The validity of the de Broglie formula λ=h⁄p for matter waves has been confirmed by numerous experiments such as Davisson-Germer and G. P. Thomson experiments. But there is a major problem here. If λ=h⁄p is valid for matter waves, we must be able to obtain it for these waves using mathematical calculations. But as you will see here, according to de Broglie's hypothesis, which considers matter wave energy equal to E=hf, this work is impossible; and so, we must change the matter wave energy equation to obtain λ=h⁄p. The change in the equation of energy causes two important changes in Schrodinger’s wave equation. These two changes bring us to a new wave equation. In the other part of the article, you will see that, to explain the reason for the quantization of the orbits in Bohr's atomic model, we need a new atomic model for the Hydrogen atom. The new model leads us to new results and findings. In this article, we show what the cause of the quantization of the orbits in the Bohr atomic model is. In this article we have been able to show the reality and nature of Photon and we show that a Photon is an electromagnetic Pulse. In the spectrum of the hydrogen atom, for example, the intensity of Balmer-alpha is greater than Balmer-beta. Here we have been able to explain why this is the case.