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Knowledge of Life Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia


, University of Southern Queensland
Published 2015


Knowledge of Life is the first textbook to provide students with a comprehensive guide to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia. The result of extensive research and experience, it offers fresh insights into a range of topics and, most importantly, is written by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academics. It addresses topics ranging from history and reconciliation, to literature and politics, to art, sport and health. It presents social, cultural and political perspectives on these areas in a manner that…

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Key features

  • Each of the notable authors is either an Aboriginal person or a Torres Strait Islander person with vast experience and expertise in their field
  • Each chapter opens with a précis of the author's journey, allowing the reader to engage with the writer and the issues discussed
  • Engaging and accessible writing style to suit students from a range of backgrounds and academic disciplines

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