Flexibility - With lengths of approximately 20,000 – 30,000 words (40 to 75 pages), Elements offer an opportunity to develop a theme in greater detail than is possible in a traditional journal article, yet more concisely than would be expected in a full-length book.
Rapid Publication and dissemination - Elements will be published within 12 weeks of acceptance of the final manuscript, and each manuscript will be copy-edited prior to publication.
Indexing - Relevant metadata for individual Elements will be sent to the key abstracting and indexing organisations, and Altmetric data for individual Elements will also be available.
Open Access - In order to comply with the requirements of funding agencies, Cambridge will offer Open Access publication options for Elements
Peer Review - Each Cambridge Elements series will have external series editors, and each individual Element will be peer-reviewed.
Visibility - Elements will be promoted through global sales and marketing channels and will therefore reach the broadest possible international audience. They will be available as digital collections to institutional libraries as well as being available to individuals as e-books and in print-on-demand paperback format. Elements of particular topical interest will also receive additional exposure to mainstream and social media via a dedicated publicity team. Elements will have both an ISBN and an ISSN.
Presentation - Digital versions of each Element will be in full colour, allowing the clear display of complex information and figures. On appropriate devices, it will also be possible to display embedded audio and video files.
Functionality - The digital-first Elements format allows:
Enhanced search
Linked references
Citation export
Richer content – social media, debates, resources for teaching, links to data repositories
Ability to link to a variety of associated formats – audio, video