12.1Kick and snare patterning on “FEAR.,” “YAH.,” “LOVE.,” and “PRIDE.” from Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN. (2017)
12.2Kick and snare patterning in “XXX.” (starting at 0:26) and “DUCKWORTH.”
12.3Kick and snare patterning in the first verse of “DNA.,” the last verse of “XXX.,” the second verse of “DNA.,” “GOD.,” and “HUMBLE.”
12.7“HUMBLE.,” mm. 1–4, vocal transcription depicting non-alignment
12.9Piano loop (in conventional notation) and kick-and-snare patterning in the loop of “HUMBLE.”
12.10“YAH.,” mm. 16–17, vocal transcription depicting non-alignment
12.11Boxplot of syllable delay with respect to the meter in “YAH.,” second verse, grouped by measure
12.14“ELEMENT.,” entire third verse, metric position of accented syllables
12.15“ELEMENT.,” third verse, mm. 5–12, rhythmic structure of kick, snare, and accented vocal syllables (top)
18.2Corpus analysis of a trend in rhythm from a historical corpus of electronic music (both art and popular works, 1950–1999). The data is from analysis of the mean over pieces of the number of attacks in two-second windows.