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  • Cited by 5
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2021
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Online ISBN:
  • 44.99 (USD)
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Book description

Named for a goddess, epicenter of the first democracy, birthplace of tragic and comic theatre, locus of the major philosophical schools, artistically in the vanguard for centuries, ancient Athens looms large in contemporary study of the ancient world. This Companion is a comprehensive introduction the city, its topography and monuments, inhabitants and cultural institutions, religious rituals and politics. Chapters link the religious, cultural, and political institutions of Athens to the physical locales in which they took place. Discussion of the urban plan, with its streets, gates, walls, and public and private buildings, provides readers with a thorough understanding of how the city operated and what people saw, heard, smelled, and tasted as they flowed through it. Drawing on the latest scholarship, as well as excavation discoveries at the Agora, sanctuaries, and cemeteries, the Companion explores how the city was planned, how it functioned, and how it was transformed from a democratic polis into a Roman city.


‘This is an excellent, reasonably priced book. It is both a useful introduction for those new to the topic and a helpful reference book for those looking to refresh their knowledge quickly. The book would probably make an effective textbook for a course on ancient urbanism or as a starting point for an advanced seminar on ancient Athens.’

Kathryn Simonsen Source: C-J Online


R. T. Ingoglia Source: Choice Connect

‘The volume will become an indispensable handbook for anyone interested in ancient Athens.'

Marion Meyer Source: Sehepunkte

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