Let L be a one-to-one operator of type ω in L2(ℝn), with ω∈[0, π/2), which has a bounded holomorphic functional calculus and satisfies the Davies–Gaffney estimates. Let p(·): ℝn→(0, 1] be a variable exponent function satisfying the globally log-Hölder continuous condition. In this article, the authors introduce the variable Hardy space
$H_L^{p(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$ associated with L. By means of variable tent spaces, the authors establish the molecular characterization of
$H_L^{p(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$. Then the authors show that the dual space of
$H_L^{p(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$ is the bounded mean oscillation (BMO)-type space
${\rm BM}{\rm O}_{p(\cdot ),{\kern 1pt} L^ * }({\open R}^n)$, where L* denotes the adjoint operator of L. In particular, when L is the second-order divergence form elliptic operator with complex bounded measurable coefficients, the authors obtain the non-tangential maximal function characterization of
$H_L^{p(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$ and show that the fractional integral L−α for α∈(0, (1/2)] is bounded from
$H_L^{p(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$ to
$H_L^{q(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$ with (1/p(·))−(1/q(·))=2α/n, and the Riesz transform ∇ L−1/2 is bounded from
$H_L^{p(\cdot )} ({\open R}^n)$ to the variable Hardy space Hp(·)(ℝn).