We analyze two numerical schemes of Euler type in time and C 0finite-element type with $\mathbb{P}_1$
-approximation in space forsolving a phase-field model of a binary alloy with thermalproperties. This model is written as a highly non-linear parabolicsystem with three unknowns: phase-field, solute concentration andtemperature, where the diffusion for the temperature and soluteconcentration may degenerate. The first scheme is nonlinear, unconditionally stableand convergent. The other scheme is linear but conditionally stableand convergent. A maximum principle is avoided in both schemes,using a truncation operator on the L 2 projection onto the $\mathbb{P}_0$
finite element for the discrete concentration. Inaddition, for the model when the heat conductivity and solutediffusion coefficients are constants, optimal error estimates forboth schemes are shown based on stability estimates.