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Introduction to Cancer Biology


, University of Cambridge
Published 2023


From basic principles to insights into pioneering research, this introductory textbook provides the fundamentals of cancer biology that will enable students of biology and medicine to enter the field with confidence. It opens with a discussion of global cancer patterns, how cancers arise, and the risk factors involved. A description of the normal signalling pathways within cells then explains how DNA mutations affect proteins and what this means for the development and behaviour of tumours. Later chapters discuss methods for…

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Key features

  • Provides a step-by-step progression through the basics of cancer, minimising confusion and revealing the wonder of the molecular biology of cancer
  • Describes basic features of normal cell signalling before integrating key mutations into the picture, making it easy for students to grasp the range of strategies that tumour cells can use to neutralise drugs
  • Covers the latest development in genetic analysis of cancer and chemotherapy, allowing students to gently grasp the range of anti-cancer drugs in clinical use
  • Describes the range of approaches now under development in the design of drugs and their delivery along with relevant illustrations and examples to summarise how effective they have been and their potential for further development
  • Includes assessment material, ranging from 'Pause and Recap' boxes, end-of-chapter questions, and an online test bank
  • Designed for students of biology and natural sciences as well as medical students and qualified doctors who are challenged t

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