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Organizational Design A Step-by-Step Approach

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, Duke University, North Carolina, , Aarhus Universitet, Denmark, , Aarhus Universitet, Denmark
Published 2015


Written specifically for executives and MBA students, the third edition of this successful textbook provides a step-by-step guide to designing an organization, from diagnosis, to design and implementation. It provides comprehensive coverage of the key aspects of organizational design, including goals, strategy, process, people, coordination, control, and incentives. Following a new diamond model, fully tested in practice, the book guides readers through an integrated methodology for organizational assessment and planning. It includes a new chapter on project managing organizational change…

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Key features

  • Focuses on actions, not just theory, with a range of pedagogical aids, including diagnostic questions, 'fits and misfits' and end-of-chapter summaries, helping readers understand and determine the changes needed in an organization
  • New edition features a number of important improvements, including a greater emphasis on practical project management skills, greater discussion of knowledge systems and a rich package of online tools
  • Specifically written for managers, the book follows their natural way of thinking by applying 'misfit' analysis: providing examples of non-optimal situations and walking readers through the steps to fix them

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