+191 pages, 10 b&w illustrations. 2013. Lanham (MD): Altamira; 978-0-7591-2256-7 hardback £51.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 April 2015, pp. 663-666
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Sarah Tarlow & Liv Nilsson Stutz (ed.). The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of death and burial. xix+849 pages, 126 illustrations. 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-956906-9 hardback £115.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 667-668
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Review articles
Villages and cities in early Europe - Dirk Krausse (ed.). “Fürstensitze” und Zentralorte der frühen Kelten. Abschlusskolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1171 in Stuttgart, 12.–15. Oktober 2009. 845 pages in two volumes, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2010. Stuttgart: Theiss; 978-380622433-7 hardback € 148. - Susanne Sievers & Martin Schönfelder (ed.). Die Frage der Protourbanisation in der Eisenzeit/La question de la proto-urbanisation à l'âge du Fer. Akten des 34. international Kolloquiums der AFEAF vom 13.–16. Mai 2010 in Aschaffenburg. 386 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2012. Bonn: Habelt; 978-377493785-7 hardback € 119. - Stephan Fichtl. Les premières villes de Gaule: le temps des oppida. 133 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2012. Lacapelle-Marival: Archéologie Nouvelle; 978-295339739-0 hardback € 26. - Jesús Álvarez-Sanchís, Alfredo Jimeno Martínez & Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero (ed.). Aldeas y ciudades en el primer milenio a.C.: la Meseta Norte y los orígenes del urbanismo (Complutum 22(2)). 316 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2011. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid; ISSN 1131-6993 paperback € 21.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 304-307
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Book Reviews
Ian Hodder (ed.). Substantive technologies at Çatalhöyük: reports from the 2000–2008 seasons (Çatalhöyük Research Project series 9; BIAA Monograph 48; Monumenta Archaeologica 31). xxix+507 pages, 459 b&w illustrations, 127 tables, CD. 2013. London: British Institute at Ankara; Los Angeles (CA): Cotsen Institute of Archaeology; 978-1-898249-31-3 hardback $89.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1336-1337
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Food globalisation in prehistory: top down or bottom up?
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 956-963
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Rudolph Kuper (ed.). Wadi Sura: the Cave of Beasts. A rock art site in the Gilf Kebir (SW-Egypt) (Africa Praehistorica 26). 542 pages, numerous colour illustrations, 2 foldouts. 2013. Cologne: Heinrich Barth Institut; 978-3-927688-40-7 hardback €85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 668-670
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Review articles
Politics and power among the Maya - Sarah E. Jackson. Politics of the Maya court: hierarchy and change in the Late Classic period. xviii+173 pages, 50 b&w illustrations, 8 tables. 2013. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press; 978-0-8061-4341-5 hardback $29.95. - Antonia E. Foias. Ancient Maya political dynamics. xiv+290 pages, 15 b&w illustrations, 3 tables. 2013. Gainesville: University Press of Florida; 978-0-8130-4422-4 hardback $79.95. - Kenneth Treister. Maya architecture: temples in the sky. x+228 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Gainesville: University Press of Florida; 978-0-8130-4246-6 hardback $34.95. - Michael D. Coe with photographs by Barry Brukoff. Royal cities of the ancient Maya. 236 pages, 141 illustrations. 2012. London: Thames & Hudson; 9778-0-500-97040-9 hardback £ 29.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 308-311
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Contextualising the birth of Mediterranean Archaeoseismology
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 964-974
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Book Reviews
Christina F. Clarke. The manufacture of Minoan metal vessels: theory and practice (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature PB178). xxviii+249 pages, 176 b&w illustrations, 2 tables. 2013. Uppsala: Åströms; 978-91-7081-249-1 hardback €56.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1337-1339
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