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Quantitative Genetics


, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Published 2020


Quantitative genetics is the study of continuously varying traits which make up the majority of biological attributes of evolutionary and commercial interest. This book provides a much-needed up-to-date, in-depth yet accessible text for the field. In lucid language, the author guides readers through the main concepts of population and quantitative genetics and their applications. It is written to be approachable to even those without a strong mathematical background, including applied examples, a glossary of key terms, and problems and solutions…

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Key features

  • Explains key population and quantitative genetics concepts in easy-to-understand language, encouraging students to become familiar and confident in the subject
  • Presents clear, step-by-step explanations of how equations are derived, helping students that are struggling with the mathematics of quantitative genetics
  • Provides plenty of examples of the application of theoretical developments to real biological cases, along with solved problems and questions to reinforce students' understanding of the main concepts and their applications

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