It having been moft unjuftly and injurioufly reported, that the Authorefs is worth a confiderable fum of money; fhe thinks it her duty thus publicly to avow, that nothing but the greateft diftrefs could ever have induced her to folicit beneficence in the manner fhe has done, for the advantage of her family.
If this traducing report originates (and it can no otherwife) from Captain Parker's being entitled to a fhare of prize-money, accruing from fucceffes in the Weft-Indies; fhe has to lament, that his debts are unfortunately too confiderable to give his children one hope of any thing coming to them after they are difcharged.—It is her duty to bring them up not to expect any thing, as it is her firft wifh that the creditors fhould be juftly reimburfed their demands.
The unhoped-for fuccefs fhe has met with in Subfcriptions to this publication demands her acknowledgements; and fhe trufts her fituation as a nurfe, and being obliged to attend fo much to her domeftic concerns, will be accepted as an apology for the brevity and other greater demerits of the book.
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- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2010First published in: 1795