Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- A Catalogue of the great Masters of Prussia
- The Oration or speach of the Ambassadours sent from Conradus de Zolner, Master generall of the land of Prussia, unto Richard the second, king of England
- An agreement made by the Ambassadours of England and Prussia, confirmed by king Richard the second
- The letters of Conradus de Jungingen, Master generall of Prussia, unto Rich. the second
- A briefe relation of William Esturmy and John Kington, concerning their Ambassages into Prussia and to the Hans-townes
- Certaine Articles of complaint exhibited by the Livonians
- Other complaints exhibited by the Cities of the Hans
- Compositions and Ordinances concluded betweene the Ambassadours of Prussia, and the Chanceller and Treasurer of England, Anno 1403
- The letters of the Chanceller and Treasurer of England unto Conradus de Jungingen, master generall of Prussia
- The letters of king Henry the fourth unto Conradus de Jungingen, the master generall of Prussia for enter-course of traffique
- The letters of Conradus de Jungingen unto king Henry the fourth
- An agreement made betweene king Henry the fourth, and Conradus de Jungingen
- An agreement betweene king Henry the fourth, and the Hans-townes
- A testimonie out of Albertus Krantzius concerning the surprise of Bergen in Norway, wherein 21. houses of the English merchants were burnt
- The grievances and offences whereat the merchants of the Hans found themselves agrieved
- A letter of Henry the fourth king of England unto Conradus de Jungingen, Master generall of Prussia
- A letter of Werneherus de Tettingen commander in Elbing unto sir William Sturmy Ambassadour unto king Henry the fourth: Together with an other letter of king Henry the fourth, unto Ulricus de Jungingen, master of Prussia
- The letters of Ulricus de Jungingen master generall of Prussia, signifying unto king Henry the 4. that he was contented with certeine agreements concluded by his messengers at Hage
- The letters of king Henry the fourth unto Ulricus de Jungingen, wherein he doth absolutely approve the foresaid conference holden at Hage
- A new concord betweene king Henry the fourth, and Ulricus de Jungingen
- A Charter of king Henry the fourth, graunted in the fifth yeere of his raigne unto the English merchants resident in the parts of Prussia
- A note touching the mighty ships of king Henry the fift, taken out of a Chronicle in the Trinitie Church of Winchester
- A branch of a Statute made in the eight yeere of Henry the 6. for the trade to Norway, Sweveland, Denmarke and Finmarke
- Another branch of a Statute made in the 10. yeere of king Henry the sixt concerning the state of English merchants in the dominions of the king of Denmarke
- Libellus de politia conservativa Maris. Or, The pollicy of keeping the Sea
- A large Charter granted by king Edward the fourth, in the second yere of his raigne, to the English merchants residing in the Netherland
- A perswasion of Robert Thome merchant of Bristol, and dwelling long in Sivil in Spaine, to king Henry the eight of noble memory, to set out and further Discoveries toward the North
- The discourse of the foresaid Robert Thorne, written to Doctour Leigh the Kings Ambassadour in Spaine touching that matter
- A briefe treatise of the Emperour of Moscovia his genealogie
- The excellent orders and instructions of Sebastian Cabot given to sir Hugh Willoughby and his Fleete in their voyage intended for Cathay
- The names of the twelve Counsellers appointed in sir Hugh Willoughbies voyage
- The letters of king Edward the sixt, written at that time to all the Kings, Princes, and other Potentates of the Northeast
- The voyage of sir Hugh Willoughby knight, wherein he unfortunately perished at Arzina Reca in Lapland, Anno 1553
- The names of the Ships, Captains, Mariners, and other officers of that first worthy enterprise
- The othe ministred to the Captaine of the Fleete
- The othe ministred to the Masters of the ships
- The voyage of Richard Chanceller Pilote major, the first discoverer by sea of the kingdome of Moscovia, Anno 1553
- A testimonie of Richard Eden, concerning Clement Adams his discourse of Richard Chancellers voyage
- The letters of the Emperour of Russia sent to king Edward the sixt, by Richard Chanceller
- The coynes, waights and measures used in Russia
- The letters of King Philip and Queene Mary to Ivan Vasilivich the Emperor of Russia
- The Commission given to the merchants Agents resiant in Russia
- The othe ministred to the servants of the Moscovie company
- The letter of George Killingworth the first Agent in Russia, written to the Company
- The first Privileges graunted by the Emperour of Russia, to the English merchants
- The Charter of the merchants of the Moscovie company granted by Queene Mary
- Instructions given to the Pursers of the Moscovie voyage
- The voyage of Stephen Burrough toward the River of Ob, intending the discovery of the Northeast passage, Anno 1556
- The landing of Richard Johnson among the Samoeds, Anno 1556
- A discourse of the honourable receiving into England of the first Ambassadour from the Emperour of Russia
- The voyage of the aforesaide Stephen Burrough from Colmogro in Russia to Wardhouse, in search of certaine English ships not heard-of the yeere before, Anno 1557
- Instructions given to the Masters and Mariners of the ships of the Moscovie Company, sayling towards the Bay of S. Nicolas, Anno 1557
- A letter of the Company of the Moscovie merchants unto their Agents, George Killingworth, Richard Gray, and Henry Lane in Russia
- A letter of M. Thomas Hawtree to the Moscovie Companies Agent M. Henry Lane at Colmogro
- A letter of M. Richard Gray, one of the first Agents of the Moscovie Company, to M. Henry Lane at Mosco
- A letter of Thomas Alcock to M. Richard Gray and Henry Lane, Agents in Moscovia from Tirwill in Poland
- A letter of M. Anthony Jenkinson upon his returne from Boghar to M. Henry Lane resident in Vologda
- A letter of the Moscovie Company to their Agents in Russia, M. Henry Lane, Christopher Hudson, and Thomas Glover, sent in their seventh voyage to S. Nicolas
- Another letter to the aforesaid parties
- The maner of Justice by lotts in Russia, written by M. Henry Lane
- The voyage of M. Anthony Jenkinson into Russia, wherein Osep Napea, first Ambassadour from the Emperour of Moscovia to Queene Mary, was transported into his Countrey, Anno 1557
- The description of Russia, with the customes and maners of the inhabitants
- The voyage of M. Anthony Jenkinson from the Citie of Mosco in Russia to Boghar in Bactria, Anno 1558
- Notes and observations gathered by Richard Johnson of the severall wayes from Russia to Cathay over-land
- A letter of Sigismund king of Polonia 1559. unto the Queenes most excellent Majestie
- Map
A letter of M. Anthony Jenkinson upon his returne from Boghar to M. Henry Lane resident in Vologda
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- A Catalogue of the great Masters of Prussia
- The Oration or speach of the Ambassadours sent from Conradus de Zolner, Master generall of the land of Prussia, unto Richard the second, king of England
- An agreement made by the Ambassadours of England and Prussia, confirmed by king Richard the second
- The letters of Conradus de Jungingen, Master generall of Prussia, unto Rich. the second
- A briefe relation of William Esturmy and John Kington, concerning their Ambassages into Prussia and to the Hans-townes
- Certaine Articles of complaint exhibited by the Livonians
- Other complaints exhibited by the Cities of the Hans
- Compositions and Ordinances concluded betweene the Ambassadours of Prussia, and the Chanceller and Treasurer of England, Anno 1403
- The letters of the Chanceller and Treasurer of England unto Conradus de Jungingen, master generall of Prussia
- The letters of king Henry the fourth unto Conradus de Jungingen, the master generall of Prussia for enter-course of traffique
- The letters of Conradus de Jungingen unto king Henry the fourth
- An agreement made betweene king Henry the fourth, and Conradus de Jungingen
- An agreement betweene king Henry the fourth, and the Hans-townes
- A testimonie out of Albertus Krantzius concerning the surprise of Bergen in Norway, wherein 21. houses of the English merchants were burnt
- The grievances and offences whereat the merchants of the Hans found themselves agrieved
- A letter of Henry the fourth king of England unto Conradus de Jungingen, Master generall of Prussia
- A letter of Werneherus de Tettingen commander in Elbing unto sir William Sturmy Ambassadour unto king Henry the fourth: Together with an other letter of king Henry the fourth, unto Ulricus de Jungingen, master of Prussia
- The letters of Ulricus de Jungingen master generall of Prussia, signifying unto king Henry the 4. that he was contented with certeine agreements concluded by his messengers at Hage
- The letters of king Henry the fourth unto Ulricus de Jungingen, wherein he doth absolutely approve the foresaid conference holden at Hage
- A new concord betweene king Henry the fourth, and Ulricus de Jungingen
- A Charter of king Henry the fourth, graunted in the fifth yeere of his raigne unto the English merchants resident in the parts of Prussia
- A note touching the mighty ships of king Henry the fift, taken out of a Chronicle in the Trinitie Church of Winchester
- A branch of a Statute made in the eight yeere of Henry the 6. for the trade to Norway, Sweveland, Denmarke and Finmarke
- Another branch of a Statute made in the 10. yeere of king Henry the sixt concerning the state of English merchants in the dominions of the king of Denmarke
- Libellus de politia conservativa Maris. Or, The pollicy of keeping the Sea
- A large Charter granted by king Edward the fourth, in the second yere of his raigne, to the English merchants residing in the Netherland
- A perswasion of Robert Thome merchant of Bristol, and dwelling long in Sivil in Spaine, to king Henry the eight of noble memory, to set out and further Discoveries toward the North
- The discourse of the foresaid Robert Thorne, written to Doctour Leigh the Kings Ambassadour in Spaine touching that matter
- A briefe treatise of the Emperour of Moscovia his genealogie
- The excellent orders and instructions of Sebastian Cabot given to sir Hugh Willoughby and his Fleete in their voyage intended for Cathay
- The names of the twelve Counsellers appointed in sir Hugh Willoughbies voyage
- The letters of king Edward the sixt, written at that time to all the Kings, Princes, and other Potentates of the Northeast
- The voyage of sir Hugh Willoughby knight, wherein he unfortunately perished at Arzina Reca in Lapland, Anno 1553
- The names of the Ships, Captains, Mariners, and other officers of that first worthy enterprise
- The othe ministred to the Captaine of the Fleete
- The othe ministred to the Masters of the ships
- The voyage of Richard Chanceller Pilote major, the first discoverer by sea of the kingdome of Moscovia, Anno 1553
- A testimonie of Richard Eden, concerning Clement Adams his discourse of Richard Chancellers voyage
- The letters of the Emperour of Russia sent to king Edward the sixt, by Richard Chanceller
- The coynes, waights and measures used in Russia
- The letters of King Philip and Queene Mary to Ivan Vasilivich the Emperor of Russia
- The Commission given to the merchants Agents resiant in Russia
- The othe ministred to the servants of the Moscovie company
- The letter of George Killingworth the first Agent in Russia, written to the Company
- The first Privileges graunted by the Emperour of Russia, to the English merchants
- The Charter of the merchants of the Moscovie company granted by Queene Mary
- Instructions given to the Pursers of the Moscovie voyage
- The voyage of Stephen Burrough toward the River of Ob, intending the discovery of the Northeast passage, Anno 1556
- The landing of Richard Johnson among the Samoeds, Anno 1556
- A discourse of the honourable receiving into England of the first Ambassadour from the Emperour of Russia
- The voyage of the aforesaide Stephen Burrough from Colmogro in Russia to Wardhouse, in search of certaine English ships not heard-of the yeere before, Anno 1557
- Instructions given to the Masters and Mariners of the ships of the Moscovie Company, sayling towards the Bay of S. Nicolas, Anno 1557
- A letter of the Company of the Moscovie merchants unto their Agents, George Killingworth, Richard Gray, and Henry Lane in Russia
- A letter of M. Thomas Hawtree to the Moscovie Companies Agent M. Henry Lane at Colmogro
- A letter of M. Richard Gray, one of the first Agents of the Moscovie Company, to M. Henry Lane at Mosco
- A letter of Thomas Alcock to M. Richard Gray and Henry Lane, Agents in Moscovia from Tirwill in Poland
- A letter of M. Anthony Jenkinson upon his returne from Boghar to M. Henry Lane resident in Vologda
- A letter of the Moscovie Company to their Agents in Russia, M. Henry Lane, Christopher Hudson, and Thomas Glover, sent in their seventh voyage to S. Nicolas
- Another letter to the aforesaid parties
- The maner of Justice by lotts in Russia, written by M. Henry Lane
- The voyage of M. Anthony Jenkinson into Russia, wherein Osep Napea, first Ambassadour from the Emperour of Moscovia to Queene Mary, was transported into his Countrey, Anno 1557
- The description of Russia, with the customes and maners of the inhabitants
- The voyage of M. Anthony Jenkinson from the Citie of Mosco in Russia to Boghar in Bactria, Anno 1558
- Notes and observations gathered by Richard Johnson of the severall wayes from Russia to Cathay over-land
- A letter of Sigismund king of Polonia 1559. unto the Queenes most excellent Majestie
- Map

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014