The article studies an initial boundary valueproblem (ibvp) for the radial solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation in a radially symmetric region
$\Omega\in \mathbb R^n$ with boundaries. All such regions can be classified into three types: a ball Ω0 centred at origin, a region Ω1 outside a ball, and an n-dimensional annulus Ω2. To study the well-posedness of those ibvps, the function spaces for the boundary data must be specified in terms of the solutions in appropriate Sobolev spaces. It is shown that when
$\Omega = \Omega_1$, the ibvp for the NLS equation is locally well-posed in
$ C( [0, T^*]; H^s(\Omega_1))$ if the initial data is in
$H^s(\Omega_1)$ and boundary data is in
$ H^{\frac{2s+1}{4}}(0, T)$ with
$s \geq 0$. This is the optimal regularity for the boundary data and cannot be improved. When
$\Omega = \Omega_2$, the ibvp is locally well-posed in
$ C( [0, T^*]; H^s(\Omega_2))$ if the initial data is in
$ H^s(\Omega_2)$ and boundary data is in
$ H^{\frac{s+1}{2}}(0, T)$ with
$s \geq 0$. In this case, the boundary data requires
$1/4$ more derivative compared to the case when
$\Omega = \Omega_1$. When
$\Omega = \Omega_0$ with n = 2 (the case with n > 2 can be discussed similarly), the ibvp is locally well-posed in
$ C( [0, T^*]; H^s(\Omega_0))$ if the initial data is in
$ H^s(\Omega_0)$ and boundary data is in
$ H^{\frac{s+1}{2}}(0, T)$ with s > 1 (or
$s \gt n/2$). Due to the lack of Strichartz estimates for the corresponding boundary integral operator with
$ 0 \leq s \leq 1$, the local well-posedness can only be achieved for s > 1. It is noted that the well-posedness results on Ω0 and Ω2 are the first ones for the ibvp of NLS equations in bounded regions of higher dimension.