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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2010
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Book description

John Dewey (1859–1952) was a major figure of the American cultural and intellectual landscape in the first half of the twentieth century. While not the originator of American pragmatism, he was instrumental to its articulation as a philosophy and the spread of its influence beyond philosophy to other disciplines. His prolific writings encompass metaphysics, philosophy of mind, cognitive science, psychology, moral philosophy, the philosophies of religion, art, and education, and democratic political and international theory. The contributors to this Companion examine the wide range of Dewey's thought and provide a critical evaluation of his philosophy and its lasting influence, both elsewhere in philosophy and on other disciplines.


"....This very satisfying volume of 14 chapters explores Dewey's theory of inquiry, instrumental logic, mind and action theory, religion, aesthetics, and education.... Essential...."
-- R. Ward, Georgetown College, CHOICE

"....The Cambridge Companion to Dewey serves as a useful reminder of all that was lost when Dewey was ignored by psychology...."
-- Henderikus J. Stam and Dane Burns, PsycCRITIQUES

"...Overall, this volume satisfies the goals of the Cambridge Companion series.... the volume will satisfy many readers. Those new to Dewey's work will find several significant starting points where their own research into Dewey can begin and seasoned scholars will find the essays from well regarded philosophers helpful in their own projects."
--Justin Bell, University of Houston-Victoria, Education and Culture: The Journal of the John Dewey Society

"The extensive reach of Dewey's philosophical work gives this volume an unusual format covering a wide breath of subjects, as the editor of the volume points out. The introduction offers an explanation for the resurgence of interest in Dewey's work, and provides a summary of Dewey's life and philosophical accomplishments. In addition, Cochran shows that Dewey reconstructed several key philosophical concepts and illustrates the insightful nature of his reconstructions with the description of Dewey notion of experience, intelligence and situation.... The volume offers a collection of thought provoking chapters both for Dewey scholars as well as for philosophy students."
--Dina Mendonça, Ph.D. Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Metapsychology Online Reviews

"...The Cambridge Companion to Dewey is insightful, ambitious and wide ranging, whereas the research is thorough and informed. This book should certainly find a place on the shelves of scholars in the field."
--George Lăzăroiu, PhD, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, New York

"Chief among the many virtues of The Cambridge Companion to Dewey is its list of contributors.... the volume suggests some new and largely unexplored dimensions of Deweyan pragmatism.... an excellent collection which deserves acentral place among the scholarly resources available to those working on Dewey’s philosophy.... The Cambridge Companion to Dewey is the best available document of the state-of-the-art in Dewey-inspired philosophy."
--Robert B. Talisse, Vanderbilt University, Transactions

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