Suppose that
$f:X\to C$ is a general Jacobian elliptic surface over
${\mathbb {C}}$ of irregularity
$q$ and positive geometric genus
$h$. Assume that
$10 h>12(q-1)$, that
$h>0$ and let
$\overline {\mathcal {E}\ell \ell }$ denote the stack of generalized elliptic curves. (1) The moduli stack
$\mathcal {JE}$ of such surfaces is smooth at the point
$X$ and its tangent space
$T$ there is naturally a direct sum of lines
$(v_a)_{a\in Z}$, where
$Z\subset C$ is the ramification locus of the classifying morphism
$\phi :C\to \overline {\mathcal {E}\ell \ell }$ that corresponds to
$X\to C$. (2) For each
$a\in Z$ the map
$\overline {\nabla }_{v_a}:H^{2,0}(X)\to H^{1,1}_{\rm prim}(X)$ defined by the derivative
$per_*$ of the period map
$per$ is of rank one. Its image is a line
${\mathbb {C}}[\eta _a]$ and its kernel is
$H^0(X,\Omega ^2_X(-E_a))$, where
$E_a=f^{-1}(a)$. (3) The classes
$[\eta _a]$ form an orthogonal basis of
$H^{1,1}_{\rm prim}(X)$ and
$[\eta _a]$ is represented by a meromorphic
$\eta _a$ in
$H^0(X,\Omega ^2_X(2E_a))$ of the second kind. (4) We prove a local Schottky theorem; that is, we give a description of
$per_*$ in terms of a certain additional structure on the vector bundles that are involved. Assume further that
$8h>10(q-1)$ and that
$h\ge q+3$. (5) Given the period point
$per(X)$ of
$X$ that classifies the Hodge structure on the primitive cohomology
$H^2_{\rm prim}(X)$ and the image of
$T$ under
$per_*$ we recover
$Z$ as a subset of
${\mathbb {P}}^{h-1}$ and then, by quadratic interpolation, the curve
$C$. (6) We prove a generic Torelli theorem for these surfaces. Everything relies on the construction, via certain kinds of Schiffer variations of curves, of certain variations of
$X$ for which
$per_*$ can be calculated. (In an earlier version of this paper we used variations constructed by Fay. However, Schiffer variations are slightly more powerful.)