In his last letter to Hardy, Ramanujan defined 17 functions
$F\left( q \right),\,\left| q \right|\,<\,1$, which he called mock
$\theta $-functions. He observed that as
$q$ radially approaches any root of unity
$\zeta $ at which
$F\left( q \right)$ has an exponential singularity, there is a
$\theta $-function
${{T}_{\zeta }}\left( q \right)$ with
$F\left( q \right)\,-\,{{T}_{\zeta }}\left( q \right)\,=\,O\left( 1 \right)$. Since then, other functions have been found that possess this property. These functions are related to a function
$H\left( x,\,q \right)$, where
$x$ is usually
${{q}^{r}}$ or
${{e}^{2\pi ir}}$ for some rational number
$r$. For this reason we refer to
$H$ as a “universal” mock
$\theta $-function. Modular transformations of
$H$ give rise to the functions
$K,\,{{K}_{1}},\,{{K}_{2}}$. The functions
$K$ and
${{K}_{1}}$ appear in Ramanujan's lost notebook. We prove various linear relations between these functions using Appell–Lerch sums (also called generalized Lambert series). Some relations (mock theta “conjectures”) involving mock
$\theta $-functions of even order and
$H$ are listed.