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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2014
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Book description

The field of cultural-historical psychology originated in the work of Lev Vygotsky and the Vygotsky Circle in the Soviet Union more than eighty years ago, and has now established a powerful research tradition in Russia and the West. The Cambridge Handbook of Cultural-Historical Psychology is the first volume to systematically present cultural-historical psychology as an integrative/holistic developmental science of mind, brain, and culture. Its main focus is the inseparable unity of the historically evolving human mind, brain, and culture, and the ways to understand it. The contributors are major international experts in the field, and include authors of major works on Lev Vygotsky, direct collaborators and associates of Alexander Luria, and renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks. The Handbook will be of interest to students and scholars in the fields of psychology, education, humanities and neuroscience.


‘What a wide-ranging view of the comprehensive subject of mind-culture-neurology! It serves a real purpose both pedagogically and in the scholarly sense.’

Jerome Bruner - Professor Emeritus, New York University

‘Anyone interested in the ideas of Vygotsky and his legacies will find this book a rich source of information and inspiration.’

Mike Cole - Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego

‘Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky was among the most seminal psychologists of the twentieth century. This excellent volume is a fitting tribute to Vygotsky and a testimony to the fact that his theory of ‘cultural-historical psychology’ is alive and well and continues to influence many strands of psychology worldwide.’

Elkhonon Goldberg - author of The Executive Brain, The Wisdom Paradox, and The New Executive Brain

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  • 18 - The need for a dialogical science
    pp 449-473
  • Considering the legacy of Russian-Soviet thinking for contemporary approaches in dialogic research
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    This chapter shows that Vygotsky-Luria's cultural-historical approach to neuropsychology is engaged with promises for many new discoveries that may lead to fundamental changes in our understanding of the human mind. Cultural-historical neuropsychology is an approach to studying higher psychological functions. Vygotsky-Luria's theory is based on the idea that specifically human higher psychological functions develop in the process of communication and material activity of a developing person in a socio-cultural environment. The chapter concludes that modern studies concentrate too much on single regions of the brain and/or on performance of isolated psychological tasks. Principles of systemic organization remain unrevealed by such studies. The developmental dynamics of the functional localization is even less well understood. The relation of the functional organization of the brain to the cultural environment needs to be studied.
  • 19 - Cognition and its master
    pp 474-487
  • New challenges for cognitive science
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    This chapter begins by providing a theoretical foundation for conceptualizing learning disabilities and the methodology of remediation, based on the Vygotsky-Luria cultural-historical theory of development of the higher mental functions and its applications. It then reviews certain important aspects of the Vygotsky-Luria neuropsychological approach and its applications in the diagnosis and remediation of learning disabilities. The chapter stresses the usefulness of Vygotsky's theory of dynamic and systemic localization of higher psychological functions to the science-based advancement of the practice of developmental clinical neuropsychology and school neuropsychology. The chapter describes three important types of learning disabilities and discusses the conditions for optimal strategy of remediation, and the use of numerical sequences in the remediation of executive functions. The uneven development of higher mental functions can be seen in the widely used assessment of mental functioning by psychologists all over the world namely, Wechsler intelligence tests.
  • 20 - Cultural-historical theory and semiotics
    pp 488-516
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    This chapter talks about the cultural-historical approaches developed by Lev Vygotsky and Luria in contemporary neuropsychology. Systemic-dynamic Lurian analysis of the working brain is based on the Vygotskian concept of higher mental functions. The chapter focuses on cross-cultural neuropsychological research, neuropsychological aspects of illiteracy, and culture-related aspects of interhemispheric integration and the interaction of neurobiological and socio-cultural systems. Structural and functional imaging studies have shown that the development of new skills or the strengthening of previous ones is associated with brain reorganization. Vygotsky stated the problem of differences in new language learning between children and adults and concluded that they use different learning strategies. Today, cultural-historical approach seems self-evident that neuropsychological analysis must necessarily take into account cross-cultural similarities and differences. Cross-cultural neuropsychology has become one of the most promising research and clinical areas in the twenty-first century.

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