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It has been over a decade since the first edition of The Cambridge Companion to Augustine was published. In that time, reflection on Augustine's life and labors has continued to bear much fruit: significant new studies into major aspects of his thinking have appeared, as well as studies of his life and times and new translations of his work. This new edition of the Companion, which replaces the earlier volume, has eleven new chapters, revised versions of others, and a comprehensive updated bibliography. It will furnish students and scholars of Augustine with a rich resource on a philosopher whose work continues to inspire discussion and debate.


'In sum, well researched and engaging contributions, a well edited and organized volume, an important companion, interesting both for experts and laymen.'

Anthony Dupont Source: Augustiniana

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Anatolios, Khaled. 2011. Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine. Grand Rapids: Baker.
Antonietti, Alessandro, Antonella Corradini, and E. Jonathan Lowe (eds.). 2008. Psycho-Physical Dualism Today: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Augustine. 1887. Speculum, liber de divinis scripturis, ed. F. Weihrich. CSEL 12.
Augustine. 1891. Contra Faustum, ed. I. Zycha. CSEL 25.
Augustine. 1894a. De Genesi ad litteram, ed. I. Zycha. CSEL 28.
Augustine. 1894b. De Genesi ad litteram imperfectus liber, ed. I. Zycha. CSEL 28.
Augustine. 1895. Quaestiones in Heptateuchum, Adnotationes in Iob, ed. J. Zycha. CSEL 28/2.
Augustine. 1896. Confessionum libri XIII, ed. P. Knöll. CSEL 33.
Augustine. 1900. De Fide et symbolo, ed. I. Zycha. CSEL 41.
Augustine. 1904. De consensu Evangelistarum, ed. F. Weirich. CSEL 43.
Augustine. 1910. Contra Gaudentium, ed. M. Petschenig. CSEL 53.
Augustine. 1913a. De natura et gratia, ed. C. F. Urba and I. Zycha. CSEL 60.
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Augustine. 1954. In Iohannis evangelium tractatus CXXIV, ed. R. Willems. CCL 36; 2nd edn 1990.
Augustine. 1955. De civitate Dei, ed. B. Dombart and A. Kalb. CCL 47–48.
Augustine. 1956. Enarrationes in Psalmos, ed. E. Dekkers and J. Fraipoint (3 vols). CCL 38–40.
Augustine. 1958. Quaestionum in Heptateuchum libri VII. Locutionum in Heptateuchum libri VII. De octo quaestionibus ex veteri testamento, trans. J. Fraipont and D. De Bruyne. CCL 33.
Augustine. 1967. De sermone Domini in monte, ed. A. Mutzenbecher. CCL 35.
Augustine. 1969. Enchiridion ad Laurentium de fide et spe et caritate, ed. E. Evans. CCL 46.
Augustine. 1970a. De libero arbitrio, ed. W. M. Green. CCL 29.
Augustine. 1970b. De Trinitate, ed. W. J. Mountain. CCL 50.
Augustine. 1971. Expositio quarundam propositionum ex epistula ad Romanos, Epistulae ad Galatas expositio, Epistulae ad Romanos inchoata expositio, ed. J. Divjak. CSEL 84. (Divjak 1971)
Augustine. 1972. The City of God against the Pagans, trans. Henry Bettenson. Harmondsworth: Penguin. (Bettenson 1972)
Augustine. 1975. De diversis quaestionibus LXXXIII, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 44a.
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Augustine. 1984. City of God, trans. Henry Bettenson. London: Penguin Classics. (Bettenson 1984)
Augustine. 1990. Sermons II (20–50), trans. Edmund Hill. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 1990)
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Augustine. 1994. Sermons III/8 (273–305a), trans. Edmund Hill. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 1994)
Augustine. 1995. Arianism and Other Heresies, ed. and trans. Roland Teske. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Teske 1995)
Augustine. 1996. Teaching Christianity, trans. Edmund Hill. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 1996)
Augustine. 1997a. The Confessions, trans. Maria Boulding. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Boulding 1997)
Augustine. 1997b. Newly Discovered Sermons III/11, trans. Edmund Hill. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 1997)
Augustine. 1998a. The City of God against the Pagans, ed. R. W. Dyson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Dyson 1998)
Augustine. 1998b. De Genesi contra Manichaeos, ed. Dorothea Weber. CSEL 91.
Augustine. 1999. Answer to the Pelagians, vol. IV, trans. Roland Teske. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Teske 1999)
Augustine. 2000. Soliloquies, trans. Kim Paffenroth. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Paffenroth 2000)
Augustine. 2001a. Commentary on the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, trans. Denis Kavanagh. Fathers of the Church 11. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press. (Kavanagh 2001)
Augustine. 2001b. Letters II/1 (1–99), trans. Roland Teske. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Teske 2001)
Augustine. 2002. On Genesis, ed. and trans. Edmund Hill. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 2002)
Augustine. 2003. Augustine’s Commentary on Galatians: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Notes, ed. and trans. Eric Plumer. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Plumer 2003)
Augustine. 2003. Letters II/2 (100–155), trans. Roland Teske. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Teske 2003)
Augustine. 2004a. Expositions of the Psalms 6 (120–150), trans. Maria Boulding, Works of Saint Augustine III/20. Brooklyn, NY: New City Press. (Boulding 2004)
Augustine. 2004b. On Genesis: A Refutation of the Manichees, Unfinished Literal Commentary on Genesis, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, trans. Edmund Hill, Works of Saint Augustine I/11. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 2004)
Augustine. 2005. On Christian Belief, ed. Boniface Ramsey, trans. Edmund Hill. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Hill 2005)
Augustine. 2008a. Homilies on the First Epistle of John, trans. Boniface Ramsey, Works of Saint Augustine III/14. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. (Ramsey 2008a)
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Ayres, Lewis. 2008. “Christology as Contemplative Practice: Understanding the Union of Natures in Augustine’s Letter 137.” In Peter W. Martens (ed.), In the Shadow of the Incarnation: Essays on Jesus Christ in the early Church in Honor of Brian E. Daley, S.J.. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 190–211.
Ayres, Lewis. 2010. Augustine and the Trinity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayres, Lewis. 2011a. “Augustine and the Trinity.” In Matthew Levering and Gilles Emery (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Trinity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 123–37.
Ayres, Lewis. 2011b. “Into the Cloud of Witnesses: Latin Trinitarian Theology Beyond its Modern ‘Revivals’.” In Giulio Maspero and Robert Wozniak (eds.), Rethinking Trinitarian Theology. New York: Continuum, 3–25.
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