Let X be a Banach space and (fn)n be a bounded sequence in L1(X). We prove a complemented version of the celebrated Talagrand's dichotomy, i.e., we show that if (en)n denotes the unit vector basis of c0, there exists a sequence gn ∈ conv(fn, fn+1,...) such that for almost every ω, either the sequence (gn(ω) ⊗ en) is weakly Cauchy in
or it is equivalent to the unit vector basis of ℓ1. We then get a criterion for a bounded sequence to contain a subsequence equivalent to a complemented copy of ℓ1 in L1(X). As an application, we show that for a Banach space X, the space L1(X) has Pełczyńiski's property (V*) if and only if X does.