The establishment and management of nine cover crops in Kentucky production systems were evaluated in field experiments over a 2-yr period. ‘Wheeler’ rye, ‘Barsoy’ barley, and ‘Tyler’ wheat cereal grains produced greater biomass (180 to 260 g/m2) than the pasture species tall fescue, creeping red fescue, and white clover (55 to 110 g/m2). ‘Kentucky 31’ tall fescue, creeping red fescue, and white clover proved most difficult to control, and significant regrowth occurred regardless of herbicide or rate applied. HOE-39866 (1.7 kg ai/ha) was effective in rapidly controlling all cover crops except tall fescue by 30 days after application. Sethoxydim and fluazifop (0.4 and 0.3 kg ai/ha, respectively) effectively controlled the cereals and two ryegrass species. Glyphosate applied at 1.1 and 2.2 kg ai/ha was also effective, while 0.6 kg ai/ha controlled only cereal grain growth adequately. After chemical control, pasture grass plots contained fewest weeds/m2 with some reductions likely due to density and regrowth of the sods. Cover crops were effective in suppressing weed growth at 45 days after chemical control. However, significant weed growth existed in all cover crop plots by 60 days after kill. Row crop establishment increased linearly with increasing glyphosate rate. Cereal grain covers provided the most compatible planting situations for greatest seedling establishment, with rye and wheat providing greatest weed suppression. Generally, increased weed suppression provided by a cover crop was accompanied by reduced row crop establishment, with greatest reductions observed in pasture grass plots. Cucumber was most easily established while snap pea was most difficult.