1. Introduction
Many modern models of mortality include parameters to capture the impact of lifelong mortality effects which follow individuals from birth, building on the findings of studies such as Wilmoth (Reference Wilmoth1990) and Willets (Reference Willets1999, Reference Willets2004). Understanding such “cohort” effects can be of critical importance, especially for those interested in understanding the mortality experience of a specified group of lives, such as members of a pension scheme or policyholders in an annuity book. Examples of models incorporating cohort parameters include those proposed in Renshaw and Haberman (Reference Renshaw and Haberman2006), Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009), Plat (Reference Plat2009), O’Hare and Li (Reference O’Hare and Li2012), Börger et al. (Reference Börger, Fleischer and Kuksin2013) and Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014).
In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), we argued that the time has come to undertake a more holistic analysis of the class of age/period/cohort (APC) models and began this analysis by outlining their common structure. In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we focused on the subset of this class without a cohort term, namely on age/period (AP) models, and examined their identifiability issues.
We found that, for AP models, there are a number of “invariant transformations” which change the parameters but not the fitted mortality rates. The existence of these transformations leads to identifiability issues, meaning that there are certain features of the parameters in a model which are not defined by the data. Instead, they are only determined by the arbitrary identifiability constraints we impose and therefore have no independent meaning. Consequently, we must be careful to ensure that our results from using mortality models do not depend upon these features of the parameters. These issues with identifiability can lead to models which lack robustness when fitted to data, cause us to draw faulty and erroneous conclusions when analysing the historical data and bias our projected mortality rates in future. We also found that, unless we choose our projection methods carefully, our projections of mortality can depend upon the arbitrary choice of identifiability constraint. This should be avoided, so we discussed how to choose projection methods which give “well-identified” projections of mortality rates.
The addition of a set of cohort parameters to a mortality model can generate additional identifiability issues which are fundamentally unlike anything present in otherwise similar AP models. These are caused by the collinearity between age, period and cohort. In the context of the APC mortality models discussed in this study, we find that certain deterministic trends found within the fitted parameters are unidentifiable by the models and therefore do not possess any meaning other than that imposed by our arbitrary identifiability constraints. This, in turn, means that it is both more important and more difficult to ensure that projections from these models are well identified, as we must separate these unidentified trends (which depend entirely upon the identifiability constraints) from the variation around the trends, which is meaningful and needs to be projected consistently with what has been observed in the past. Thus, although the present study extends the work of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), it is necessary to view the underlying identifiability issues in a fundamentally different way and, consequently, develop a new set of tools to solve them.
In this paper, we study the identifiability issues present in some of the simplest APC models in order to demonstrate the problems in action and their potential resolution. In these simple cases, the identifiability issues can appear trivial, and their impact on our analysis of historical and projected mortality rates is relatively minor. However, we believe that it is vital to fully understand these issues in the context of simple models, since they become considerably more important in more complicated models. Indeed, recognising these issues and solving them were vital to the development of the “general procedure” for constructing APC mortality models, described in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014), and appropriately projecting such models, as we discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020a), Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2018) and Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2015).
The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews the structure of general APC mortality models described in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c). Section 3 introduces the concept of identifiability in the context of the simplest and most widely used APC model and develops our understanding of how cohort effects create fundamentally new identification issues in this model compared with the simpler AP model. Section 4 generalises this by examining the issue of identifiability in more general APC models with parametric age functions. Section 5 investigates the consequences of identification for projection, first by looking at the model discussed in section 3 and then in a more general case. Finally, section 6 concludes.
2. Structure of APC Models
An APC mortality model is one which assumes that mortality rates can be modelled as a series of terms involving functions of age, x, period, t, and year of birth, $y = t-x$ Footnote 1. This can be written as
$\eta_{x,t}$ is a link function to transform the response variable into a form suitable for modelling and linking it to the proposed predictor structure;
$\alpha_x$ is a static function of ageFootnote 2;
$\kappa^{(i)}_t$ are period functions governing the evolution of mortality with time;
$\beta^{(i)}_x$ are age functions modulating the impact of the period function dynamics over the age range; and
$\gamma_y$ is a cohort function describing mortality effects which depend upon a cohort’s year of birth and follow that cohort through life as as it ages.
We also note that the general APC mortality model in equation (1) can be rewritten as
This form is useful when projecting these models, as discussed in section 5.
The general structure of APC models was discussed in detail in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c). In particular, we found that APC mortality models have different demographic significanceFootnote 3 depending on whether the age functions $\beta^{(i)}_x$ are non-parametricFootnote 4 or parametricFootnote 5.
In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we used linear algebra to analyse the structure of AP mortality models as mappings from a space of parameters to a model space and found that in order for these mapping to be unique, the spaces had to have the same dimension. In addition, AP models can be subdivided into those with parametric age functions and those where the age functions are non-parametric. While the two families have similar identifiability issues, these needed to be solved using different methods in order to preserve the demographic significance of the parametric age functionsFootnote 6. It is important to note that AP mortality models are nested within the class of APC models, and therefore, all of the issues raised in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b) are still applicable for APC mortality models.
APC models have additional identifiability issues which are fundamentally different from anything present in otherwise similar AP models, hence alternative methods are necessary to analyse them. They are caused by the collinearity between the dimensions of age, period and cohort, because period = year of birth + age. This gives us the freedom to rewrite functions of cohort as functions of age and period, or vice versa. The additional identifiability issues generated by the cohort term depend fundamentally on the definition of the age functions within the model and so are specific to the model in question. We find that APC models with non-parametric age functions do not have any extra identifiability issues beyond those discussed for AP models in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), as shown in Appendix A. Models with certain types of parametric age functions require additional identification as discussed in section 4.
In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), we also found that difficulties with estimating and assigning demographic significance to the cohort parameters mean that, in practice, most models use only one cohort term (without any modulating age function) and do not involve any age/cohort interactions for reasons of both simplicity and robustness. We follow the same approach in this paper and so do not consider models such as that proposed in Renshaw and Haberman (Reference Renshaw and Haberman2006) or Model M8 in Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009).
3. Identifiability in the Classic APC Model
The simplest APC model (referred to here as the “classic APC model”) has a long history and is widely used in the fields of medicine, epidemiology and sociology as well as in demography and actuarial scienceFootnote 7. It has the following form:
It can be seen that the classic APC model has one AP term with $f(x) = 1$ , which is parametric in the sense defined in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c).
A model is fully identified when all the parameters in it can be uniquely determined by reference to the available data. In contrast, the classic APC model (as with most APC models) is not fully identified, because there exist different sets of parameters which will give the same fitted mortality rates and consequently the same goodness of fit for any data set. This phenomenon is not unique to APC mortality models. However, it is very widespread in such models and has significant implications when we come to make projections using them.
The issue of identifiability in the classic APC model also has a very long historyFootnote 8. It is, therefore, a good starting point to determine whether the issues raised in identifying the parameters in equation (3) can be generalised to the more complex APC models used in mortality modelling. We can see that this model is not fully identified, since if we use the transformations in equations (4), (5) and (6) to obtain new sets of parameters, we do not change the fitted mortality rates and hence the fit to the data
where a bar denotes the arithmetic mean of the variable over the relevant data rangeFootnote 9. We call such transformations “invariant” for this reason. The existence of invariant transformations means that the model possesses identifiability issues, because no one set of parameters is determined uniquely from the data.
The transformation in equation (6) is fundamentally unlike any of the transformations present in AP models discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), since it involves functions of age, period and year of birth rather than constants. It is a consequence of the collinearity between these dimensions, $y = t-x$ , which enables us to decompose a linear function of year of birth into linear functions of age and period, and vice versa. This transformation generalises for many, more complex APC models with parametric AP terms, as we discussed in section 4.
We say that linear trends in the data are “unidentifiable” by the model, that is, they cannot be uniquely apportioned to either age, period or year of birth (as was discussed in Wilmoth (Reference Wilmoth1990)). The linear trends observed in the parameters of the classic APC model therefore have no independent meaning, as different sets of parameters, with different linear trends will give exactly the same observable quantities such as fitted mortality rates.
The existence of unidentifiable linear trends in the classic APC model is of practical as well as theoretical importance. This is because we often see features of the (transformed) mortality rates which are approximately linear in age and time. For instance, the shape of the age function, $\alpha_x$ , is approximately linear across much of the age rangeFootnote 10, whilst $\kappa_t$ is often approximately linearFootnote 11. The structure of the model means that we are fundamentally unable to separate these linear trends from a linear trend in the cohort parameters.
Because different sets of parameters give the same fit to the data, we cannot use the data to apportion the linear trend to either the age, period or cohort terms. One method of solving this issue is to move to a “maximally invariant” set of parameters, as discussed in Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008a) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014), which involves reparameterising the model in an equivalent form with reduced dimensionality, which avoids the identifiability issues. This approach is discussed in Appendix C.
An alternative and much more common approach is to impose additional identifiability constraints on the parameters in order to specify them uniquelyFootnote 12. These constraints manually apportion the linear trend between the different terms in the model. Imposing suitable constraints on the model involves the selection of a single set of parameters from the family of equivalent parameter sets, all of which give identical fitted mortality rates. In this sense, the manual apportionment is arbitrary – it does not depend upon any observable property of the data but is a product of the model user’s subjective interpretation of the demographic significance of the parameters.
For example, one set of identifiability constraints is $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\sum_y n_y \gamma_y = 0$ and $\sum_y n_y \gamma_y (y-\bar{y}) = 0$ Footnote 13. These identifiability constraints allow us to impose our interpretation of the demographic significance of the parameters onto the model. For example, the first two of the constraints above mean that $\alpha_x$ can be interpreted as an “average” level of mortality at age x, over the period, with $\kappa_t$ and $\gamma_y$ representing deviations from this average level. The third constraint requires that there are no deterministic linear trends within the fitted cohort parameters, since any linear trend in these parameters will be arbitrarily assigned to the age and period effects by using the transformation in equation (6). This is in line with the demographic significance we assign to the cohort parameters in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c).
However, it is important to note that these additional identifiability constraints are arbitrary. For instance, the constraints $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\sum_y \gamma_y = 0$ and $\sum_y \gamma_y (y-\bar{y}) = 0$ (used later in section 5.2) could also be imposed and would give different estimated parameters with exactly the same fit to data and have the same demographic significance. Further, the choice of having no linear trend in the cohort parameters does not have any independent meaning, since it is entirely dependent upon the identifiability constraints chosen. While these constraints might allow us to interpret the demographic significance of the parameters, this interpretation nevertheless depends entirely on the user’s judgement rather than on the underlying data. For instance, a different choice of identifiability constraints could be used to impose that the period parameters, $\kappa_t$ , had no linear trend, which would give the parameters a different demographic significance but leave the fitted mortality rates unchanged. We must, therefore, take care to ensure that our projections of observable quantities such as mortality rates do not depend on our arbitrary identification scheme, as discussed in section 5.
4. Identifiability in APC Models With Parametric Age Functions
Many of the more complex APC mortality models being proposed contain cohort parameters in the same form as in the classic APC model (i.e. without an age modulating $\beta^{(0)}_x$ function). Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009) and Haberman and Renshaw (Reference Haberman and Renshaw2011) found that models with a cohort term fit the data better than otherwise similar AP models, especially for the UK population, where a strong cohort effect has been observed by Willets (Reference Willets1999, Reference Willets2004) and others. It is therefore natural to ask whether the additional issues with identifiability present in the classic APC model are also present in these more complex models.
In Appendix A, we show that APC models with non-parametric age functions do not possess any additional, non-trivial identification issues beyond those found in similar AP models discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b). We have already seen, however, that in the simplest case of the classic APC model, the additional structure in the model caused by having a parametric age function combined with the collinearity of age, period and cohort can yield new identification issues.
For a general model with parametric age functions
we can try to generalise equation (6) to look for invariant transformations of the form
where a(x), $k^{(i)}(t)$ and g(y) are smooth functionsFootnote 14. Because the formulae used for the age functions define the model being used, in the sense of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), we desire that they do not change under the invariant transformations, i.e., $\hat{f}^{(i)}(x) = f^{(i)}(x)$ . Transformations which changed the age functions in the model would give a fundamentally different model, albeit one which gave the same fit to the data. In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we called different models, with different definitions of the age functions, that gave identical fits to the data “equivalent models”.
In order for the transformation in equation (8) to leave equation (7) unchanged, we require
If this is true, we say that the deterministic trends $k^{(i)}(t)$ and g(y) are “unidentifiable”, since the model is unable to apportion them between the AP and cohort terms, in the same way as with the unidentifiable linear trends in the classic APC model. Instead, we must manually apportion these trends by means of additional identifiability constraints. These deterministic trends in the fitted parameters, therefore, lack any objective meaning, since they are entirely dependent on the choice of identifiability constraints. Nevertheless, they must be allowed for when projecting the APC mortality model, as discussed in section 5, even if they appear to be comparatively small.
The first thing to note from equation (8) is the trivial case where equation (9) holds, i.e., $g(y) = a(x) = b$ , a constant, and $k^{(i)}(t) = 0, \; \forall t$ . This is simply a transformation of the form in equation (5). It does not involve any AP terms and so holds for all APC models, including those with non-parametric age functions.
To find less trivial transformations, we take a Taylor expansion of g(y) around $-x$ , assuming that it is an infinitely differentiable function of year of birth
Comparing this to equation (9), we can set $a(x) = g(\!-x)$ and $k^{(j)}(t) = \frac{1}{j!} t^{\,j}$ if $f^{(j)}(x)= \left.\frac{d^{\,j}g}{dy^{\,j}}\right|_{y=-x}$ , i.e., the derivatives of g are a subset of the age functions of the model. Models of the form in equation (7) have a finite number, N, of AP terms, and therefore, we require that g(y) has a finite series of derivatives. There are two cases when g will have a finite sequence of derivatives, either
1. the derivatives terminate after $M \leq N$ terms say or
2. the form of the derivatives is cyclical so that $\left.\frac{d^{j+M}g}{dy^{j+M}}\right|_{y=-x} = K \left.\frac{d^{\,j}g}{dy^{\,j}}\right|_{y=-x}$ for some integer $M \leq N$ and constant K.
4.1 Polynomial age functions
For the Taylor series to terminate in a finite number of terms, we require that $\frac{d^{\,j}g}{gy^{\,j}} = 0, \; \forall j > M$ and therefore that g(y) must be a polynomial in y of order M.
Theorem 1. APC mortality models of the form in equation (1) and age functions spanning the polynomials to order $M-1$ possess invariant transformations which add a polynomial of order M to the cohort function.
Sketch of Proof. Take g(y), a general polynomial of order M, and expand as a function of x and t. This can then be regrouped into an equivalent form that corresponds to the AP terms in the model, in order to see how g(y) can be absorbed into the AP structure
If there are age functions in the model of the form $f^{(j)}(x) = x^j$ of $j = 0, 1, \ldots M-1$ , the expression above corresponds to equation (9) with $a(x) = \sum_{n\,=\,0}^M a_n (\!-x)^n$ and $k^{(j)}(t) = (\!-1)^j \sum_{n\,=\,j\,+\,1}^{M} a_n {\left(\begin{array}{c} n\\[3pt] j \end{array}\right)} t^{n-j}$ . More generally, we only require that the age functions span the first $M-1$ polynomials, because these are equivalent to a model with $f^{(j)}(x) = x^j$ such as that in the derivation above.
We can think of the transformation as expanding the polynomial g(y) into terms in x and t, grouping these and then combining them with the appropriate AP terms. A model with age functions spanning the first $M-1$ polynomials therefore has an additional $M+1$ degrees of freedom (represented by the coefficients, $a_n$ , of the general polynomial) which do not affect the fit to the data. This is similar to the analysis in Wilmoth (Reference Wilmoth1990), which argues that higher order polynomial trends in the cohort parameters will cause identifiability problems in a mortality model if sufficient AP terms of suitable form exist within the model. These additional degrees of freedom mean that we need to impose an additional $M+1$ identifiability constraints, which assign the $M+1$ unidentifiable polynomial trends between the different AP and cohort terms in the model.
The simplest example of this is the transformation of the classic APC model described in section3. This has a single parametric age function $f(x) = 1$ which spans the polynomials to order 0. The model will then allow first-order polynomials (i.e. linear terms) to be added to the cohort parameters with offsets made to the static life function and the period term without changing the fitted mortality rates. These are exactly the invariant transformations described in equations (5) and (6). Consequently, we impose two additional identifiability constraints for the cohort parameters in the model to identify their level and linear trend.
4.1.1 The Plat models
In Plat (Reference Plat2009), two new APC mortality models were introduced. These can be writtenFootnote 15
The second of these models was introduced as a simplification of the first, with the expectation that it would be more suitable for modelling mortality at high ages. We call the model in equation (11) the “Plat model” and the model in equation (12) the “reduced Plat model” for this reasonFootnote 16.
The first point to note is that both the Plat and reduced Plat models nest the classic APC model, and therefore the invariant transformations in equations (4), (5) and (6) are also applicable for both models.
The second point to note is that these models also nest simple AP mortality modelsFootnote 17, and therefore the results of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b) are still applicable. This means that the “locations” of the period functions are undefined and need to be identified by imposing a constraint on their levels. Usually, this is of the form
These invariant transformations were noted by Plat (Reference Plat2009) and used to impose suitable identifiability constraints.
However, the third point to note is that both of these models have age functions $f^{(1)}(x) = 1$ and $f^{(2)}(x) = (x-\bar{x})$ which span the polynomials to linear order. Using the result of Theorem 1, we should be able to find a transformation of the parameters which adds a quadratic polynomial in y to the cohort parameters but leaves the fitted mortality rates unchanged. Indeed, we find that the transformation
leaves the fitted mortality rates unchanged for both the Plat and reduced Plat models. We say that these models have unidentifiable quadratic trends, which have to be manually allocated between the different parameters via identifiability constraints.
Hence, we require three identifiability constraints on the cohort parameters in the Plat and reduced Plat models, i.e., to apportion the level, linear trend and quadratic trend between the different AP and cohort terms, plus identifiability constraints on the levels of the period functions. This means that for full identification of the models, we require an additional identifiability constraint to those discussed in Plat (Reference Plat2009).
If the model user fails to allocate the quadratic trend between the different terms via an additional identifiability constraint, then the fitting algorithm will make an apportionment in order to achieve convergence. However, this apportionment will not be based on any particular desired demographic significance and will depend on the specific details of fitting algorithm, such as the starting parameter values used. To illustrate, instead of removing quadratic trends from the cohort parameters and apportioning them to the AP terms, the fitting algorithm may split any quadratic trends between the cohort parameters and the AP terms, giving values of $\gamma_y$ with an apparent quadratic trend in y. Not only is this contrary to our desired demographic significance, it can make comparing parameters across data sets difficult due to the presence or absence of quadratic trends which do not depend on the data.
In addition, a failure to fully identify the model can lead to inefficient fitting algorithms, which take a long time to converge to a solution, as discussed in Hunt and Villegas (Reference Hunt and Villegas2015). Furthermore, they can also give parameter estimates which are not robust to small changes in the data (e.g. an additional year of data), since such changes can cause the fitting algorithm to abruptly change the allocation of the unidentifiable trends. For these reasons, it is very important to ensure that the APC mortality models we use are fully identified by imposing sufficient identifiability constraints to uniquely estimate all the parameters in the model.
Following the same approach as used for the classic APC model, we might choose to impose the constraints in section 3 and extend these to impose $\sum_y n_y (y-\bar{y})^2 \gamma_y = 0$ to remove quadratic trends in the cohort parameters and allocate them to the AP terms. However, as with the classic APC model, this choice is arbitrary and a different choice of constraints will make no difference to the fitted mortality rates, only to the interpretation we give to the parameters.
In section 3, we saw that the lack of identifiability of the linear trends in the model, due to the transformation in equation (6), was of practical as well as theoretical importance because linear trends were often observed in both the age and period terms. Similarly, the transformation in equation (13) is of practical importance when fitting the Plat model, because we usually see some curvature in $\alpha_x$ at high ages and also systematic departures from the linearity of the period functionsFootnote 18. These quadratic trends will, therefore, not be distinguishable from a quadratic trend in the cohort parameters in the Plat model. However, because the observed magnitude of such trends is typically smaller than the linear trends observed in the AP terms, failure to fully identify the quadratic trend in the data will typically have a lower, though still important, impact than a failure to identify the linear trend.
It is worth noting that the transformation in equation (13) does not treat the different period functions equally, i.e., a term which is quadratic in t is added to $\kappa^{(1)}_t$ , a term linear in t is added to $\kappa^{(2)}_t$ , whilst $\kappa^{(3)}_t$ is unchanged by the invariant transformation for the Plat model. However, this is true only for the particular definition of the age functions shown. To illustrate, instead of the Plat model in equation (11), we could instead have chosen an equivalent model of the form
Such a model will trivially give the same fitted mortality rates as that in equation (11) and has the same number of parameters and so will have the same number of identifiability issues. However, the transformation corresponding to equation (13) for this model will now add terms linear in t to both $\kappa^{(2)}_t$ and $\kappa^{(3)}_t$ . Specifically, for this model, we have the invariant transformation
in contrast to the transformation in equation (13). Specifically, we note that whilst the transformation in equation (13) did not involve $\kappa^{(3)}_t$ , the transformation in equation (15) does. The invariant transformations of the model are therefore specific to the age functions present and may be different in different models, even if those models give an equivalent fit to data.
4.2 Exponential and trigonometric age functions
The other case where equation (10) potentially yields invariant transformations of the parameters occurs when the derivatives of g(y) are cyclical with period $M \leq N$ .
Theorem 2. APC mortality models of the form in equation (1) with exponential or trigonometric age functions possess invariant transformations which add similar exponential or trigonometric functions to the cohort parameters.
Sketch of Proof. In order for the derivatives of g(y) to be cyclical with period M, we require
for some non-zero constant K. Substituting this into equation (10) and comparing with equation (9) give
This is of the form of equation (9) if we set $k(t) = \sum_{k\,=\,1}^\infty \frac{1}{(j+kM)!}t^{j+kM}$ and have M age functions $f^{(j)}(x) = \left.\frac{d^{\,j}g}{dy^{\,j}}\right|_{y=-x}$ present in the model. It is interesting to note, therefore, that transformations of this form do not involve the static age function, as there is no term in the Taylor expansion of $g(t-x)$ corresponding to a(x)Footnote 19.
Equation (16) has solutions of the form
where $\Re[z]$ is the real part of the expression z, and the $k_i$ are the M roots of the equation $k_i^M = K$ . In general, these roots will be complex, and therefore, g(y) will be exponential, trigonometric or a combination of the two. In addition
and so the age functions present in the model will also be exponential or trigonometric.
Exponential AP terms can be included in models constructed using the “general procedure” of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014), where they are typically used to explain infant mortality. As an example, consider a model of the form
This is an extension of the “exponential” model of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), with an additional cohort term. We typically require $\lambda > 0 $ to give the age function the demographic significance of governing rates of mortality at low ages. This model will allow the parameters to be transformed using
This means that exponential trends in time within the (transformed) data are not uniquely identifiable as either AP or cohort effectsFootnote 20. This transformation gives us an extra degree of freedom in the model which could be used to impose an additional identifiability constraint.
In this case, however, the imposition of an identifiability constraint will be of little practical importance. In section 3, we said that in order to be practically important, the unidentifiable deterministic trends must be present in both the age and period dimensions of the transformed data. Exponential trends in the model parameters will typically correspond to super-exponential growth or decline in the observed mortality rates if either $\eta_{x,t} = \ln\!(\mu_{x,t})$ or $\eta_{x,t} = \text{logit}(q_{x,t})$ . Super-exponential growth in mortality rates is not typically observed. We therefore do not experience problems when fitting the model to data as a result of any failure to be able to assign uniquely such a trend to the either AP or the cohort terms.
As another example, consider a model with trigonometric age functions of the form
For this model, we can transform the parameters using
This means that periodic patterns are not uniquely identifiable as either AP or cohort effectsFootnote 21.
As with the exponential functions, the presence of unidentifiable trigonometric trends in the model will be of little practical importance. Whilst the (transformed) data often exhibit periodic behaviour in the cohort and period effects, it is rare to see periodic behaviour across agesFootnote 22. Again, we do not have the unidentifiable deterministic trends for the model in both the age and period dimensions and consequently do not experience practical difficulties when fitting the model to data as a result of any failure to be able to assign uniquely such trends to the either AP or the cohort terms.
4.3 Other age functions
Other parametric age functions do not admit any additional invariant transformations involving the cohort parameters, except in the case where they are actually redefined polynomials, exponentials or trigonometric functions. For instance, the third AP term in the Plat model did not generate any extra interactions with the cohort parameters, beyond those of the reduced Plat model. This simplifies the identifiability issues of more complex mortality models with different types of age functions, such as those produced by the “general procedure” of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014), compared with what would otherwise be necessary, were, for instance, only polynomial age functions to be used.
4.4 Summary
In summary, issues with the identifiability of APC models relate to functions of year of birth which can be decomposed into purely AP terms. However, this is only true in models where the age functions take specific parametric forms – namely, polynomial, exponential and trigonometric functions. In such models, certain deterministic trends cannot be uniquely allocated between the AP and cohort terms in the model and so require the imposition of arbitrary identifiability constraints in order to uniquely specify the modelFootnote 23. This is summarised in the flow chart in Figure 1.
5. Projection
In the preceding sections, we have seen that APC mortality models are not fully identified and that we can impose arbitrary identifiability constraints on the parameters in order to fit them to the historical data. Two different modellers using the same data and the same model but different arbitrary identification constraints will obtain different sets of parameters, but these will give identical fitted mortality rates and, therefore, fit to the data.
For the majority of practical purposes, we not only need to fit a mortality model to historical data but also to use it to project mortality rates into the future. In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we found that we needed to be careful when doing so in AP mortality models in order to ensure that the projected mortality rates will not depend on the arbitrary identifiability constraints imposed when fitting the models to data. The same is true to a greater extent in APC mortality models. However, the addition of a set of cohort parameters and the presence of unidentifiable deterministic trends complicate this analysis significantly.
The most obvious change when moving from an AP to an otherwise similar APC mortality model is the presence of a set of cohort parameters which will also need to be projected into the future. The period and cohort parameters in the APC model are conceptually different and need to be treated separately when making projections. This is because cohort effects have very different demographic significance from the period effects and are treated separately when fitting the model. It is therefore common practice to project the period and cohort parameters independently.
Some authors (e.g. Haberman and Renshaw (Reference Haberman and Renshaw2011)) disagree with this approach, arguing that it may only be appropriate to do this when the cohort parameters are estimated using the residuals from the fitted primary AP structure. This means that the cohort structure fitted by the model is independent of the AP structure by construction. However, such fitting techniques will not give parameter estimates which maximise the fit to data and can lead to hierarchical issues (because the cohort parameters are only estimated conditional on the previously fitted estimates of the AP structure rather than being comensurate with them). We, therefore, have a clear preference for model fitting techniques where all parameters are estimated together in order to generate the best fit to the historical dataFootnote 24.
More generally, it is conceivable that events such as influenza pandemics will cause both an immediate rise in mortality and also lifelong health effects in infants born during the pandemic due to selection effects, leading to correlations between extreme period and cohort effects. However, it is difficult to analyse any dependence structure between the cohort and period parameters as the cohort parameters will be observed over a longer time period, but potentially at a lag of some decades. While it is possible that some extreme mortality events may generate distinctive effects in both the period and cohort parameters, the evidence supporting this conjecture is currently ambiguous (for instance, see Murphy (Reference Murphy2009)) and will not generally be relevant for more typical period and cohort effects. An assumption of independence is, therefore, both practical and parsimonious.
In order to make projections of future mortality rates, we typically model the period and cohort parameters as being generated by independent time series processes and use these to project the parameters stochastically into the future. However, the precise form of the time series processes generating the parameters is unknown. Therefore, we analyse the fitted parameters by statistical methods, such as the Box–Jenkins procedure, to determine which processes from the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) family provide the best fit.
Nevertheless, when it comes to projecting mortality rates, we need to recognise that there is a fundamental symmetry between the processes of estimating a model and projecting it: the former takes observations to calibrate the model, whilst the latter uses this calibration to produce projected observations of the future. Due to this symmetry, identification issues which exist when fitting the model may also yield problems when projecting it. When estimating the model, these identifiability issues were solved by imposing arbitrary identifiability constraints on the parameters. However, any time series structure that we find in the parameters needs to be independent of the arbitrary identification scheme used when fitting the model to historical data.
We formalise this by saying that:
Two sets of model parameters, which give identical fitted mortality rates for the past, should give identical projected mortality rates when projected into the future.
We say that time series processes which satisfy this property are “well-identified”.
In particular, the invariant transformations of the parameters of the model which leave the fitted mortality rates unchanged should also leave the projected mortality rates unchanged and, hence, the time series processes used to generate the projected mortality rates unchanged. Consequently, we should use the same time series processes for all sets of parameters from a model which give the same fitted mortality rates. If this is not the case, different processes will be used for different arbitrary identifiability constraints, giving different projected mortality rates. A well-identified time series process should be equally appropriate for all equivalent sets of parameters. To confirm this, we need to check that applying the invariant transformations to the parameters, which leave the fitted mortality rates unchanged, does not also affect the time series processes used to project the parameters.
Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b) discussed how the identification issues in the class of AP models meant that methods for projecting the period parameters from these models into the future needed to be chosen with care in order to ensure they are well identified. In general, we argued that we should choose to project the model using multivariate methods which are as unstructured as possible, i.e., we should not impose features such as independence, levels of mean reversion or different orders of integration on the time series a priori but allow these to emerge during the fitting process. However, we also saw that, in models with parametric age functions, the AP terms were no longer interchangeable once we defined their forms in the model. This allowed us to prioritise biological reasonablenessFootnote 25 over using the same processes for equivalent models, i.e., models giving the same fitted mortality rates with different definitions of the age functions.
Current practice is to
1. fit the chosen model to data, imposing any arbitrary identifiability constraints needed in order to specify the parameters uniquely;
2. select time series processes for projecting the parameters based on either using a statistical method (such as the Box–Jenkins procedure to select the preferred processes from the ARIMA class of models) or by directly choosing the time series processes to ensure biologically reasonable projections by making an appeal to the demographic significance of the parameters.
However, such an approach often leads to projections of mortality rates which are not well identified. This is because the second step assumes that the parameters found at the first step are known, rather than merely estimated up to an arbitrary identifiability constraint. This means that current practice builds the arbitrary identifiability constraint into the projection process, ensuring that the projected mortality rates are also arbitrary.
To avoid this, we propose to work backwards from our desire for projections which are biologically reasonable and well identified to determine the time series processes we need to use to achieve these aims. Before fitting the model, we need to conduct a thorough analysis of the identifiability issues in the chosen model, using the principles established in section 4, to determine which features of the parameters are set by the data and which are set by the arbitrary identifiability constraints. Then, suitable time series processes should be selected to model only the former, identifiable features of the parameters, while still allowing for the unidentifiable trends in a way that guarantees that they do not affect the projection of future mortality rates. By following this procedure, we can ensure that the time series processes are well identified and that the projected mortality rates do not depend on the arbitrary choices we make when fitting the model.
In this section, we will first look at the broad set of criteria needed for well-identified projection methods in general APC mortality models in section 5.1. Section 5.2 looks in more detail at why current practice can lead to projections which are not well identified and depend on the arbitrary identifiability constraints chosen in the context of the classic APC model from section 3. We then revisit the general case of an APC mortality model in section 5.3, in order to determine general rules for choosing time series processes which are well identified. These are then applied in the context of the classic APC model again in section 5.4, and it is demonstrated that projected mortality rates are genuinely independent of the choice of arbitrary identifiability constraint. Section 5.5 then applies the general rules in the context of the Plat model from Plat (Reference Plat2009) and section 4.1.1 to see how they work in the context of more sophisticated mortality models with more complex identifiability issues.
5.1 Projecting general APC models
Consider the case of projecting an APC mortality model, which has been fitted using data over the period [1, T] to give mortality rates at time $\tau > T$ . From equation (2), we could write this as
If the model has identifiability issues, then the projected mortality rates should be unchanged under exactly the same invariant transformations as the fitted mortality rates were, i.e., if we have an invariant transformation of the form of equation (8), namely
where a(x), $k^{(i)}(t)$ and g(y) satisfy equation (9), in which case
The projected $\boldsymbol{\kappa}_\tau$ (and potentially the $\gamma_{\tau-x}$ ) will be random variables, whose distribution is a function of the historical, fitted values, i.e., $\boldsymbol{\kappa}_\tau = P_\kappa(\tau;\,\{\boldsymbol{\kappa}\})$ and $\gamma_{y} = P_\gamma (y;\,\{ \gamma \})$ . We said previously that we should use the same method of projection for all sets of parameters as a first step to ensure that the projected mortality rates do not depend upon the identifiability constraints. However, for different identifiability constraints, these processes will be estimated from different sets of fitted parameters, e.g., if we use $P_\kappa(\tau;\,\{\boldsymbol{\kappa}\})$ to project the untransformed period parameters, we must use $P_\kappa(\tau;\,\{\boldsymbol{\hat{\kappa}}\})$ to project the transformed period parameters. If we combine this with the invariance of the projected mortality rates, we have
Using equation (9), we can eliminate a(x)
In order for this to hold for all $\tau$ and x requires
This means that we should obtain the same results if we project the transformed parameters as if we transform the projected parameters, i.e., the processes of projection and transformation are commutative. Consequently, we see that, in order for a projection method to be well identified under the invariant transformation, it needs to preserve the unidentifiable trends in the model, i.e., $P_\kappa$ must preserve the trends ${\textbf{\textit{k}}}(t)$ , and $P_\gamma$ must preserve the trend g(y). This also means that it does not matter in which order we perform the processes of projection and transformation, the distribution of the transformed parameters projected into the future will be identical to the distribution of the projected parameters which are then transformed.
In addition, since
we note that the uncertainty of the parameters around the trend at any point in time is identifiable and so does have a meaning independent of the identifiability constraints imposed. Therefore, we conclude that, while the deterministic trends may be unidentifiable and not meaningful, the variation around the trend is of genuine significance, since it is independent of the identifiability constraints. Therefore, this variation needs to be projected consistent with our demographic significance for the parameters and what has been observed in the historical data.
However, the time series processes selected via current practice often do not preserve the unidentifiable trends in the period and cohort parameters, as we shall now see using the classic APC model.
5.2 Projecting the classic APC model
It has long been known, at least since Osmond (Reference Osmond1985), that the lack of identifiability in the classic APC model has important consequences when making projections from the model. Different sets of arbitrary identifiability constraints are based on different allocations of the linear trends in the data between the age, period and cohort parameters. The outcome of current practice can therefore be influenced by the presence or absence of a linear trend in the fitted parameters, despite this being purely dependent upon the identifiability constraints chosen.
To illustrate this, we consider projecting the classic APC model fitted using four different sets of identifiability constraints. The fitted mortality rates given using these four sets of constraints are identical; however, the time series processes found by current practice differ which means that current practice would give different projected mortality rates in the four different cases. Consequently, these time series processes are not well identified.
We start by fitting the classic APC model to mortality data for the USA from Human Mortality Database (2014) for ages 50 to 100 and year 1950 to 2010. As discussed in section 3, a number of equally valid identifiability constraints can be imposed on this model, which give identical fitted mortality rates. We consider the following four sets of identifiability constraints:
Case 1: $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\sum_y n_y \gamma_y = \sum_{x,t} \gamma_{t\,-\,x} = 0$ and $\sum_y n_y \gamma_y (y-\bar{y}) = \sum_{x,t} \gamma_{t\,-\,x} ((t-\bar{t})-(x-\bar{x})) = 0$ . This was discussed in section 3 and restricts the cohort parameters to be zero on average and without any linear trends, consistent with our desired demographic significance for the cohort parameters.
Case 2: $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\sum_y \gamma_y = 0$ and $\sum_y \gamma_y (y-\bar{y}) = 0$ . These constraints impose the same demographic interpretation on the parameters, except that the averages are not weighted by the number of observations of each cohort.
Case 3: $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\sum_{x,t} \gamma_{t\,-\,x} = 0$ and $\sum_{x,t} \gamma_{t\,-\,x} (x-\bar{x}) = 0$ . This set of constraints is the same as imposed on the classic APC model in Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009), where it was written as imposing $\sum_x (\alpha_x - \frac{1}{T} \sum_t \eta_{x,t} )(x-\bar{x}) = 0$ , i.e., that the static age function, $\alpha_x$ , explains all the linearity across ages in the data.
Case 4: $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\sum_{x,t} \gamma_{t\,-\,x} = 0$ and $\sum_{x,t} \gamma_{t\,-\,x} (t-\bar{t}) = 0$ . Similar to Case 3, this set of constraints imposes that the period function, $\kappa_t$ , accounts for all of the linearity across years in the data.
The first thing to note is that all of these constraints were developed to give the cohort parameters the same demographic significance, i.e., that they should be centred on zero and the other functions in the model should capture any linear trends. Because of this, the fitted parameters in each case are very similar. However, they are not identical, unlike the fitted mortality rates. We therefore see that demographic significance, whilst helpful in selecting an appropriate set of identifiability constraints, does not specify a unique set of constraints to use. Model users with the same interpretation of the parameters can reasonably choose to impose different constraints and obtain different fitted parameters when using the same model with the same data. The fact that demographic significance is subjective and, in practice, different model users adopt a range of interpretations for the different parameters highlights the fact that we must take care to ensure that any conclusions regarding projected mortality rates are independent of the arbitrary choice of constraints made when fitting the model, and underscores the extent to which the identifiability constraints we choose is arbitrary.
Current practice is to take the fitted parameters and then determine which time series processes to use to project them. This may involve performing a Box–Jenkins analysis on the fitted parameters, as was done in Lee and Carter (Reference Lee and Carter1992) and Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein and Khalaf-Allah2011). Alternatively, current practice may appeal to the demographic significance assigned to the parameters, as in Plat (Reference Plat2009). Such an appeal might determine that the period function is non-stationary (as it is primarily responsible for the evolution of mortality) and, based on the discussion in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), that the cohort parameters are stationary around zero. It might therefore appear reasonable to chooseFootnote 26 to use a random walk with drift process for $\kappa_t$ and an AR(1) (first order autoregressive) process for $\gamma_y$
Table 1 shows the fitted parameters for the four cases above using these time series processes.
For $\tau-x > 1950$ Footnote 27, we find
We can therefore see that, inserting the fitted time series parameters from Table 1 for the four different cases, we do not find the same expected values for the future mortality ratesFootnote 28. This is shown in Figure 2. In addition, the variability of the projected parameters depends on $\sigma_\kappa$ , $\rho$ and $\sigma_\gamma$ . However, $\rho$ and $\sigma_\gamma$ differ between cases, meaning that the variability of projected mortality rates will also be different for the different cases. These differences in the distribution of projected mortality rates might be felt to be relatively small, although they will grow with projection time. However, the most important point is that the differences should not exist at all – the fitted mortality rates for the different cases were identical and so should be the distribution of the projected mortality rates. We therefore see that the time series processes used above to project the classic APC model are not well identified.
5.3 Projecting general APC mortality models: revisited
From section 5.1, we note that we must use the same time series processes to project sets of parameters which give identical fitted mortality rates, i.e., if $P_\gamma (y;\,\{\gamma\})$ is a suitable process (with time series parameters estimated from the fitted cohort parameters, $\{\gamma_y\}$ ), then $P_\gamma (y;\,\{\hat{\gamma}\})$ is a suitable process, albeit with time series parameters estimated from the transformed cohort parameters, $\{\hat{\gamma}_y = \gamma_y + g(y)\}$ .
In practice, we usually describe our projection methods in terms of time series processes rather than projection functions. However, the two are equivalent, since the projection function is found by “solving” the difference equation form of the time series. For instance, the AR(1) process has the difference equation form in equation (24) but has solution
where Y is the last year of birth for which we fitted the cohort parameters.
The general form of ARIMA difference equations for $\gamma_y$ can be written asFootnote 29
where L is the lag operator, d is the order of integration of the process, $\Phi$ and $\Psi$ are polynomials of order p and q governing the autoregressive and moving average parts of the process, respectivelyFootnote 30, $\varepsilon_y$ are the innovations and $\Gamma(y)$ is a deterministic function of year of birth. Taking unconditional expectations (i.e. with no conditioning on previous lags of the process), we see that
and that the function $\Gamma(y)$ represents the trend around which the cohort parameters vary.
The invariant transformation of the model in equation (9) adds a deterministic function – the unidentifiable trend g(y) – to the cohort parameters. However, this deterministic function must not change the error term, $\varepsilon_y$ , of a well-identified process and so
In order to ensure that the variation around the trend, given by the error term, remains unchanged by the invariant transformation, we require
In this case, the deterministic trend, $\Gamma(y)$ , has changed under the invariant transformation but not the variation around the trend.
We stated above that the time series processes being used for the parameters should be equally applicable for all sets of parameters which give the same fitted mortality rates. This implies that the form of the deterministic trends should be the same and, therefore, that $\hat{\Gamma}(y)$ is of the same form as $\Gamma(y)$ . This can only be true if $\hat{\Gamma}(y)$ , $\Gamma(y)$ and g(y) are all of the same form. For instance, if g(y) is a linear function of year of birth (as in the case of the classic APC model), then $\Gamma(y)$ and $\hat{\Gamma}(y)$ must also be linear functions of year of birth and so will not change form under the invariant transformations of the model.
If we solve equation (26), we see that
In this form, it can also be seen that such time series processes preserve unidentified trends in the manner discussed in section 5.1
i.e., the projected parameters after applying the invariant transformation will have the same variation, $\frac{\Psi(L)}{(1-L)^d \Phi(L)} \varepsilon_y$ , but around a different deterministic trend, $\hat{\Gamma}(y)$ , compared with the original parameters projected using the same method. The use of the invariant transformations will not affect our measurement of any coefficients in $\Psi(L)$ or $\Psi(L)$ at the fitting stage. Thus, we also see that the two ways of looking at the projected parameters, namely, as time series processes and via projection functions, are equivalent.
As an example, consider the cohort parameters in the classic APC model. From section 3, we see that, in this model, the cohort parameters have an unidentified constant and linear trend, i.e. $g(y) = b + c(y-\bar{y})$ from equations (5) and (6). In section 5.2, we said that current practice might use an AR(1) process for the cohort parameters, which has ARIMA form
Comparing this with equation (26), we see that current practice assumes that $\Gamma(y) = 0$ , which is not of the same form as g(y) above. Therefore, the time series process changes form when using an alternative set of parameters $\hat{\gamma}_y = \gamma_y + g(y)$ in place of $\gamma_y$ ,
and therefore the process is not well identified.
When analysed in this form, however, a solution becomes immediately apparent: we need to introduce a linear function, $\Gamma(y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 y$ , into the AR(1) process to ensure that the process is well identified, i.e.,
Using the alternative parameters $\hat{\gamma}_y$ would produce
if $\hat{\beta_0} =\beta_0 - b - c\bar{y}$ and $\hat{\beta}_1 = \beta_1 - c$ . Therefore, the form of equation (28) does not change under the invariant transformations of the classic APC model, and we conclude that this time series process is well identified. Again, we also see that the variation around the linear trend, given by $\varepsilon_y$ , is unchanged by the invariant transformation, whilst the unidentifiable trend is affected by the invariant transformation.
The time series process in equation (28) has been suggested previously for the cohort parameters in Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009) where it was referred to as the “AR(1) process around a linear drift”. However, in Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009), it was not used for the classic APC model, nor was it selected for being well identified, but rather on the grounds of fitting the observed cohort parameters well.
The AR(1) around linear drift process is solved to give
We can also verify, by substituting the forms for $\hat{\gamma}_y$ , $\hat{\beta}_0$ and $\hat{\beta}_1$ found above, that this process also satisfies the requirement of equation (22) in section 5.1, namely
Hence, projecting the transformed cohort parameters gives us the same results as transforming the projected cohort parameters.
Returning to the form of the time series process in equation (26), it is common to write this in an alternative, but equivalent form
where $\xi(y)$ is a deterministic function of y and $\Gamma(y)$ solves the difference equation
In this form, $\xi(y)$ is often referred to as the “drift”. Knowing the form that $\Gamma(y)$ must take (i.e. the same form as g(y) from the unidentifiable trends in the model in equation (8)), we can therefore specify the correct form of $\xi(y)$ .
As an example of this, consider the classic APC model again, but, this time, consider the period parameters. We know from section 3 that the period parameters have an unidentified linear trend in much the same way as the cohort parameters, i.e., $k(t) = a - c(t-\bar{t})$ if we rewrite equations (4) and (6) using the notation of equation (9). Random walk processes are often used for the period parameters, i.e., we assume $d=1$ and $\Phi(L)=\Psi(L) = 1$ . It is then important to specify the correct form for the drift $\xi(t)$ . Based on similar arguments to the ones used above for the cohort parameters, we should look for time series processes of the form
which has a linear trend $K(t) = \nu_0 + \nu_1 t$ . To obtain a well-identified time series of the form of equation (29), we need the drift, $\xi(t)$ , of the random walk to satisfy
i.e., the drift is constant. This shows that the random walk with drift is well identified for the period parameters in the classic APC model.
We can also verify this directly, since
if $\hat{\mu} = \mu - c$ . Thus, the transformed period parameters, $\hat{\kappa}_t$ , follow a random walk with drift if the original period parameters do. However, the value of the drift, which determines the unidentifiable linear trend, will change under the invariant transformation, although the innovations, $\epsilon_t$ , which determine the variability around this drift do not.
In summary, we have the following procedure for selecting a well-identified time series process for any specific APC mortality model.
1. Determine the identifiability issues in the specific APC model by finding the unidentifiable deterministic trends for the parameters which cannot be assigned between the different AP and cohort terms in the specific model. This will need to be done prior to the fitting stage in order to fit the model robustly to data.
2. Specify a time series process for the variation around these trends. This can either be done by analysing this variation using statistical techniques, or by selecting a process which accords with our demographic significance for the parameters. Doing so will set the form of $\Phi(L)$ and $\Psi(L)$ , which determine the stochastic structure of the ARIMA process.
3. Specify the deterministic trends, $\Gamma(y)$ , in the time series process in equation (26), which will need to be of the same form as g(y). Equivalently, this can be achieved by finding a drift function, $\xi(y)$ , in the alternative form of the time series process in equation (29), with the requirement that $(1-L)^d \Phi(L) \Gamma(y) = \xi(y)$ .
It is important to recognise that this procedure works backwards from the variation around the trends in the parameters, which is independent of the identifiability constraints and then adds back in the unidentifiable trends which will depend upon the specific set of identifiability constraints we use when fitting the model. In this fashion, we can ensure that the projected parameters are both well identified and possess our desired demographic significance when specifying a suitable form for the time series process.
5.4 Projecting the classic APC model: revisited
In section 5.2, it was demonstrated that the current practice approach to selecting time series processes for the period and cohort parameters in the classic APC model yielded projections of mortality rates which depended upon arbitrary choices made when fitting the model. In section 5.3, we then showed that the issue in this case was not the use of the random walk with drift for the period parameters, but the selection of an AR(1) process, rather than an AR(1) process around a linear drift for the cohort parameters.
If we use the AR(1) around linear drift process for the cohort parameters for the four cases discussed in section 5.2, we obtain the time series parameters in Table 2.
As previously mentioned in section 5.2, $\rho$ and $\sigma_\gamma$ control the variation of projected cohort parameters. It is, consequently, important to see that these parameters do not change in the four different cases using the well-identified time series processes. The variability of projected mortality rates will be identical in each of the four cases. Using the AR(1) around linear drift process, we also find
From the results of section 5.3, we can see that if we transform the parameters of the classic APC model using the transformation in equations (4), (5) and (6), and then project them using well-identified time series processes, we obtain
Hence, the expectation of $\eta_{x,t}$ in equation (31), after applying the invariant transformations, becomes
We can therefore see how changes in the linear drift of the period functions between the different cases cancel with the changes in the linear drift in the cohort functions to give exactly the same expected projected mortality rates in all four casesFootnote 31. We, therefore, see in practice what was derived theoretically in section 5.3, namely that using a random walk with drift process for the period parameters and an AR(1) around linear drift process for the cohort parameters gives well-identified projections for the classic APC model, and so the projected mortality rates which do not depend upon the identifiability constraints imposed.
Projections using an AR(1) process around a linear drift might be felt to conflict with our desired demographic significance for the cohort parameters, i.e., that they should exhibit no long-term trends. However, demographic significance is subjective and so should not be used to override a greater concern that the projected mortality rates do not depend upon the arbitrary identifiability constraints. Fortunately, there are methods for obtaining well-identified projections of the cohort parameters which do conform to our desired demographic significance of trendlessness.
In order to lack trends, the drift coefficients of the process, $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ , should be zero. Looking again at Table 2, one might think that the values of $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ are quite small and therefore be tempted to test them statistically with a view to setting them to zero. This, however, would be a mistake. As shown in section 5.3, the values of $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ change under the invariant transformations of the classic APC model and, therefore, will depend upon the identifiability constraints chosen. Consequently, the results of any statistical analysis of their significance will also depend upon the arbitrary identifiability constraints, which is not desirable.
The reason that $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ are “small” is because we have imposed this via the identifiability constraints. All four sets of identifiability constraints were chosen to set the level of the cohort parameters to be around zero and to have no linear trends over the whole range of the data. Therefore, we would expect to find low values of $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ , which control the level and drift to which the process mean-reverts. We could have chosen other, equally reasonable constraints based on alternative subjective interpretations of the demographic significance of the period and cohort parameters which would have resulted in far larger values of $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ and given exactly the same fitted and projected mortality rates. We therefore see that whether or not these parameters are “small”, and consequently whether or not they pass a statistical test of their significance, is solely dependent upon the arbitrary identifiability constraints we have chosen.
The four cases in section 5.2 were motivated by the same desired demographic significance for the cohort parameters – that they should be centred around zero and not have any linear trends. However, the four different cases used four different interpretations of these subjective requirements and therefore arrived at four different interpretations of what it means to be centred around zero and trendless. These different interpretations resulted in the four different sets of identifiability constraints. Using an AR(1) around linear drift process to project the cohort functions introduces a fifth interpretation for the meaning of being centred around zero and having no linear drift, in this case, that the time series parameters $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ are equal to zero. Therefore, we could use another set of parameters with the identifiability constraints
Case 5: $\sum_t \kappa_t = 0$ , $\beta_0 = 0$ and $\beta_1 = 0$
This set of constraints gives identical fitted and projected mortality rates to the other cases but gives projected cohort parameters which mean-revert around zero, which accords better with our demographic significance. However, the restrictions in Case 5 cannot be known at the time of fitting the model to data, since the appropriate time series process that will be used to project the cohort parameters cannot be known at that stage. To use this set of constraints, we need to do the following:
1. fit the model to data, applying some convenient set of identifiability constraints which can be known in advance of analysing the time series structure of the parameters, e.g., those in Case 1;
2. estimate values for $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ for these historical parameters by fitting the AR(1) around a linear drift process in equation (28) to them;
3. use these estimated values for $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ in the transformations in equations (5) and (6) to obtain a new set of (equivalent) age, period and cohort parameters.
The period and cohort parameters for Case 5, compared with those for Case 1, are shown in Figure 3. Using the Case 5 parameters may appear unnatural as the cohort parameters in this case appear to possess a linear trend. However, when we project using the well-identified AR(1) around linear drift process, we find no linear drift in these parameters, merely mean reversion to a level of zero, which fits well with the demographic significance for the cohort parameters discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c).
5.5 Projecting the Plat model
We will now use this analysis to specify a set of well-identified projection processes for the Plat model discussed in section 4.1.1. As described in that section, the invariant transformations of the model can be written in the form of equation (9) with
by composing the transformations in equations (4) (for each period function), (5), (6) and (13).
Starting with the cohort parameters, we may wish to retain the demographic interpretation that they should be stationary and mean reverting and so wish to use an AR(1) structure. However, from the discussion in section 5.3 and the observation that g(y) is quadratic for the Plat model, we therefore require that $\Gamma(y)$ in equation (26) is quadratic. In order to give well-identified projections, we would therefore project the cohort parameters using an AR(1) around quadratic drift process, i.e.,
Simple insertion of $\hat{\gamma}_y = \gamma_y + g(y)$ into this shows that it does not change structure under the invariant transformation and so is well identified. In principal, we could then decide to switch to an equivalent set of parameters with the constraints $\beta_0 = \beta_1 = \beta_2 = 0$ in the same manner as for the classic APC model. This may be desirable as it gives projected cohort parameters which mean-revert around zero, in line with our demographic significance. In addition, when more complicated methods are used to project the cohort parameters, it might be felt to simplify the process of projectionFootnote 32.
For the period parameters, we may wish to use a random walk with drift structure as we did for the classic APC model on the demographic interpretation that the period functions should be non-stationary. This would be written as
where $\boldsymbol{\kappa} = \begin{pmatrix} \kappa^{(1)}_t, & \kappa^{(2)}_t, & \kappa^{(3)}_t \end{pmatrix}^\top$ as discussed in section 2 and similarly for $\boldsymbol{\xi}(t)$ and $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_t$ .
Using this notation, we can group the transformations of the period functions as
In section 5.3, we showed that in order to ensure identifiability, we needed
Therefore, we see that, in order for the Plat model to have well-identified projections, we require a constant drift component for $\kappa^{(2)}_t$ (i.e. $\xi^{(2)}(t) = \mu^{(2)}_0$ , a constant) and a linear drift component for $\kappa^{(1)}_t$ (i.e. $\xi^{(1)}(t) = \mu^{(1)}_0 + \mu^{(1)}_1 t$ , a linear function of time). This can be written as
and $X_t = \begin{pmatrix} 1, & t \end{pmatrix}^\top$ . We can see that this form of the random walk with drift process extends naturally to allow for other unidentifiable trends by choosing the “trend” matrix, $X_t$ , and corresponding “drift” matrix, $\mu$ , appropriately. The need to use a random walk with linear drift is often overlooked, for instance in Plat (Reference Plat2009) and Börger et al. (Reference Börger, Fleischer and Kuksin2013) (who used a model which nests the reduced Plat model).
We also see that different drifts are required for different period functions in order to give well-identified projections of mortality rates. This runs counter to the desire to treat all the period functions the same, as discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b). However, using the same drifts for all the period functions can give projections which are not biologically reasonable. For example, allowing for a quadratic trend in $\kappa^{(3)}_t$ can result in apparent changes in trend which are inconsistent with the historical data. In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we also found that we can treat different period functions differently in models with parametric age functions, because there were no invariant transformations of the model which could be used to interchange the AP terms. It may, therefore, be preferable to allow for different drifts in different period functions in the Plat (Reference Plat2009) model to obtain well-identified projected mortality rates which are also biologically reasonableFootnote 33. We should, therefore, be prepared to override the desire to treat the period functions identically if the alternative is to put biological reasonableness at stake.
5.6 Summary
APC mortality models which have unidentifiable trends at the fitting stage require extra care when projected to ensure that the projections do not depend on the identifiability constraints chosen. In general, we find that the projection method used must preserve whatever trends were unidentifiable at the fitting stage. For example, the processes which were well identified for the classic APC model discussed in section 5.4 preserved linear trends, which were shown to be unidentifiable in section 3.
Such an approach generalises naturally for more complicated mortality models, such as the Plat model discussed in sections 4.1.1 and 5.5. However, models with higher order polynomial age functions have higher order unidentifiable trends (as shown in section 4.1) and so require projection processes which allow for these trends. This may cause problems for long-term projections.
For example, consider the model
which extends model M7 of Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009) with a static age function (as was done in Haberman and Renshaw (Reference Haberman and Renshaw2011)). We can see that a model of this form possesses age functions which span the polynomials to quadratic order. From section 4.1, we know, without performing any additional analysis, that it has unidentifiable cubic trends in both the cohort parameters and $\kappa^{(1)}_t$ which will need to be allowed for in projection. However small they may be in the historical data, these cubic trends will eventually come to dominate the long-term evolution of mortality rates, potentially yielding projected mortality rates which lack biological reasonableness due to apparent changes in trend.
Consequently, it may be prudent to avoid unidentifiable cubic (and higher) order polynomial trends in an APC mortality model. Such trends arise when we use more complicated models with higher order polynomial age functions. It is therefore useful, when selecting such models, to have a larger “toolkit” of age functions for use in the models than simply extending existing models by using higher order polynomial terms. Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014) proposed such a toolkit, which allows for more complicated mortality models that do not suffer from excessive identifiability issues and can give biologically reasonable, well-identified projections of mortality rates, as shown in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020a), (Reference Hunt and Blake2015).
6. Conclusions
In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we saw how AP mortality models are not fully identified and that in order to identify these models, most users impose additional arbitrary identifiability constraints on them when fitting the models to data. Some APC mortality models have extra identifiability constraints, caused by the collinearity between age, period and cohort, which are unlike anything found in similar AP models. These depend upon the form of the age functions in the model and so are specific to individual models. The identifiability issues involve deterministic trends which cannot be uniquely allocated between the age, period or cohort terms and so an arbitrary allocation must be made via additional arbitrary identifiability constraints. The nature of the unidentifiable trends present in specific models are summarised in Figure 4.
These unidentifiable deterministic trends have important consequences when we come to project the model. We must first determine the identifiability issues in the specific model we are using, in order to find which deterministic trends are unidentifiable. When this is done, we can specify suitable time series processes for the variation around these trends. Only by doing this can we ensure that our projected mortality rates are independent of the arbitrary identifiability constraints imposed when fitting the model.
By understanding these identifiability issues, however, we can build more complex mortality models, for instance, via the “general procedure” of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014), and be confident that they are founded on a secure knowledge of the underlying mathematical structure of APC mortality models. We are also able to use more sophisticated time series projection methods, as in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020a) and Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2015), knowing that our projections are free from dependence on the arbitrary choices we made when fitting the model to data.
We are grateful to Bent Nielsen for his advice in improving this paper immeasurably, to Matthias Börger, Andrew Cairns and Pietro Millossovich for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper, and to Andrés Villegas for many useful discussions on this and related topics.
This study was performed when Dr Hunt was a PhD student at Cass Business School, City University London, and therefore the views expressed within it are held in a personal capacity and do not represent the opinions of Pacific Life Re and should not be read to that effect.
A Identifiability in APC Models With Non-Parametric Age Functions
In discussing whether a model with non-parametric age functions has any additional issues with identifiability when a cohort term is added, it is useful to begin with a recap of some of the notation used and results from Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b).
A.1 Identifiability in AP models
In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we found that it was helpful to write equation (1) in matrix form as
H is the $(X \times T)$ matrix of transformed data (i.e. $H = \{ \eta_{x,t} \}$ ),
$\alpha$ is a $(X \times 1)$ matrix of the static age function,
$\texttt{1}_T$ is a $(T \times 1)$ matrix of ones, and
$\beta$ and $\kappa$ are the $(X \times N)$ and $(N \times T)$ matrices of age and period functions constructed above, respectively.
When expressed in this form, AP models can be analysed through the prism of matrix algebra and linear mathematics. We can then see that there is a lack of identifiability in the model which allowed us to perform certain transformations on the parameters given in equations (A.2) and (A.3) without affecting the fitted mortality rates
These invariant transformations can be used to impose additional arbitrary identifiability constraints to set the “level” and “normalisation” of the AP terms and potentially to orthogonalise themFootnote 34. These freedoms allowed us to impose our desired demographic significance on the parameters, but meant that care had to be taken to ensure that projections from the model were identifiable, i.e., were independent of our arbitrary identifiability constraints. In Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), we also found that our treatment of the identification issues was subtly different depending on whether the model had parametric or non-parametric age functions, as by defining the age functions a priori, we were unable to use the transformations in equation (A.2) without altering the age functions and therefore fundamentally changing the model.
A.2 Identifiability in APC models
Equation (A.1) can be extended to allow for cohort effects
where $\gamma$ is an $(X \times T)$ Toeplitz matrix, i.e., a matrix where the diagonal elements are constant. It is clear that the transformations in equations (A.2) and (A.3) are still invariant transformations of equation (A.4), and therefore, the conclusions of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b) are still applicable in the wider context of APC mortality models. Indeed, the transformation in equation (4) of the classic APC model is simply the transformation in equation (A.3) applied to this specific model.
Generalising equation (5) in this context, we can see that the transformation
is common to all APC models of the form in equation (A.4) (where $\texttt{1}_X$ has a similar definition as $\texttt{1}_T$ above). This transformation was also discussed (using alternative notation) in section 4. This allows us to set the level of the cohort parameters – typically to be around zero to impose the demographic significance discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c).
To generalise the transformation in equation (6) for more complicated invariant transformations, if we can find a Toeplitz matrix $\Gamma$ such thatFootnote 35
(with a an $(X \times 1)$ matrix and k an $(N \times T)$ matrix), we then have the transformation
In the case of the classic APC model, we have $\beta = \texttt{1}_X$ and so can find a Toeplitz matrix $\Gamma = c(\texttt{1}_X {\textbf{\textit{T}}}^\top - {\textbf{\textit{X}}} \texttt{1}_T^\top)$ where ${\textbf{\textit{X}}}$ is the $(X \times 1)$ column vector $X_i = \{i - \bar{x}\}$ where i runs from 1 to X (and similarly for ${\textbf{\textit{T}}}$ ).
Theorem 3. There are no invariant transformations of general APC mortality models with non-parametric age functions, i.e., no such A, k and $\Gamma$ exist unless a specific shape for $\beta$ is assumed in the model.
Sketch of Proof. Consider the general term $a\texttt{1}_T^\top + \beta k$ , which is analogous to the predictor structure of an AP mortality model. As we argue in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b), this has dimension $X+N(X+T) - N(N+1)$ , i.e., the X parameters in a, the NX parameters in $\beta$ and the NT in k reduced by the $N(N+1)$ degrees of freedom in the transformations in equations (A.2) and (A.3).
In contrast, in the general case, $\Gamma$ has dimension $X+T-1$ , i.e., one degree of freedom for each diagonal. For equation (A.6) to be true, these matrices must have the same dimension and therefore
However, N, X and T are integers, set by the structure of the model and the range of the data, and therefore equation (A.8) will not generally be true. Hence, equation (A.7) will not be an invariant transformation of a general APC mortality model with non-parametric age functions.
The argument used in this proof relies on $a\texttt{1}_T^\top + \beta k $ being of full rank and therefore breaks down if $\beta$ is of lower dimension than the maximum possible. However, this is equivalent to imposing a parametric form on the age functions, and accordingly, the line of reasoning above is not possible in the general case.
Therefore, general non-parametric APC mortality models do not possess any other invariant transformations apart from the ones in equations (A.2), (A.3) and (A.5). They require only identifiability constraints which set the normalisation scheme of the age functions, impose orthogonality between the age and period functions (both using the transformation in (A.2)), set the levels of the period functions $\kappa^{(i)}_t$ using equation (A.3), and the level of the cohort parameters $\gamma_{t\,-\,x}$ using equation (A.5).
For instance, we see that for the H1 model of Haberman and Renshaw (Reference Haberman and Renshaw2009) and Hunt and Villegas (Reference Hunt and Villegas2015),
we cannot find an invariant transformation of the parameters similar to that in equation (6). This is because of the lack of shape in either age or period in the $\beta_x \kappa_t$ term which can be used to decompose the cohort term. However, this model does possess an “approximate” identifiability constraint, which leaves the fitted mortality rates almost unchanged in the majority of cases. This is caused by $\kappa_t$ often having a form that is close being parametric, which is discussed in detail in Hunt and Villegas (Reference Hunt and Villegas2015).
Some, especially demographers, have argued that all cohort effects are simply misspecified AP effects and are best modelled as suchFootnote 36. Although this may be true in a strictly mathematical sense, a large number of AP terms are required to replicate any general cohort term in the model. It is therefore more parsimonious to include a set of cohort parameters rather than multiple AP terms. This, again, is similar to the argument in Wilmoth (Reference Wilmoth1990), which states that it is plausible and parsimonious to include a single set of cohort parameters rather than an excessive number of AP terms which achieve the same effect.
Some data sets may show little or no structure across years of birth, in which case the decision to include a cohort term becomes one decided on the basis of the demographic and statistical significance of the parameters for that data set. Such a decision can be made only after all significant AP terms have been identified. We therefore recommend a procedure, such as the “general procedure” in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2014), which only adds such a term when justified by the data.
B Models Without a Static Age Function
As we discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), a number of APC mortality models have been proposed which do not have an explicit static age function, $\alpha_x$ , the most prominent of which being the extensions of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd model in Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009). If the model does not have an explicit static age function, the age functions in the model must be parametric and therefore known in advance of fitting the model to data. The structure of the APC model in this case is therefore
The identifiability issues in such models can be considered in the same fashion as in section 4. In particular, we noted in section 4.2 that the invariant transformations of models with exponential or trigonometric age functions did not involve the static age function and therefore are also applicable in models without one.
The invariant transformations of models with polynomial age functions, in contrast, did involve the static age function explicitly. The proof of Theorem 1 involves expanding a polynomial function of year of birth, g(y), into polynomial terms in x and t and then combining these in the appropriate AP terms. In particular, the term in this expansion with no t dependence was combined into the static age function. This is seen most clearly in the transformation in equation (6), but also in the transformation in equation (13) for the Plat model.
However, we can see that the lack of a static age function to absorb this term in the expansion of g(y) is not an insurmountable problem as long as there is an AP term with the appropriate age function. This means that if g(y) is a polynomial of order M, we must have age functions in the model up to order M as well. This contrasts with models with a static age function, which only require age functions up to order $M-1$ .
Theorem 4. APC mortality models with no static age function and age functions spanning the polynomials to order M possess invariant transformations which add a polynomial of order M to the cohort function.
Sketch of Proof. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 1. Take g(y), a general polynomial of order M, and expand as a function of x and t. This can then be regrouped into an equivalent form that corresponds to the AP terms in the model, in order to see how g(y) can be absorbed into the AP structure
which is of the form of equation (9) if the age functions in the model are of the form $f^{(j)}(x) = x^j$ of $j = 0, 1, \ldots M$ .
To see this in practice, consider model M6 of Cairns et al. (Reference Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, Epstein, Ong and Balevich2009)
and compare it with the reduced Plat model of equation (12) in section 4.1.1. For the reduced Plat model, we saw that the transformation in equation (13) was invariant, and involved adding a quadratic function of year of birth to the cohort parameters, with adjustments to $\kappa^{(1)}_t$ , $\kappa^{(2)}_t$ and the static age function $\alpha_x$ . For model M6, this transformation is not permitted, as there is no static age function to adjust in this model. Instead, the model only has the simpler linear invariant transformation
We can also see this using the analysis of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), where it was shown that models without a static age function can be written as though they do have one of a specific, parametric form that has been combined with the other AP terms in the model. In the case of model M6, we see that this implies a static age function which is a linear function of age, which then could not be used to absorb a quadratic age term coming from the addition of a quadratic function of year of birth to the cohort parameters. Consequently, there is a trade-off: models without a static age function have simpler identifiability issues than (otherwise similar) models possessing one but are unable to provide a good fit to mortality data across the full age range, as discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c).
C Maximal Invariants
An alternative approach to using an arbitrary identification scheme was suggested by Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008a, b) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014) for the classic APC model. This is to change the parameterisation of the model to an equivalent form with reduced dimensionality which does not suffer from identifiability issues. The new parameters are known as “maximal invariant” parameters, since they are the set with the largest number of parameters (i.e. are “maximal”), and are injectiveFootnote 37 and give the same fitted mortality rates as the original model in equation (1) (i.e. the reparameterisation is “invariant”). We can think of this as finding a parameterisation of the model which gives the same fit to data, but where every possible degree of freedom in the model is fully utilised in fitting the data.
Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008b) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014) proposed an approach to generating a maximally invariant parameterisation for the classic APC model based on finding the second differences of the age, period and cohort terms. These second differences do not change under the invariant transformations of the model and so have a meaning independent of the identifiability constraints. In this appendix, we review this approach and discuss how it can be extended to deal with the identifiability issues in some of the more complex APC mortality models. However, we also find that it suffers from a number of limitations which make it unsuitable for many APC models and which can cause projections to be biologically unreasonable.
First, the age, period and cohort functions in the classic APC model are expanded as telescopic sums in terms of their second differences, i.e.,
In the case of the age function, $\alpha_x$ , we work backwards from $\alpha_X$ due to the negative dependence of cohort on age. However, it is important to note that this expansion has not changed the number of parameters in the model, merely written them in a new form. This, of itself, will not solve the identifiability issues. However, Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008b) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014) then substituted the second difference expansions of the parameters into the classic APC model and group the deterministic terms together
In Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008b) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014), these new parameters were introduced by considering three points of the fitted mortality surface. The most important point about the procedure is that it replaces six parameters in the original parameterisation with only three in the maximally invariant parameterisation. The maximally invariant parameterisation therefore contains $3 + (X-2) + (T-2) + (T+X-3) = 2X + 2T - 4$ free parameters. This compares with $2X+2T-1$ parameters and the three additional identifiability constraints required by the three invariant transformations – equations (4), (5) and (6) – for the original parameterisation of the classic APC model. Hence, the maximally invariant parameterisation gives the same fitted mortality rates with the same number of effective parameters but without the over-parameterisation and consequent need for identifiability constraints in the original formulation of the model.
However, by doing this, we have lost much of the demographic significance associated with the original parameters in the classic APC model. For example, whilst $\alpha_x$ in the original parameterisation of the classic APC model relates to an age effect specific to age x, $\Delta^2 \alpha_x$ relates to the curvature of the mortality curve in the age dimension at age x and will impact mortality rates at all ages below x. It is therefore harder to explain its demographic significance to other model users or develop an intuition about what values are reasonable in order to check the validity of the model. Although demographic significance is subjective, it is still not desirable to lose it if it can be avoided. This may restrict the usefulness of the maximally invariant approach.
In order to project the model into the future, we need to analyse the $\Delta^2 \kappa_t$ and $\Delta^2 \gamma_y$ parameters as time series. These are shown in Figure 4 for the same data set as used in section 5.2. As can be seenFootnote 38, these parameters appear to be stationary and so it is natural to project them using a stationary time series process.
If we were to “integrate up” the double differences to recover our original $\kappa_t$ and $\gamma_y$ parameters, these would both be I(2) processes. This conflicts with the demographic significance for the cohort parameters discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c). I(2) processes are also not likely to be biologically reasonable, as the uncertainty in projected mortality rates would grow very quickly. This would have important ramifications if the model is projected.
The maximal invariant approach also works with some other APC mortality models. For instance, consider the reduced Plat model of equation (12). This model has $X + 2T + (X+T-1) = 2X + 3T - 1$ parameters, and as discussed in section 4.1.1, we know that it requires five identifiability constraints to fully identify (two for the level of the period functions and one each for the level, linear trend and quadratic trend in the cohort parameters).
In order to find a maximally invariant parameterisation, we follow the same logic as in Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008b) and consider the telescopic sums of the parameters. However, as $\alpha_x$ , $\kappa^{(1)}_t$ and $\gamma_y$ all possess unidentifiable quadratic trends, we need to consider the third differences of these parameters, but only consider the second differences of $\kappa^{(2)}_t$ , since it only has unidentifiable linear trends
Combining these in equation (12) and grouping the deterministic terms of the same type reduce the dimension of the parameter set in the same manner as for the classic APC model. Therefore, we find the maximally invariant form of the reduced Plat model
The final step to prove that this is a maximally invariant parameterisation would be to check that each of the parameters can be estimated uniquely from the data. Alternatively and more easily, we can see that it is maximally invariant from a dimensional argument, since the parameterisation has $6 + (X-3) + (T-3) + (T-2) + (X+T-4) = 2X + 3T-6$ free parameters, which is the same as the number of parameters in the original reduced Plat model less the number of identifiability constraints imposed. Therefore, the freely varying parameter space has the same dimension as the model space and gives the same fitted mortality rates as the original model, and so the parameters represent maximal invariants. Because of this, the revised model does not possess any identification issues.
As in the case of the classic APC model, moving to a maximally invariant form for the model means losing the demographic significance of the parameters. The maximally invariant form of the reduced Plat model is highly unintuitive compared with the original parameterisation, and it would be difficult to communicate the impact of the various parameters to anyone not intimately familiar with the maximally invariant approach. As discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020c), since demographic significance is a major reason for choosing a model with parametric, as opposed to non-parametric age functions, this is highly undesirable. Also, and again similar to the classic APC model, the use of third differences for $\kappa^{(1)}_t$ and $\gamma_y$ leads naturally to using I(3) processes when we project the model, which are unlikely to give biologically reasonable projections.
Further, the maximal invariant approach does not work with all APC mortality models. If we follow the same logic to try to find the maximally invariant parameterisation for the full Plat model in equation (11), we obtain
We know, from section 4.1.1, that the Plat model has $X + 3T + (X+T-1) = 2X + 4T -1$ parameters and requires six identifiability constraints (three on the levels of the period functions and one each for the level, linear trend and quadratic trend in the cohort parameters). However, the maximally invariant parameterisation in equation (C.3) has $7 + (X-3) + (T-3) + (T-2) +(T-1) + (X+T-4) = 2X + 4T-6$ free parameters, i.e., one too many. This is because the $(x-\bar{x})^+ \kappa^{(3)}_1$ term cannot be combined with the expanded form of $\alpha_x$ , since it is not a polynomial. Consequently, there is no dimensional reduction with respect to this AP term.
Because of this, we will still require an additional identifiability constraint to fit the model in equation (C.3) to data. However, it is no longer clear what this should be or what the underlying invariant transformation of the parameters is. The maximally invariant approach has therefore not solved the identifiability issues for this model but has made making an arbitrary identification considerably more difficult.
This will be true for any AP term which does not have a polynomial age function. As discussed in section 4.3, such terms do not generate any additional identifiability issues beyond the unidentifiable level of the period function, as discussed in Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b). It therefore may be possible to deal with this using an approach similar to that proposed for the model of Lee and Carter (Reference Lee and Carter1992) in Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014) and discussed in the appendix of Hunt and Blake (Reference Hunt and Blake2020b). However, as these two techniques for obtaining maximally invariant parameterisations are fundamentally different, it is unclear how to combine them in models which mix polynomial and non-polynomial age functions, such as the Plat model.
In summary, the maximally invariant approach proposed in Kuang et al. (Reference Kuang, Nielsen and Nielsen2008b) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Reference Nielsen and Nielsen2014) for the classic APC model can be generalised but only to models with purely polynomial age functions. For models with other forms for the age functions (or which mix polynomial and non-polynomial age functions), the maximally invariant approach, at best, offers a partial solution. However, in using such an approach, we lose our desired demographic significance regarding the parameters in the model and are likely to obtain projected mortality rates which are not biologically reasonable, so this approach is not, in general, recommended.