The discovery of electron and electric field catalysis led to the need to clarify and change the basic postulates of catalysis. The emergence of the "electron as a catalyst" concept revealed the contradictions of the current catalysis paradigm. The concept made it possible to formulate a new paradigm of catalysis. The article focuses on the most important aspects of the new paradigm of catalysis. The features of the general mechanism of catalytic reactions are considered. The origin of the laws of catalysis from the mechanisms of catalysis has been considered. In the model of the unified mechanism of catalysis, the stages of fundamental interaction and the stage of chemical interaction of the participants are distinguished. At the stage of fundamental interaction, the redox cycle of catalysis is realized. At this stage, there is an increase in the reactivity of the reagents. From the mechanisms of catalysis, the laws of catalysis as a function of the substance characteristics of the participants of the catalytic reaction are derived.