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Renewable Energy Engineering

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition. On 1st July 2025 it will be withdrawn from institutional access further information is available here. This will not affect customers who have redeemed access codes or purchased via ecommerce.


, Cardiff University, , University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Published 2017


This book provides a quantitative yet accessible overview of renewable energy engineering practice and the technologies that will transform our energy supply system over the coming years. Covering wind, hydro, solar thermal, photovoltaic, ocean and bioenergy, the text is suitable for engineering undergraduates as well as graduate students from other numerate degrees. The technologies involved, background theory and how projects are developed, constructed, and operated are described. Worked examples of the simple techniques used to calculate the output of renewable…

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Key features

  • Quantitative yet accessible to a broad range of students from engineering and non-engineering backgrounds
  • Covers a broad range of renewable energy technologies, describing the technologies involved, the background theory, and how projects are implemented in practice
  • Worked examples of the simple techniques used to calculate the output of renewable energy schemes engage students by showing how theory relates to real applications

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